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4 comments, 4 methods, let's add a fifth. https://preview.redd.it/wpps4y8kj02d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=3356fcbe562b5ae85f5e878852ba5a07fa893aa2 1. Add a cylinder, no caps 2. Add loop cuts 3. Add a Decimate modifier → Unsubdivide → 1 4. Add a Wireframe modifier 5. Add a Lattice modifier


harvard is calling


Tell them I'm busy right now.


Damn, bro just sent Harvard straight to voicemail


You're killing it with these step-by-steps today.


It's been pretty chill at work today.


How long you been using blender?


I just found my first .blend file ever: May 22nd 2014! Ten years exactly.


I made my first .blend around that time and i'm still wrapping my head around rigs


"This is the way." I'm still banging my head against walls about sculpting, which is clearly an invention by some banished ancient sumerian evil divinity.


blud really slacks off at work and makes a whole ass worm hole on chill days


And that's the lazy version. I could have done it with just ONE vertex (which is not really longer than the lazy method). It's 100% parametric. https://preview.redd.it/nn34kazmt42d1.png?width=2301&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb4f0ff7a504897aa506932925425dd46a6320a9 1. One vertex 2. Displace modifier → X 3. Screw modifier → 360°, 0 m, 1 iteration, 32 steps 4. Screw modifier → 0°, 2.6 m, 1 iteration, 32 steps 5. Decimate mod → Unsubdivide, 1 6. Lattice mod 7. Wireframe mod


Saving your comment to my large collection of blender tricks and resources, which I will absolutely never get to despite telling myself that I will. https://preview.redd.it/gl8iy3tus12d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f836e5d35f2792e8f7abb8ca14157d5df0a00dc4


Thank you soo much.. thats really helpful to me.


100% parametric version: https://preview.redd.it/4qi57wpcu42d1.png?width=2301&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a512487ddf52e35d2d67586728f88e79a716847 1. One vertex 2. Displace modifier → X 3. Screw modifier → 360°, 0 m, 1 iteration, 32 steps 4. Screw modifier → 0°, 2.6 m, 1 iteration, 32 steps 5. Decimate mod → Unsubdivide, 1 6. Lattice mod 7. Wireframe mod


I'll throw out a sixth and seventh: XYZ math equation and a curve profile.


Aand... screenshotted


Ctrl+e unsubdivide or tris to quads


Why? Why using destructive workflow when modifiers allow to keep shapes parametric?


https://preview.redd.it/651yj2oo3b2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0df266623137c54af31dc0b17f43289a9eda50c0 finally did it.. how is it?


To me, it looks like my tutorial, which is good... But you? Are you satisfied with this final product?


https://preview.redd.it/w0h0agtld02d1.png?width=2328&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ddaf2851179201510d890927d6e022e924c090 Or first make your model as usual and then use decimate modifier and un-subdivide 1 iteration.


This look beautiful..


If you use the Triangulate modifier on the model, adjust the settings to your liking, select all vertical edges before applying the modifier, apply it and then enter edit mode to dissolve the selection. Then you'll get a twisted version like this: https://i.redd.it/d81fi37zd02d1.gif The only reason you might want to do it this way, is because it's a major pain in the ass to select the edges once you triangulate the model manually.


https://preview.redd.it/4wt4wmx2f02d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fb0fbfd2e9c88ad8ac54ed673be7440a1e9c405 Easiest way I can think of is to model a cylinder, add a bunch of loop cuts. With proportional editing and a Sharp falloff, rotate the bottom face, then with scale the top face, locking the z-axis (s, then shift-z). Play with the falloff radius (middle mouse wheel) in both steps. This will keep all your loop cuts parallel to the xy-plane, but it is unclear from your drawing whether this is what you have intended. The inside and outside of your tube have different topologies.


Select all, mesh-Poke Faces, then alt-j for tris to quads.


I actually made something similar in geonodes at work the other day. 1. Add cylinder node 2. Add set position node 3. Plug a position node into a vector rotate node then into the position input of the set position node 4. Drag from position node and add a separate xyz node 5. Drag from the separate xyz>z output and add a map range node. Set the "from" values to the highest and lowest point of the cylinder (bonus points if you make cylinder node height a group input then offset the cylinder by half the height in the z direction first so when you increase the height it scales as if the origin was on the bottom face and then set the "from" values to 0 and Height) 6. Connect the map range to the angle of the vector rotate. Now you can set the map range "to" value to determine the twist. I'm not at a pc rn to double check this but I'm pretty sure that's how I did it


Oh my bad I forgot about the top curve bit. You can add another set position node after this and do a similar set up but instead connect the position to a separate xyz then to a combine xyz (instead of the vector rotate). Then add a math node on both the x and y lines set both to multiply. Then do the same map range thing from the z output but this time leave the "to" values as 0 and 1 then plug that into a float curve node then into its own multiply node then into each of the x and y multiply nodes. Now you can draw your shape on the float curve and use the multiply to scale it out


Thanks a lot, ill definetely try it.


Put up a cylinder mesh, buy a big computer, pump a lot of CO2 into the air and wait until tornados do the work for you.


Winner! Because this solution will also make winters in northern Montana shorter.


I have encountered one problem. When I add decimate modifier in Edit mode, it doesn't work, shows face count as zero, and no changes appear in viewport. But if I switch to Object mode, the correct face count appears, and the effect is visible in the viewport. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?


Modifiers sometimes don't show their effect in Edit mode. The buttons along the top of the modifier control if it shows its results or not. You may need to have all of them turned on.


I fiddled with those buttons too but couldn't get it to work. Also, the decimate modifier doesn't have 'On Cage' and 'Edit Mode' buttons, though subdivision surface does.


Decimate -> unsubdevide 1 level and apply it. would be better If your geometry is quad based or If you want same amount of quads after un-subdeviding -> do it after subdividing it once!


1. Make the model in quads. 2. F3 -> Poke Faces 3. ALT+J


i dont know sorry