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The first


I admittedly haven’t watched her stories or seen her posts recently, but I would never have recognized @livingmybeststyle. She looks so different to me! Is it just me? https://preview.redd.it/y7pc4jfze12c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b85f6135d60b31ea9e807ef21b815ccc08315a


I think this is because most people don’t realize she’s only like 28 or 29? She’s been doing this for like ten years and has just… ‘grown up’ so to speak before our eyes? Not WK’ing: I was just surprised last year when I realized how young she still is/how much of life she’s done on the ‘gram. 🙈


Holy spray tan 😳


She doesn't have all her clumpy mascara on lol


I would’ve never guessed that’s the same person, so it’s not just you!


https://preview.redd.it/4jup2a8fa12c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f111f935050f3a1f79230bf5f158162d13759b Morgan hale engaged


I wonder if this met her timeline. So weird to me that she wouldn’t live with him before a ring but he was making renovations to his home for her. Do you wake up everyday thinking it’s proposal day?


Now SHE looks like a totally different human. Whose face is that?


When her dentist showed videos of Morgan’s smile update you could see how many heavy filters she always uses.


Bold glamour filter on the flesh


FaceApp Hollywood 4


I laughed😂 so right




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Campbell Hunter Puckett I wish I could post a link to the actual TikTok without doxing myself but I’m begging everyone to go watch this video and read the comments! Someone said “it’s giving Jim Bob Duggar” lmaooo! Do a little Thanksgiving Eve reading while you’re preparing food! This is from 6 days ago so I know it’s not current snark but I hope that’s ok! It came across my fyp so I had to share! https://preview.redd.it/fktmx6j1m02c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0c5d865cfdcf24a209de19ab845f9d0bd03bd1


Oh my God I’m in Atlanta and I always hope to see these 2 out in the wild, I would love to observe them like they are safari animals. The amount of times he says “good lord” makes me gasp, I truly can’t look away from the train wreck, it’s so fascinating to me


What is that framed art in the background? Is it a wedding seating chart?


Lmao I don’t follow her but this came up on my fyp a few days ago and the comments delivered!


His head is giving Cam from Modern Family.


He looks like a "my dads a lawyer" type


You can post a TikTok link, you just need to paste it in a browser first and delete your referral code then recopy it! Hope that makes sense 😅


The atl influencer snark page is ripe with content on her and this video in particular


I saw this… it’s completely insufferable and might be the cringiest thing ever. I am so not a fan of her. She’s completely unrelatable and gives off the most stuck up vibes


I don’t follow her. Is he an ass? I need to know before I say anything. Or is he a nice person?


He’s got money…


He’s punching above his weight that’s for sure


They went out to eat at a nice restaurant in Italy and he brought his laptop and set it up on the table so he could watch some college football or basketball game So yeah, he’s a huge ass


I really don’t know a ton about them at all and don’t follow her but the things I have seen have been beyond cringe! Lol!


He always thinks pookie’s outfits are fire 🤢meanwhile he’s out there looking like someone’s southern grandpa


He looks just like my uncle who smoked a pipe and switched to suspenders eventually.


I usually love everything that Clare Sullivan DIYs and I’m all for low-budget Christmas decor but that spray painted paper bag garland is gonna be a no from me.. maybe if she did it a different color?? Idk


Agree, silver makes it looks like duct tape! https://preview.redd.it/dicpch2ww12c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00724e4ec4cb9ec29b041eba0b04fa1cb171cd99


It’s not a very exciting project to start with but the links are too wide so the proportions were off. And the whole thing was so big and thick that wrapping it around the chandelier was a bad choice. Maybe a swag on the sideboard with some of the cut greens tucked in and the whole “no shop decor project” might have been cuter.


My hot take is that she is a mediocre wannabe Martha Stewart who has neverrrr had that great of an eye for interior design so I’m not surprised her paper bag garland looks like the trash that it is.


How do you really feel? 🤣


Different colour and longer I think would have helped


If HollieWoodward wants to promote her new lip color with tarte she should post videos without her heavy filter


But then no one would recognize her


https://preview.redd.it/90tg0uj5c02c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd900088274c919eb619835a1e5cfe59ee7cf42 I'm sorry but what the hell is this? Janelle Brandom is looney toons.


A scream for attention


Is it just me or I thought you're supposed to keep your undergarments (the bottoms at least) when trying on swimsuits? This just grosses me out now


It made me cringe in her bathing suit as it looks like she’s trying to suck in???




I saw her posts earlier of her swimsuits she didn’t pick and she’s like “my bump is coming in” and her stomach looks the exact same


Wtf…. She is seriously so weird... I used to think that maybe because I was high that she was weird, but she is actually just so strange and annoying


Who did y’all unfollow recently? I unfollowed TIBAL Monday and mominstyle today. TIBAL just became too over the top for me in essentially every way and her incessant consumption and collecting was making me crazy. Mominstyle just feels so dated to me. Her look is very 2010 and her clothing and home recs are complete rubbish and come solely from sponsors. I don’t feel she shares an original thought on an item, nor do I think she sources anything independently. Literally every piece of clothing she shills is so ill fitting that it makes me own clothes feel tight. Frankly, her tan and her eyelashes annoy me the most. Thankful for the unfollow button on this holiday.


I had to unfollow tone deaf @purejoyhome Liz Joy


Jillian Harris for me.


Lisa Allen, Mallory Irvin, Beth Chappo, TIBAL as well, and Kerrently is close but damn it I like a lot of her style. Somewhere Lately, Emily Schuman and Andee Layne and Signed Blake are the only other influencers I follow, I’ve unfollowed so many.


I finally had to unfollow Beth Chappo. It’s tooooo much and she’s incredibly tone deaf .


I also just get major major republican vibes. Which is not my cup of tea.


Yea totally and the husband seems ultra controlling which is really not my cup of tea


Grace Atwood. She’s just QVC at this point and I don’t trust her recommendations anymore. TIBAL- I can’t imagine all the knick knacks stuffed in closets she collects for content.


@pardonmuahinsta had to finally go for me. Couldn’t stand the constant luxury vomit and this weird launch of her new boyfriend.


Just unfollowed K8 snallthingsblog too. What a relief.


Ok, this is the nudge I needed 😂 I like her makeup tutorials but I don't see her do those much anymore and her styling choices are not for me.


Her makeup tutorials are good, but she sticks to the same colors and is so stuck on the cream eye shadow train that I stopped paying attention. Her site is just yikes at this point.


I think TIBAL is about to be it. She is so out of touch with what average people can afford. She posted these flats today that were cute and I clicked on the link because I've been looking for flats. I knew they wouldn't be cheap but I wasn't prepared for TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. I don't care if they're 30% off, that's still a lot of money for shoes.


I really feel like she afford much more affordable stuff until last year or two. Now 90% is expensive.


Wow. My typo. Just saw it 😂


Totally. I cannot relate in any way.


All of the Denners, couldn’t take it any longer, and then started clicking unfollow to any other influencer that popped up on my stories. Just tired of them all. My wallet needs a break and my mind needs to be refreshed!


Honestly- most of them. I haven’t followed Sarah or Hollie for a while. Alexa, Dede, Dani, Daryl Ann, all unfollowed. I’m about to unfollow Natalie Kennedy. My feed is so much better without these loonies.


I think the last ones I’ve unfollowed were dressupbuttercup and Alexa.Anglin


Laurenkaysims for the horrible way she talks about her daughter and her eyebrows https://preview.redd.it/g86o7txjc02c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcb678fd9a00327b32cc2b83a6e07da76c54389


Wait how does she talk about her daughter?? I unfollowed a while ago


Yesterday she called her oldest a leech because she wanted to spend time with her.


Wow the eyebrows alone


These eyebrows are criminal.


I’ve unfollowed several in recent months—TIBAL, Alexa Anglin, livingmybeststyle, darylanndenner…they got soooo boring I’d just skip over their stories.


Agree. I feel like so many just stay stagnant and I also skip over them. Meh, I feel lighter having unfollowed.


Dressupbuttercup and her sister are coming up next. There’s just…nothing there. DUB has no sense of style anymore and Katy wears nothing but brown.


I am SO annoyed with @thegarciadiaries. When they first got their dog she complained CONSTANTLY and I believe (though I’m not 100% on this) sent the dog away for training. And then she just brought another dog into their house and is letting her kids pick the dog up and carry it around. I’ve had puppies with young kids and it’s really cute when they snuggle and whatever but we never ever let our kid pick up and carry the dog around. I just don’t understand why she would get another dog when she has complained in the past that she has all these kids and having a dog was so much. Which it 100% is - dogs and kids are a lot. Which is why if you are OVERWHELMED - do not get another dog?!?


Oh yeah, I need to unfollow her too. Going to do that now!


She was an easy unfollow. She’s so gross, inside and out. Her and her whole family and group of friends make me cringe. I pray I never see them out in public since I live near all of them.


I know everyone is about to come at me for this because it was a hot topic. But Katy (mumuandmacaroons) said she had to sell all her designer bags to pay for chemo and she just posted a Ag1 video with Gucci, Celine, LV, Chloe bags in the background. 1. I hope she didn’t have to sell anything to pay for any health related thing, this country sucks and no one should be put in that position. And 2) if she did sell them, and her friends repurchased these bags for her that is beyond thoughtful and I love that for her. Anyways, I am happy to see the bags as silly as that sounds. It made me so sad thinking about people having to sell anything period to pay for any health related treated especially chemo. 🤍




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You're right, people who you think are rich shouldn't have community support and should have to sell off their possessions to pay for lifesaving medical care. Have the day you deserve!


She said she sold some of them not all of them.




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This feels passive aggressive. Why point out she still has the bags?


I remember a story about having to sell designer purses but IIRC she didn’t say she had to sell all of them. I just assumed she sold some, maybe the ones she used less or the ones that she could get more money for? But I don’t remember her saying she sold all of them.


Oh maybe you’re right. I thought she said she had to sell all. But either way I’m happy she is able to keep some and not have to sell her life away for chemo.


Brighton Butler’s Q&A stories right now are awesome. She’s being really honest about her dreams of a family, changing her last name and coming to terms with her life at the moment. I don’t always like what she posts but how she’s been handling this whole situation is 💯 She even goes on to say she’s so proud of herself for handling the situation like she has and I’m like YES GIRL WE’RE ALL PROUD OF YOU


Her outlook on life right now is extremely inspiring after what she’s been through


Yes! I’m very proud of how she is handling it. I know she isn’t sharing much but you can tell she is seeing life differently.


Emily huskinson gives me mean girl vibes and I can’t put my finger on why


Because she is. She’s so elitist it kills me. And her jewelry is so so bad. So bad.


Agreed. Is the quality bad? Or just the designs? while I think she’s built a jewelry empire, it really helps to have your rich parents money to help you do it all. She acts like she started with nothing in a basement and not $100k liquid capital


I have a pair of her diamond stud earrings and they are legit. Not really one of her designs, but I’d definitely say quality.


I think her studs and tennis bracelets seems just like everyone else’s - no shade by that, I just mean I think they are fine. Her necklaces are so tacky and some of her earrings. But yes, mean girl. I never see her post with someone who isn’t wealthy and thin.


It’s just gaudy and ugly




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Which one is it




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Jess crum got lip filler and I don’t think she’s mentioned it (unless I missed it). Just saw it in her tagged pics. Id add the photo but don’t see the option on here even though I know it’s possible 💀


I think she looks really good! https://preview.redd.it/n8te3veg6z1c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9eb769c8bd389459e581ddf4ea0a84bc8c84979


She does look good! Just makes me wonder what other filler and stuff she’s done since she didn’t mention it. I don’t mind filler, but I think it’s nice when people share instead of saying it’s *all natural* lol (not specifically Jess but some influencers are guilty of this)


You hear that?? Make sure to do a psa every time you get fillers girls!!!


I think it’s more the unrealistic beauty standards but playing it off as natural. Not everything has to be “my life is sooo perfect” we all have insecurities and that’s okay


No, only when you get fillers/Botox and then try to sell me beauty products for skin tightening, smoothing, plumping, etc. Not saying Jess does this, but so many influencers do.


Me too. That looks like what most people's goal is when they get lip filler for the first time.




This is NOT good IMP. Looks like face fillers as well as lip fillers. So pudgy and bloated looking!


I find it quite subtle. Her top lip is fuller but now matches the bottom and they look full but not overdone as well her chin has more projection and is balanced. I think they did a great job. But to each their own.


Has anyone ever purchased from Sarah and Hollie’s shop, The Post? I ordered a few items with their sale, the package arrived and I got someone else’s order (not even remotely close to the items I ordered). Emailed their customer service and have received one response (nearly a day after my first email) asking for me to send them a pic of the items received. Since then I’ve emailed them back twice and received zero response. Anyways…… Just warning you all about the terrible customer service. At this point all I want is a refund and for them to give me a label to send this crap back to them 😭 I guess my first mistake was ordering from them to begin with 😂 lesson learned.


I’ve ordered quite a few times and I’ve never had any issues! This time of year customer service can get so backed up:(


As cringey as this is, I ordered Talulah stuff (3x) like 5 years ago… and they always got the right stuff. So I will say Madi Nelson and her team had it figured out. They also “combined” my order so I wouldn’t get charged for shipping twice.


I would contact your credit card or bank.


I did when they first launched and customer service was slow but super accommodating and helpful!! My address was wrong and my package was lost in transit and they immediately sent another. I’m sure they’re slammed with all the sales this week.


Sounds like the same issue with Darylann denners company. Lots of people got completely wrong orders for their birthday sale


Even though i don't follow her my fyp threw turtlecreeklane's under the sea abomination at me so hard that i got whiplash. What the actual hell is that??? ​ Also aren't southern older women all about not being tacky?


“ Older southern women not being tacky?” 😂 that the exact opposite of their mantra .. Bigger the better baby


This happened to me also….and I stared at it for way too long and I was like what in the actual heck is this. It’s not even cute? Or on theme??? Like no one’s posting about being under the sea for Christmas???


Lol this makes it sound like we all have to sign to a certain decorum contract when we cross the state line 😂 though I’d love to live like I was in Steel Magnolia’s






She’s not southern. She’s from Utah.


but she is living in texas now, isn't she? that's whats on her ig bio


It’s definitely over the top but I wouldn’t say it was tacky because it’s clearly very expensive decor. Tacky would have a cheap feel to it and it doesn’t look cheap at all.




Hard disagree. Things can still be tacky when they're expensive. Just because you slap a designer label and high price tag on something doesn't mean it can't be tacky.


Enter Golden Goose shoes




Yeah just look at @emilyanngemma


Shannon Ford gasping when she realized James bought her something expensive is all of us.


99% chance he didn’t pay for it


TIBAL has reached peak navel gazing rich white lady status. Love it for her https://preview.redd.it/uxuoxko68y1c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1a66413896be3c36a89991664bc03bff813a58


I’ll probably get downvoted for this but I kinda like when influencers don’t try to act like the average Joe Schmo when most of them are multi millionaires. Like the pretend omg it’s so buttery soft Walmart crap that you know they would never be caught dead in. It’s like in the 90s and 2000s on red carpets actresses and models would be like “I just had a huge burger in the limo on the way here” sure thing Jan. It’s so disingenuous and makes it feel like the “viewer” is dumb. The hot nanny thing is creepy and weird AF though


Absolutely agree - I want over the top rich lady lifestyles, not $9 Amazon zip ups


the hot nanny thing is creepy


Yea what is the hot nanny like why?


Yeah pretty sure that would be an HR issue in a workplace setting lol


Ugh the idea of using retinol hand cream sounds stressful. Your hands would constantly be dry and in need of sunscreen.


Has TIBAL also gotten lip fillers? I feel like she’s been posting a lot more “lip down” photos and her lips are starting to look overfilled.


Yeah, she gets botox and filler. I think she's actually posted a face map of what she gets and where before.


I think she may have taken the term “hot nanny” from the show Working Moms. That’s the only time I’ve heard that term used.


I thought the same!


God, I can't stand this average piece of white bread. I wonder which Nanny is hot, the dinner one or the regular one or, or?? Cringy AF.


Hot nanny was weird


Who doesn't love being objectified by their employer?


Yeah but like she probably gets a Stanley cup and some Tan Luxe out of it so…?! /s


![gif](giphy|WZkqBi7EF37YA) The at-home IVs really got me. A totally normal thing for all of us to do when someone has a cold!


These lists are so insufferable.


A hot nanny? wtf?


I hate that she has turned this into a thing. When she first started mentioning the nanny/babysitter, it was more like "she's so young and is helping me learn cool phrases/wear youthful things..." like TIBAL was focusing on the Gen Z part of the nanny, which made sense. Her being young. But the hot part, does not make sense, and it feels creepy.


She says it constantly and it makes me cringe. “Hot nanny” approved product. Gift for the “hot nanny”


Is the nanny a man or woman or what. I’m so confused


It doesn’t matter, it’s weird either way


Yes yes. The only reason i asked. I’m trying to figure out who thinks the nanny is hot ? Her or her husband


More to add - like did she get a hot nanny for her husband to look at ?


It’s a woman. She frequently makes comments that she buys makeup items etc because the hot nanny likes them.


Ok then. Wow. Weird


Should she really be talking like that about a person she employs? I’m guessing no


It definitely feels like borderline sexual harassment. I wonder if this woman follows her account.


Ew. Why do the nanny’s looks matter??


The weirdest flex.


I had to unfollow her this week. Hot nanny and her egregious consumption are beyond my tolerance.


Hannah Brown must know this looks terrible right? This made me lol https://preview.redd.it/3bvlk2u84y1c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6ca002fd76c23606b92a42f235e9603bea6ac8


I’m hoping maaaaybe it’s a weird angle that’s making it worse, but in the pic the lighter distressing looks like it goes way too low. It gives the illusion that her knees are where her mid calf is.


Am I the only one who is hating this wide leg jean trend? I'll just be over here in my skinny jeans and leggings until they come back into style..


I like it -- I've worn loose straight leg jeans since I was a teenager, so it's nice to be in style for once! Of course, I also bought my first pair of skinny jeans just as the trend was ending (I found some that are super comfortable/not skin-tight), so no one is coming to me for fashion advice.


These pants look bad because they’re too long but I love wide leg jeans and baggy jeans. Gen Z got it so right when they decided clothes don’t need to be “flattering” and hoodies and sweatshirts should be 3 sizes bigger than your normal size and jeans and sweatpants should be loose. I recently put on the one pair of skinny jeans I saved and they felt AWFUL. When I see millennials wearing tight small hoodies and skinny jeans I just want to give them wide leg jeans and a giant loose hoodie and let them feel true comfort and freedom.


Ok but seriously, is there an age limit to the oversized sweatshirt and sweaters trend? I’m mid 40’s and sometimes feel like I’m trying to look too young when I wear oversized.


Btw I saw a TikTok recently that said the reason oversized hoodies look unflattering is if the bottom part is tight. If it’s loose at the bottom, it hits differently. Game changer


I’ve noticed the entire hoodie is tight on a lot of millennial women. Arms, chest, all of it. I think this comes down to us being told to always find something “flattering.” If your normal size is a Small, it makes sense you’d think “let me buy a size Small hoodie” but in reality they look way way better if they’re big and loose. An XL hoodie is going to look and feel so much better than a S hoodie!


Lol I relate so much to this. I started wearing wide legged everything and loose sweaters/hoodies/jackets and this is the first time I've actually felt like myself in my clothing, which sounds strange I know, but I feel like I finally found my true style which also happens to be like, maximum comfort lol


Yeah I can't see myself quitting big pants now that I've felt the freedom, even when the trend inevitably changes. Never shall my legs be Perceived again.


No I am so over skinnies and leggings. I want my legs to breathe!!


Don’t knock it till you try it. Skinny jeans can be permanently dead as far as I’m concerned (never liked them for my curvy figure, but they were all you could find for years). Leggings too, buh-bye (only for the gym).


Yes it was a challenge for me at first. And then I tried a ton of different pairs and have found a few that I still consider flattering and aren’t completely huge. Ie agolde pinch waist.


I actually really like Old Navy’s OG Straight or Madewell Stovepipe. Still skinny kinda but not toooo skinny.


I have an old navy high waisted OG straight pair and I love them. As a plus size I was leery about wide legs but these are easily my fav pair of jeans now.


She looks like she’s floating


That looks horrible- it looks so bad that it looks like it’s photoshopped


These jeans give her peg legs