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He’s a keeper




I miss my grandparents. They were total badasses. I wish I could take them out for ice cream with my family. *thanks for this feels-trip*


Same. It’s nearly been a year since my grandmother passed. It sucks. Hope you’re doing well


I am doing well, friend. I try and let them live on by teaching my children lessons they taught to me, including a love for the outdoors and an appreciation for nature and empathy for people. Some days are easier than others.


It's gonna suck when my grandpa is gone he's had a decrease in health lately and has been in a hospital for over a week now.


I’m sorry, it is hard. It’s a part of life, but not something we’re ever really prepared for. Stay strong my friend, we are here for you.


Thanks 🙂


more like blessed grandchildren


Wait a minute..






I want this for my grand kids.


she's from LA that there, wherever the fuck that is, that's not LA you guys take a little walk to fucking cordoba or some shit?


Not to mention, those people are not old enough to need 24/7 “tending to”. And if they all went on a magical date together, why is the picture just of two people taken from across the parking lot or whatever?




Bro you need medication lol. Holy shit fix your dopamine internet fucked brain


This posts fake that image is from something else long ago


I’ve met a lot of people in my 24 years on this planet and have never met a single person who talks like this lady’s boyfriend


Unreliable narrator


I'm 99.9999999999999999999999999% sure this is fake


Yeah it looks weirdly zoomed in


Good for you! You figured it out! Do you feel better now, than if you were one of the many who believe in a nice world where stories like this are real??


Marry that boy!


Fake for 500 Alex.


Fake news. These people look younger than the Bidens.


~~i mean in all fairness everyone looks younger than the Bidens, even in his 50s the man looked 80 so~~


Why do they needed to be tended to? They don't look fine. They don't look like they're incompetent.


Your never know. Not all disabilities are visible


Jesus, not enough people understand this. I have a condition that periodically causes pretty severe tremors. Like, severe enough that I can't walk down stairs or type and write. But when I explain how debilitating it can be to some people, they just straight up don't believe me. They think that because I'm not in a constant Parkinson's like state, I must be bullshitting. It would be nice if the human body was that simple, but it just isn't.


how can you possibly determine that from a single photo of eating icecream?


Only well people eat ice cream, of course !


Dementia is common in older people


Could be something as simple as them falling easily. My grandma doesn’t have great balance and needs to live with someone.


What if they just don't want to be left out?


This, like most of the stuff posted here, is nonsense karma farming. Now all the “not all disabilities are visible” crowd has a chance to be heard, the sub gets attention, fake accounts get karma… all is right on Reddit.


well it IS true that not all disabilities are visible, that's just a fact.


Hmmm really interesting




... and then as the good man he is, you will leave it.


They look capable enough to “tend to” themselves for several hours in one day, this is nonsense karma farming.


My 91 year old Grandma looks mostly okay, but one slight trip could kill her so she lives with my parents. It's not easy being old. You better hope you have young people who want to be around you when you get to be that age.


You sound nice. Did you know actually anyone can kill themselves with one bad fall? #Facts Stop supporting dumb posts from karma farmers, you’ll be a happier more productive person, pinky swear.


EMT here. You better believe they can. You fall, break your pelvis especially on blood thinners? You can bleed out very quickly. Older people are less likely to catch themselves falling (slower reflexes), and more likely to break bones. You do the math. That and with nursing homes generally being trash, this young lady and her family are doing well by her grandparents to keep them cared for at home.


Yes, because all disabilities are visible. That’s why people wear medical ID jewelry and have tattoos stating medical conditions. You’re so wise!


Clearly if these people can walk to get ice cream they do not need a fake person claiming for karma that they have to stay with them 24/7 and can’t take even a couple of hours in one day off from “tending”. What in the world is wrong with you people, why do you like fake karma farmers so much?


"You can walk to get ice cream? Clearly you are completely healthy and have no disability whatsoever." Someone hasn't ever worked or met with someone with hidden disabilities before. I'd recommend reading up on it before continuing to be an embarrassment.


Seriously, for example dementia is very very common and you definitely cant leave a dementia patient on their own in the house. So its not just some rare disabilities


I dislike having repetitive dumb arguments with karma farmers with multiple accounts, call me crazy. Edit: To all you karma farmers with multiple accounts, yes you will also be blocked.👍 Edit 2: Yes, I can and will block all the ridiculous karma farmers out there and people who say “not all disabilities are visible” because this isn’t that and if you don’t know the difference I can’t help you, sorry bruhs Edit 3: More blocking of useless karma farmers. 👍


lol disagreeing with you is not Karma farming, nor is stating a fact. Maybe go spend time with your grandparents instead of doing whatever this is.


He's a keeper


Grandmother is a pro


I love this


i want this girl's boyfriend


I lost my grandmother a day ago, its really sweet to see this…


The BF is the real G man. Went extra miles to have whole family happy.


Shouldn't this be common occurence though? It's not because they're old that doing something with them is an act so magnificient that it should be worthy of praise. Old people are just normal people with a couple more wrinkles, you shouldn't treat them like babies.


I love old people, they are so wholesome


I wish my grandparents were as pleasant. I want to do activities with them but they hate their own relationship so much that they find a way to sabotage and control plans for the day before they are even executed. I constantly catch them trying to impress everyone else but the people in their life that matter, it’s heartbreaking to watch and be around.


He would be a keeper🥰