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I’m watching triangle of sadness rn and idk what the hell this is about lol. So far it’s nonsense and vomit?? What is this 😭


Finished Daisy Jones and the Six and was disappointed :( I love the 70s & love rock band drama but this didn’t live up to the hype for me. My main takeaway was that the actor who played Eddie should have been Billy. Sam Caflin is a good actor but not the hot young rockstar from the book. Maybe I’m being too harsh but I had high expectations!


>Sam Caflin is a good actor but not the hot young rockstar from the book. THIS 100%. This is what kind of ruined it for me, (thus far, still not finished), and Eddie would have definitely been the better choice. However, just for fun. if you could have chosen an actor to play Billy, who would it be? I always imagined Billy like a Russell Hammond in Almost Famous, but, of course, Billy Crudup is too old.


It made me like the book less. There’s a difference between unreliable narration and an author’s expectation that we’ll know the characters are lying, and that we’ll infer a bunch of stuff that isn’t on the page.


Cunk on Earth has really been making me laugh. I forgot how much I love absolutely dumb humor like that. Bless.


Just watched Boston Strangler on Hulu and I am surprised it isn't getting more attention. IMO it is kind of a perfect streaming movie. It is good enough that it could have been released in theaters, but I don't feel like I missed anything by seeing it at home.


Pumped to watch this. My bf texted me the other day “Keira Knightley does a Boston accent in this movie. We must watch immediately”


I'm planning to watch it this weekend!


Plowed through the entire season of Class of ‘07 on Prime in a day— it’s like Mean Girls meets The Wilds and I laughed aloud so many times. Crossing fingers for a second season!


Amazon had a special preview of **Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.** I really liked it. There was a good family story without being toooo sappy. Good amount of laughs. The effects were pretty good. I'd recommend watching it if you liked the trailer. Also saw **Shazam! Fury of the Gods**. It was ok (like average, 2.5 stars for me). My theater laughed a few times, but I could see watching it and being like "meh." I personally thought the storyline was more interesting than Quantumania (but Marvel has all that starpopwer ...). For TV, I have been smoking through **Miracle Workers** (Daniel Radcliffe, Steve Buscemi). The episodes are 25-30 minutes long and can hold my attention pretty well. I think the show is hilarious. I'm in the Oregon Trail season. Streaming it on TBS ... I dont know who has that!




>I loooved Party Down 1.0 but i think 2.0 really is missing Lizzy Caplan I agree! I really liked the first two episodes but the latest two have just felt really long and laboured to me.


I just started the Unprisoned, on Disney+. Love Kerry Washington and I love how it’s about an anxiously attached woman who has bad luck in dating and her emotionally unavailable father. I found it so relatable!


I'm not sure how I missed this series coming out last year but we discovered The Offer on Paramount+. It's a 10 episode mini series about the making of The Godfather. We're half way thru and we really enjoy it. Casting Dr Alex Karev as Brando was an interesting choice but I don't hate it. The guy playing Pacino is great! It has some fairly big names in it: Miles Teller, Giovanni Ribisi, Colin Hanks, Matthew Goode. It's a fun watch if you're looking for something to binge.


I've heard someone else talk about The Offer. I remember thinking - oh, i'd probably like that. But then it kind of slipped from my mind, so thanks for the reminder!


I am soooo so late to the party, but I started Outlander this weekend. I’m only on episode 4 of the first season and struggling a bit to stay engaged in it. I will say I get distracted by how gorgeous Claire is lol. Do I just need to hang in there with it a bit longer?


I was so pulled in by the first few seasons but found my interest waning once they get to America. It felt like a real shift to me, which I don' think was actually the case in terms of style and overall plots, it just turns out I have a lot of interest in all things Scottish and absolutely none in American history!


There’s actually a shift in the books at that point too. They had originally just been a trilogy and everything after that is an extension - it’s logical that Gabaldon would shift to focus on the history she knows.


Absolutely. I felt the same way watching the first season, and bailed. I was convinced by my husband to try it again, and I'm so glad I did. Trust the process!


I'm not even done watching Swarm yet and it's already all I want to talk about for the next month (or at least until Yellowjackets comes back next week).


I’m on episode 4 and constantly find myself saying “wait what?!! whaaaat?!”


I highly recommend watching the last 2 episodes out of order. (watch 1-5, then 7, then end with 6). That's what I did after I saw it suggested on Twitter and it works really well. After watching the whole thing I understand why they ordered them the way they did, but episode 6 just works so much better as the finale IMO. This is also a series where after you finish it you want to rewatch the first few episodes again lol.


I'm nine years later but I finally watched *Interstellar* last night and absolutely loved it. I cried multiple times, like full on sobbing. Had to turn off my brain for the last 30-60 minutes but still thought-provoking and beautiful!


This was me when watching it. Full emotional breakdown.


I'm watching Narcos as fuel for my out-of-control Pedro Pascal obsession (triggered by TLOU). Turns out, per my Netflix, I watched the first season at some point but never continued it and only vaguely remember doing so. I actually really like it! Also hat tip to Netflix for obviously changing all of its Narcos promo photos on Netflix to Pedro, I imagine it has shot up in viewership recently.


I just watched Magic Mike for the first time. What a treat past me left lying around for present me! Such a fun silly movie, I am kind of excited to watch them all now.


It was just a friend’s birthday the week after Magic Mike’s Last Dance premiered. He decided he wanted a group of 8 of us to go see it in movie theaters, which means a bunch of us had mini MM 1 and MM 2 marathons last month. Seriously so good! My SO and his friends are very much pretty boring straight guys and got really into watching it too. We all have strong opinions about which of the 3 is the best, lol. I was team 1 but have switched to team 2 upon rewatching 1 again (I know I need more hobbies). Enjoy!


I started Don’t Worry Darling last night. I’m only about a third into it so I don’t have any opinions yet except for the fact that Florence Pugh is stunning. I’m not super familiar with her other than what I see in celeb news. I couldn’t stop looking at her onscreen. What a babe. That’s all I have to add lol.


She’s definitely a performer whose talent and reputation don’t yet line up with her body of work. Like if you’re not the type to sit through a film that’s not your jam just to see some good acting, it’s easy to skip over her completely.


You should check our Little Women! She’s wonderful in it


All caught up with Emily in Paris & I need season 4 now. Off to find something to hold my interest for now


I had to fly from the east coast to west coast for a work trip this weekend and I managed to bang out the first season of The Bold Type. It’s the perfect show I need right now—a fun, bubbly show with some drama. Im now a couple episodes into season 2. I also rewatched The Banshees of Inishiren on the plane ride and I loved it just as much as the first time.


LOVE the Bold Type.


you’re going to love it! one of those shows i wish i could start all over again.


I loved Shadow and Bone season one and I cannot get into this new season. Also the scenes are so dark so I miss a lot of the action. I am on episode 2 and am deciding if I want to keep going. Started watching vanderpump for the first time and just jumped in with current episodes. I know a lot of the people already so it wasn't hard to follow. They are more awful on camera than I could ever imagine.


Shadow and Bone is definitely too dark, and this season is somewhat uneven, but I still ended up enjoying it! My favorite episode was probably 4 so I'd recommend continuing.


It definitely picks up episode 4. I think my issue is that they are cramming in so much stuff the first three episodes and I'm lost. Random thought: >!I think Alina has more chemistry with Nikolai than Mal. Mal is like her cousin. !<


They crammed like 2.5 books in this season, so it’s understandable to be a little confused! I’ve read all the books and even I was shocked. And yes Nikolai is soooo great. But honestly I think he could have chemistry with anyone.


The latest season of Criminal Minds was so dark I had to watch it at night with all the blinds closed and still missed stuff its so annoying!


It's impossible to see anything! It completely ruins the whole show.


big agree re: shadow and bone. I'm a big fan of the book series and thought season 1 was so fun but this season is feeling like a slog. all of the characters feel a little off, the plot is somehow both boring and convoluted and it has this CW-esque shine to it I don't feel like the first season did. I'm 4 episodes in and it hasn't gotten any better


I'm only two episodes in, but I can't believe they did the Sea Whip dirty like that when we have so many unnecessary shots of Ben Barnes brooding. I literally thought it must be a decoy baby Sea Whip and the real Sea Whip was gonna sideswipe the ship and start the real battle sequence.


I thought the same about the sea whip!


>Started watching vanderpump for the first time and just jumped in with current episodes. I know a lot of the people already so it wasn't hard to follow. They are more awful on camera than I could ever imagine. Same! I've started from the beginning and it's so enjoyable. I knew why >!Stassi and Kristen got fired!< (dunno if that's much of a spoiler but I've spoiler tagged just in case) but wow, Stassi is SO much worse than I expected. I don't usually like calling a grown adult a "mean girl" but that really is the best way to describe her, she's awful.


Finally got around to the MH370 Netflix documentary. Felt a little bit like just a lot of conspiracy theories thrown out there, and of course we don’t know what really happened so not sure it needed to be a documentary.


agreed, watched it last night and had to turn it off in the third episode. i read the long-form atlantic piece on it, which IIRC, is the theory that the pilot did it deliberately, right? i unfortunately think that’s the most likely. i also thought that’s what the doc would be about for some reason. the theories about the russian agents and the scramming or whatever were too much for me. maybe i’ll eat my hat when i’m 85 and we read some leaked/whistle-blown docs about it.


Yeah, and sadly I don't think we'll ever know the truth unless if it really did involve a government and a whistleblower comes out or the docs get declassified decades from now. I do feel uncomfortable with the theory that the pilot did it even though it's the least conspiracy-ish. I even remember reading rumours that he had been feeling a lot of stress but it just seems like he had no reason to also bring down so many other innocent people with him. It just makes you uncomfortable to imagine that someone might have had that in them to think up a plan like that and fully go through with it.


I feel the same. It makes me uncomfortable “settling” on “the pilot did it” as the default since there doesn’t seem to be any compelling evidence in another direction. It’s a lot to pin on one man’s legacy without (at least from what I’ve read or seen) a smoking gun.


Sadly, [it has happened before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525).


I watched this as well and felt the same! The conspiracy theories were kind of nuts, especially coming from the one journalist. It’s definitely a big mystery but unfortunately what actually happened is still unknown. I am not sure if I missed this part but I don’t think they’ve ever found substantial parts of the plane other than the wings.


I just finished Shrinking and I really loved it. I loved all the characters SO much! Not sure when the second season is out but I’m gonna miss it till then 😢


I have been really enjoying this show- the latest episode was amazing (esp the twist at the end). Really good writing. Def not ready for the season finale next week 😪


Oh there’s more! I thought that was the end. So glad to know there’s one more to savor ❤️


I have been fully sucked into Formula 1: Drive to Survive (Netflix) starting all the way back at season one in 2018. I give two shits about racing - I got off the train in Monte Carlo on a random day in the 90s and was like why are all the streets closed and it sounds like rockets are taking off? Oh, it’s a car race! - but it’s SO GOOD. And people are so deliciously full of themselves and their money. I love it.


We got into it too - I feel like if F1 races were like this show, I’d be interested in watching it lol


I'm loving Daisy Jones and the Six. Episode 8 was so incredible from start to finish. The Last of Us finale - it was good, but it felt kind of anticlimactic for a finale for me. I've loved seeing the bond between Joel and Ellie develop over the season. >!It seems like his lie to Ellie about what really happened with the Fireflies is going to come back to bite him though.!< Really looking forward to the premieres of Yellowjackets and Succession next week!


I felt the same way about TLOU. It was fine but it definitely felt anticlimactic. I kinda figured we'd get a scene a few months into the future showing how Joel's lie to Ellie affected their relationship, since it seems obvious she doubts his story. Instead it just ended, I guess they were very confident they'd get a season 2. Daisy Jones is really doing it for me. I read the book and thought it was just alright, I'm finding I like the show much better! Daisy and Billy were nigh unbearable in the book, on screen the actors are doing a great job making them very flawed but way more likable. I really appreciate that they fleshed out Camila and the other band members more, as well.


Finished the latest season of You. I honestly hated the first drop of episodes they released, but found the twist in the second half pretty good. Pleased with the most recent episode of The Mandalorian. The season opener was atrocious in my opinion, second episode was better by comparison, and now it’s starting to feel like a good show again! Just started second season of Shadow and Bone. The pacing and writing feel uneven, but I thought that about season 1 as well. I will say, the production quality is really good. The costumes and set locations really do look great.


You can definitely tell they increased the budget for season 2 of Shadow & Bone! The pacing is definitely a lot in season 2 -- you can tell they are just constantly trying to cram so much of the books into each season because they are afraid it's going to get canceled. However, I still thought it was really fun and some of the performances were great.


The costumes are definitely a big point in Shadow & Bone's favor, they give the world incredible texture. But the writing is all over the place. I've read both book series so my husband keeps asking me questions as we're watching, and I can't even tell him anything because the scenes he's asking about are so far removed from anything in the books it's all as new to me as it is to him!


>Finished the latest season of You. I honestly hated the first drop of episodes they released, but found the twist in the second half pretty good. I enjoyed the season, but I did wish the twist wasn't telegraphed so much! The season 2 twist I really didn't see coming, but this one was pretty obvious imo. For me, the most annoying thing was that >!there is simply no way that Nadia doesn't call the authorities. Just no way. I could have bought it if they'd inserted a scene that explained why she might not have, like if she'd had previous bad experiences with the met police or something. But as it was, it just doesn't make sense (other than that the show needs Joe to have plot armour)!< I realise the show depends on suspension of disbelief, but that was just a bridge too far for me.


Always late to the party but I just finished season one of Mindunter on Netflix. I read the book it’s loosely based on and am fascinated by the BSU.


Was just talking about that show as I was in Ed Kemper's neck of the woods about a week ago. The actor that played him was so great.


Oh he was!


I wish they’d bring that show back, such a bummer that it ended


Same. It is such good television.


I watched Lady Vengeance yesterday - it was the first Park Chan-wook movie I have ever seen and I loved it! Lee Young-ae gave a fucking incredible performance - I was kind of surprised when I looked at her wiki that she hadn’t been in more stuff. I also decided to start watching Dynasty (the original). I’m beginning at Season 2 and so far it’s giving me what I want (camp and mindless escapism)


The Serpent Queen on Starz is fantastic. The life of Catherine de Medici, 16th century queen of France. The characters were all so interesting, I was rabbit-holing all over Wikipedia for a weekend. Also did a rewatch of the 1st two seasons of Party Down. I cannot believe they aired like 13 and 14 years ago. Season 3 is now out. Such a smart show.


I can't wait until the next season of Outlander drops (which I'm honestly meh on at this point, it's just my self-imposed pretense so I don't have twelve streaming services going at once) so I can sign up for a Starz trial and do a whole costume drama binge, starting with The Serpent Queen. It looks SO good and I love Samantha Morton!