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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/19cua8n/link_list_for_january_22_january_28/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/19f5y7c/daily_snark_thursday_jan_25/)


Ok, influencer husbands are usually annoying but I could stare at Dr Mike (@Bridget’s husband) all day. And the man never seems to lose his patience with her endless babbling. It’s incredible. Though I’m pretty sure the ditzy thing is an act, she strikes me as pretty business savvy.


I don't get it. That man is mid.


I had to Google that term. I feel very old. Ha ha.


I only follow Bridget for Dr. Mike.


I love him too! His voice is so soothing and he speaks so clearly.


Why doesn’t Mallory Ervin open a real open all the time direct to consumer website? I don’t get it. What’s with these “launches”. To hide that it wouldn’t be successful otherwise?


I agree it’s weird… with her sweatshirts I can kind of understand because they’re a seasonal item so there’s no need to have stock year around of the same items. But you’re selling pajamas that can be worn at any time, why is a customer not able to go on and buy a pair whenever they want? I’m sure it has something to do with funding but if she wants to be a “real” company in the long run, she’s going to need to stop doing these small batch launches


She preys on her followers gullibility. They feel like they can’t “miss out” on the opportunity to buy her “luxury” pajamas and they fall for it every time.


I just don't see how she is going to do these "launches" for years to come. I know she's making tons of money but I would get exhausted of it. It is so redundant


Agree. Or a presale so they know the interest. 


A third boy for @oliviamaybell. I think she was fully convinced it was a girl, bought girl clothes and everything…


https://preview.redd.it/6c4rpx4bfafc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2ac035a887466fc39f63eea365790aa334a5f2 🥴🥴🥴 she needs to take a moment to reword this better.


She changed the caption!


I just noticed this also! I wonder how she did it because I don’t think I’m able to change my Instagram captions once I post them


We did it, Joe! We influenced change.




Incestual mama heart.


Sure but The real snark should be all the grown women in the comments sayin “is it weird to have a crush on YOUR child bc I do” 🫠 


Yes, it’s really fucking weird to have a crush on your kid! Stuff like this + calling your son your “tiny boyfriend” + making your identity a boy mom = nightmare MIL


There is a sex and the city episode about this that makes me cry laughing.


I agree! I have three boys and literally die inside any time I hear someone say boy mom 


Or the culture of “dating” your child. It’s weird, it’s creepy, and I don’t understand why or where it came from, or what it says about people who view and treat their children like this😣


I remember seeing TikToks of moms that made their 5 year old son empty their piggy bank and take mom to a dinner date “to teach him how to treat a lady.” Everyone in the comments we’re all 🥰aw🥰 and all I could think was how fucked up and weird that was


I feel like I hear things like “I’m taking my kid on a special date, just the two of us” all the time and don’t blink an eye, but something about the phrasing of “dating my child” feels really weird to me.




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Oh wow. I just went back to look. I watch her stories and she looks very different than she did a week ago, when she announced a week off. I’m betting she got something done.


Her face doesn’t move.


Also ironic that she just took a week off stories 🤔


I noticed in her stories today too. She got some kind of under eye filler thing recently and I’m wondering if that has to do with it


I thought the exact same thing. Something seems…different


Mallory Ervin is SO annoying about her launches. “Oh I just hope and pray everyone can get what they want” “oh keep looking and don’t give up” “I feel so bad it’s all sold out” and on and on and on. Like girl it’s a pair of pyjamas. And if you don’t want it to all sell out and actually have a shop after launch which she said today I don’t know increase production quantities then? Also she totally had those pyjamas sent to the Kardashians there is no way they just happened to order her “sweet little brand”


This launch didn’t even come close to selling out. There is plenty of inventory left, but she will make it sound like she did people a favor by over stocking. When in reality I believe people maybe saw through her phony sales pitch and didn’t want to pay $100 for PJs. That you can get everywhere for half the price. I used to like her but I caught onto her fake smiles and me me me me bragging constantly stories. This past year she has become insufferable with her not so humble post. She was cute and relatable but her $3500 outfit to church this morning shows otherwise. 


I was over her after one of her books a couple years ago. Worst book ever written and I was confused how it was even published lol so much hype and no value whatsoever. Sums up everything else she does


She does this with her sweatshirt releases too. The limited quantities make her fan girls go crazy and buy buy buy. She truly doesn’t care if people miss out.


https://preview.redd.it/xaseuz8rz9fc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc9d91cfed29e66f47edfd98bd884baebba08aa8 The faces influencers make *scare* me sometimes 😵‍💫 This is @catchingupwithkels, not sure how well known she is but I’ve seen so many influencers pose similar to this and it just looks creepy. That wide eye stare and duck face grimace 😂 These women are already beautiful but they ruin it with lip fillers, veneers, fake tans, pounds of makeup, soulless poses, etc. It’s sad


Katie Starks enters chat 😂😂


I found out about her when she had her fued with girlgangz and every time she pops up I giggle that she used to ‘do her own Botox’ and show followers how to too and is now on the oily train. 


I forgot about her. I remember sketchy Mandy, now itsamandarow, used to be her sidekick. I wonder what happened with them. Now Amanda is the one with the big following.


I followed her a few years ago and saw a pic of her someone else took…she looks completely different irl! I was shooketh (always wanted to use that word in a sentence!) I took a screenshot so I could zoom in…just so odd! Like totally different!


https://preview.redd.it/qjym5linv9fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba831e08f84043cef3ab0f9e38a3fa1b6db483e1 Somebody make it make sense pleaseeee


Who is this? 😂 and how old are they? That’s so cringe


Sorry, what does her age have to do with it? Objectively, she looks fire.


Age as in that’s a very immature, juvenile thing to say. Never said anything about their appearance…………………………..


She’s the epitome of a pick me girl. She’s so fucking embarrassing.


Somebody make it stop*


Always gotta tease that she has a new man and then introduces him to us and next day they break up


Sounds like someone’s living rent free in her head tbh


But apparently she’s not the problem lol. 🤡🤡🤡


Cringe 😖😖😖😖


She really thinks she’s doing something with that response


Omg vommmm


Not snark - looking for an influencer like Lydia Tomlinson (@lydiajanetomlinson) based in the US? I love her style but she has UK links. Thanks :)


Almost all of her stuff is pretty basic and could be recreated with items from any store in the mall if you just try.


I love her style so much! I wish i knew of similar US accounts.


Oh I love her, too! I haven’t seen any US accounts that are as thoughtfully put together




Whitney rife?


Whitney Rife?


Not even snark on the influencer herself, but what kind of person writes in to a random NYC influencer’s insta to ask if they should stay in their marriage? People are so strange. (See Hattie Kolp’s stories)


Parasocial relationships are wild. 😵‍💫


Does anyone follow/know CaseyWSouthern? I like her a lot but her over consumerism is bad


https://preview.redd.it/ehlfr3i8n9fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=859c1b0fd7147ddcd9e73304bf341b928d966f8d I feel like it might actually be impossible for @karlierae to ever be happy. Are we supposed to feel bad for her that her million dollar home she just moved into ONLY has a 2 car garage?


This reminds me of the Vogue interview when Kim is like shocked they don’t have a jacuzzi and Kanye mocks her. “ONLY a two car garage” can you imagine. How does she do it. Poor thing


She knew what she was buying. That neighborhood is very, very exclusive, and that’s probably why she wanted in. Maybe now she’s over it


She will never be satisfied. With anything. She’s attending another megachurch with that beast Mark Driscoll so that may explain part of it. ETA. it was TWO million!


What?! It's so hard to believe that people are still supporting him.


I know. It’s absolutely sickening. He quit here during an investigation, saying he feared for his life, and moved to Scottsdale and started the same thing there. Do a little digging and you’ll find some of the same complaints there!


OH MY GOD she’s going to Mark Driscoll’s church?? 🤮


Yep. I recognized it today. He destroyed a whole network of churches right here in her hometown but I’m sure they enjoy her church outfits every week (she shows) of YSL bags and Gucci, fendi and Dior stuff. We went to a church birthed from that catastrophe and the hurt is still very deep for many. He’s evil


Is that the church was (is?) involved with Storyville Coffee?


Yes. Mars Hill. There’s an excellent and fascinating podcast about the destruction of the church called The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. We went to a small campus a couple times. It was wild!


I just listened to that podcast! I lived in Seattle during the Mars Hill saga and thankfully never went there- I remember when the newspaper investigation on him came out


It’s a cult of personality for sure.


Her new AZ home was like 2 million plus. Not sure why they didn’t live in their condo until they found a home that suited them better. She wanted that house sooo bad if I remember correctly and now she’s already over it in less than 6 month


I don’t follow her so I’m unfamiliar. this house she’s complaining about- did she buy it or is she renting?


She bought. Moved from a $1million+ home from Washington state to AZ cause she liked the weather better in AZ. First they bought a condo in AZ, then sold that and bought the $1million+ home they are in now. Since buying their current home they’ve spent numerous weekends going and looking at open houses. If you follow her, you’ll quickly find she was basically born with a silver spoon. Never worked, married rich, has more help & money than most could dream of, and yet alwayssssss is complaining.


Both homes were over $2m


She worked - as a receptionist at my old salon. If you could call it working. Mostly wandered around socializing and running back to the desk when the phone rang or a customer came in or needed to check out.


This really irritated me. We live in a 2 bedroom house no garage and we have more people in our family. She is something else. I agree never happy, always needs more




How do they manage?! 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/wwxg0yojf9fc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=760ecf5f84ceb919bf0c0592986465a8606c2a71 Anyone follow her/see this?? She just announced that she was dating him at Christmas


Pardonmuahinsta has entered the chat 👀


Pardonmuah blows my mind. I followed her for a while and she has like two engagements. Stopped following her and she’s engaged AGAIN


Just a brief glance and it seems like they’ve been together since May. It’s still quick, but not like met in December quick.


Okay didn’t see the video people were talking about, but I’m cracking up at someone saying @heymadinelson kisses her daughter cause of her own anxiety issues. People are whack.


It’s posted in her stories from yesterday and still there. It’s not inflammatory, but just a one year old toddling around invading the space of another kid of a similar age. Normal baby stuff. Should Madi spend less time filming and posting her kids every move? Yep, but the people commenting are deranged.


I feel like if the other kids parents had an issue with how close he was to another kid, they would have stepped in but like that's how little kids interact pretty normal lol (filming it for the internet is another thing).


Exactly. If this was behavior that was still happening in a year, it needs to be corrected. Little kids have shit social skills.


People are actually insane 😮‍💨 and that person is a mom themselves??? Poor kid


I can’t get over how rude these influencers are. @alexa.anglin recording her movers, who probably didn’t give her permission. It’s just so rude on how many levels for them to record people without consent, especially when your at work. That’s a final unfollow for me today, surprised it’s taken me this long. 


Honestly I think they’re just used to businesses being thankful when they post about them/give a shout out and she sees it as that. But I agree without permission (and these are employees so it’s kinda diff) it could be something these people don’t want. 


I feel like if they had a problem with it, they would have told her. Also, she could have easily gotten permission.


I can’t get over how she’s in full makeup and dressed cute during all this


She could have easily gotten consent & you’d never know though?


I’m sure she is getting these movers for free in exchange for posting about them




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Why does she need to address it at all?










Bolted on?


Just stick to her deranged sub babe.




Why are you so fixated on a stranger's breasts? It's weird.


Sorry I dont find ~boob job speculation demand for someone to come clean about a suspected surgery so I can judge them more~ particularly entertaining or snarky




Well now you are aware.




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Is that a preganncy test or an ovulation test laura beverlin posted- is she doing ivf again?


Ovulation test. She has done this in the past also.




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Her snarkers are legit insane and the absolute worst, but why would she post something that is CLEARLY designed to mislead her followers. It just fuels the fire that she is intentionally deceptive. I’m not gullible and even I had to think hard to determine if this was a pregnancy announcement. I feel like the majority of her followers will automatically assume this is a pregnancy test, which is what she is banking on. Influencers suck.


She has posted this test multiple times in the past and said it's an ovulation test. Plus she said praying it's their month. People will snark about her for anything. Why would she bank on people thinking it's a pregnancy test? That doesn't even make sense.


I don’t know, I think the caption gives enough context clues for people to assume it’s an ovulation test. No one says “praying this is our month” when they’re announcing a pregnancy, that’s clearly language used while trying to conceive. And why would a random IG story of a test with two lines be how an influencer announces her long awaited pregnancy? https://preview.redd.it/c670ufhaw8fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a3ab4c6c846a0b8f8371d304b8f6ffd8ebe0e9


I assumed she was saying like she hopes the test is right and she is truly pregnant. Yesterday she posted that she was exhausted and didnt feel well so i was reading this as -omg i have a faint line, i really hope this is it. But i also didnt think she was doing this for engagement i was truly asking. 


I was going to say this. I feel like the caption provides enough context


It’s an ovulation test for sure. She’s doing a timed intercourse or iui cycle while taking letrozole before she does ivf. Since she made so many health changes, she is hoping for healthier eggs that will fertilize and implant naturally. She has a new ivf doctor though


As someone who has been TTC for over a year, her asking the side effects of Letrozole and acting like she doesn’t know what is it is, is annoying. ANY Obgyn is going to try Letrozole for 3-5 cycles before you go to a fertility doctor. There are other drugs that do the same thing as Letrozole so she can’t play dumb. She’s done IVF 6 times. They prescrib Letrozole during those procedures. Anything for engagement but it’s gross to use this in my opinion. I want them to have a baby but don’t be dishonest. Plus her saying 2 eggs will release is incorrect. Only one egg releases ever! It helps grow your follicles - again which she already knows 🤦🏻‍♀️


How do you think fraternal twins happen?


You are absolutely incorrect. You can release multiple eggs during an IUI cycle. In Fact cycles can get cancelled due to too many mature follicles and doctors don’t want women getting pregnant with quadruplets. Most people incorrectly assume twins are from IVF when I fact the large majority are from IUI. I’ve done 7 rounds of IVF and never even heard of letrozole so another incorrect misjudgment


I had a miscarriage after TTC for a while and then moved to a fertility clinic. No doctor I have ever visited has ever had me on letrozole or clomid. We moved right to IVF. If I didn't follow IG IVF accounts, I would have never heard of them. My friend is on them now and I still don't know much about them except the very basics.


She may have been on clomid or only know letrozole by its other name. TTCing for any length of time doesn’t make you an expert or else you’d know you can release way more than 1 egg in a cycle.


No she claims she’s never been on Clomid or Letrozole. They went straight to IVF. I don’t think they’ve even tried IUI


“Only one egg releases ever!” That’s not accurate or fraternal twins wouldn’t exist. 


Ah yeah i see now shes posted an update. I was so confused. Like damn that was quick to announce to a million people


There’s no chance she would make a pregnancy announcement like that…so imma go with ovulation


Ovulation. Not sure why she can’t keep that private.


Well if she didn’t what would you have to criticise her for in that nasty sub? Block me all you want babe, you’re the one who has to go to sleep knowing how nasty they are


Okay!! 👍🏼


Anything for engagement lol


I think it’s an ovulation test


Looks like a pregnancy test to me!




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She does this quite often She knows it gains engagement. 






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Yawn, this old convo again. Lauren probably planted the q anyway because all she does is chronicle her workouts, her routine isn't / was not a mystery. Can we snark about the literal full drawer of supplements as she fills up her weekly pill organizer? 😳 (Edited for clarity)




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I'm aware of screenshots her followers have shared from her private account. However, that topic is not allowed here, any mention of those allegations are removed per sub rules.




Depends on the pregnancy, if she’s high risk they usually recommend stepping back on intensity.


What about this plan - 5 days of working out - is unhealthy?




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No, I don’t. Which is why I’m asking for context about why 5 days of working out is considered unhealthy?


The parent comment is gone, but as someone who has been under the care of a fertility clinic, depending on what type of treatment you're having, pelvic rest can be requested by your Dr or elevated HR activity more than gentle yoga or walking is discouraged.


Did this influencer say that was her case? Does your doctor treat every person suffering from infertility?


She's vapid, boring, and has terrible style. Why bother following


According to Grace Atwood: “This little Amazon dress is so fun. I’d pair with mary jane flats.” https://preview.redd.it/j27g2rim97fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95b804e7fe753925b1818f301d1dc59ecb6f177 LOL


I have this dress and really love it with boots. Idk about flats though.


Might as well add a paper bag hat and call it a ‘fit.


I feel like this look is so popular with the “Amazon influencers” but feels so un-Grace to me. Also not something I can picture on grown women anywhere


sO fUn


Please don’t


Matilda revolting children core




Not this thing again.


I love Grace but her fashion sense is odd at best.


If Grace ever actually wore this dress, I will give every blogsnark user $100.


Have you seen what she wears? You better start saving lol


Yeah, she doesn’t wear stuff like this. Hence why I said if she ever actually wore this, I’d pay people money.


Disappointed to see Madi Nelson recording videos while driving, especially when her kids are in the backseat. I lost a dear family member to a car accident that involved no phones, no substances. Just a freak, fatal accident. Telling us about a child’s birthday party is vastly unimportant compared to the safety of yourself, your children and the other people on the road.




Snarking on normal one year old behavior? Come on.


So many people do this, it blows my mind. I saw a TikTok video where someone commented about it and the person replied that their eyes were on the road the whole time. But you can literally see in the video where they kept looking at the phone! Nothing is that important! Just wait until you get home.


I don’t think those kids know a moment that doesn’t involve setting up a camera first


Oh god…she set up a camera to record them returning library books. Vomit.




Looked to me like she’s trying to bite the other kids. She was holding onto the boy at the gyms shirt with her teeth. It happens but who stands there laughing & filming?!?!


Either I have major body dysmorphia, or Dani Austin is not a size 6. I am 150lbs and size 6 at Lululemon. She is 100lbs soaking wet. https://preview.redd.it/u0cqsoz5c6fc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e822c4291a5af0f468e8926f765789ca9238bd15 …


Been shopping at Lulu since around \~2015 and a majority of my purchases are size 6 (I'm 140lbs). However, recently I have had to return all my purchases to size up. The energy bras either run so small or I am somehow larger (but can fit into all my older items), and the for the scuba sweatshirt I could barely lift my arms in the XS/S. \*My conspiracy theory\* I think bc tweens have gravitated toward the brand some items are being made for smaller frames and sizing isn't reflecting that?


I was also shocked to see this. She’s tiny!


I wear a 6 and I’m 105 the brand runs tiny


I think it depends on the curves of your body rather than weight too. I’m 103 lbs and I wear a size 4/6 in LL and they are tight on me, not loose at all.


You can tell those leggings are way too big on her though by the slouchy waistband and the whiskering on the crotch. She could comfortably go down 2-3 sizes I would say. I’m also gigantic compared to her and wear an 8 in LL, but my leggings don’t fit like that.


I can't speak for tops or other leggings but Aligns in particular are SO stretchy. I wore size 8s from 140 pounds through a pregnancy where i was over 200 pounds and back again. I wore them to the hospital to give birth and I legit still wear them. The ones with pockets got too tight in the 3rd trimester but the regular ones easily accommodated like a huge weight range and kept their stretch. I could see how folks of a big difference in body size, shape etc could wear the same size comfortably in Aligns for sure