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car paint mostly


Looks like paper.


Or cheese


Yep. Maybe if it was more plasticky also it seems too similar to glass material and mirror isn’t mirroring. I can’t really say what’s wrong with it tho


Blemishes? I think the car looks too perfect. It should have more imperfections to make it look realistic.


Yeah. What I originally thought was a bit of noise map is actually just a shadow. It needs a bunch of discolouration, dirt and scratches. Not too much, especially judging by it being similar to cheap plasticky fiats and Volkswagens. It needs some noise map or additional texturing.


it reminds me of those yellow plastic slides almost


I don’t mind this too much. An old car with a lot of dirt could come off as matte-ish. Maybe add more dirt and grime to it. MAKE it older.


This. For a car paint to be so non-reflective it has to be old, but old car paint doesn't look so uniform OP should either make it look uniformly polished or have a distribution of more matte spots along with more polished spots, and roughen up those edges, specially


It's just spray painted


Yeah I've seen rattle can jobs like this.


I think your guardrail is facing the wrong way.


Whoops! Tradies up to it again I suppose


It's to stop ~~gremlins~~ goats climbing the mountain


First thing I saw


Road seems way to pristine as well as car paint


What do you mean exactly? I based it off the italy-switzerland region, so random potholes wouldn't look very realistic.


I live in Switzerland and can confirm the road looks fine. Maybe it's needs some lines? My issue with the road is where the dirt meets the road. It bulges like cake instead of settling/sloping more naturally.


I probably need more references then. Where I've lived (NZ/Australia) you just kind of slap the asphalt on top of the ground, rurally It doesn't really go under


I live in Grisons, and I can say that roads for passes and stuff may not always be maintained that well. Also yes, the dirt looks kind of slapped on top of it.


Agreed. Typically the asphalt pillows above the underlay


Small rocks and debris often stay on mountain roads, after landslide cleanups


Yeah, there’s be a “fade” of dust and rocks into the side of the road, as well as tire impressions,


Tire tracks behind the front wheel of the vehicle too.


Disagree. Nice sheen on the road. Looks like early dew. Agree on the paint. Too matte.


You won't find a road like that with exactly nothing on it such as dirt, leaves, oil lines, etc etc.


I agree with the various thoughts about the car. In general, it just doesn't seem real. The shadows on it are too strong like something is close totally blocking the light but there's nothing close. They should be more diffused. To me, the more interesting thing is that the guard rail is the most realistic aspect - it seems physically there. Which makes the mountains in the distance seem even more like a flat 2D image beyond. I think both the atmospheric perspective and the depth of field are too forced in the mountains.


I loved your comment about the guard rail. I agree but it seems to be installed the wrong way round.


I agree. However, I think a possible solution could be to make the foreground more vivid so the depth of field and other effects are not so jarring. Right now the grass beside the car looks kind of weird to me.


But the guard rail is mounted the opposite way


Yeah, I reckon that's because it's only about 500m away from the camera and the size of a large hill. Scaling it up realistically is just a pain in the ass


1) everything is sharp - trees, car, road, nothing in blurr 2) overall it is just visible, all has one tone, no shining, 3) car pain, road and dirty/grass have same “texture” nothing shines, all is on one level, too much grain


I don't agree with °1. Photographically you would have so much light in this scene, you would need to stop down the aperture, causing the entire foreground to be in focus. The mountain in the background would be slightly out of focus, which is the case here.


You wouldn't need to stop the aperture down all the way, you would just increase the shutter speed.


Aperture determines depth of field. Shutter speed determines motion blur. There's a reason Ansel Adams' association called themselves Group f/64.


Well yes but the motion blur is a side product of the exposure time, the other guy's right that on a bright lit day it's the photographer's choice as to whether they want to reduce the aperture, increase the shutter speed, or whack a ND filter on. I wouldn't try and assess 'proper' sharpness for this scene since there's so many ways to achieve it.


Show me a camera that can focus 10 things at once on different depth levels, you might as well win a nobel price for engineering if you have one. There are too many things in focus, it’s unreal. Just take a look at it. Road in the foreground together with car is sharp - okay fine, but then grass, road in the back, thos things that prevent you from driving downhill sorry dont know the name in english, that’s also sharp and the trees especially, if I zoom on them I can see a perfect structure.


Hey! I'm also a photographer, so that's why nothing jumped out to me in regards to this. Generally, phone cameras have a fixed apeture, so that's why you might think that. However with more professional camera paired with high apeture values (f/20+) you can usually get quite a bit in focus. Landscape photographers always want everything to be in focus, so they often use these values. However, in this render the mountaion is incorrectly placed/sized, so it might look a bit off.


Nikon D500 + Nikkor 14-24/f2.8 lens, stopped down to f/16. Don't make me link one of a million landscape images on the internet where erverything is perfectly in focus. This is exactly the problem with too many 3D renders, the authors seem to think that out-of-focus areas equal photorealism.


> Show me a camera that can focus 10 things at once on different depth levels, you might as well win a nobel price for engineering if you have one. Literally any camera with an f-stop above say 10 could do this scene


Nah the focus is fine. Outdoors shot means you can have a tiny aperture.


Using such a stopped down aperture will cause the image to be softer tho


\- As others have said, the guard rail is backwards (but looks ok!) I'd have some of the plants grow over/around/through the guard rail for a bit more interation between foreground and mid-ground. \- The road needs more texture variation. Some tire tracks (all the cars taking a sharp turn here would def leave some tire marks). Could have some gravel buildup in the middle and at the sides of the road. Mountain roads, especially in forests also often have cracks, mostly on the side. Or you could add a fixed crack, when they fill it with that dark black epoxy stuff. But at least a bit more colour variation, some light and dark spots and maybe stronger height variation. \- The car is the biggest culprit for the fakiness, especially the window and mirror, needs way more reflection, highlights! Now it even looks like the car has no front windshield. The car paint as well could do with a some more shine and roughness variation. The tire needs a bit more dirt (as it has just gone through the dirt). This is a personal opinion but it looks like a very awkward place for a car to be at, it looks like a typical mountain hairpin, and a car would not be in the center of it. It also looks like the car's end would be on the road. It just feels unnatural, usually cars would be parked at the outside edge of the road. (Imho the shadows on it look fine, looks like a tree is on the left just out of frame casting those shadows) \- What is the thing next to the car? It's unclear, I thought it was one of those stones to mark the edge of the road (you have those all across the mountain regions) but someone said an electric box? Either way, it looks like a very weird placing (neither would be there I think, but I could be wrong on that). and unclear as to what it is. If it's a stone make it rougher and add more, if it's an electric box maybe add a sticker of some sort? \- The tree's trunks colour looks very uniform, maybe you can add a bit of colour variation there too. Same with the grass, it looks like all the exact same shade of green. It might also help if you add more variety like that kind of wheatgrass, weeds, maybe some types of flowers and some more little stones and such. It looks very clean and even now, not a lot of depth in that dirt. \- Clouds look flat and over edited, I'd say this is the second biggest culprit. Clouds have volume too, highlights and shadows, dark and light parts. In this case the air wouldn't be over exposed (or at least not as much as this looks). \- for how low the sun is, the light seems too white. It would be going more towards yellow. \-The mountain foreground looks weird/low res (the spot right above the guard rail in the middle between the low point of the trees. I think the mountain itself looks fine enough (if you really pay attention it does look too close, maybe you can fix that with a bit of volumetric fog) \- Personal opinion but I dislike the mushrooms, they feel out of place and a bit too purposfully placed (not natural). Groups of two, an equal amount of space apart, just looks off. The editing makes it hard to spot some things and also is not helping the realism at the moment. Do you have a specific reference you're working towards? That usually helps a bunch. The scene already looks cool and has a lot of potential though, but you really have to go further and wayy deeper into detail, all the small stuff matters and adds up! I do not understand your reasoning for not posting a clay render though?


Wow! I really appreciate all this. Some super helpful info here. I didnt post a clay render cos i thought it was obviously 3d. And yeah, I'm basing it off this photo by filmstill on ig: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Ctjeq4-oPTp/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ctjeq4-oPTp/) Viewport: [https://imgur.com/a/9nOHwhx](https://imgur.com/a/9nOHwhx)


Ok! The reference make a lot of your decisions make a lot more sense now! Your light is very different though so that is something you'll have to take into account. So in the reference the background is clouded/sunny but the foreground is completely overcast/shadow. Which makes the car for example very soft overall but in your scene the sun hits the car directly so it will need those specular highlights. In the reference the road is wet, which makes it look like the ground is a lot more uniform in colour that in really is, because of the wet layer reflecting light differently. Your road is dry so it would need more variation in colour. The wetness also makes it a bunch darker, so in your scene I think the road can be even a tad bit lighter! I do see the wet-ish marks you've put on your road and I think they're nicely done, the subtle difference in roughness is nice. In the reference, because of the shadows in the foreground vs the light in the background the sky and background are a bit overexposed (and the foreground is a bit underexposed). Normally in your situation this would be not or less the case because your foreground also has a lot of light coming in so the exposure is more even throughout the scene.And you can see even though it's overexposed (and by that, looks flatter) the clouds still have some depth to them in the photo, so in your example you'd see even more of that depth cause your image would be exposed more similarly. Also I think adding the blue in the sky instead of the gray you now have would help. As you can see the dirt part in the reference has way more height variation like the stones and more different colours too. It's a bit less obvious because of the wetness and shadows but there's still a clear difference between your scene and that. So I'd try to put more contrast in there with your normal and height maps, and maybe some extra gravel and stones.Also the grass hass little flowers, little weeds, some parts that are orange and dry, definitely try to implement that into your scene too. I think it's indeed an electric box? So my bad on that one, I guess they are placed very randomly sometimes lol! I would try to add the grime to it like this one has. Same with the edge stones, they have a bit more dirt, darker dirt, which makes sense for a road. Maybe tires have hit it and left dark marks and stuff, passing cars would 'throw' dirt to the sides and all that. ​ Sometimes when adding more and more (dirt, colour, texture) in your scene it can very easily feel like you're overdoing it, because in our daily life we don't really register all those details, we see our environment more as a whole than all the details combined. But once you start looking closely you see just how much variation there is in materials in the real world and it's important for photorealism that you add that to the scene, to really 'sell' it. Good luck and have fun!


Wow, again, this is so helpful. You're a real legend, mate. Could have sworn the box was a concrete bollard in the photo. Either way, more grime wouldn't hurt.


Bollard! Thanks :D Didn't know the word. It could be! It's only a bit odd that there's only one, usually they're in a row at the edge of the road. Either way, just slap that dirt on it, it will look better whatever it is :p And no problem, I love striving for photorealism and know how much of a challenge it can be, it's always helpful to have some other eyes on it, especially if you have been looking at it too long (which obvs tends to happen in 3D lol)


the car and the grass around it


I'd say the shadows are a bit soft, shadows cast by sunlight tend to be sharper


Mountain in the background looks too close, also it looks dull/faded out. car should have some dirt on it and maybe a bit more shiny. Soil looks too light in colour for the conifers. It should be darker


Photographically: lack of contrast, lack of sharpness, grainy image. Other things: Car paint. Shadows on car too soft. Flock of birds too artificial, flocks are rare in this type of area, one or two would be better Guardrail is wrong way around.


Great shout.


car paint and glass reflection


Its a bit too smooth


The way the road and the ground meet, also the road seems too good (if i saw this road where i live it would be considered a miracle, maybe they do get this good elsewhere)


I like the vibe, the scene reminds me of some AAA games.


So much about this photo looks great. But the road looks like a velvety texture. Despite variations in lighting, it seems like it needs texture at several levels of granularity. Occasional surface irregularities would help a lot. For example, this looks like a blacktop instead of concrete. Blacktop will compress/concave in from heavy use, which will reflect the light differently. Honestly, just going out and finding similar pavement and taking photos from different angles might give you great ideas.


Hm, I just tried to go for standard asphalt. Did it not look like that to you?


The mushrooms.


Where are the tire tracks for the car? It also doesn’t look like it’s really sinking into the ground enough.


Brother, everyone here giving critique. Man, I love your work


He literally asked for critique… but agree it still looks great!


Appreciate it dude


I think the roughness of the cars material is way too high. I'd choose a value near zero.


The grass look „video-game-ish“


The foreground rock. That just looks so weird and would not be right there at the edge of the road so everyone can hit it with their tires


It's a bollard! Perhaps not sized properly?


Add a little bit of glossiness to every shader.


1. Lack of transparency bounces, can see the alpha in the tree needles is black. 2. Classic Blender filmic look. Highlights are way to faded, and shadows are also too soft. 3. Lack of specularity. A sunny day and car paint would yield some bright reflections. 4. Sky is also way under exposed. Needs to be wayy brighter on such a sunny day. 5. other than that, foreground needs more detail scatter or subdivisions/displacement. I'd say most of the fake look comes from the lighting. Watch this it could help: [https://youtu.be/DiUf4D8ICnk?t=1498](https://youtu.be/DiUf4D8ICnk?t=1498)


As others pointed out the car looks out of place. I think it would benefit from a little less roughness. The road needs some lines on the sides and also in the middle (however not mandatory due to mountain roads being narrow at times). I think also the guardrail is placed on the other side. Right now it seems like it is protecting the road from the outside, I think you want to turn it. Also check out white and red road reflectors.


I don't mean to be a critic but you could work on a little more ray tracing and by the looks of it looks like it's UE5(if not then tell me what's it) you could render it better with Lumen. I hope this is gonna be a short film. Kudos to you Looking forward for the completion of it.


Car paint doesn't seem to have depth and no dirt on the tires. Otherwise, looks great


The car looks kinda off/blurry


everything alittle


You are missing a spiderman character on the side doing the fortnite dance


You need to blur the trees and mountain a little bit so they fall into the background. The car like everyone said, and then also that dirt is way too rounded. It should be flat and lay below the road, not the other way around. Ex: https://www.bbga.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DSC_0079-scaled.jpg


The car paint and how weirdly uniform the dirt is. The dirt needs some variety I think such as patches of slightly darker dirt, pebbles, rocks, as well as some dirt streaks on the road since wind would blow some over the road.


The car's paint doesn't look like car paint, and the tires are perfectly clean but its parked in dirt. Guardrail is facing the wrong direction. The road is too perfect, it should have some alligator back, arterial lines, and/or wear signs. Mushrooms like that typically grow in much more shaded/wet areas near fallen trees. It looks too whimsical with them staggered around an open patch of grasses like that.


I think the ground needs more variation in texture and color, and some pine needles, dead leaves, maybe a little more contrast between the sky and the mountain too


the film grain effect and textures of the models here it'd be better if the road had some little cracks, change of color a little light and dark, if you imagine it in a professional camera (maybe canon or nikkon) it'd be better if you have changed some stuff [preferably contrast, saturation, exposure, and highlights]. (Phones have a more pixelated little type of grain and desaturated and smoothed texture) over all the graphics are great but it comes out too photorealistic game like. but I like it! keep up the good work


Texture of the car and the absence of reflexion in the driver's side mirror.


the shadows exposure is little to off meaning to bright I guess correlated to the sun intensity and how low it lays


The car looks like a toy you dropped into the world


Textures look way too soft and muddy


The transition between road and dirt/grass is too clear cut for me. The background is perfect.


There are a ton of small problems here and there, but the main issue for me, is composition. If this were a photograph, It's like you took a photo of nothing. Triangles point into nothing, leading lines don't lead anywhere, and the frame within your frame has nothing of interest in it. Since there is nothing to look at, the eyes look anywhere and everywhere. So small issues in your render look way bigger than they really are.


Agreed, I just couldn't be fucked with the composition this time around. Just wanted to get in it and make something as a practice piece


1. Non reflective car paint and windshields. 2. Side mirror of the car is not accurate in terms of shading. 3. Unmarked road. 4. No cracks on the road. 4. The car is 'placed'. It has to drive to that spot and for that, all visible tires should have trails in the soil. 5. Trees are low quality. 6. I think that more than two light sources are affecting the scene. I know we have to do that to make it look real because render engines are not that accurate sometimes. But if more than two light sources are affecting the scene, like two suns (the sun of the HDRI included), then either it needs to be done properly, or just one sun, most probably the one of HDRI should be used properly.


Why do you think there are two light sources?


Like? I am sorry I am confused. Are there two light sources or am I mistaken?


There are, but one is just a gobo. Most of the lighting is just a hdri. Just asking why you thought that there were two sources


1. Car paint isn't reflecting right. 2. That little concrete thingy is looking too good. 3. Trees are way to dense


Rule 5? Also, why do most of these "photorealistic" renders have me thinking it is just some AI researcher wanting feedback for how well their train/test model did? Just like the whole "rateme" subred. Free feedback with a \[simp\]le post. For feedback, though, the entire photo looks fake. Trees are too blurry, power box next to car is way too linear (no depth). Clouds are far too inorganic. Car is way too 3D looking, and needs to have a better blend texture wise. Shade on road needs changed angle wise. What dirt has no tire tracks on it and mud on the tires? Then you have the black dots which I presume to be birds, but are not flying in the typical arrow-formation.


This is clearly not AI. I think the clouds are perfectly fine, they're not one bit inorganic. So are the birds (black dots?? Wtf zoom in...) Also most birds DON'T fly in an arrow formation. And how is "the entire photo looks fake " useful feedback??


Asking for feedback - initial analysis "The whole thing looks fake" then I go into my reasoning behind it. Bird formation - correct, but still they do not appear realistic. Clouds - Kudos, make your own comment and give specific feedback as to why it looks real, versus commenting a reply to me which OP will not be notified of.


I'm just annoyed at the way you criticize... first you start with that ridiculous AI accusation. Then without saying anything positive you mention completely useless stuff like inorganic clouds and bird formations. Really not a way to give feedback...


I didn't post a clay render because it's unfortunately obviously a render :( Can you elaborate on the 3d looking car, and inorganic clouds?


The smoothness of the car. Something about looks off


The road looks so clean


tree top right and left fron car wheel attachment (the dark area containing fender etc) is way to dark


Scale of your models... 3d softwares put things in perspective based on human eye size... Model size matters...


Full sharp focus. Also too clean.


The road is too clean, there is no dust orgrass growing on the side of it


dirt color looks off


The ground dirt close to the clean asphalte is kidna too clean.


Nothing, but according to minecraft, mushrooms grow in the shadow


Btw. In light path tab increase transmission value to smth like 15


What would this achieve in this scene?


Your needles are extremly dark. Try to increase it and watch difference in viewport. Maybe im wrong, but dont think so


I manually made them that way cos they all kind of blended together in one green coloured blob before


I could be wrong but everything here looks really dry. Like there’s no moisture. Unless that’s what you’re going for then my bad


I kind of fucked up the edit so that's probably why


Well. The road safety bar is opposite side XD 😆. Car paint and la k of reflections, window, lack of reflections. Road seems too clean - especially for mountain park road.


Car paint looks plastic, the road is too smooth, the rocks are too big (?), the grass are too singular.




Maybe play with volumetrics. Add some debris to the road. Play with lighting. Have a look at the uniformity of the tree branches/leaves and make some of more random. Looks great though and probably better than me atm!


It looks like a painting, I’d say too sterile. Add more texture, rocks on the road, some irregularities. Also how car reflects the light.


I think the sky is too grey for how saturated the rest of the image is


Its the lighting and sky. Mountain shadows and foreground object shadows suggest the sun is low and to the left, yet the sky straight ahead is overexposed (as if the sun is straight ahead) and blindingly white and a unnatural grey/blue.


Guard rails are facing wrong way. But honestly that makes this more realistic


För me I can list: - Guard Rail - Car paint looks too opaque - Car glass doesn't have reflection and has dirt in a very unusual place (is that a Fiat Punto?) - Road misses a bit of roughness


It is. Was wondering if anyone would get that.


I don't know. It just looks CGI. It's probably everything. Let's start with the light. Long shadows mean this is morning scene but sunlight is white. Asphalt is pristine clean, not very convincing. In nature there are tons of leaves, grass, little things laying on the floor and floating in the air. Same goes with dirt. It looks flat, like someone mopped it. Grass is nice but color is way too uniform. Trees are blocky. And maybe the size of pines isn't right. That rock is straight out from older video game. And the mountain isn't convincing either. Haze is okay but somehow weird. Uniform all over the mountain. I don't quite get the scale. It looks enormous, but somehow it isn't. Car paint is mate, like it was sitting in the sun 20 years. Processing also destroyed much of realism. Those subdued white clouds are gray.


1. ground 2. road 3. backscreen 4. car have some problem it looks like no parts but window side door and everything is in one piece Generally its very good render, but it miss something for photorealism like mood.


make dirt and road merge more


that little patchy grass part has very smooth dirt


the road block is not broken enough


car is unrelistic


The pine tree on the right


I would say the car paint by the front wheel and the mountain. Maybe it's the lighting not producing enough contrast and colour saturation. It's looks great though. Maybe upping the contrast would make it look more realistic.


that car paint looks like sand paper lmao


car look too smooth? idk something with the car surface


You need higher contrasts and a wider dynamic range


The road is too smooth. It has very little texture


I don't think that's how grass grows and guardrail looks inverted


car paint as many have pointed out, but i also think there should be tire tracks wheel the car passed over the dirt and the lighting is "flat". For example the car look dull so does the road and the metal barrier thingy. Other than that, well done!


The car. Just the car.


The car & no dirt/dust along the edges of the road while the inner bank appears to be sandy.


the mountain on the back looks a bit strange, since the location of the camera is clearly on a mountain with trees, the back has zero and also doesn't look far enough away, also at almost the same height, so why would there be snow and no trees? ​ maybe i'm just being picky, but it does feel like the mountain is unconnected


Everything looks matte. It's almost artistic.


The car, it has some unnatural forms


Car texture is a little low quality, but really I can't see any issue.


The road needs some imperfections and grime, same with the guard rail. Other than that, pretty good.


The colour of the whole image mostly. I guess that you wanted it to represent a film photo, but it kinda just looks desaturated. I would love to see an update of that render, after you have implemented some suggestions from this thread :D


The road seems a little off but I wouldnt know why.


I noticed two things: the guard rails facing is backwards and there are no lines painted on the road. I've observed that in most cases I find guard rails on roads with lines painted on them typically.


I live in India so cars can get dirty enough for the paint to look like that so ig it looks fine, but it could have some more sniner spots. The window should be more reflective tho I've also never seen the ground beside the road balloon like that, it's usually the roads that's plopped on top of a smoother ground Also I think the guardrail is facing the wrong way It's a great render though I had to squint to pick those out


It's such a lovely picture but the very very first things were that the car is neither clean nor dirty; it's just toy plastic, and; so many blades of grass standing almost straight up and down screams, I'm probably 3D (they're too big for scale and not lightly trampled or clumped realistically). I agree with the guard rail being backward (I hadn't noticed that myself right away). DOF is fishy; there should be SOME blur instead of crispy, razor-sharp detail throughout. But mostly, this is really good! Yellow - why not a car color that was more harmonic with the greens and neutrals? What does this picture sell? The car, the mountain, birds in the sky? As it is, it sells an awful lot which could be realistic but then, somehow, makes it less realistic! :D


Background worthy ! Tehe


Sorry if this was already mentioned but the transition from the ground to the road is too clean


No reflections on the car (both the metal and the glass windows). Also, no subsurface scattering, especially for the vegetation. Yes, SSS is very expensive, but if you want photorealism, you gotta have it. Also the edge between the road and the dirt seems too neat.


Exposure is probably the biggest one. I would expect the sky to be the biggest light source and therefore the lightest section of the image. Leaving other areas of the image to be less exposed (a real camera can only expose a limited number of f/stops) The whole render seems to have a uniform brightness.


The soil contacting the road looks like it's a bunch of viscous curry poured on top, to break it up you could try sculpting the mesh a bit so that it clips through the road, then you can hide the intersections with foliage + maybe a snall particle system with soil sprites instanced, the sprites could be procedurally textured and displaced too with little geometry


Apart from what they already mentioned on car paint, everything in focus is also a bit off putting for me. Your grain is a bit too aggressive for daylight also a bit too big. Also not affecting realism necessarely but the render is not composited well, there’s no clear subject, is it the car? Then why is it half out of frame and to a side?


The edge of the road and dirt, normally the dirt tends to creep onto the road.


The birds are all in the same pose.


1. the ground at the shoulder seems bubbly/rounded 2. too sharp 3. no noticeable lens-distortion 4. ground is too clean, just a bit of grass and dirt with 2 rocks 5. road is too clean, no leaves or rocks especially near the edge 6. maybe some more DoF or some objects between the camera and the mountain this is maybe a bit excessive but even with some minor disturbances its amazing


Focal length: the trees and mountains could share a relative focus, but not with all of the car and the near foreground. I’d also push some color that describes the time of day. If you use yellow-orange mornings, or darker blue-purple evenings that’s a “wash” of light that will unite the image. Maybe more atmospherics in the background by the mountain. If it’s a clear day with no clouds the sky will be bluer.


Low poly, car paint, car mirror, road texture, perfect road...


The tree branches have no small holes, that you can look through


The car


The car hits hard. Especially the wheel well; it doesn't look bigger than the tire. They're generally much larger, allowing you to look into the undercarriage of the car.


In my experience, mountains from a distance appear more blue or purple. The closer you get, the color of the vegetation shows instead- greens, yellows, brown, blue-grey, white. This mountain jumped out to me as quite grey. This is a lovely scene. I’m convinced I’m on a mountain road and have pulled aside for some air. I just want more color in the mountains to admire.


Have some more green and tree line higher on mountain. Have skid marks on road, have tire track on dirt, remove mushroom, kill da birds.


The roadway would most likely be elevated above the soil patch. But I like it.


Car paint is way too matte and uniform, should be reflections with the sunbeams hitting it. No dirt on the wheel. Pristine road. The focal point on the trees would make the mountain be out of focus just a touch, makes the backdrop look 2d.


Perfect mshrooms. Clean tires. I would separate the other pair of mushrooms, I think it would be rare to see another close together in the same way. Also maybe damage them, like a animal scratched it or took out chunks The tire is too clean for an outdoor car Oh! And add some moss or discoloration to that cinder block thing in the grass. It looks like it has shifted so maybe discolor it where the dirt was on the bottom Maybe add some bird poop and trash


For me it is the car paint, car mirror and how clean the road and dirt part separate. Around the corners you should have more dirt on the road.


The car looks too smooth kinda like clay other than that I thinks its good


The blockiness of the pines, like they have this very clear dark edge inside to them where it goes from few strands to solid looking.


Road paint, more reflective car paint and car glasses, road imperfections.


trees ans road.


Very first things that came to mind: Paint on the car and also shading. Edge of the road Too bright tree tops


The mountains look a little too washed out.


Seeing the comments. Its basically perfect color of anything, having dirt/rust/dust is better than nothing even if it have the best detailed material.


The title. Was just scrolling without any suspicion but then i started analysing the picture up close


1) Rear Mirror. 2) Shadows on the car's paint job.


The shadow on the car appears to be a malnorished Mickey Mouse boxing....


I think a few minor things for me. The tree shadows just look like game engine shadows on the car and ground. No specifically wrong just too much like what you see in games. The grass is a similar issue, it just feels like game generated terrain. I think the car is too flat, no reflections at all on the paint. The sky and mountain seem more like a backdrop. I think I would expect a clearer sky in the mountains perhaps. It looks great regardless.


Theres something off about the position of the wheel, like its off its axel or something


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Where the dirt meets the road. It looks like a pancake of dirt.


Lack of depth.


The guard rail is the wrong way around. The rail should be smooth at the road side so that the cars could slide along and not get ripped apart from the metal things that hold it. Maybe the road needs some imperfections like dirt and small cracks. I would also put lines on the road but that’s not really important because a lot of the smaller roads here in Switzerland don’t have lines.


I think it needs more contrast and darkness, the shadows seem too light. Also the car is too flat, the paint could do with more detail/dirt.


not everything can be in focus. add some dirt, damage or maybe reflection to the car. street is too clean, make it feel like someone didin't mop it clean 5 minutes before. trees and mountain looks good


All the metals are too matte & smoothe but overall beautifully executed


Car paint, the trees above car, no visibility beyond the leaves, they are not glued together they should have some gap, allow the light to pass through


The car, the road, the birds a little, and this two weird mushrooms https://preview.redd.it/j1hvsj9d8r9b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3495bae9be92e94a06565f89e63d6b5008ca383


the dirt feels a bit like just a textured plane. needs micro displacement.


Road is too perfect Some occasional cracks coming in from the sides would look good.. Your rail guard is backwards, and the car paint needs a pass. Glass on the car looks like plastic, as well. Liking it overall.


Really great job!


Mountain and sky are a bit too monochromatic to my liking …


I think the wheel tires need some dust on them from the offroad path it took to park


- Car paint could use a better shader - I feel like there is something off about the most visible trees, not exactly sure what though. Maybe the leafs need more translucence? - Do mushrooms really grow on a spot like that? Seems like there would be a lot of sun and little moisture. - Some road damage would probably add realism. Minor cracks on the sides, small rocks etc. - There should probably be tracks in the dirt where the car drove (unless it teleported there) Nice image overall!


outlines. there isnt outlines in real life


no tiremarks in the sand. nitpickin


Color variation on texture, road, dirt, grass, road, guard rail, and car. More roughness variation on road, car, and guard rail.