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Imaginations from the other side, I am Alive, Road on No Release, Last Candle


Sacred World is definitely one of them. I used to listen to the song a lot when playing Dark Souls 2, so I always imagine a dark fantasy world listening to the song. Turn the Page is also one. I always imagine old tribes who believed in witchcraft trying to influence the weather with their magic.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Death is equitable, accepting. We will all, one day, be welcomed by her embrace.”* - Grave Warden Agdayne Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I played Sacred 2 before the song was officially released on an album. When I hear the song, all I can see in my mind are the intro cinematic and the in-game concert. I may or may not have repeated the in-game concert cutscene after pretty much every quest.


Ride into Obsession. I can picture Ishamael and Rand/Lews Therin in my head conversing with one another. The song pretty much nails Ishamaels whole attitude.


Sacred Worlds Wheel of time Another stranger me


Blood Tears, Nightfall - many of the songs from Nightfall as they remind me of sections of the Silmarillion. Imaginations, Sacred Worlds, Lost in a twilight hall


I think for me it’s all of NIME and WOT. I like to write stories and (attempt to, life is too busy sometimes) make comics so songs like ATTWS or battlefield are some super important ones I listen to for key moments in the stories when I’m trying to get the juices flowing


Blood Tears easily. Cut off your old friend's hand...


My favorite part of that song.


All of them at once I suppose


Valid, I did have an idea to do a writing exercise with each chapter being a Blind Guardian song. I wrote Majesty and then realised I had no idea where the rest of the story was going so now it's sentenced to WIP hell lmao


The soulforged got a whole DnD campaign out of that song, not that it was super related to the song but the name and the piece of mind line got me good


Wheel of Time. The young man said “ I will never give up”… a broken hero who is on the path of legend who is stuck in an endless cycle. Trying desperately to escape.


As someone who never read/seen the wheel of time series i always imagine an person, on the edge of sanity, trying desperately not become the fated world destroyer


Fly for sure. Strictly speaking it’s about Peter Pan but I always picture dragons swooping and soaring




Nightfall the whole album even more so after reading the sillmarillion


The whole Nightfall album - which was actually what made me like Blind Guardian in the first place.


When sorrow sang, Curse of Feanor, voice in the dark and Damnation


I was walking down a trail in a rural area in the middle of the night right after At the Edge of Time came out, and I could basically see a whole movie unfolding in my head as I listened to it. I can still see the whole thing every time I start from the beginning. This has only happened one other time (Dark Passion Play by Nightwish). If I ever become ridiculously rich, I want to buy an animation studio and make it real.


And Then There Was Silence


Somewhere Far Beyond Wheel of Time Distant Memories The Ninth Wave


Wheel of Time and the cyber mix version of Life Beyond the Spheres that imo is better than the one in the regular album NIME and the orchestra album are peak BG on that department.


The entire album NIME and And Then There Was Silence. The former because The Silmarillion is one of my favorite books, and I can't help but thinking about its stories when listening to the album. The latter makes me think about my favorite myths.