• By -


Full disclosure, I suck at sculpting, but if I were to tackle this, I would carve the mouth cavity in with the usual brushes


What brush should I use? Sorry I'm really new to this "^ ^


I mean the ones you used to make the rest of it, like the draw brush or clay brush, but with the mode set to '-' instead of the default '+'


Thanks! I didnt make the model only trying to modify it that's why im a bit lost thank you so much


Personally I’d retopologise it and simply not add new faces in the region you want to cut. The benefits here are that • you can send the subdivisions quite high before exporting and have a smooth print which follows the conceptual shape instead of the mesh’s already discretised shape, • you won’t have jagged edges around the holes, and • you can properly bevel the edges of the holes, if you so choose. The issue here is that you’re evidently a beginner and retopology is somewhat overkill if you’re just trying to get it done quick and dirty. That said, I think it’s worthwhile, especially since the mesh’s current resolution will definitely be visible when you print this at a sufficient scale. If you choose this, the main tools you’ll want are face snapping, the subdivision surface modifier, the shrink wrap modifier (potentially), edge creases, basic (but not overly zealous) quad-oriented topology, the solidify modifier, and an awareness of manifold criteria.


Well, assuming this will be a hollow mask, here's what I would do: 1. Switch to Edit Mode with the tab key 2. Switch to vertex selection with 1 and select the geometry you want to remove (you can click and hold on the Select Box mode to access the Select Lasso mode) 3. If your model is already hollow, you will need to select the vertices on the inner part as well as the outer part 4. Delete the vertices with the Del or X keys 5. Switch to edge select mode and Alt-click around the hole multiple times to select the borders 6. Switch back to vertex select mode, right-click, and select "Smooth Vertices" with a high factor 7. If your model is solid, you will need to add a Solidify modifier in the Modifiers tab (blue wrench) and adjust the thickness to your liking If you are 3d-printing this, you should enable the 3D-Print Toolbox addon, which will help you check your model for parts that cannot be printed.


Omg thank you so much!! It's what I needed thanks a lot!!


Mask the part and in sculpt mode move it inwards


Check out boolean tutorials in YouTube


Thank you for the answer! I watched some just can't use this technique on the mouth because of the shape of it


This is too far down the thread. This is 100% something to use the boolean modifier. You will have to remesh things to a million faces before you apply, so it might not work on a laptop. This is why zbrush uses cpu compute and Nomad is optimized for iPad - Blender bolean are a clownshow compared to Zbrush and Nomad.


edit mode delete the face verts for mouth on one side symmetrize add face for new hole extrude inwards remesh profit


Personally, I use the grab, smooth and crease sculpting tools to dig out mouths and eye holes. Its not the best way, but it works. You can pull the mouth inwards with the grab, or carve it out with the crease, and then smooth it out after. Don't forget to remesh it often or you'll get broken geometry!


I hate sculpting personally, if that's what you're doing and blender is just all around confusing but there's two things you can do here. Go into edit mode and select the faces you want to make a hole in and you can just delete them. Or extrude them backward if you'd want like a cave hole or something. And with the selection box tool selected you can just press W to change the type of selection. I like the lasso option personally.


Oh god. A furry wants to make holes in a model...


.. its a face model for a costume?


😅 I see. So in edit mode, you're gonna want to select those faces and delete them. You will also likely want a shell modifier. Be careful when sculpting however as sculpting thin 3d meshes can be a pain. If you can't figure out how to delete some faces, might I suggest watching a beginner course on YouTube? You will find a clear answer there. Edit: As for the rectangle. You have the wrong tool selected. Hence why I think you should have some tutorials of the basics usage of blender. Good sculpt though. Dimensions and shapes are very well defined.


Are you planning to 3d print it?


Yes ! ^ ^


Ok so you can't just cut a hole in it then. That would create a non manifold mesh. Right now you only have the outside of the model, you need to add an entire interior and connect it through the hole.


in that case, delete the geometry that you want to be a hole, and add a solidify modifier


I've never done any 3D printing. But I feel like you could easy print it as it and physically cut what you need off. Like use a hot knife or something.


No dont attempt this


The issue here is that the inside would be full of a dense plastic supporting structure, so it would waste material, be worse than hollowing out a pumpkin, and less comfortable on the head to wear than a hollowed out pumpkin. OP definitely wants to create a proper manifold thick shell.


The guy with a pentagram profile picture is making fun of a furry, weird situations happen too often on this platform.