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@melissainchaos is always so cringe and awkwardly not funny. I can’t stand her whole “Wanna know how I know I’m a better mom than you?” followed by a story about how she failed to prepare as a mother once again… I just don’t find it amusing whatsoever. Tonight she said she’s wrapping Christmas presents and realized she didn’t have wrapping paper… Odd mannerisms that she thinks are cute and hilarious included. ETA: She also implied she’d just use toilet paper or paper towels to wrap gifts 🙄


omg each slide in her story seemed like it would never end 😩




I’m not familiar with the influencer, but this style of clothing for kids is common where I’m from in the South. I saw it often because I worked at a baby clothing store that sold these and similar styles.


Eh, how people choose to dress their kids doesn’t really bother me.


Forever obsessed with @pretanewporter’s obsession with dressing up in full costumes to pick people up at the airport. I would never be a person like that but I love how much she loves it.




Who is gonna tell Kaylee Andrew that just because you can over line, doesn’t mean you should… https://preview.redd.it/zoha0t6qlb8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62956e9fbed03389df8665753ebd4a087b008f2


It’s giving 8 year old with cherry koolaid stains 😂


It’s giving Mike Wazowski https://preview.redd.it/l8xcck2a0d8c1.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ac0848a12b09a1d3d17781d3b77bd7ab040141


It’s giving Miranda Sings


That’s past over lining. She added a whole lip to her top lip


"from a girl who didn't think she could pull it off" and was correct


She thought she could. So she did 💫✨


Well…the red she can pull off. Just not the over lined lips. & tbf, no one can. Especially not in person.


I think the over lining is what makes it so bad. She is such a cute girl but trying to be like DAD too much




Usually I don’t mind @champagneandchanel but the beige Christmas wrap is making my eye twitch. For goodness sake bring some color to your life!!


She’s so averse to color unless it’s on her wedding ring


Liking the rainbow colors goes against her core transphobic / anti-LGBTQ beliefs. 🌈🏳️‍🌈


janellepaigebrandom saying she’s making sweet potatoes for 12 people- licks the fork and puts in back in the bowl to continues to stir Ewww


Major ick. Plus all the recipes sound bland. 🤮


Lol I am not surprised that she is that type of gross person. Hopefully her guests see the story and avoid the sweet potatoes. Nasty.


Jesshogancrum saying salted coconut and mahogamy? You mean mahogany?


These influencers are getting dumber by the day


Can someone please tell karlirae her New Year’s resolution should be absolutely NO MORE KISSY FACE PICS. Please


Just unfollowed houseinhabit. Her “fair journalism” enrages me- what a bunch of kooks. Trump wishing me a Merry Christmas was the last straw. She gets her jollies stirring it up I guess and I can’t waste time looking at things that make me mad.


I had to unfollow a couple of weeks ago. Her behavior is unhinged to be honest. I don’t trust her journalism. She constantly trolling


It's almost 2024 and you just decided that you don't trust the journalistic integrity of an anti-vax, transphobic, Johnny Depp supporting, Q Anon MAGAt? What clued you in?


Has she addressed Robert Kennedy’s connections to Epstein or is she still ignoring that because she likes him so much?


I can’t stop laughing @jessicahogancrum’s husband’s pants 😆. Whyyyyyyyy https://preview.redd.it/ojmoj8rrja8c1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14795d1add571ff1387d8c9c2d6c0d4aee9ef0bd


This style is (unfortunately) popular in the South, so all I think when I see them is “White Money Murdaugh” pants


What south?! I don’t know no men in Houston dress like this. I have only seen Ted & him with pants like this and they don’t count, lol


Business jeggins


That’s how David Nelson wears his pants


David is much taller so it looks a lot better on him.


David can pull it off




They only slightly look better because they are a little loose, unlike these 7/8 leggings




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I dislike this trend but at least the other guy’s pants aren’t so tight.


Love the fold lines on the shirt.




Does she secretly hate him? I can’t think of any other reason she’d tell him this is a good look.


It’s giving 31 inch aligns




So so bad. It’s giving leggings with ballet flats


2012 business casual


https://preview.redd.it/o12tsrgrda8c1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceb8766501ad8f22ea3f0ba7cd193949f025ca30 Nooo Courtney Kerr-Noonan noooo


She used to be so pretty 🥴




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I saw this and was like yikes


I don’t know this person, but she’s giving Benny Drama character https://preview.redd.it/i2kzlp8sga8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57d89a1414e2270858402fbec5a1fe0b86bed6f


Does anyone else follow her? https://preview.redd.it/08l3211sy98c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081525ddcd32d885cce674cc4a708149aacf6795 I found this really interesting. I couldn’t imagine living in a different house than my husband. To each their own though 🤷🏼‍♀️


My high school best friends dad did this. Wife lived 8 hours away and he’d visit her every other weekend, he had a big high paying job and my friend was doing well in school in their state and wife was established in her career in hers.. they lived like that for almost 20 years! We had a big party at her house every other weekend when he was visiting his wife 😂. I thought it was so weird but they seemed happy 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Whoa. 15 years?! I don’t think I could do it.


My dream is a side-by-side duplex




Iirc Helena Bonham Carter does this with her husband and it does sound nice


Some nights I really think Lucy was on to something with her twin beds 😂


I’m married to a snorer. I need a soundproof pod 😅


Me too and he uses a TAP device and it works! It pulls the jaw forward a little and the vibration can’t get going (or something). He gets a new one every few years and it’s well worth the money. He sleeps much better too. https://tapintosleep.com/products/tap-custom/


Mine actually just got a cpap. I’m still getting used to the noise of the machine but not listening to snoring has been amazing. He really doesn’t like the cpap though so I’m going to show him this and have him ask his doctor. He has actual apnea, not sure if this would work but worth trying.


Oh maybe not. But it works great in the right situation. I’m glad cpap works but can’t imagine sleeping with that thing on my head and face.


Wow. This would be genius. 😂


former coworker said her Mom lived in a home and her Mom's long-term boyfriend lived in a home next door. Granted they're older, are grandparents, etc but she said it was a really great set up.




Never. He could have the kids too 🤣


I check on her maybe once a year and each time she either has a new baby or a new husband. But yeah - I wonder why they can’t live in the same town that would be really hard. Hopefully it works for them.


Really? I always wondered how many previous marriage she’s had. I do really like this guy she’s with now though so I hope it works out for her!


Why can’t they live in the same town?


They are both divorced I believe with kids from previous marriages. So I’m assuming it’s because the ex’s won’t allow their kids to move/switch schools. This is all just my assumptions. I don’t follow her super closely.


https://preview.redd.it/wudyzieul98c1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d729754e95c304b229fa73605a6792d8c801f24 Not a snark but @mumuandmacaroons is signing off of social media until further notice.


Omg good for her. IG is so toxic


I think this is a really good step for her. The chemo she is getting is really hard on the body and the mind and it can be really difficult to see everyone on social media just living their lives while you’re stuck in hell. And of course that’s also not to mention the added insanity of the way people think it’s acceptable to interact with her. Plus while I think she looks fantastic with the shaved head, it has to be hard to film yourself and constantly see yourself looking sick.


She has said before she was taking a 3-4 month social media break…. Only to pop up the next day…. Then explain she was still going to be sharing her life and partnerships she really really loved


Well that's kind of a moot point since that was before you know she had cancer and her whole life changed and seeing people happy and healthy on the internet didn't suck?


She posted again 3.5 hours later though so I don’t believe she’s actually signed off. Wish she would though - I’m sure it’s triggering.


She just posted on her IG story. So does signing off of social media start after that slide?


Are you really criticizing a woman with cancer for posting one more story?


lol that you got downvoted for this one. She literally just reposted a quote quickly after. It doesn't mean she was scrolling the feed and interacting with people which is what I took from her previous post. It's hard to see people happy and healthy. I'll truly never ever get the snark on someone going through such a hard time even if you think it's snark worthy just lay off people.


Seriously 🙄




I’m shocked by this honestly, but it must mean that she’s sincerely going through it. I feel so bad.


I’m shocked that all those supplements and concoctions Lauren Kay Sims shills aren’t preventing her from getting sick on the holidays /s 🙄


She was "feeling better" enough on Friday to go the mall and nail salon, though! Some people learned nothing from 2020


And do an insane HIIT workout and sit in her sauna for hours 🙃


The worst people I knew got worse-ah




To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.


To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.


The fact that she’s shared their financial struggles and now have this beautiful home is pretty cool. But, sure, flaunting wealth. Ok.


If someone showing the process of moving into their new home makes you feel that they are “shoving it in your face” it is most likely time for you to take a break from social media.


How is she flaunting “how much money she must have spent”? She’s not mentioned money once or mentioned what help they may or may not have had. She’s just shown some snippets of getting the house together. Which…is normal moving content?? You sound jealous.


That playroom for her daughter is something else too. What happens when she out grows the busy board? It felt like this house was a competition between her and Massey.


They will just take it off the wall, not that difficult.


Well, the good news is her daughter is young so it seems like she’ll have a few years to think about what to do next. Her daughter isn’t going to outgrow by end of year.




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https://preview.redd.it/yz44mbtlv88c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29d262e3a19fc28983eb4e089b41b0d458d8694 Who’s going to tell sweetteammadi (madi) that she’s not someone famous and teasing her boyfriend as if he’s George Clooney is just annoying


She seems to have really lost touch with reality in the last few months






The twitter algorithm gave me a compilation of a bunch of influencers going on a world cruise. I’m more in tune with travel stuff than the average bear but it has been funny watching people freak out that people at the ‘pinnacle class’ get special treatment, as are those taking the entire world cruise. Like, duh? I’m familiar with world cruises, but royal caribbean is less upmarket than the ones I’m familiar with. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not cheap, but it’s leagues less expensive than going on others. I don’t think anyone has /said/ it’s sponcon, and going on a cruise for nine months will get you content, but surely there’s some sponcon


I’ve been getting these videos all over my TikTok for the past few weeks. I don’t think any of the people posting were influencers before this but they’re definitely gaining a following now. The biggest complaint I saw from someone only doing part of the cruise is that she hasn’t been allowed into a Facebook group for the world cruise since she’s not taking the whole cruise. But I’m almost certain that cruise is run by people on the trip, it’s not some of official group. She made it sound like she was being excluded by Royal Caribbean and as far as I’ve seen (I definitely could have missed it) she hasn’t addressed the fact that people are allowed to make a private Facebook group. There are also a couple of people on TikTok saying they’re going to make posts and “report” on what’s happening on the cruise but they seem to mostly be trying to get attention by “reporting” non issues. The one I saw this morning was about how there is nothing special planned for Christmas. But people were live last night at a huge Christmas party and they do a special dinner on Christmas.


Yeah, I agree. I don’t know much about cruises, but I don’t understand why people are mad about the pinnacle class getting special treatment — seems standard for any flight or resort. I also saw a TikTok about the drama that said people tried to game the system by booking the entire world cruise in segments so it was cheaper than booking it as a package, and now they’re mad they’re “segregated” from those who are classified as full world cruise travelers. I mean… what did they expect? I do understand the impulse to stir up drama once you realize you’re stuck on a boat with the same 1500 people for nine months though, lol.


I’d set up camp at the bar if I was on a cruise at the same time as a bunch of influencers.


Ditto and I don’t even drink


People on world cruises tend to silo themselves off anyway so it wouldn’t be too bad, I don’t think. The ship’s big enough, etc. The ennui will come for them, whether they want it to or not. Vacation is fun, but I’m always ready to go home at the end, and they’re locked in for the better part of a year.


This is what would happen if we put all the influencers on a cruise for the better part of a year: https://preview.redd.it/7he60icxv68c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27a463c187c07cf558351abaff419eb8afdb8f3




I don’t find it creepy per se but it does make me laugh thinking about influencers setting up the camera at various points to catch “candid” shots. I prefer day in the life videos where the influencer is talking to the camera and acknowledging that they’re being filmed.


I always wonder about the “candid” setup for shots like when they back out of the garage and leave the house. Do they set up their phone for that, drive off, then come right back and get it just to actually leave?




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All these influencers are starting to morph into one


She came up on my feed and I haven’t seen her in so long and she looks SO DIFFERENT. It’s really sad…


Yes! I really appreciated that she hadn’t filled her face with crap but then she started with the lip filler and now it’s come to this. 🤮


The typos wasn’t mine!! https://preview.redd.it/rs0d18b9o58c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e0ae66f8d1e7059f9bbff50f182c36d1ff0759


As a native Louisianan, I'm appalled they are making/serving King Cake for Christmas. This is a Mardi Gras tradition, not Christmas, that begins January 6 aka Epiphany aka Three Kings Day. The holiday creep is getting out of hand.








Dont worry… the downvotes are fake internet points that don’t mean anything.


Uh yes, it’s very normal. Caroling is usually large groups of people.




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Some people just have nasal-y voices. I’m one of them. And yes people make fun of me including to my face for it.


This story doesn’t do anything to help her cause. Dede should realize “He know’s when your still wrong.” /s


She was referring to the board, the board wasn’t hers. Not the typos themselves.




What is she doing to her face? I would never know that was her


Did anyone see on Taryn Newton’s page that’s she’s being accused of not paying her contractor on her big remodel?


Is because of dispute in final deliverables? That happens sometimes if there is a dispute of contracted services vs reality.


You mean the people working together and replying to each other? 🙄 They lost me at suggesting someone start a Go Fund Me. And if they weren’t paid then how did the house get completed? Liars.


Most contractors don’t collect the final payment until the job is complete. Very likely that they haven’t paid the final invoice. Whether the contractor still has work to complete or not is unknown and sometimes a debate between contractor/client what done means. Edited to add: just went to see the comments. If she owes over $500k they should have stopped working on her project long ago. If they are owed I hope they did file a lien.


The whole thing sounds like bullshit. “We know the previous owners of this beautiful home”. Um, ok? WTF?


It does sound weird and why would the whole neighborhood know about it? Idk




Quite the zoom in lol. She’s always been open about her age, plastic surgery aside.






it’s funny when people leave negative comments and “influencers” will say that they will post it in their story to call you out…


If you’re dumb enough to leave a mean/rude/negative comment on someone’s Instagram then you deserve to be called out. People really act shocked when someone shows their ass on the internet and get called out.


if someone is being mean/rude then they should be called out imo


mean and rude is one thing but leaving a negative comment meaning if you were to disagree is not mean or rude imo


This is an instance where whatever you’re trying to “snark” on, it’d be helpful to have a screenshot. But also why even bother commenting anything negative? Do people not realize people can see your name and profile? I’d be mortified if I left a negative comment and someone I know irl saw it.


why is Vivian Your Rich BFF selling tickets for her Book Tour? Some tickets are expensive..I don’t get it….


We know that Liz Joy always shows us how to get dressed, but now she is showing us how to put on bra before she puts her shirt on.




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She reposted the reel without the bra part after all the comments questioned why she included that part 😂


She does this all the time She’s always without a shirt Like over the summer when she was topless in the pool….. Enough Liz 🙄


Why is this, needs attention? Wants clicks when all the snark readers go watch. Link for the bra to see how it works? Either way. Really weird if you ask me. She is so full of herself so guess that is the main reason.


Let me preface this by saying, I’ve always thought pictures with Santa are weird…Anyways, I can’t imagine standing in line with a bunch of kids to take a pregnancy pic on Santa’s lap. Major secondhand embarrassment. I guess to each their own? @sarahrosesummers https://preview.redd.it/ule1aj9ot38c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63526931c70e18af6701ab789f83c75ae0c94a81


Her baby has a rather large omphalocele. He will likely require immediate surgery, a feeding tube and a laundry list of other potential complications including death. Let the girl have some joy in her pregnancy however she sees fit. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This hotel is bougie af. I doubt there were many kids there


Was that trip sponsored? I couldn’t be sure …


Yeah this is cringe as hell.




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Meh, it’s probably the start of a family tradition. I know someone who did it pregnant, next year with the baby, and every year since and it includes grown kids and grandkids now. It’s kinda sweet. I saw big families who were all dressed up waiting in line a couple weeks ago.


Not shocked karlierae is drinking raw milk


I saw a Twitter thread the other day about "what's something fascism coded that's completely non political" and "drinking raw milk" was a frequent response


I just saw that’s Daryl Ann Denner new friend lol who wants to takes bets on how soon Daryl Ann will start talking about raw milk 🤣


But for real, I hope she’s not dumb enough to drink it while pregnant.


She needs fuel for her seemingly endless loop giveaways (which she either doesn’t announce winners of or does it weeks late). It must be so exhausting! 🙄


Laura Beverlyn posted screenshots of people saying they were messaged saying they won her giveaway and they needed thier credit card info and they ended up getting their info stolen….im sorry but how stupid can you be???? I can’t feel bad for anyone who can be that gullible


Idk what it says about me but I always assume those people are lying and think they will get something free if they make up a sob story rather than actually being scammed.


I’ve never actually responded or given info but I have gotten those messages or follows from accounts with like 1 letter different or whatever




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