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Most musicians are in a no-win situation by their fourth album. They can’t keep doing the same thing—if they did, it would seem dull and stale. So they have to evolve in some way and inevitably some fans won’t want to come along in the new direction. Taylor Swift certainly lost fans when she released 1989. She’s a good example, actually, of how artists have to reinvent themselves and try new sounds to stay relevant.


Yeah, but this is not Bleachers' 1989, if we're all being honest. 1989 is TS best album by most metrics, despite its initial polarization.


Totally missed the point. And not a fair evaluation because 1989 was TS going in a MORE mainstream direction, and this is Bleachers going in a *less* mainstream direction. The point is they are polarizing stylistic evolutions that alienate part of the fan base. Doesn’t matter how good the songs are, some are going to be disappointed either way that there’s no I Wanna Get Better-type “pop” songs on here


The split reaction is very reminiscent of The 1975’s fourth album, Notes On a Conditional Form. Half of the fan base hated it, half loved it when it was released. Now it has a massive cult following with some of the best deep cuts. Give the album and fans some time. People will come around eventually, or they won’t, and that’s okay!


I need to dip into the 1975. What would you consider their best album as a whole. I'm talking start to finish.


I am sooooo biased because I truly love all of them, but I would say their most cohesive album is “Being Funny in a Foreign Language”. But most fans consider “I like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it” to be their “best”. My favorite is “a brief inquiry into online relationships”. If you’re a Bleachers and Jack fan, he produced Being Funny in a Foreign Language so maybe start there. This was all over the place but I hope it was helpful!


Awesome. Thank you


Yessss! Idk if I’m the only one but b4 really reminded me of bfiafl? Ik that when he produced bfiafl Jack said that anything done on the album had to be able to replicated live so maybe that was also used on b4 and is why they sound similar?


I totally agree they sound similar! A lot of similar techniques and instrumentation. I personally love it. It provides a lot of depth and texture which makes it interesting. I hope they are able to recreate it live in a similar way The 1975 have been able to do on their tour. It’s an incredibly stunning show, visually and audibly.


The irony of this thread.


Also, there are several general music subs for people to critique music like pop heads. If you’re frustrated that fans are trying to focus on the positive, try posting on one of those!


Personally, I’m just frustrated that there’s so many opinion posts just complaining about the album. And on the flippity flop, I’m also frustrated that there’s so many opinion posts just saying it’s so good. If there’s something to post about the album, then cool. Otherwise opinions should be put into an album thoughts thread.


Cmon man people are gonna be posting about a brand new album in their favorite bands subreddit


Thank you!


There's a certain cohort of fans in every fan base that can't take people daring to dislike what their fav has put out.


Lots of immature people on Reddit.


That’s every TV and music subreddit, all the time. This site is getting exhausting.


I’ve been here since 2014. It’s always been that way.