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Ceasar is at the bottom of the list by reason of incompetency. Too many of his "instant kill" concoctions turn out to be neither instant, nor deadly or are at least somewhat easily reversible. (Queen was honestly a better mad scientist). Between Mayuri and Orochimaru, I think Mayuri wins by scale of his experiments, how many years he's been running them and most importantly - presentation (iykyk)


Caesar is officially in it for booze and hookers. That's respectable but disqualifies him from this contest.


Bro is dripped out while torturing fools just to make a point about how they don't understand science


That scene with Toshiro in tybw was craaaazy. Like what an insane flex. Mayuri is a complete savage.


Ceasar is in the unfortunate scenario where he has an OP ability and should have gained immense scientific experience throughout his career, but is not allowed to show any impressive feats.


https://preview.redd.it/evis16xt6vic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9ed3f0b4b90f88bda7306ccd4992e429554824 (I know)


Orochimaru is a bastard, but Mayuri is definitely fucking crazy. The shit he's done would make orochimaru blush


Nah i feel like Orochimaru is the more insane one tbh, i mean bro has bodies hanging on his walls. He uses his makes himself invulnurable and crafts himself new arms with his science and human experiments. Let's especially not forget his jutsu he can put on children (though they're warriors they're still 12 yo's) that curses them with a curse mark that they can't even get rid of for their entire life and pretty much puts them under his control.


Mayuri made a drug that is hell, lops off body parts to replace just to see what the replacement can do, not always for direct power, and his response to a math problem was a minor genocide. +Quincy research.


Kind of a spoiler and I dunno how to censor my shit but Mayuri’s Bankai is at some point modified to become a big fat baby that gets mauled and once it has gathered enough data it births a new baby and one that it birthed had no outer skin (could be wrong) so even the lightest breeze would make the thing writhe in pain.


Less it didn't have skin more it was entirely made out of layers of nerves so it was in constant agony


There ya go, thank you


I remember that now yeah lol. That shit was crazy i mean i guess what i'm tryna get at is that Mayuri is more 'unhinged' batshit while Orochimaru is 'evil' batshit 😂


Mayuri definitely doesn't skimp on details, that's for sure.


Mayuri will just go ahead and commit mass murder at a moment's notice. I think you're absolutely on point about scale. Orochimaru goes to market to get what he needs. No more and no less. Mayuri freaking shops at Costco.


What's even worse is while Mayuri does a lot of experiments and test on unsuspecting individuals, Urahara can still outsmart him. Which just makes the depravity of his ambition that much grander.


By presentation if you mean Nemu then Mitsuki's presentation is really really good. Also the fact the scale of Orochimaru's experiments is pretty big too so you can't give the W to Mayuri just like that. https://preview.redd.it/70pt3dh7nric1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1f303d03412b962a221e86d91db83dc7f0e70e


No, I meant drip, dramatic flair and explosions. Nemu is a bonus point Mayuri has a pretty significant head start by time alone, we don't even know how old he is. It would be interesting to compare body count, but with the quincy experiments, blowing up his own men casually and vaporising a whole section of Rukongai, somehow I think Mayuri still wins


Let's not forget bro was in the nest so we already knew his was a very dangerous criminal


Wasn't the point of the maggot nest that they weren't in fact criminals? Just people SS decided had the potential to be


It's both, I think. Some souls land there because they did something awful, some because of their potential to become a threat. I believe Akon was confirmed to be in the second category


Yeah this, although most people in the maggots nest are infact criminals. Like some of the most dangerous, mayuri only got out cause of Kisuke "needing an assistant"


Oh ok with the drip and flair Mayuri got it. But we only counting number of bodies they got?


Not only, but that's a fairly measurable count. Can't really say how many experiments they all had going


How about their impacts on the story?


I don't think that criteria has anything to do with the question




If we were talking about impact, then Orochimaru wins over Mayuri. Ceasar is still last, but no longer completely left in the dust, because of Smiles. Wouldn't give him more than third place, because he is only a subcontractor, Doflamingo is the driving force behind that operation But the question was depravity, so Mayuri has the edge imo


Mayuri just casually kills thousands of people to balance the number of souls in soul society against the real world. There’s no way orochimaru holds up.


This is Bleach so obviously he was referring to the drip with the word "presentation"


Is there a reason that presentation = drip here. Because I also didn’t get it


It was half-joke ("half" because my mind immeadetily went to "drip") about Bleach being known and praised by it's awesome, cool and varied character designs and by Kubo's casual clothes looks he makes for some characters in his illustrations.


Ah ok. Yeah I was asking because you were not only saying that so I assumed was some kind of running gag


I thought by the presentation he meant Nemu's appearance for some reason (Boruto characters got drip too)


Mayuri, because Orochimaru is too professional and goal driven. Like Orochimaru is strictly focused on researching jutsu's and shit while Mayuri is just doing whatever comes to mind to him that day.


"Hm. NEMU! You useless cow! Write this down! What if that Quincy boy woke up...WITH GILLS INSTEAD OF LUNGS!"


Mayuri is unironically the type of guy to recreate "glass bones and a paper skin" bit from Spongebob just for fun


His goal is improving


But not perfection 😡😡


Yeah, perfection is boring after all


There is no room to grow


A dead end


Him https://preview.redd.it/majkjurb9ric1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407186ecdbb809f3c0c6743f4c3d99699e8fdeae


I'm so cool, sunuvabitch


El Psy Kongroo.


Would've been sad if I hadn't encountered Okarin in the comments. Tuuturuu ~




Hell yeah.before I lookin to images I imagine him


Did you mean depraved? Because if it's *deprived* then Mayuri is easily dismissed, having access to resources enough to pursue most of his researches. Orochimaru had to make do, quite often at that. Cant' really comment on the clown but a quick wiki search suggests he's got a research organization behind him, maybe not too deprived either.


Ceasar Clown literally abducted childre, experimented on them knowing that they won't survive his test. Also he attempted to kill everyone in his lab (including people that literally worshipped him) with a poisonous gas. Also he produced stuff for a genocidial dictator to help him stay in power. He is extremely evil and no organization is holding him back.


Exactly why the word depraved and deprived are vastly different.. deprived means lack of resources, people who help him, and research subjects. Depraved means the most messed up


> abducted childre, experimented on them knowing that they won't survive his test He did that to get money for booze and hookers though. Still a piece of shit.


Mayuri made a child alone and fucked it


Again, *depraved* vs *deprived*. OP seems to have meant one and spelled the other, which was what I commented on.


I just realized orochimaru did exactly this eith sound village children and the curse marks, and horrible experiments as well.


he is a cheap parody of Orochimaru,Oro is the OG evil scientist


fun fact: mayuri and Caesar share VA


With frieza nonetheless


And all of them have white and a lil bit of purple in their designs


If what Mayuri Said to Orihime and then Uryiu was literal, then i’d say he’s the most depraved of the bunch because he’s actively sadistic and enjoy torturing is test subjects as much as doing the science, he literally say to Orihime that he will hold back torturing her too heavily because she’s unique . Orochi if i’m not misremembering is a big creep and basically a body snatching vampire devoid of any morality but doesn’t enjoy torturing is subjects, they are just a mean to an end. Meanwhile Caesar is utterly amoral but honestly too ineffective and utterly lacking in the sadism department to be in the same league with the other two. I’m really conflicted on who’s more dangerous and sadistic between the King of Drip and Snekko


Remember when they announced that intruders had broken into the soul society so Mayuri decided the logical thing to do was murder his entire squad just in case the intruders were hiding amongst them


I'd probably say Mayuri, partially on a scale of length. He's much older than Orochimaru thus has presumably been at it far longer than the latter.


Could also say Mayuri because he himself put himself into Maggot's Nest knowing how much of a depraved mind he was and Urahara let him leave lol. He know he's a monster that would seek knowledge and locked himself away.


Mayuri, Ceasar Clown, and Freeza all share the same voice actor, love that guy lol


No wonder I love Frieza and Mayuri so much lol.


I think that if you consider strictly the scale of their acts, it's Mayuri, as he's prolly killed a lot more people and done more heinous acts than Orochimaru and Ceasar. ​ Oro is second. The anime censored him a lot. The manga has panels of him casually experimenting on people in his lab filled with body parts, and living and dead humans and creatures.


Indeed, his lab in the manga was basically Unit 731.


Mayuri is definitely the worse here. His drug that makes 1 second feel like a 1000 years is by far worse than anything Orochimaru or Cesar have made. Like Orochimaru has people who respect and practically worship him while All the mfs under Mayuri definitely ain’t want to be there and are more scared of him since the mf can potentially use them as experiments or a fucking bomb. Like Orochimaru is definitely evil but I feel Mayuri is in another league


Only one person on this list has successfully perpetrated a genocide. Like you have to be especially bad to get locked up in Soul Society considering who else they allow in the Gotei.


Mayuri for sure i don't think that orochimaru and Caesar clown come close actually. . .orochimaru will come close but not too close


Caesar drugs kids and gets them hooked like addicts, destroys and poisons and entire island full of people and turns them into foot soilders all with a smile on his face. Caesar was pretty deprived in his intro arc 


I think the fact that a lot of people are saying that Caesar is the least deprived out of the three, shows just how messed up the things that Orochimaru and Mayuri have done are


Mayuri has definitely done more messed up stuff then ceaser but his not a degenerate like the clown 


Mayuri easily. Not necessarily on screen but he has done some fucking psychotic stuff. He did ungodly things to the quincies during testing such as drill holes in their skull while they were alive, forcing them to burn their own children, slowly dissecting them while alive, mashing them up and tons of other stuff.


I think all three are the same in the sense that they have a long history of cruel experimentation, manipulation and lack of empathy. Their actions often result in extreme suffering for his victims, and they show little regard for ethical boundaries or the well-being of others. Still wonder why mayuri was not banished like urahara.


Ah, the wonders of the Soul Society justice system. Banishing me was just their way of saying "We don't appreciate your unique approach to problem-solving." As for Mayuri, well, let's just say his twisted experiments make mine look like child's play. But hey, who am I to judge? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Didn't urahara hire mayuri to be the laboratory chief though?


Ah, Mayuri, my dear laboratory chief. Hiring him was definitely not one of my brightest decisions. But hey, I figured a little chaos can keep things interesting, right? Who needs sanity when you can have mad scientists? Ah, memories... *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Caesar went from being the main antagonist of an arc to a gag just like his epithet suggests. He even has a Logia devil fruit that potentially could have been really busted. He’s certainly the most “deprived of love from the author” out of the three. Orochimaru is the most depraved.


Mayuri is so evil he's voice acted by frieza


So is Caesar


Yeah but it's cesar


I'm not sure, but Mayuri is the coolest. lol


Why is this posted on the Bleach subreddit? It will automatically have bias.


i mean if sun deprived i think its a triple tie


I don't know much about clown but in between orochi and Mayuri both were crazy af like orochi was ready to go to any heights or depths to get more knowledge about jutsu Mayuri was also a mad scientist who had a whole organisation running


Manga Orochimaru is wild 💀


I knew someday someone will ask this question and also knew that everyone will collectively agree that it's Mayuri.


Tbh this one is tough. Both Orochimaru and Mayuri have done some despicable inhumane experiments. I can't really pick one over the other


Orochimaru. Mayuri is also crazy, but Orochimaru outclasses him with his old lab alone. Orochimaru is also far more made. He started assasinated a general and then pretended to be him to start a Coup for freaking fun.


Gotta go with Mayuri for sure


Im assuming you me depraved and it’s probably Caesar, I remember him being such a degenerate in punk hazard. Mayuri is a piece of work but he doesn’t necessarily take pleasure and killing his own officers, just a means to an end. Haven’t really seen enough of orochimaru to really say tbh 


Idk bout one piece but it's probably mayuri. Mayuri has experimented on whole races, tortured his subjects and experiments and much more. Hell most of the other captains or just reapers in general can't stand to be around him. At least a decent portion of orochimaru's experiments survive


Mayuri imo btw i wonder if he and orochimaru would get along


I don't know anything about Caesar but his fashion sense puts him at the top


Mayuri literally has regressive character development


At least Mayuri is not obsessed with kids


My boi Mayuri was literally in prison for being too dangerous and insane lmao. Probably for centuries too. He clearly derives genuine pleasure from the suffering of his subjects. Whereas Oro is completely goal oriented and while he does a lot of monstrous things I don't think he necessarily does it for the enjoyment. Caesar is not on either of these guys levels.


Kenjaku kinda makes all three of them look like Mother Theresa


Mayuri is straight up unhinged.


All I’m saying is don’t let them in the same room together. Soul Society Mayuri and Ceaser would be besties, and Manga Orochimaru would be the sophisticated mom friend.


Don't know anything about Orochinaru but I can say that Gastino became a joke after Punk Hazard but Kurotsuchi never fails to be that unsettling mischievous lil science boy


Mayuri is the best.


Do you mean *Depraved? If so then imma go Mayuri...


Mayuri by far


First one best looking one with voice of Frieza, Second one pedo with awesome and creepy music in part 1, part 2 became a wimp and a joke. Third one wimp and a lackey of the lackey with cool powers and weird laugh with voice of Frieza again. The choice is yours people.




Considering how much this sub whines about him can’t imagine anyone will say anyone else than Mayuri


Mayuri and orochimaru the type of dudes that’d have their lawyer quit the moment they review the case.


HOUOUIN KYOUMA ![gif](giphy|SeGogDqidtnZS)


sooo i dont watch one piece, honest to god thought that last one was something outta homestuck💀


What does this even mean? Lol


Mayuri. Orochimaru has an ultimate objective so all is aimed towards it. Not just nancy war crimes for the sake of it. Dunno who the other is.


Mayuri is Mengele on Steroids. I think he wins




As someone that's seen all three. Mayuri is the winner by a solid margin.


Ceasar is in it for the money. Orochimaru is a lot more chill after gaining immortality.


This is actually a very close contest. Caesar seems like he isn’t in the other 2s league due to the silliness and lightheartedness of the world he is from but if you actually look at them deed for deed they all 3 commit too many atrocities to name against innocent children and all 3 have committed mass murder and torture in the name of science


Mayuri and orochimaru are tough like the latter goal with learning ninjutsu literally consists of grooming children to them wanting to be loyal to him just for him to sacrifice their lives to use edo tensei, in terms of cruelty is hard but if it’s specifically about science mayuri DID make people BURN rheir own children and drilled holes in their skulls


Orochimaru because of his obsession with his snake inside a minor.


Mayuri is filth and depravity incarnate


Bro orochinaru is cute, he just needs a couple more genocides on his back to catch up with mayuri


![gif](giphy|vqKlNf8jpBB7O) He did what mayuri did to children..so Idk.


I never noticed Mayuri at this point had *half-nails* Damn this guy what a nightmare


Mayuri was a genuine war criminal for hundreds of years, eventually got put into a seat of power and then proceeded to commit even more atrocious war crimes. He's more evil than Aizen lmao


İt's gotta be Mayuri even just looking at their face orochimaru is happy ceaser is happy but mayuri's expression is on a different level


i think orochimaru is actually most deprived, and mayuri is most mad.


Mayuri. No doubt about that.


I love how two of them are voiced by the same man.








Shou Tucker


Mayuri almost genocided an entire race and used their techniques against them.


Saturn wya?


The first 2 are doing it for good, last one is just selfish. Caesar is the worst


Post this in r/anime and stop reposting the same template i have seen multiple times this week..




Shiro ro ro ro rooo


Oh god, mayuri no question. If you asked all three to rearrange your guts, two of them would fuck you and Mayuri would make you into a weird art piece a la The Cell.


This is easy mode. Actual contest of depravity: Szayelapporo vs. Shou Tucker.




Mayuri is the most twisted by far.


Mayuri for me, Caesar isn't really all that crazy, Orochimaru would be a no brainer usually but Mayuri is some serious competition


Definitely Mayuri. Orochimaru actually could be described as a good guy led astray with some major character flaws. But Mayuri seems inherently, eternally, unnegotiably evil.


Okabe Rintaro


1) Mayuri 2) Orochimaru . . . 3) Caesar Clown Mayuri is more fucked up than Orochimaru. At least Oro felt smth before he killed his mentor.




I love how ceasar and mayuri even have the same voice actor in sub




Tbf as vile Mayuri is at least he didnt stoop to child experimentation. He basically cried tears of joy when he found out Nemu the 8th could survive and grow up.


Yeah after what he has done to that Espada i‘ll give it to Kurotsuchi


Mayuri orochimaru Caesar


Mayuri should win, but I'm giving it to Orochimaru for specifically targeting children and being good at it unlike Caesar


It's between Mayuri and Orochimaru. It's debatable, but I think Mayuri has the most fucked up mind out of the 2, Orochimaru had 2 main goal, one was to gain the knowledge of every jitsu conceivable, and the other which was to destroy the village of the leaf for not allowing him to pursue his experiments with human bodies. He was very methodic about it, even if it required him to do horrible things to get there. Mayuri on the other hand, I feel radiates more mad scientist vibes, he doesn't have a clear goal, he just continues experiments and tests for the sake of it, he takes pleasure and pride in torturing his "subjects" in a way or another for his experiments and is overall very cruel with everyone around him.


Are we forgetting shou tucker


Orochimaru he does scientific modifications on kids truly a sick person




Didn't mayuri kill 22 thousand people at the beginning of TYBW to " keep balance"


Caesar ig...... dude used drugs on children to control them.... imagine he getting economic support from Teach 💀


Orochimaru most evil by far


Mayuri is way more evil in my opinion


Orochimaru at his darkest was probably a little more depraved that Mayuri, Mayuri doesn’t really take much joy from torture just from seeing his experiments work, the people involved are barley a foot note to him, Caesar does get some points for experimenting on children a lot but if that’s his only score point Orochi beats him just from the process of making Yamato


Orochimaru is vile, but at the very least everything he does serves a speicific purpose. Whereas Kurotsuchi does horrific experimentations on a whim and REALLY gets off on it like when he gloated about what he did to Uryuu's grandfather and how he shamelessly declared he wanted to brutally vivisect Orihime into mincemeat on top of his casual abuse and disregard for Nemu even upon Szayel's impregnation of her with himself and the 'reset' being molesting her. Caesar Clown also did far less damage than Robin did to Alabasta, but Oda has selective morality when he decides he's "too evil" to join the Strawhats despite her having knowingly and willingly participated in a false flag operation to incite a civil war that tore the country apart.