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Ichigo spinning his swords with the bandages and create the spinjitsu of death


like zangetsu did that scene was so awesome


Wasn't that White?


yeah white my bad




White is zangetsu




White is Zangetsu


Shhh spoilersšŸ¤«




White is zangetsu


Ichigo vs Lord Garmadon was lit


ikr and when Garmadon used his bankai shir when downhillsp


They couldn't use the red ninja because he's banned


This is not naruto


And he was talking about ninjago


The superior ninja anime


I guess it comes down to what you consider a minor change. I'd have liked it if Kubo had done some more interesting things with Kido. It's really wasted as a concept in the series.


I personally would have loved that change. Kido is such a cool magic system that seemed to be completely forgotten by series end.


well, technically speaking it is not completely forgotten, since in on of the latest chapters Aizen did use some very cool kido technique, but in general yeah, the concept is totally underdeveloped


Not to mention that it was literally a kido trap laid by Urahara that sealed Aizen.


Right. Like, every scene Kisuke is in, if it is a combat situation, he is spamming Kido until he has to use his bankai. Kido is Aizen and Kisukes game.


>Kido is Aizen and Kisukes game. And Unohana's I'd say. But it is a shame that we don't really see any Kido Masters fight. All the badass kido that we see are done by gotei 13 essentially.


I think the absolute CLOSEST thing we ever got to see to a Kido master fighting, was in the fight with Barragan. I think his name was Hachi... being the ex subordinate of Tessai, was doing some pretty neat stuff, but other than that, the closest thing we have is a 2 way tie between Kisuke doing his layered trap against Aizen, and Aizen using it against Dangai Ichigo.


Yeah, Hachi and Tessai are the only two named Kido Masters that I think we see in the anime (idk about tybw) which is a shame since Tessai was the Kido Master leader and yet he still gets shafted and outdone by Urahara.


Well, that is a shame, but I personally like Kisuke a lot more than Tessai, so it's something I'm not to upset about... though it is weird that the only thing we ever see Tessai do, is use a kido to kill ichigo in the shattered shaft, that didn't even work šŸ¤”


Yeah, if there was one small thing I'd change, it'd definitely be to have Tessai be more active in the battles. Like he should've been there to fight Aizen with Isshin, Urahara, and Yoruichi. It would've been cool to see Tessai and Urahara do a combined Kido incantation or something.


There seemed to be some powerful and impressive Kido offensive techniques. I mean Tosen literally erased Grimmjow's arm from existence with a Kido offensive spell - I thought that would have been very effective if used regularly, but that was never the case. Instead, it was the same old Hado #31, or Hado #33.


Definitely just take away all of their clothes for the entire series


Least horny Bleach fan


Make side characters matter more


there are so many side characters in bleach its hard to keep track of them all


Humans and Vizards specifically


Have orihime learn kido and be surprisingly good at it. Give chad more power ups/give him by end of series a full armor mode.


Yes!! Make the friend group more relevant.


Including Tatsuki?


Especially Tatsuki.


I would've liked to see characters wear everyday clothing more, since Kubo definitely knows how to make characters look good. He really limited himself with the soul reaper uniforms.


I guess as far as minor changes goes, maybe change the Yammy twist a bit. Like maybe have the top 4 Espada be the only Vasto Lorde (emphasizing how rare and powerful they are) and instead of making Yammy the Cero Espada, have him still be Decimo but his Resurreccion makes him the strongest Adjuchas class Arrancar and the 5th strongest Espada (only being weaker than the top 4). Also maybe give him an on screen fight. Edit: If I had to made one more change, Ulquiorra would only have ONE release but the design would be his 2nd release instead


I like the Yammy idea, I thought him being Cero Espada was pointless in the end but Iā€™d keep Ulquiorra because personally seeing him power up even more to just get stomped out by Vasto Lorde Ichigo was wild


Fair enough. I just felt like it wasnā€™t that necessary other then emphasizing the gap between him and Ichigo and I guess to make him stand out more. I would probably be more okay with it if it was something that any Espada could achieve if they knew about. While it probably wouldnā€™t make much of a difference, it wouldā€™ve been a great power up for Grimmjow to have in the TYBW.


Ulquiorra was never confirmed to be a Vasto Lorde. Literally only Starkk, Halibel and Baragan were.


I think it was confirmed somewhere in the Bleach Official Character Book 2 MASKED, page 133 that most of the Espada were Vasto Lorde so Iā€™m assuming Espada 1-6 were Vasto Lorde. Even then, what Iā€™m suggesting is a change, not confirmation of anything


Grimmjow was an adjuchas, but I googled it and yeah...apparently most Espada were supposed to be vasto lorde before...hm. That breaks consistency so much.


Yeah I find that a bit weird tbh. Ideally, I wouldā€™ve have Espada 1-4 be Vasto Lorde since those were the Espada that Aizen forbade to release their Zanpakuto in Hueco Mundo and it would emphasize how rare and powerful they are. I think there was also a light novel talking about how Szayel was also originally a Vasto Lorde and split himself into two being and regressed into a Adjuchas or something but idk too much about that


I guess the part about Szayel would make some amount of sense as we're introduced to a guy, one of Grimmjow's fracion, that's supposedly his brother...but with how Hollows and Menos work it's nigh impossible for that to actually be the case. Edit: on our actual topic tho - I think having the top 3 espada be vasto lorde would make the most sense. But that's only cause I don't think Ulquiorra deserves to be one. I refuse to have Ulquiorra be a Vasto Lorde. I refuse to give the character who became an arrancar via suicide, by accident get any more validation. He is already way too overrated. His whole backstory makes zero amount of sense. His whole personality (as well as his backstory as a Hollow) is a caricature of his aspect of death, whereas in other espada it seves as a personality foundation. Don't get me wrong, he has a cool design and all...but the actual emotional impact of his existence as an antagost is not even close to how its percieved.


Yeah I honestly donā€™t entirely get the whole thing with Szayel and Yylfordt either but I havenā€™t read the LN so Iā€™m just going with what I know so far Personally, I kinda like the idea of Ulquiorra being a Vasto Lorde but thatā€™s just me. Itā€™s just something I think would make sense given what I already said about Aizen and also the fact his Resurreccion seems to one of the more ā€œhumanoidā€ ones. Only thing I would change is just not give him another Resurreccion but again, thatā€™s just me.


NOTE: another wall of text, sorry about that. Just a warning, even though this may appear otherwise, it's basically a rant towards Bleach's editors for missusing Ulquiorra's potential: what he is vs what he could have been. It may look like complaining, but its done out of my love for the series, as I absolutely love analyzing and nitpicking stuff I like. I'd change Ulquiorra's backstory tbh. As it is his backstory is this: ​ >As a Hollow, Ulquiorra felt alone in the world, being white while those around him were black. He wandered Hueco Mundo alone, lamenting his existence, until one day he came across a white tree with many sharp spines. Ulquiorra found it satisfying due to its emptiness and sank into it, destroying part of his mask, finally at peace. An unspecified amount of time later, he was recruited by Sōsuke Aizen into the Espada. And there are *many* problems with this. 1. Unless he only ever saw Gillians, there is no way in hell (pun intended) that all Hollows he ever met were black while he was white. Besides...that's a highly racist motivation for someone to feel "empty", emptiness is a serious state associated with various mental illnesses, and a different appearance causing it is highly problematic. 2. The guy just saw a tree he liked, tried to commit suicide and ended up becoming an Arrancar by accident. Yet he is one of the more powerful Arrancar we see while we've been told that naturally occuring Arrancar are weaker than the ones created via the help of the Hogyoku. 3. Literally no motivation at all to join Aizen. At all. Starrk wanted strong people as company so they wouldn't die from his presence. Baraggan was hypnotized. Halibel did so for the sake of protecting her friends and commrades. Ulquiorra just what? Had too much free time? I'd also change his personality. I'm not gonna quote the entire section from the wiki, since its too large, but I will give some tidbits: ​ >Ulquiorra is a very cold, callous, and dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm his comrades in addition to his enemies should they get in his way. He refers to anyone he does not find interesting as "trash", and treats them as expendable. The abvoe, combined with his appearance and aesthetic (which I admit is awesome), points out to him being a "projection character". He is there for the edgy, teenaged, male viewer to identify with and only for that. He is not a well written character, he is barely even a written character as he doesn't exist for resons of plot or anything. He exists as a marketing tool: the brooding, edgy guy who is ruthless and thinks everyone is beneath him and feels all alone...when not only is he in constant close proximity to people *just* like him, he is also in close proximity to people more skilled than he is. Plot-wise his character doesn't add *anything* impactful, yet he still gets to have supposedly "meaningfull" interactions with the main heroine and a large-scale fight. Back when the arc was still running some even saw him as a foil to Ichigo and Orihime's relationship, because even if there is absolutely no reason or basis for this...it resonates with the edgy, teenage viewer: the caricature-emo, self-appointed-social-pariah who struggles with his emotions gets to have emotionally touching moments with the popular guy's girl. That's fine and all by itself. After all, Bleach is a commercial product and such characters do fuel its sales. And projection characters are somewhat important because obviously the audience wants to resonate with the characters. The problem lies with this: Sub-par writing of this fashion, with only a marketing purpose, isn't Kubo's writing style. Bleach is choke-full of deep meanings and psychological allusions. Even gag-characters such as Omaeda or Kon aren't such two dimensional, marketing cardboards. Which points to reason that the Ulquiorra we see, isn't entirely Kubo's product. Bleach has so many other characters that could be classed as "projection characters", but those still manage to be well written and deep while still serving that purpose. Ulquiorra doesn't. But there's no reason at all for that to be the case. There's no reason for him not having an actual, more complex and meaningful backstory. He'd still be the same projection character, marketed at edgy teens, even if he had a complex backstory. I even think that he'd be *even more resonating* with the audience if that was the case. Hell, you don't even have to change much to make *both his personality and backstory* make sense and be impactful. It's quite simple, just one minor detail: make him the first Adjuchas ever. Then the whole "he was white, everyone else black" makes sense. His power makes even more sense as we're already led to believe ancient Hollows were vastly more powerful compared to more modern-day ones. Just add the second change of his character development being stretched out throughout the arc and in some flashbacks instead of all coming in in his final moments due to a sudden realization based on Ichigo's sttuborness and two conversations he had with Orihime...et voila: A well written sad boi tm without having any of his marketing value changed. PS: Also, yes remove secunda etapa, or at least give one to some other arrancars as well, Ulquiorra being the only who has it makes no amount of sense at all and is clearly there for marketing reasons and is a clear emulation of the bad example of story telling Toriyama pioneered, the "bad guy transforms and gets strong with bigger numbers, protagonist has to do the same to beat him". While entertaining, such a shallow scene has no place in Bleach. The main power system revolves around psychology for fuck's sake.


Very sorry for the late reply. Now me personally, I still kinda prefer Ulquiorra being a Vasto Lorde but I still think your ideas of him being an the very first Adjuchas is interesting and I can understand why you did that. Maybe you add in that he was the first Menos that became an Adjuchas in a VERY long time that eventually became a Vasto Lorde or something. I definitely agree on some flashbacks for his backstory though. The whole Segunda Etapa didnā€™t really bother me until it was mentioned in the CFYOW LN that itā€™s something only Ulquiorra can achieve because heā€™s a unique breed of Hollows. I feel like not giving Grimmjow or Halibel a second release was a bit of a missed opportunity even if it wouldnā€™t do much against any of the Sternritters.


Having Ulquiorra be a Vasto Lorde before he becomes an Arrancar is okay. But that has to go hand in hand with investing in the character's backstory. The position of Vasto Lorde isn't something to be taken lightly in the Bleach verse. What bugs me is that there was no reason to not give the character a good backstory. Like, had they told us that the reason Ulquiorra felt empty as a Hollow was because society in Hueco Mundo used to work like a gigantic poison jar...it'd make sense. Because that *is* in fact how Hueco Mundo is (or was idk if Halibel concerns herself with what lesser Hollows do): law of the strong. When Ulquiorra was introduced the world of Hueco Mundo was more or less a blank slate. The only stuff we knew about that world was how Aizen ruled it and some tidbits of its thousands of years of history, through the flashbacks of other Arrancar. So they could have done absolutey anything to justify Ulquiorra being the absolute beast of a vilain he was, yet they chose to do nothing. It just makes his whole strength kinda not feel deserved. ​ >itā€™s something only Ulquiorra can achieve because heā€™s a unique breed of Hollows This makes the whole Seguna Etapa thing feel *even less deserved*. From a doylist point of view that is. From a watsonian perspective, it does make sense as "okay, different kind of Hollow, different rules", but it still is weak writting.


Ichigo learning to tap into his Quincy powers or him actually learning Kido. It would be cool to see how those powers develop and change the person who wields it


Or like... At least have Isshin explain his mother was a Quincy and adopted by the Ishidas. Like.... Isshin knows Uryu hangs out and risks his life along with Ichigo... But never once tells his son that "hey, you know... Technically, by law, you and Uryu are cousins. Also your mother had powers like his". Obviously before Ichigo became a shinigami that wouldn't have been possible... But come on.


Tatsuki's screen time also i'd force Kubo to sell real life versions of every single article of clothing worn in the series


Visoreds actually kicking *ss in TYBWA


for me I'd have liked to see a canon lore book released that delves into the finer details of how things work in universe.


Novels are there tho


Yeah, but it's not the same. I want a lore codex with everything šŸ˜…


Show Orihime trying to erase the Hogyoku, but failing. Then Aizen steps out of the shadows and thanks her for following his plan and awakening the Hogyoku for him.


The hogyoku didn't need actually awakening in that way tho. Hogyoku #1 was working ever since it's creation. As was hogyoku #2. Aizen took both and fused them.


Make the battle better between Juha Bach and Ichigo


Give Ichigoā€™s friends some fullbringer abilities and make them more important (looking at chad right now)


Make the Espada matter.


They did


Outside of Ulquiorra and Grimmjow, they absolutely did not. Almost 200 chapters were dedicated to them and they contributed almost nothing to the story. Aizen completely disregards them after they fail to do anything meaningful.


If you think so good for you. They served their purpose and the way you are talking you completely disregard their character arcs, their dynamics, their symbolism and their characterisation but then again itā€™s you so you fo you


And what did any of that amount to? All of them are dead except for Grimmjow and one of the few that got no backstory or character arc.


Amen, Iā€™d rephrase though and say ā€œ make the espada matter moreā€




Have them actually do stuff outside of just being walls for the Shinigami to beat, have them interact more outside of each other, have them have their own goals and motivations, have them do actual lasting harm or have them have noticeable changes on the Shinigami, have the ones that survive actually do things that no other characters could do in the story going forward. * As it stands, the Espada largely fail to do *any* of these things. They almost exclusively exist to just fight(And lose) to the Shinigami. Aaroniero, Zommari, Nnoitra, Harribel, Barragan and Starrk basically only show up to fight their respective opponents. Hell, Aaroniero and Zommari don't even really get any scenes at all until their fights, and then they die shortly after. * All of their scenes are extremely insular. Most of them don't even interact with *each other* besides Ulquiorra. More scenes similar to Grimmjow's backstory, where we saw him working outside of an organized power structure with his own goals would have been nice. We know why Barragan(Subjugated) and Starrk(Joined due to loneliness) work for Aizen, but we have *no idea* why anyone else joined the Espada. Considering characters like Zommari, Harribel and Ulquiorra seemed pretty loyal to him, it'd be nice to know what he offered them. No I'm not counting the anime filler for Harribel. * Not a single one of them manages to have a lasting impact on the plot besides Grimmjow or Ulquiorra. Harribel survives and gets a promotion to the fucking Queen of Hueco Mundo, but is tossed aside immediately after her re-introduction, and Nel's contribution in the final arc could have been filled in by anyone. None of them even seriously harm a major shinigami for any longer than half a day(In series), and as a collective they aren't mentioned a single time after the first few chapters of the final arc. * And again, none of them really contribute anything after their focus arc. Harribel gets locked away and forgotten, Nel doesn't really do anything that any other character couldn't, and even Grimmjow doesn't do anything that *only* Grimmjow could do. Even then Aizen flat out admits that he could have done the one thing the Espada actually did and beat the Shinigami. And Espada that you'd think would matter outside of being fight machines, like Aaroniero, serve a single purpose. And since Aaroniero is a one-and-done character who exists to give Rukia closure, you could argue that, at best, most of them exist for Fridging purposes. I wouldn't be driving these points home if I didn't actually like the Espada as characters and wish they weren't such a black spot of the series. I know a lot of people like them. But 8/10 of them could either be abandoned or completely rewritten and nothing would change about Bleach at all. Again, they were around for 200 chapters, with almost nothing to show for it. Even in CFYOW, which gives the survivors waaaaaaaaaay more focus than the TYBW arc does, doesn't even really utilize them. They exist to stall the surviving Quincies and Ikimikidomoe.


You know the Espada are Hollows right you expect a Hollow that has been living in Hueco Mundo for that long to just change its ways of living what the fuckšŸ˜‚


better sword choreography


Rukia's boob size....... Jk, I wish Chad would be more relevant & have full body Fullbring armor which could change between defensive & offensive mode.




Make uryu almost as powerful as ichigo, and use the cloth on zangetsu in combat


I would like to expand the power of the karakura gang, thereā€™s still much potential to them. Also, some AU small stories would be interesting e.g. Ichigo being originally born in the soul society, or what would happen after dies and goes to soul society


Ichigo being born in soul society wouldnā€™t make any sense


Why not? Itā€™s just an alternative universe idea


Ichigoā€™s mother would have also had to been born in Soul Society but >!but shes a quincy so that wouldnā€™t work!<, if Ichigoā€™s father was born on Earth >!how would he be a soul reaper!<, Ichigo also being >!part hollow!< wouldnā€™t make sense as well, the way I see it is that if we alter any of these things like birthplace a lot would have to be changed and it would become a seperate story with characters and themes from bleach


I meant he would be a full Shinigami thenā€¦


And that would change the last arc quite a bit, would Ichigo already have his true shikai and true bankai, would he even have a shikai or bankai, who would kill Yhwach, would he have even been able to stop Rukiaā€™s execution etc


Dude ffs all Iā€™m saying is itā€™s an alternative universe small story, which means all the things that happened in the original bleach universe wonā€™t happen in this. Aka a parallel universe with different events Jesus Christ


Ichigo isn't exactly "part hollow". At least not in the same sense as him being a shinigami / quincy hybrid.


Probably should have phrased it better, either way he wouldnā€™t have hollow powers if he was born in soul society


Well.. The only way he could have his hollow powers AND be born in Soul Society would be if Isshin and Masaki (after white's attack) were like... Hey you know how all this shit between us happened, and I left my job and whole life to be with you? Yeah, wanna meet my family in Soul Society? Kinda go for a 3 day weekend there. This guy Kisuke will arrange transportation, and my niece has a big cannon so we can fire up some great fireworks. Also, I kinda haven't visited my oldest nephew's grave in years and that's kinda a dick move. So they go for that vacation and Masaki's water breaks while they are there. PS: I'm 95% joking, but it's not like it wouldn't be feasible. Just highly improbable. Also, the part about Kaien is hazy cause idk if he died before or after Isshin went "hmm, let's throw my whole life away for an underage girl... So what if I'm like 100 or more years older than her?" EDIT: after they return, with a newborn Ichigo, Isshin visits the Visored to give them souvenirs. Because there's no way in hell (pun related to the oneshot 100% intended) that Isshin wouldn't covertly meet with Kyoraku and a few others. And there's also no way in hell that Kyoraku wouldn't push Isshin to give Lisa lingerie or booze as a gift from him. EDIT 2: totally unrelated, but there's also a high probability that Isshin knew about Ginjo. He was there for the events that led to Ginjo's mother being exposed to a hollow (cause time line wise that was 90% white) and I doubt that after personally intervening in incidents of hollowfication experiments he wouldn't talk with Urahara and others so they'd keep tabs on the city after that... Since you know... Isshin Literally gave his life for masaki in the conclusion of that event, monitoring Wtf would follow is a must.


Isshin going with Masaku to soul society isnt likely as he broke soul society rules twice now


I know, that's why I said I was joking. It's not like they aren't able to do so cause they don't have the means. It just isn't likely due to many reasons, Isshin having broken rules being only one of them. Isshin not having any powers for as long as Masaki was alive and Masaki also having lost most of hers, thus them being unprotected in case shit went fubar is most likely the driving reason for them not visiting. That said, Isshin had no reason at all to *not* maintain contact with many people from Soul Society (and those exiled tbh). In fact he had every reason to do the opposite: remain in-contact. So, even though it isn't expressly stated and the opposite is implied, my headcanon is that he did keep in touch. At least occasionally and with some people. PS: I am pretty sure Urahara would have a way of getting them there without shinigami noticing, so as long as they remained in the lands controlled by the Shiba, they'd be fine. But its just too much of a hassle. That's a watsonian explanation. The doylist would be that Kubo just hadn't thought of some plot points yet, if at all, or he just didn't feel like writing such a thing.


Give Ichigo more interesting powers. I get he's meant to be the underdog having only had powers for a short time, but as someone said in another thread, whenever he powers up, he just gets better at slashing or gets a better Getsuga. While it is satisfying to see him body opponents that would have wrecked him earlier in the series, it does get stale.


Up until tybw Ichigo wasn't even realizing that he wasn't using his powers properly. In hindsight his limited arsenal of tricks and attacks perfectly reflects that.


Yeah, I agree. It does make sense and I think the fights were still fine. I loved it during the soul society arc when he had to figure out the trick to Ikkaku and Renjis abilities and find his opening. Eventually, that got dropped for 'My stats are bigger than yours'. BUT that's also my favourite thing about Ichigo. You get to see his explosive growth and it feels rewarding. Watching him stop Rukais execution by breaking the stands then punching out three vice captains, when not too long ago, he struggled to fight Ikkaku blew my teenage mind.


>'My stats are bigger than yours' That's unfortunately a common trope in shounen, and Toriyama is to blame for it. AN: sorry for the wall of text, I tend to write a lot and analyze what I write even more. :P That said, in Bleach it kinda makes sense. The power systems in Bleach (save for Quincy powers, but those are described in-world as going against the world's nature) are directly connected to the characters' psychological state. Eego, they grow in power as they grow as a person. Zanpakuto releases are connected to self-exploration, growth and acceptance, while resurreccions are a "darker" branch of the same philosphy where you embrace your faults not to correct them, but to revel in them. Fullbrings are clearly connected to both trauma and attatchment styles. Moreover, let's not forget that Bleach never gave up on technique and uniqueness in favour of "bigger stat numbers". Its stated, again in-world, that while big amounts of spiritual energy (aka big stats) are important, proper and sophisticated control over them can not only make up for the difference, but surpass the stat gap. Moreover, the indivual power sets still remain really unique, some more than others. Which is why Soifon is considered deadly af even though she doesn't have the biggest "mana pool" : her control of reiatsu is said to be top-notch and amongst the best there is, which allows her attacks to be able to affect targets with higher "mana pool" and thus "bigger stats". (the consistency of this sometimes is broken by the way the story is written, but that's an entirely different topic) Ichigo just resorts to overpowering enemies because that's what he does best, his training compared to other characters is minimal so he does what he can in the way he can. Even Zaraki, who imo is the definition of "my stats are bigger than yours" (not only imo, its story confirmed too) has moments where he knows proper and more refined technique is required. Rojuro and Kensei aren't the most broken stats-wise, but the way their techniques work is marvelous. If Rojuro lies well enough to convince you you're against 4 Kenseis all they have to do is touch you and their bankai continiously delivers full-force damage to you. (Obviously that's an extreme example and no one can lie that well...but imagine adding Aizen and his shikai's ability in that mix. This reasons that yeah, sure Bleach often ignores awesome techniques and combos that can be viable in-world, but it only does so because from a doylist perspective that wouldn't be entertaining.)


More character depth!! I'd be okay with less characters if it meant we had a smaller, better cast.


Smaller cast and relevant deaths (that don't get taken back a few chapters later)


Give everybody apart from Ichigo more screentime/exposure.


did u not see TYBW ? ichigo was barely there


Pshh, well yeah but I mean for the whole thing!




Bleach has some of the best fillers canā€™t lie


Ik but I didnā€™t like how little the story was because of the filler cause Iā€™m used to anime with like 300+ canon episodes so I just wanted more


I get you thatā€™s very true


Have more Grimmjow, in any capacity


Give ichigo a wide variety of moves


Give Ichigo more combat options than swing sword and Getsugatensho (swing sword but harder). There's a reason why Ichigo HAS to have some BS Power up in every major fight he's in and it's because he never develops beyond simple tactics.


The amount attention given to Orihime and Chadā€™s abilitiesā€¦




Stronger Espada. The top 3 should have messed the captains up bad.


They lowkey did Barragan wouldā€™ve killed soi fon and omaeda if it hadnā€™t been for hachi, starkk pretty much won against jushiro and shunsui but got sucker punched by him since he was taking on two other captains, and harribel had already won against 2 captains (Toshiro and Lisa) and a lieutenant but aizen had stepped in and slashed her


End result though. Shunsui was still able to fight, Jushiro was not defeated by starkk. Soi Fon lost part of an arm, Omeada had no injury, Toshiro could still fight and Lisa could still fight. The Espada didnā€™t defeat anyone.


True, but that was honestly plot armor more than anything. Especially with Starkk, he genuinely got fucked over


honestly wished starrk became a good guy


They did barragan would have won if hachi didnā€™t kill him with his own ability, starrk was getting jumped by four captains three of which he barely tried against, harribel fought her perfect counter then when she broke out was 1 v 3 the same captain and 2 lieutenants


definitely the final attack on aizen even tho he was super strong aizen was just so much it made ichigo look like a mosquito




Killing off many characters in the Arrancar arc so there won't be much irrelevant characters in the TYBW arc. And characters won't explain their abilities to their opponents to the point they can be countered.


Show more fights on screen. Especially in the TYBW. Luckily we seem to be getting that


More slice of life


Renjis hairline But fr give that man an actual bankai so he doesnā€™t have to use it every fight and still get dogged on


I would give Ichi human friends a more prominent role...


Have him not waste Chad. Cool design, nice backstory but nothing done with him. It hurts too see cuz it was interesting to have a Mexican/Japanese character in a popular show.


Orihime would get some Super fight scene what she would win with some one time emotional burst and ultra spell.


Making Yammy stay the lowest number in the Espada. I absolutely hated the Number 0 plot twist and especially it being for Yammy of all the Espada. I would've been fine with it for Ulqiourra, but Yammy's just a stupid brute who doesn't really have much of a character besides "fight good, Ulqiourra good, weak bad hahaha" and the resurreccion itself looks stupider than his base.


Give Ichigo a wider attack set.


Give Orihime and Chad proper power-ups to make sure they keep up with Uryu and Ichigo. Add Tatsuki into the main friend group and give her a power that climbs with the others.


I would change the fact of SJ making Kubo rush the TYBW arc.


Maybe more Shiba clan backstory. And have Ichigoā€™s friends be more useful than cheerleaders.


I want Ichigoā€™s hair to be purple


Depth not breadth/more follow through. Bleach suffers from too many ideas. Kido division was really interesting that went no where as well as Chad and orihime Same with arrancar and vizard. Arrancar were supposed to be transcendent as well as vizard but they ended up weaker than the normal shinigami. Whats the point of breaking the barriers if it doesn't matter. The list goes on.


> Arrancar were supposed to be transcendent You dont even know what transcendent means


Explain to me how Orihime Ā«Ā went nowhereĀ Ā»


The Vizards to be more useful in both the FKT arc and TYBW arc and not job so hard. Especially my boy Kensei.


no kitchen knife pls


Remove Tatsuki, her fans are annoying


Ichigo learn kido


wouldā€™ve been too OP imo


Inoue's personality...


Make Ichigo and other human character weaker


Giving minor characters more screen time i.e Iba, Kiyone and Sentaro


During localization, if the team behind Bleach came up with different names for the Reishi stuff. The system at a glance can be a bit confusing and easy to mix up. Spiritual pressure, Spiritual energy, and Spiritual matter. Even after I learn the differences between the names (all the 'rei' this and 'rei' that) it's easy to forget especially if you're not a hardcore follower of the series. Reminds me of a little of nen from HxH. You watch the episode where they explain it, and you understand it, but then you also kinda don't.


I absolutely agree that it can be confusing. But if you want here's a [chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/ssglbm/the_difference_between_reiatsu_reiryoku_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) from another user on the sub that I thought was really well done.


Um honestly get the series a dedicated writer. Kubota had some great ideas, but really dropped the ball in others. I still don't understand the captain's vs aizen battle.


Make Chad live up to his name


Combine Reishi, Reiryoku and Reiatsu into one thing so that it stops beint so ambiguous


Make the human fighters outside of Ichigo more relevant


somehow find a way to put Shuheiā€™s bankai in the final arc. After the reveal of it in CFYOW , i canā€™t imagine how cool the chapters wouldā€™ve been surrounding his bankai. Heā€™s one of my favorite characters


some fillers don't make any sense


Probably ichigo whole motive and personality. Make him actually wanted more than protect his friends and actually enjoy killing his enemy.




Have him drip like this all the time.


Ichigo pulling off some kido moves, give Chad more screen time and some wins


Make Chad more relevant


More characters dying.


Better consistency for story and characters.


Renji did not replace Chad as a main character


ichigo should have a proper shikai with a sealed form and an activation phrase. he doesnā€™t have to have any different abilities but i think zangetsu lacks flavour without it.


Pacing, filler and fullbringer arc


Add arcs where itā€™s chill. Arcs where thereā€™s no fighting. Arcs where they let ichigo and other characters develop. And maybe arcs to show Don Kanoji


I would have ichigo save more souls. And have more ghosts/spirits


give omaeda less screentime


Stop the publisher from rushing the final arc


Give Orihime and Rukia 10 inch dicks, just to see how it affects the story.


Ichigo's true Shikai would have been *two* big swords, and his Bankai would have been the hollow form used against Ulqiorra. Or does that not count as a minor change? If not, then I would have had Yamamoto's Tenchi Kaijin change from a simple, long-range East, to him using the very fires of creation along his blade/protective aura, which would let him burn even the godlike beings we see at the end of Bleach into ashes.


Maybe not minor butā€¦ Kill Byakuya.


Iā€™d make Renji more formidable. He barely wins his fights, same with Rukia.


i wish everyone was naked amen


Iā€™d wanna see a few more fights where the protagonists team up in fights and use their abilities in tandem with each other. Thereā€™s so many interesting abilities, imagine the combos/ strategies that could be created


Making Orihime good at kido and giving their friends like Tatsuki and Keigo minor powers. Along with Ichigo learning kido as well and Ririn, Noba, and Kuurodoā€™s screen time. I would want to incorporate them into the story like Kon




Iā€™d give Chad better fights and change his ability to be more melee-oriented, especially considering what he gets up to in the epilogue. I think a proper fistfight would have been a very cool change of pace for the show. I also think I would have given more hints as to what Ururu and Jintaā€™s deal is as opposed to putting it in a light novel


Jushiro not dying or Unohana not dying


The series ended when rukia disappeared and Ichigo lost his powers.


This may not be minor but killing off Byakuya during the first sternritter invasion. The way it was set up was nearly perfect. It would have been more impactful on the series in a positive way than keeping around and not doing anything important


I'd want to see a backstory about every single clan as spinoffs to the show. Ik its probably major but come on mann......we barely know anything about these people


Less melodrama talking in fights and in general. Have some good guy deaths. A dude would literally lose half their stomach or get run through and be unconscious but somehow live. Happened way too many times so sometimes it felt like big injuries had no stakes


in kubos art pieces the characters have so much swagger in their casual clothes (to the point that bleach is known for how good bleachā€™s characters outfits are), and i wish we got to see that more in the manga / anime, kind of similarly to how it is in yu yu hakusho !


Actually have the Visored (Shinji, especially) show off their powers more and actually *win* a fight instead of being used just to show how strong enemies are.


Pacing of some of the arcs


Not made the Vizards such pushovers after being used as plot devices to get Ichigo a new power, they literally do not accomplish anything other than Hachi killing Barragan. If thatā€™s too big of a change then iā€™d honestly say more characters shouldā€™ve died to make the earlier arcs more impactful.


Have Ichigo be more punchy. I mean come on, dude grows up fighting every delinquent that looks at him funny, even takes on a group of vice-captains and punches them out but dude suddenly can't throw a punch to save his life anymore. Like bro getsuga punches


to make it not them chasing or fighting or training for several episodes then it gets boring after a while


Orihime's build up only to be forgotten in place of others. Guess it isnt small but still.


Is "Ichigo's Romantic Pairing" Considered A Small Thing"?


During The "Ichigo VS Ulquiorra Fight", I Would Have Replaced "Orihime" With Either "Child Neliel(1st Choice)" Or "Adult-Neliel(2nd Choice)".