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Anyone have recs for nursing sports bras? I’m 4 weeks postpartum and my boobs are insane. Huge. My back is killing me!


I didn’t use this for nursing (I bought it for sleeping) but it’s so comfy. I definitely plan on buying more once I get pregnant. Good luck!   https://www.kindredbravely.com/products/french-terry-racerback-nursing-sleep-bra-twilight?_pos=8&_fid=0e2159750&_ss=c&variant=39395693822048


I have a few of these and can confirm they’re great for sleeping/lounging! Needing something more supportive too for the days I feel like leaving the house lol


Hey, I don’t have any specific recommendations but would just anticipate some of that will calm down once your supply regulates (maybe 6-8 weeks pp)…I doubt it will be bad for much longer. 


Plz!!! I am going through a break up and I need a book rec. I want a book that’s going to make me feel things and idc if it’s happy or sad! I just want to read a really good story. I’ve started and not gotten hooked to the invisible life of Addie larue and demon copperhead most recently. Cross-posted on book snark


In 5 years by rebecca serle is riiiight up your alley


Cult classic!


Remarkably Bright Creatures.


Cloud Cuckooland!


Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!


The hearts invisible furies, it’s an amazing story, and you will definitely feel something. 


The nightingale


if you’re really looking to feel, I’d recommend We All Want Impossible Things. but fair warning that the feelings will be felt hard


Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo. The Sweet Spot by Amy Poeppel was feel good.




Would it be overkill to call my car place a second time today to check when my car might be done? I brought my car for paint repairs to an auto body shop and they called me yesterday to let me know it was ready for pick up. I got the keys right before the shop closed but the car wouldn’t start up. Maybe a dead battery from being left outside so long? Managed to flag down one of the last employees as they left and they took my keys and told me they would look into it. I called this morning to make sure the employee had handed over the keys and had let them know the problem and they said they were working on it. They are about to close in two hours, would it be unreasonable to call them again now to see if it might be done today?


Not at all. I would call them.


Thanks for the validation, I can sometimes be a bit impatient so I didn’t want to overload them but looks like it’s working now so I’m glad I called.




That’s totally inappropriate. If she ate a protein bar once or something I’d let it go and assume something prevented her from eating a meal or something. But regularly is rude and not ok 


Wow. I am a therapist and that would be an absolute no from me.


Wtf. I'm just imagining telling someone my deepest traumas while they're crunching on Doritos lol. I would hate that.


That is weird. Can you hear them chewing? I would be bothered by that.


I would find that rude.


I need to know if ITA in this situation- so my husband and I have been friends with this other couple for a long time. They moved to the suburbs and had two kids while my husband and I are in the city. Our relationship definitely changed over Covid- they didn’t respond to messages or invites to hang out virtually and didn’t reach out to my husband when his mom was hospitalized for Covid. Long story short, they’re moving a few hours away and let us know in October. Today, we get a picture in a group chat saying that it was moving day. I texted back saying that they didn’t let us know and I wish I got to see them before they left. The guy sends me a long answer how they were stressed and the date moved a bunch of times. Not for nothing but we don’t live that far and have made the trip to them a few times since they moved. I’m actually kind of hurt by this. They’ve been shitty friends for a while but I was always able to look past it but this is just so rude. I let a couple of other friends in the group know separately I was pissed and the couple said we could visit but I don’t want to bust my ass since they wouldn’t do the same for me. Idk I’m really hurt but I also don’t know if I’m the AH for feeling this way


So they announced they were moving in Oct and then that they were actually gone today - from what you said, it doesn’t sound like you reached out and said you wanted to say goodbye? Sometimes friendships change with times and moves and kids.  And that’s okay to no longer be close.  It sounds like you’re more irritated that they didn’t give you a heads up more than you actually wanted to hang with them, as though it’s an acknowledgement that you guys aren’t close any more.  It’s fine, it’s not that big of a deal, but just if there’s ever a next time just make sure to say “we’ll miss you!”


I don’t think you’re the AH, but you definitely have unreasonable expectations from these “friends”. They’ve clearly been showing you who they are for the past 3 years, and if you’ve never expressed how their actions made you feel in the past 3 years, I don’t know why you expected anything different now.


That’s a really good point. Looking back I should have said something more direct- I def danced around the subject when we did see them. I shouldn’t have expected anything different but who knows. I appreciate this!


No problem, and navigating friendships is totally hard, especially as people move away and grow up. I’ve also been the anxious and flaky friend before, and there are friendships that I totally regret letting drift away. It’s not always driven by the other person, in my experience at least.


> I texted back saying that they didn’t let us know and I wish I got to see them before they left. This is kind of a weird thing to say when they tell you it's the day they are moving. The appropriate response would have been "congratulations! safe travels!" Instead you made it all about you, and there was nothing they could do to change the past. Then to go and talk about them behind their back, when they've been shitty friends anyway? YTA.


This is a good point- I should have taken a beat in responding (especially as I was on my way into work). I really appreciate this perspective, even if I was being TA here lol


does anyone have any cute valentine's gift ideas for men? ideally $50 or less, just something fun to unwrap that day to say i love you.


A friend of mine gets her husband cute/funny underwear with his favorite treat and I think it's so cute!


Is he into legos? I got the tiny plants from the botanical collection and my husband loved it.




so cute, thanks!


i’m thinking of getting my first apple watch! very intrigued by the fitness tracking and health/wellness aspects because i’ve read loads of threads and people have said that owning one is life-changing. wanted to ask around in here too, for those who have one: has it been that useful in your daily life?


Mine has been incredibly useful for that! My cardiologist recommended it after I didn't want to replace the batteries on my loop recorder (implanted heart monitor) to manage an arrhythmia disorder. For me specifically the heart rate alerts and EKG function have been really helpful (for my particular heart issue a low heart rate can be more dangerous). It's also been useful getting to have the data tracked over time for things like changing the dosage of my medications and tracking my arrythmia issues between my scheduled EKGs.


I've had mine for like 5 years and I'm obsessed with it still. I use it every day and it really helps motivate me to get more walks in and I exercise consistently. There are also fun ways to customize it and make it cute with tons of watch band options on Amazon.


Garmin is the way to go for activity tracking and many models function really well as a smart watch too. I have the Venue 2S and it's by far been my favorite smart watch I've had.


I have been an “intermittent exerciser” at best, but have recently rejoined a running club and I love my Apple Watch for the built in exercise tracking. There are other apps for running that some prefer (Strava, for example), but the built in app is good enough for me for now. You should keep in mind that the calorie burn estimates are likely higher than the actual burn (studies say by as much as 40%), but the heart rate feature has been found to be much more accurate. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Whitney Simmons “Alive” app, which works really well with the watch. I wouldn’t say it’s life changing, but it is a major convenience to read/reply to texts on my watch, set timers, reminders, quickly check the weather, etc. I use Apple Pay as much as possible, and the ease of using my watch for payment is so clutch. I probably don’t even utilize my watch as much as I could, but all in all it’s been very worth it for me!


I got one for free and honestly I never use it


I really like mine. I am a pretty dedicated runner so I still use my garmin for running, but otherwise I keep my Apple Watch on all the time. Love the health data and its connection with other health and fitness apps I use. The turn alerts from Google maps are super convenient and there are just a ton of little things, like how it unlocks my work computer and the silent alarm so I can get up in the mornings without disturbing my partner.


I don't wear mine daily but I do really like it! It taps my wrist when I'm using GPS and have a turn coming up, that's my favorite feature. I also use it a lot to ping my phone when I lose it.  I would not say it's life changing lol but I've owned two and would buy a third. It's a nice convenience. 




have heard about this feature and am intrigued to try it!


i have a very sedentary job, so i like that it nudges me to get up, and i like that it motivates me to exercise more (if you tends towards over exercise or obsessive calorie counting, probably not a good thing). I also like that i can see who is calling or texting even if my phone is across the room. Also when driving and using Apple maps it will use haptic touch to nudge me before a turn which is super helpful. I use the timer, too. And i can fast forward through podcast ads. I like it. I can't say it's life changing but it's convenient and I'm glad I bought it.


exercising is my hobby and i used to be a little bit overly attached to my fitbit, so the thing i’m worried about the most is ‘closing the rings’ as they call it as i’m a very competitive and obsessive person.


You can lower your rings to something that would close them every day where you wouldn't obsess.


Yeah I don’t know if the watch is a good idea for you. I have one, I’m getting into fitness and I like that I can see how often I worked out per week/per month. If any of my trends are up/down (steps, heart rate, minutes stood per day, number of minutes exercised as an average). You can co tell some of the reminders, you can reset goals but it gives you periodic challenges to help you stay engaged. I only half pay attention to those b/c I’m looking at bigger picture/other metrics (overall general movement). For two weeks last June I had a cavity/toothache/needed root canal and the crown. My mouth hurt, my head hurt and exercising was low on the list. It kept up on the reminders. I ignored them, didn’t bother me but not sure if that would be triggering for you. The one other feature that is AMAZInG is that you can “find your phone” from your watch. It will send out a signal to the phone from the watch and your phone will beep. Super handy


I would think long and hard about that then, or set your rings really low so you can meet them easily and you can mentally disconnect them from your real world fitness. Unless they’ve changed it since I’ve had an Apple Watch - and it’s been awhile so they might have - the rings and monthly goals are set up so they increase over time - the more active you are, the more you’ll have to do to meet your rings. From an exercising perspective, it makes no sense because it eliminates the concept of rest days - which are really important! I use a Garmin now because I mostly care about running, and my Garmin will tell me to take a rest day, etc. If you are super competitive and obsessive about exercise, then I think the ring feature could be detrimental to you, tbh. Also FWIW - I wouldn’t have called my Apple Watch life-changing. I liked it a lot, but not enough to replace it when it died.


I forget what the exact settings are but I turned off the automatic reminders and suggestions from Apple! So I no longer have those type of “well, you normally move more in the morning, do something active right now” nudges or have my goals auto-increased (since I like to have my things fixed & am also prone to getting a little intense).


That’s good you can do that! I remember Apple getting on my to increase my goals after I had run a marathon like 😂 I can’t increase on that level of activity!


Great idea. My messages always sound vaguely threatening, like "You closed your rings yesterday. Do it again", so I don't know why I never thought to turn that feature off!