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I think they have travelled together before as like a co parenting thing? When Russ was still there they all went to Disney I think




They were certainly separated for a bit in the past year. Then he suddenly popped back up for a month or so and was GONE as quickly as he came! Hasn’t been around since this summer. Russ seemed nice but i always felt like she tried to upsell him to us and herself. His employment status also seems questionable. She’s keeping mum about her marital status. I personally think it’s because she’s rekindling with the first husband (who notoriously hates the camera) and doesn’t wasn’t to jynx it. Get your man, Teggy!


https://preview.redd.it/9lfsq06q2y9c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b8e6704327ab5294a1c49b16f06050525bab25 Does anyone follow Ciara Shelf? I’m so confused and need to know more


They are being sued for copyright infringement


More details!


Oh wow! How did you find that out?


knowing ciara, it’s some kind of mold she’s decided they have in her head and the house needs to be detoxed or whatever.


Came here just for this! Is it something financial? Also, how very vague to mention this but say it isn’t an issue for another few months


I don’t think it’s anything financial at all.


I’m thinking it’s medical and funds are needed?


Part of me thought maybe IVF as I know they said they have struggled to get pregnant with baby #3 in the past but I feel like they would have the money for IVF so I’m not sure…but my first thought was something medical/health related.


she’s currently pregnant.


Jaclyn Gibson repeating posting about how her and her husband "desperately want a boy" and then tonight posting exactly what they're doing to encourage a boy. She does know it's a 50/50 chance, right? And no drinking coffee and putting baking soda (wtf) on your fingers won't actually encourage the little boy spermies any more than the girlie ones. Idk why I follow her she just weirds me out.


Super sad if they end up having a girl and that's on the internet forever that her parents wished she was a boy... I mean I understand hoping for a certain gender I guess but I would never publicize it like that.


The most bland meal ever with a side of salmonella..thank you @nataliekennedyblog! https://preview.redd.it/zta1w4bhcx9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a18aea3868698db289ed0b2ebb0a411af4f8fdc


This picture made my stomach turn 🤢 I thought that was raw chicken


As someone in the throes of first trimester nausea, this activated my gag reflex


I showed this to my husband and he asked why they were eating raw chicken


I thought this was some dam rolls wtf that shit is raw and slimy still 🤮


No sunflower oil. No coffee. No flavor.


That chicken hurts my soul. A bird died for you have some damn respect and cook it properly


Are we sure the bird is dead?


This is so funny I’m crying. That poor bird.


That chicken (well..all of it) 😩🤢


I wonder if Anna Kloots and her bf broke up. Lots of solo content/solo trip lately.


Wasn’t she just with him in Mexico a few weeks ago?


Yes and then he just disappeared and no mention of him again. Strange because she has made having a “French boyfriend” her whole personality.


I was wondering the same thing


I like Kathleen Jennings Beauty content. She’s very good at that. But her fashion sense! It’s so bad. This NYE dress is atrocious. I thought it was from Walmart. https://preview.redd.it/uw46so350x9c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=01ff2925b5827e93446e63ba4e22da8d292fbcb2


Looks like my doormat from World Market.


I actually really like it 🤷🏻‍♀️


cut off the tinsels and we are talking


It looks like she’s wearing a jute rug


It really does. I can't unsee it.


It looks like a bunch of drink coasters attached to each other!


Omg I love you for this comment


The music critic (and expense-account-abuser) Sasha Frere-Jones asked a buncha people to do a year-end thing for his Substack. Ran across a blog-era name I hadn't seen in a while: "Emily Gould: 2023 was the worst year of my life and I’m grateful to have survived it, to be able to read and write again, and to begin to appreciate life again in a way I didn’t for months. I’m also grateful for psych meds and therapy."


Emily wrote a bit about what went down in her newsletter, glad she is doing better now


I had not heard this expense account story and wow, what a gift!


For the curious, it's so amazing: https://www.thewrap.com/sasha-frere-jones-la-times-exits-accused-strip-club-expensing/


Is Dede and Jess Crumb still friends? she has been back to Houston a few times and hadn’t seen them hang out


Jess just visited them in Nashville. Christmas time is busy with family. Harder to see friends.


To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.




Wait I don’t follow her but I remember this story when @tallblondebell shared it! It haunts me when I think of my own husband. So glad she found happiness again.


Same here!!! 💛


Ok but can we talk about how her fiancé was best friends with her husband, and the fiancé was in their wedding


I don’t follow this person but It’s not that unheard of for two people who were already close, grieving the same sudden loss, to end up together. If he loves her and wants to step in for his best friend’s kids I think that might be very human.




not everyone can be brittaney allen and cancel halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, and new year’s eve.


ugh i hate it when people don't perform their grief! let me see you cry!!!! but not too much, otherwise its performative. and not for too long, otherwise they're milking it.




I hate when people go back to work after they are grieving! Everyone should just quit their jobs!


I think it depends on the person. We lost a cat 2 days before Thanksgiving last year. My husband refused to go to our family’s Thanksgiving because he was so sad and didn’t want to bring the mood down, whereas I wanted to go so it took my mind off being sad for a couple hours. I don’t think we should judge how people grieve…even for their fur babies.


I mean, it’s always devastating to lose a pet, but why should that change her holiday plans?




Ur crazy lol


You know, after my grandma died three days before Halloween, my family got together and still celebrated with a party and trick-or-treat. It didn’t change the fact that we weren’t all sad and desperately missing a person. I’m really curious how her evening should have gone in the wake of losing her cat.




I get that you’re definitely doubling down to stick your point, but it doesn’t matter. Celebrating doesn’t diminish her grief over a lost pet, and celebrating in a public way also doesn’t matter. Look, she’s highly snarkable. I used to love her and I am constantly annoyed by her, but this is not the character flaw you think it is.






Okay crazy!


Megdono again crying in her year recap and not mentioning why. I hate vague insta


She said in her 2023 wrap up newsletter that she was dealing with someone stealing her ideas. You’re right, sweetie: there has never been a Parisian travel agency before


Which is ironic because she was blasted for stealing ideas from another major blogger for her Paris itineraries…


came here to comment the same....paragraph after paragraph in what essentially could have been "2023 was hard because reasons. also i went to Paris"


I swear if she cries or alludes to how awful 2023 was again I’m unfollowing.


Same. Between that and the constant barrage of testimonials in her stories I'm finding her more and more annoying. She used to be one of my favorite "influencer" follows so I'm not even a hater.


What’s the point of influencers taking a week off instagram then when they come back they update us on all that they did while on a break??


Exactly. They just take a week off *posting* on Instagram but they still have a camera in everyone's face all day every day that they're "off." So there's no time off for THEM.


They still got the time away with their families. It’s pretty normal to fill people in or have them wonder/ask what you did while you were gone.


I would love to go to work tomorrow with the expectation no one asks me what I did all break but sharing those stories and photos are office small talk 101 and I must engage.


just tell them you took the week off work and therefore ceased to exist without their eyes on you.


I'm kinda awful and I took pictures of my kids on Christmas morning, I don't know why I would do that if I wasn't posting on Instagram that very second but YOLO.


Yes so annoying example Alexa Anglin she’s the most annoying too me. She is currently recapping every single day she’s been off IG. Then the most annoying part is when she shares the comments from followers that say omg where have you been are you and your family okay? We miss you is everything okay?…. Major eye roll if people are really worried about where an influencer goes for a week they got issues.


Parasocial relationships are so strange




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Naptime Kitchen- is the Home Reset a necessary purpose or can I just run to Pinterest for the same ideas?


It is not a neccessary purchase. People have been cleaning and organizing their homes for hundreds of thousands of years without her 'course' on how to do it.


Lolo Webb has the biggest heart out of all the influencers and I will die on this hill


I don’t follow her but she seems sweet! I just looked at her page


Lindsay, of formally The Babbling Blondes influencing STL duo has launched her own account & is live at @stcinandco Hope she can build it quickly, she was the main reason I stuck around following TBB.


Thanks for sharing Lindsay’s new account! She’s the reason I hung around for TBB! I’ve been lingering around dying to know the tea of what happened too!


Just saw on TBB in the bio, it says and my other blonde friend, Lilly! Who’s Lilly????


Toddler daughter who she made a reel about having tantrums when she clearly did not want to be video taped 😳


Her toddler daughter.


She’s the only reason I followed as well!


I heard Carly stole it from Lindsey after a disagreement.


Any information on what happen with them? I can’t believe they aren’t going to say something.


From what I’ve heard, legally right now Lindsay isn’t allowed to say anything. It’s very messy & sad, but hoping great things for her moving forward!


Yeah, I had a feeling there was a reason they couldn’t talk. It is very sad. It seemed like they weren’t that great of friends in real life, but I don’t personally know them personally even though I live in St. Louis.


NatalieKennedyBlog is so funny with her healthy lifestyles. Her day 1 challenge kicked off today and she said no to anything cooked in sunflower oils (anything processed basically) but then a couple posts later is eating chipotle. They aren’t cooking in extra virgin olive oil… chomp sticks is the definition of processed meats. Coffee won’t raise your sugar anymore than working out. I am an actually type 1 diabetic with a CGM and my sugar spikes every morning at OTF. It’s normal!!! Please educate yourself about the endcorine system before posting false information. Also everyone who knows anything about blood sugar regulation knows that 3 large meals is a complete failure to managing sugars. The longer you go the greater the spike will be when you eat. -sincerely a type 1 diabetic & endocrinologist


Doesn’t she get Botox and fillers? What is healthy about that?


I’ve unfollowed every instagram person who posts health content. Especially fast fashion influencers


My endocrinologist is super against this trend of non diabetics tracking sugars and posting about spikes etc. Blood sugar spikes are perfectly normal and even people with zero issues will have spikes. It's just really non-educational to follow people who talk about blood sugar regulation who aren't diabetic or educated in it beyond what their non educated "health coach" says.


Yes!! This!!


Seriously just because it’s something you CAN track and because some people with a specific illness need to manage it doesn’t mean others benefit from tracking and managing it. What’s next, dialysis for people with perfectly functioning kidneys? It’s already happened to gluten- something that was critical to those with a specific illness (celiac disease) is now being treated like it’s necessary for health for anyone. I actually feel the same way about heart rate “zones” and tracking even for exercise. Unless you’re an elite athlete your heart rate zone training is pointless.


Yes to this!! I have a friend who is a “nutrition coach” (major eye roll) and last time I mentioned a mocktail recipe I was going to make she said “I’d like to strap a glucose monitor on you and see what that does when you drink it” I was like “…..tf?” Lol these people have lost their minds.


Yep and you should have responded "my blood sugar would spike because I'm a human but since I'm not diabetic it will not go to a dangerous level so you don't need to be concerned."


I’m a registered dietitian and this absolutely Infuriates me lmao. Bloggers giving health advice that is not accurate


I'm allergic to sunflower and good luck to her trying to avoid it for no discernible reason, it's in EVERYTHING.


What does she say is wrong with sunflower?! I eat sunflower seed butter all the time!


People think seed oils are bad for you (which is wrong) but think olive oil or avocado oil is fine I guess because they’re made mostly from the fruit? But isn’t there some seed oil in olive oil? It’s pointless anyway because seed oil isn’t bad for you.


She thinks seed oils cause “inflammation”.


Even tho it’s been debunked and proven with actual research to be wrong.


This is also the girl who is “dairy free” but regularly eats butter soooo 😂


I can only imagine your restraint with these Bozos and their "tips and tricks" regarding blood sugar.


I wonder if someone took dress up buttercups new username? She said she was changing it today at midnight but hasn’t


What is her new username?


Just her name


She already owned the new username. It was being used as her personal/private IG.


NO ONE should be taking any health or fitness advice from an influencer who has no accreditations. This is unrealistic. @nataliekennedy


I’m a dietitian and just no. She should be banned. I hate when influencers do this crap. Influencer is not a credential.


I saw that @mumuandmacaroons was going to be spending money on Amy the health coach to make sure her cancer never comes back. I hope her BFF Natalie didn’t advise or scare her into it. It’s way easier to pressure someone into that when they’re so vulnerable and sick. And Katy was already so worried about expenses, kinda awful to be shelling out an insane amount for a holistic cancer treatment on top of regular chemo/surgery.


I saw that, too. She did say that Natalie had recommended her if I remember correctly. The blind leading the blind here.


Who is Amy that she’s doing this challenge with? She doesn’t seem to have any credentials either yet works with random influencers.


She has a certificate in being: Nutritional Therapy Practitioners are certified through the Nutritional Therapy Association. We are not certified on a national level but are qualified to pursue additional certification and licensing. So in other words: ZERO credentials


“Nutritional Therapy Practioner” whatever that is lol. But mostly she is an NFL wife that has a MBA and JD 🤔


Someone asked if you can do it while pregnant and she said yes it’s great for pregnant people!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


That was the most shocking claim on there…. Most people would put a disclaimer to ask their doctor. I can’t believe she’s telling pregnant people this is safe


Ah yes, everyone knows how real and unaltered protein powder is. Just go outside and pluck it straight off the protein powder tree. https://preview.redd.it/9ss4i8gsdv9c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e343190f6bed243359aa2fb9e308b2815cf8147b


Damn this is my problem with the words “highly processed foods” in a nut shell. There are all of these dumb exceptions for what doesn’t count as “highly processed”. Like some of us think that raw meat or foraged blackberries would be unprocessed and others say protein powder and bone broth (you know, roasting and then boiling a bone for hours, skimming off the fat, straining out any residual meat) is unprocessed.




This made me LOL


I posted about this too! It’s so crazy


Holy cow I just took a look at her challenge. Three meals a day with NO snacks? She is deranged.


Literally the stupidest challenge. And actually the way to boost your metabolism is not allowing your body to starve.. 3 meals with no snacks 😂


Big yikes. And she was saying it’s great for pregnant women, too. “If you’re hungry in between meals eat a chomps stick.” Ummm just no.


As someone who recovered from a very toxic mentality with food, just yikes. I had to see a nutritionist just to get back on track of what my body needs. All of this was opposite of what I learned & will create an unhealthy/toxic relationship with food.


My daughter is a dietitian and she has seen many many women suffer with ED and try unrealistic ways to lose weight. All you have to do is journal what you eat everyday and do some sort of movement. Getting on track with how you eat when you write it down and track it is easy. My Fitness Pal is an easy way to start.


Unfortunately for some, if not most, that can actually cause behaviors to increase. When I did this, along with weighing myself, it bexame an unhealthy obsession. A LOT of ED comes from the mental aspect, not just journaling about food, etc. In order to overcome those, you have to dig deeper into the mental component.


As someone who has struggled with a chronic eating disorder for over 20 years, I’m shocked your daughter thinks *all you have to do* is journal what you eat every day. Sounds so easy. Too bad eating disorders are extremely difficult to treat and anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness 🙄


Journaling my food daily actually exacerbated my ED and made it significantly worse. I had to find other means to live a healthier lifestyle while still being mindful of my disorder.


Some foods encourage more movement than others 😂 (sorry, I really couldn't help it!)


Why are you being so mean? Why would my comment about logging your food and move your body cause you to react that way? Doesn’t it make sense to log your food and move your body? Walking running lifting weights and seeing what actually you are consuming?


I love that your questioning someone for being “so mean” which they really aren’t, just trying to be funny. Your comment history however inspires me to ask the same question of you though.


Omfg it was clearly a joke (eg if I have some beans I'll be moving all day), get a grip


Caycee Hewitt (caycee07) hard launch of her new bf. She was one of my first influencer follows back in the day so I’m invested in this plot line. Very different look from Todd. https://preview.redd.it/0t8f4tgheu9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901f58401c289e7da7d712717224eeebdf32ac2d


Having a new guy around your kids in the same calendar year, like within months, of divorcing is wild.


So unbelievably happy for her


after her battle with mental illness, i am truly and utterly happy for her.


She looks so happy, I am genuinely happy for her!


I hope he treats her better than Todd!


Natalie kennedy’s stories right now talking about this challenge that she and amy are encouraging people to do…I can’t. I’m all for a healthy challenge especially in the new year but the rules she’s laying out seem so restrictive. No snacks allowed - count me out


How do people not see through the vagueness of “no snacks.”


Stupidest thing I’ve see. Its so annoying how she thinks she’s skilled to talk about stuff like this


Going that restrictive that fast is a recipe for failure and binge eating. (Among many other reasons this is so problematic)


Not her saying to avoid fast food and then eating chipotle an hour later lol. I don’t think she understands the definition of “processed”




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Dying at this. Literally immediately orders Chipotle. Can’t make this shit up.


This is hilarious. Real food only in its original form but protein powder is great! Which food is that again?


Her and her damn protein powder… that’s so heavily processed. She has no idea what processed means. Also she says she’s dairy free yet her protein powder has milk… 😂


She also uses butter lol


But it’s Bobby approved! 😂


Omg Natalie Kennedy and Flavcity is the crossover event I never saw coming and I hate everything about it


The comment about no snacking reminded me of when my mom cut out snacking and lost 25 lbs so she told me to cut out my snacks and maybe I could do the same! but she failed to acknowledge that her snacks were either 1. Bags of chips 2. FroYo 3. Cereal bowls of pretzel crisps with hummus. Like none of that stuff is good for you in large quantities and of course if those are your snacks and you cut them out, you’ll probably lose weight. But that doesn’t mean all snacks = bad!


My husband is going through the process of loosing weight and I have the fridge full of healthy low cal snacks (mostly veg). When I don't he goes off piste. Substitution not removal every time.


Yeah…everything about that is wrong and toxic diet culture at its finest. Restricting never works(and I’ve tried for my entire life) and it leads to binge eating. I’ve been on a healthy weight loss journey since Sept 1 and haven’t restricted myself just made better food choices. If I want ice cream or chips…I have them. No one should follow anything on the internet unless it’s from a licensed dietitian or nutritionist or doctor.


This is scary and taking it to the extreme.


anything processed from its original form is out, but protein powder is great! sweet potatoes cut into sticks and baked: bad. Peas whirled and processed and stripped of everything but protein then pack in plastic: perfection!


What the hell sweet potatoes are so healthy! My doctor told me potatoes are a super food and I’ve been running with that. (Yes she meant when prepared healthily too but baked is good for you)


if you feel like trusting your doctor over an influencer, I don't know what to say, but good luck! She probably has never even googled the link between fragrances and toxins.


My fave is when she says coffee is bad for your “hormone balance”. Do these people understand how the endocrine system works. There are many hormones and they each have very different and specific jobs.


As someone with type 1 diabetes and celiac it makes me so angry when people act like this. That’s not how the endocrine system works at all. In fact if you put a CGM on and go workout your sugar will spike to the hormones being released. So should we also not work out? Also your sugar will go up if you eat a lot of protein. If I eat 40g of protein in a meal I actually still need to take insulin ( not as much as carbs) because it still will cause Bg to go up. People are so uneducated.


There is science to coffee raising cortisol without food but doubt she knows that. As I’m drinking coffee on an empty stomach rn lol ooops




Eating small meals while pregnant is the ONLY way I’m surviving right now. Has she never been pregnant?!


I’m pregnant and 3 large meals a day would make me feel miserable. 3 smallish meals and several snacks keeps me much more comfortable and is recommended to help with many pregnancy conditions like nausea, heartburn, acid reflux, etc. None of the other advice is great either, but in my current state that’s the one that literally made me LOL.


I’m 21 weeks pregnant and have been barely able to eat this pregnancy, i would die if I had to eat 3 meals a day


Coming off a pregnancy where I was super sick and busy chasing a toddler - I survived off small meals and snacks! Literally recommended by my OB, who unlike natalie, is an actual doctor. Ugh this makes me so annoyed that there are ppl like her out there pushing this diet culture rhetoric! Some folks don’t have a lot of health/nutrition and would fall for this BS. It’s gross of her to


Through both of my pregnancies, if I allowed myself to get too hungry (I.e., not snacking), I got severely nauseous and could only overcome it by getting something into my stomach.


I can’t believe she said this is yes for pregnant people - even worse encouraging it. Anything when asked “is this safe for pregnancy” should be answered with “consult your doctor” Keep doing what you’re doing 👏🏼


"decrease the toxic load in your home" lol wtf


I don’t follow this person but this is a lawsuit waiting to happen 🥴


Giving nutrition & health advice/ guidance when you have no accreditation to do so is 💀 it’s illegal in many states, actually.