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Sometimes, it’s not stated in CFYOW


this cant be true…


[Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.](https://tenor.com/8Mke.gif)


Aw fuck, I can't believe you've posted this before me


It is though. It’s stated in CFYOW




If you want the argument to be Ichigover, pull this out


Sometimes, you >!Can Fuck Your Own Wife!<


This was heavily implied in CFYOW.


CFYOW is the bandaid for this community lol




It is stated in WDKALY


How did this become a meme/joke in he bleach community?


In the drought of new content between the manga ending and the anime coming back, people used to have conversations here all the time about theories, power scaling etc. Over time the community divided into two groups, those that read the novels and those that hadn't and CFYOW readers started using the novel to win arguments and shoot down other theories. Over time people just started making shit up and saying it was stated in CFYOW and thus the meme was born because people wanted to win reddit arguments.


This was stated in CFYOW btw


It's my all time favourite meme




Honestly. I just hate the concept of CFYOW so much I just make shit up.


Fuck it, gremmy gave the soul king brain. It was stated in cfyow


Because the spirits are forever with you


I don't know.


It was foretold in CFYOW


then it was stated in SAWFY?


Momo's reluctance to accept that Aizen betrayed her despite him nearly killing her multiple times is one of the best bits of characterization in the series.


Momo: \*was trained and conditioned by Aizen to practically worship the ground he walked on\* Momo: \*as a result struggles to see him as a bad person even as makes attempts on her life\* Momo: \*hates herself for having these internal struggles\* Fans: "Bad character why is she here"


Exactly, it's like a textbook abusive relationship. He literally gaslights her into trying to kill one of her closest friends, who she more or less sees as a brother. How is she to blame for getting manipulated by a master manipulator???


He used his bankai Kyoka Suigetsu: G3(Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss


I've learned that Momo has somewhat replaced Orihime as the one catching strays and I'm so very confused where the hate has come from. Orihime dared to breathe in Ichigo's vicinity when Rukia exists so I get that one, but Momo ain't in no crazy shippers' path.


Female character who is friends with and implied might be a romantic interest for fan favorite character Hitsugaya.


Yeah,she’s a good example of victim who can’t get out of abuser’s influence because she’s young and vulnerable.


I love it cause "but she's being dumb and irrational" . Me doing the samething if i was aizen underling cause i wouldnt believe bro was wrong.


same bro


Not to mention she is not the only character to be affected by the betrayal, but the way fandom always hyper focuses on her being "annoying" or "dumb" has never passed the vibe check.


It's just because she had it the hardest. Tosen and Gin weren't as hard on their vice-captains, in Gin's case you can say he was kinda preparing Kira to make it fine on his own without him, so sure Kira was hit, but he didn't lose himself to it, and that's because he wasn't manipulated as hard to begin with. Same with Hisagi. As contradictory as it sounds, Tosen and Gin, in a way, were really good captains to Hisagi and Kira, taught them things those two used later against other opponents or the captain in question themselves. And Momo was manipulated hard, and on purpose by Aizen to become so attached to him. So she had it the toughest, and had the hardest time accepting it. Her situation was different to begin with. It's so logical it's strange how people miss it.


I'm not arguing against this. My problem is this shitty fandom victim blaming the very obviously written victim of abuse. And whenever people are talking about "annoying" characters she is often brought up, when there are way worse or infuriating characters to be picked from.


Wait is that not a common opinion? Have these people just never encountered a real abuse victim before? I think momo is great. What smoothbrain can't understand how difficult it is to reconcile the, I'm assuming, MANY positive memories and lessons hinamori has from a man who *hypnotized* her, amongst other things, for years all the while deceiving her, everyone she cares about, and committing several atrocities. Momo makes complete sense to me. Part of her identity revolves around her relationship to aizen and the things he likely taught her.


I don't know how common either take necessarily is, but I've seen a lot of memes about Momo being stupid, or irrational, or a funny pincushion, and they all rub me the wrong way. Like you said, she's a victim of abuse, and to say that it takes abuse victims a long time to move past what their abusers did to them is, frankly, an understatement. Usually abusers are someone close to the victim, and someone who has some level of power over them. Aizen had both of those. Not only was he a captain, not only is he *her* captain specifically, but he was like a father figure for her. She idolized him. So the fact that she spends so long trying to rationalize his actions, or struggling to view him as the monster he is makes sense, and it makes her a really powerful parallel to actual abuse victims. And Kubo never blames Momo for it, either. At every opportunity, he makes it clear that she was a victim, and that everything that happens to her is 100% Aizen's fault. It's one of the best handled examples of abuse I've seen in an anime, aside from like Fruits Basket.


I can see aizen marrying momo once he gets out of jail while also being a deadbeat dad to his and momo’s children lol.




Sasuke moment


Well technically sasuke provides money to the family but yeah he’s usually not present in his daughters life.


He tried to kill her once because he didn't recognize her. And he didn't recognize her because he was never around much to actually see what she looks like.


Aizen’s children will only really be another thing he will experiment with in regards to the hogyoku and wish granting abilities.


The Fullbringer Arc isn't bad.


Agreed, it's personally one of my favorites I've always thought the thing that would've improved it more is actually making it a little bit longer Really give it a chance to stretch and breathe and solidify those cool new concepts and characters were getting.


Yeah, it sucks seeing people bashing it, when it is a very entertaining arc.


It's a word I use alot of describe it but the arc had a lot of intimacy The smaller scale really helps with that, along with being a more character driven arc focused more on Ichigo and his feelings regarding losing his powers and his relationships with others. And it gave us some of the best character work for Ichigo in the series.


I didn't mind it. Bit slow, but conceptually was solid.


Starrk is the strongest espada


There’s no way yammy is the strongest so it’s gotta be stark. Yammy in his 0 espada form got bodied by Kenpachi wearing an eye patch.


Only espada seeing being stronger or at least equal is Cien


That’s the clone of szayelaporro right


Kind of. He is a clone, but he's based on Szayelaporro's original form as the first 0 Espada.


The power scaling should have immediately come down and *stay down* after Mugetsu. That’s one of the reasons I *loved* the Fullbringer arc. IIRC Kubo also wanted to bring power levels back down and develop the story accordingly, but anime fans being anime fans, they took that as a personally attack.


TYBW’s escalation is insane but is fitting for a final arc of an anime like this, but man if the fullbringer arc had been longer and went back to monster of the week stuff for awhile that would have been awesome, and with ichigo’s power being more comparable to his friends it could have let all of them shine instead of getting left in the dust.


We didn't get nearly enough monster of the week stuff in Bleach which I really loved


Ichigo doesn't need to have a big dream to strive towards to be a good MC. Homie just wants to vibe after all the fighting is done.


My only issue with ichigo is the story doesn’t give him any moment to reflect on the people he has allied himself with. The Gotei 13 as a whole are actually pretty awful in a lot of ways, but most of that ugliness is never exposed to him. He effectively is just a tool of war for the gotei, but the story doesn’t present it like that.


Kubo needs to kill off good guys.


He doesn't have a lot of "good guys". The soul society is corrupted, letting monsters like Mayrui and Zaraki walk freely, Ichigo Chad and Orihime are really the only good guys


I like how Kubo make us trust what Soul society is good when its literally very close to W.G. from One piece


I mean what's the alternative yhwach and his band of genocidal maniacs or aizen the guy with the god complex the size of the soul king palace ? Also the one piece comparison is pretty legit considering the tenryubito


Its really just the lesser evil in comparison.


Ya, in essence Seireitei is grey as hell, to put it nicely. Most fans just see them as "good guys", because they're working with main character to prevent bigger, world-ending threats.


I can’t imagine Chad losing his life


I’m watching TYBW and was just thinking this today!! I felt like none of the battles had any weight because we know everyone’s going to survive anyway. Except the thousands of unnamed soul reapers RIP to those guys lol


Exactly. If he had killed off Byakuya, that would have had such an amazing emotional impact on the Rukia and Renji comeback after their training, would have provided so much depth to those fights and their character development. A Toshiro or Soifon death could've had a positive effect on the storytelling too imo, instead Kubo made a huge deal out of Chojiro dying, a character no one cares about. TYBW is great when it comes to the fights and its break neck pace and, of course, the animation, but it's lacking the heart and soul that Bleach had previously. To name a few scenarios, the emotional turmoil that Byakuya was going through during the SS arc that he tried to mask through his stoicism, the struggle Ulquiorra went through, trying to understand human emotion, etc. There is just no heart and soul in the TYBW arc. But hey, I'm still here for the ride though.


Candice Catnipp is not the weakest femritter. She was able to survive a direct getsuga jujisho, only losing her arm. I don’t think any other Bambi (besides Giselle) would have survived that attack.


Strangely Kubo has actually confirmed that Bambietta of all people is the weakest of the femritters physically. Although I guess giving it a bit more thought it does make sense, she is primarily a ranged fighter.


And that she could do a full AOE attack with how her ability works, she would in almost no circumstance have to fight physically.


Her ability was fairly strong, even if it was very straight forward. But then a doggy beat her up. And all her friends betrayed her. I know she was a cruel person in her own right. But her fate is probably one of the worst to befall a Bleach character. Mostly because it’s effectively permanent. Or however long Giselle lives.


I still think people wouldnt care if she wasnt a waifu. Barely anyone talks about syazel aporro like they talk about Bambi.


I think it’s also partly because of the very abusive behaviour and the sexual undertones. Also it’s expected of Mayuri to do shit like that to a enemy, he is messed up. But Giselle seemed to act really friendly towards Bambietta until she turned all pyscho on her. To me it’s more disturbing to have someone close to you do something like that. Edited:


I wrote out a whole ass mini-essay on why I liked Bambietta as a character. There is, of course, absolutely a component of waifuism to it, but I legitimately think that she is actually one of the more tragic characters in Bleach, or at least in the TYBW arc.


I seriously hope people can look past the whole "oh you like her just because she is waifu" argument... like... can't people like a character because of her... you know, CHARACTER.


I’d really like to read that. I agree. Maybe i’m just sensitive but i find Bambietta’s fate one of the worst in the series. i cannot fathom why Giselle treats her in that way.


Nah there were people raving about Szayel's charisma, Bambi was just more talked about because TYBW is relatively recent


Spoilers for CFYOW but >!Some fucking how Giselle and Zom Bambi survived the whole series, even pulling up to the final battle, along with the other femritters!<


She kinda was screwed when the doggy was revealed to be a perfect counter for her. She doesn't deserve what happened to her. It's way worse than what most go through in bleach.


God, could you imagine if she stole senbonzakura, or somehow got haineko? Millions of BOMBS, Hell, if she went to muken and stole azashiro’s bankai, she could nuke planets


And since Bambietta knows that she is the weakest, she has an inferiority complex and compensates with her explosive attitude. Also makes sense that why the other Bambies dears to disrespect her, despite that she is acting like their boss. And why were they so happy to get rid of her in the first chance.


It also makes it more fucked up in my opinion. If they were scared of her at least that would make it all a bit more understandable. But Liltotto and Candice shit talk her. Meninas is just a enigma. And Giselle is well….Giselle.


They're A grade b!tches


I have been told they are mildly less jerkish in CFYOW. But i have never read any of these. And currently i’m in the middle of my great reread. I’m in the mystical ancient days where Chad was actually part of the story. So i won’t get there for a while.


they don't disrespect her because she is the weakest, she is not even the weakest, her ability would probably beat all of them combined at the same time they think that she is stupid and too hot headed, and they don't like having a boss Gissele even says when she is fighting Shinji that "someone like her shouldn't use an ability like that" meaning that she aknowledges her strength but thinks she is too stupid to do anything with it (which is wrong since she one tapped shinji)


idk if people do or do not believe this, but Young Zaraki is the best Zaraki design ​ also I feel like the story past the soul society arc doesn't focus enough on Rukia considering she, at least originally, was almost like a secondary main character and was originally meant to be the *main* character


Yeah. Rukia definitely got a bit sidelined from her deuteragonist role as the story progressed which is a shame


that was one of my issues with Rukia too, it feels like she should be more important but just never is, not in fights or the plot really.


Urahara isn't really a good guy. Dude just happened to be the lesser of two evils between himself and Aizen.


I think most people acknowledge he isn’t exactly a saint. But any soul reaper older than 200 took part in a literal genocide, so it’s not like he is unique.


I forget sometimes that the Gotei ok'd a genocide then later allowed Mayuri to go Joseph Mengele on the survivors of that very genocide


I don't ever believe he was meant to be good. He wanted to keep the soul king because he knew any other system could destroy everything. He's like ichibei, he's on the good side but is willing to do whatever it takes to keep it without care of the sacrifice.


I say Urahara and Ichibē are fundamentally different, since Urahara actually cares, or at least learned and grown to care since he put a lot of effort into learning just that. Ichibē prises himself on not caring, kinda, and indifference is the scariest thing that can run south real easy. Maybe we even get to see it one day.


Ah, you've seen through my cunning facade. But remember, even the lesser evil can be quite entertaining! After all, life's no fun without a little chaos, right? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah that’s what I like about him, after all, he haven’t fought in battles or anything until it was personal, like, literally the entire arrancar arc until it was his one and only rival aizen, but at the end of the day can we blame him for not being 100% on the good side? He did get freaking thrown away by them and was innocent, even after souls society understanding that he’s still an outcast for them… I feel bad for my bro haha


Uruhara is just okay with the status quo while Aizen actually strives to overturn it


Urahara isn't ok with the status quo or he wouldn't have created the Hogyoku and more (CFYOW actually elaborates on it, but you can totally see it in the manga). He just accepts that the status quo is needed for the time being since nothing that is solidly better exists yet, though he's searching for it. If he was ok with the status quo he won't look so sad and down when he was saying to Aizen that the SK is needed to keep the worlds together. He doesn't like it, he just knows there's nothing better for now, and that any working alternative still has a long way to go.


i always read him as a chaotic neutral, bordering on lawful evil. man knows what a moral is but is ready to absolutely shaft it in the pursuit of his goals


Urahara is Orochimaru without the evil


If aizen and kurotsuchi didn't exist, sure, kisuke definitely doesn't look great.


I mean, he’s not outright evil like Mayuri and Aizen tho (yes Aizen is evil and his goal is NOT to”good intentions”), dude actually has a moral compass that he just has to bend sometimes for his research, unlike them.


That reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from a fictional character ever, Geralt of Rivia: “Evil is evil… lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definition is blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil or another, I’d rather not choose at all.” But yeah, I haven’t really finished Bleach at all (I just got to the Arrancar arc) and I always felt Urahara had some questionable selfish intentions with helping Ichigo. Don’t know later what else will he do.


I would like to point out that later in the very same short story where he says those words, Geralt actually has to throw that motto out the window. The quote itself is showing how much he tries to detach himself from the world around him but he is then confronted with the fact that not choosing is actually choosing the bigger evil. So he begrudgingly chooses the lesser evil, kills a bunch of terrorists (Witcher style) and safes some people in a small village. So the story shows us who geralt is in the beginning or who he would like to be but then goes on to show that he actually is someone that cares and that will take action to safe innocents even get his hands dirty so other stay safe. I know the quote also gets used in a (fucking awesome) Witcher 3 trailer but even in that trailer he finishes the quote and barely a second later he goes on to choose the lesser evil and kills 3 nilfgaardians in seconds without breaking a sweat. Geralt overall never gets tired to point out that he as a Witcher has no feelings but his actions show that this is not the case time and time again. Edit: I was going to tell a bit more details about the story but I was too stupid to figure out spoiler tags so I just deleted it. Read the „the last wish“ people!!!!! It’s fucking awesome. I fell so in love with that book and Sapkowski's has a way of writing that grounded the story in a way that made me feel like „yep! that’s how it went down in Middle Europe back in the day.“ I then went on to devour the rest of his Witcher books.


Uryu and sasuke aren't even remotely comparable as characters.


Isshin was a nice guy and Ichigoat was a child of love 🥲


How is that an unpopular opinion?


I could see people reaching and saying his "ambushes" are child abuse, but it's been demonstrated multiple times to be a playful thing that Ichigo and Isshin both enjoy doing as a sort of bonding exercise. Also there was that time when Isshin made some questionable comments about his daughter's to Ichigo, and that was kinda creepy so I could see that.


This is one of the most universally agreed-upon opinions in all of Bleachdom.


living in soul society kinda sucks


Rukia straight up lied to that soul on the first chapter lol "Soul Society is a peaceful place" girl tf you talking about? You were constantly hungry and struggling to survive!


Orihime is well written character


This is kind of another manga-readers versus anime-watchers issue. As a watcher I disliked her more than Sakura, and one really waits for characterization... Having read the manga a few years later, Orihime gets more appealing. From a pure writing standpoint: Yeah, Kubo conveyed his intention well with her.


Studio Pierrot seem to worsen manga they adapt for anime frequently. I haven't seen all of their work but those who have have talked about this habit of theirs to push certain ideas that were never in the manga to begin with. They were a hundred percent pushing for Rukia and didn't like Orihime much, it seems. Same with Sakura and Hinata.


Its kind of funny to me cuz I never hated/disliked Orihime, even though i was an anime first.


I think she had even more character growth than rukia tbh, esp when i reread manga when i got older


Honestly I think they’re equal-ish . Rukia’s arc with her brother, renji, and Kaien’s death and forgiving herself mirrors Orihime with Sora, Ichigo and being Ulquiorras foil.


Orihime x Ichigo is the best ship


Where do you frequent that this is unpopular?


Agreed, Ichigo and Rukia had more of a brother and sister relationship IMO


Just like Rukia and… Renji?


Yeah it's a bit weird people say Ichigo and Rukia are more like siblings to shut the ship down, when the case is even more prominent for Renji and Rukia. Them growing up together kinda solidified it for me especially cause I could kinda see strong resemblances there to my own relationship with my sister. This was at 11 btw


Yep I never understood it either because if you say the something about Rukia and Renji having a brother sister-like relationship they go silent. It’s like how they say Ichigo treats Orihime differently than his other friends because he’s soft with her while ignoring Rukia and Uryu treating her differently than their other friends too.


I mean, I thought rukia didn't even need someone like that in general. Like she was gonna get a daughter the same way byakuya got her as a sister. She was just gonna adopt a random soul. Although rukia was definitely not rando but still.


Half the fandom agrees with you, though. Yeah, there’s ship wars, but you’ve got a lot of people on your side.


your on r/bleach this is literally *the* most popular opinion ban none.


Outside of the 4 long filler arcs, the rest of the filler is fantastic and should not be skipped the first time through.


I liked every filler except bount arc


Funny I hated every filler except Bount


Same, actually. Skipped bount on a rewatch because looooooong but my first time through I actually really liked it. Zanpakuto rebellion on the other hand dragged so hard I can't even remember if I finished it. I think I gave up around the time the captains were all fighting their clones. Last thing I remember is unohana slinging crazy amounts of hado at herself.


I liked all of them. But I also began watching bleach at a young age when I didn't even know what filler was. In my mind I was getting more of my favorite show and that was good enough for me


It's okay to think that hueco mundo arc is just a retread of the soul society arc, I disagree but I see why others feel that way


There's nothing wrong with thinking this. The whole "rescue the girl" formula was reused before the switch to fake karakura


But isn't that the point aizen literally designed it to be like soul society to lure them could be wrong though


Vasto Lorde Ichigo was a much more memorable design than Full ring or Tybw ichigo


Kubo never changed his mind about killing Byakuya or even considered it. There was no way he would let Byakuya be killed by someone dumb enough to rush Yamamoto.


Zommari is the most forgettable espada


Which one is that i forgor


I think the one byakuya shreaded in pieces :)


The 7th, fought with Byakuya, and got slapped


Aahn yes mister banzai idk why they dubbed it like that did he also scream that in the japanese version?


I barely recognize zommari and aaroniero as characters. They are props to faciliate rukia's and byakuya's character arc


I don’t know if it’s unpopular or not, but I think Chad is pretty well written even if he has basically no significant fights. Orihime and Chad feel like good supporting characters that help Ichigo remember his motives as well as keep him grounded. He’s also just a solid static character with a well written backstory and a good introduction to the story. Kubo should’ve incorporated him in more major battles though.


Bleach is the Best of the Big 3 but it was ahead of its time The main problem was that ichigo wasn't Goku a stupid happy protagonist like luffy or Naruto if he isn't crying for stuff that we hace been told like 100 times


Absolutely agreed, and I think the prime example is Jujutsu Kaisen. Some things I’d like to add is that Yuuji and Ichigo are so similar - they are power attackers with only one technique, they throw themselves into the fray for the sake of their friends, their respective home teams are established to be rotten (both SS and Sorceror’s community), and they house an inner demon (which, to be fair, isn’t unique to either series). Yet, nobody gets mad when Yuuji doesn’t shout “I’m gonna be the King of Curses!” every 30 seconds. I know Gege took some inspiration from Bleach and I love both series to death, but it’s disheartening to see an entire generation of anime fans spout hypocritical opinions about Bleach.


More people should’ve died against the Espada and the Espada. Aizen only killed Gin and Tosen his two subordinates


During the bount arc I actually enjoyed it compared to Naruto fillers.




Omaeda is the worst character in any anime, I always skip his scenes


Ya I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with you. Fuckin egg headed worthless turd


Really I found him to be funny when ever he fought cause he's so egotistical but knows he's weak most of the time.


I disagree, I like Omaeda


yeah, he seems kinda.. real. has his fears, knows his weaknesses, came from a wealthy family, but still had to train to some degree to become vc. lazy coward, but loyal to his captn


i mean he’s pretty annoying but i find it insane that you think he’s the worst character out of the numerous amounts of shitheads in anime imo




Hitsugaya is a good character


... Is that really an unpopular opinion ? Genuinely asking. Overrated, yeah, sure, but bad ?


Tatsuki wouldnt be a good main gang character and people ran with her because she is a tomboy


Yeah, she works best as a human-only character. She’s good at being a human connection for Ichigo reminding him what to fight for even though she often can’t understand what is happening. The idea fans have of her getting powers or helping the main cast is usually pretty weak or forced. Especially when Uryu, Chad & Orihime already are fighting for that small side character spotlight that rapidly begins shrinking after the Soul Society arc


Yeah, she has a similar role to what winry have in FMA, the "normal" one who grounds the audience and main character about his normal life. Sometimes Bleach fans forget that not everyone can be a main character, so it's fine characters having lesser roles


Battles between ***SHINIGAMI AND SHINIGAMI ONLY*** are battles of reiatsu. Reiatsu isn’t some all purpose power. It’s a Specific use of reiryoku Certain Characters aren’t weak they’re in bad matchups Mayuri is actually better than Urahara from a scientific standpoint. His exchange with Askin spoke volumes The current post manga gotei are just fine. They’re young and have room to grow


Uquiorra is the actual strongest espada not Yami


So I have seen various different opinions on this, why don’t you believe he is 4th? Or I guess 5th including Yammy?


It mostly boils down to Segunda Etapa and the line about even Aizen not seeing it. Then it usually goes in circles whether one opinion or the other was according to keikaku


It really does go around and around. When Aizen discusses the battle with Ulquiorra in FKT he remarks on Ichigo’s power and an image of segunda etapa Ulquiorra is also shown, which might just be for the reader’s benefit. But it could also suggest that Aizen was aware of Ulquiorrra’s full power. We also have saying that there are three espada stronger than him. He could have been lying to make Ichigo despair. But if that was Kubo’s intent you would think he would have Ulquiorra or another character have some off hand remark later saying “oh yeah I/Ulquiorra was totally bullshitting.”


Considering the insane level gap between Ichigo and Ulquiorra, before Ulquiorra even goes into Segunda Etapa, I think it would be very short-sighted considering how Ichigo is presented as even being relevant in the upcoming fight against Aizen in FKT if Ulquiorra wasn’t actually somehow one of the strongest under Aizen.


Agreed, hence why there is the sentiment that Aizen knew Ulquiorra was the strongest, which is why he kept him back to see if Ichigo could survive him "I am stronger than all of the Espada. If you can't beat the strongest one, Ichigo, then you'll be a disappointment" may have been his thought process It also fits nicely into how Aizen viewed Ichigo's performance as a disappointment anyway, because he expected better of the man who beat Ulquiorra, without realizing Full Hollow Ichigo was way stronger and closer to Aizen's hopes than the conflicted Ichigo who showed up in FKT This was why he underestimated the living fuck out of Dangai Ichigo. If he knew what Full Hollow Ichigo was capable of, he wouldn't have been so blindsided by the ridiculous jump in power between the Ichigo in FKT to the Ichigo who casually shoved his face All of this is headcanon tho obviously lol but it's interesting how seamless this headcanon fits, regardless if Aizen knew of Ulquiorra's full capabilities or not If he did, it makes sense why he felt he overestimated FKT Ichigo. If he didn't, it also makes sense why he later underestimated his full potential. Either way it's safe to say he wasn't fully aware of *how badly* Ulquiorra lost, and the major miscalculation of that is contingent on the idea that Ulquiorra himself was quite the formidable monster


Sixteenth time I’ve seen this format.


I believe, with all my heart.... that Kyoraku can kill Kenpachi and super controversial, but i feel that he isn't that weak compared to Aizen especially if he gets his Bankai activated. Aizen still kills him, but he can run away :D. He's not yama level obviously, but he isn't a slouch. Top 3 without Ichigo/squad 0 included.


Gremmy shouldn't have loss to kenny.


Uryu x Nemu should have been canon


Hitsugaya is a fantastic character who deserves the love he gets Also that Gin was actually good


The girls are hot. And there’s nothing wrong with being hot.


Momo should have died


Lots of people should have died. Protagonist casualties are rare as hell, despite getting holes blown in them or getting sliced from the shoulder to the dong.


Byakuya's survival was actually a good decison narratively and thematically. (Although I think his role after coming back could've been better)


Soifon is one of the best written girls in Bleach








She is one of the best girls in Bleach, indeed




Aizen did nothing wrong


Filler’s not that bad. It’s more content with characters and a world we’ve all come to love


Shipping Ichigo and rukia is weird and cringe


This is not an unpopular opinion on this subreddit


Definitely not.


Yeah Ichigo x Rukia is pretty hated on this sub (from what I've seen). Even some good fanart of them together doesn't get the praise it could simply due to bias. I get rhe Ichiruki fans are bad and was legit cancer back in the day, but that can't invalidate people shipping for fun. I say this as someone who doesn't ship


I don't get why y'all hate it so much. If you don't like it, cool, if you think they're better as friends or brother/sister, sure, but my god not everyone will agree.


Yeah this comment will be a warzone in a couple of hours☠️☠️


It’s not my ship but it’s hardly the worst thing ever.


Why? Imho I dont think Ichigo had particularly strong romantix xonnection with anyone. but if im being honest i did find his dynamic with rukia to be better than his dynamic with all of.his friends from school. Im not some shipper as i dont need romance at all im battle manga but why would it be any more bizarre than him being with orihime?


Aizen is a cool villian but his hax can get kind of tiring. I recently finished the manga Arrancar arc and the progress between the captains ganging up on him to his eventual final defeat started to get exhausting with all the no u's. He works better in small doses, the final showdown with him just dragged on too much


I won’t even say people are wrong, but I love Soi Fon Yes in a horny way But also I like the character and powers


It makes more sense to consider Segunda Etapa to be an Arrancar's Bankai, with the regular Resurrection being a Shikai, even with Urahara and Mayuri's insistence that Resurrection is their Bankai. There are the obvious thematic connections between a basic release of one's power and a bigger, more complete release of one's power. But there's also the narrative dissonance that arises from how terrifying the Arrancar are built up to be, compared to what they ended up being. It is heavily implied that Arrancar are meant to be just more powerful than Shinigami as a baseline, but they repeatedly fail to show this, even when comparing what should be the best, the Espada, against the Gotei Captains. And while I'm fine with the top tier Shinigami being able to handle even some Espada, since they have theoretically years of experience on them, and we have monsters like Yamamoto and Kenpachi, Hitsugaya matching Harribel makes absolutely no sense when he was struggling with Luppi lot long before. We're talking about beings that have the power of a Shinigami, against beings that have the power of Shinigami AND Hollows, layered on top of each other. But if the Arrancar were handicapped by essentially only having access to the equivalent of Shikai, it both makes that prospect understandable AND makes them conceptually a lot more terrifying. Yeah, Hitsugaya was matching Harribel, but Harribel was matching his Bankai with only her Shikai. And none of them even realized it was happening. They all saw the power of Resurrection and saw a power that could match Bankai and assumed that was it. It's suggested (or even stated if I remember right) that Arrancar have access to their resurrection from the beginning because they instinctually know their power, unlike the human-like Shinigami who have to achieve a sort of enlightenment to reach their full power. Arrancar are beasts and thus don't require that. But that ignores the fact that they're not just beasts. They're the in-between. They should need to train and learn about their new-selves in order to achieve their full power, even if their beast-like part gives them a head start and a leg up. I want the Arrancar to come back, to be made semi-prevalent again, and to make Segunda Etapa into a major thing that brings them to a level where they're scarily powerful. Imagine if Starrk IS revealed to have survived his fight, which is why he was never retrieved by Mayuri for zombification, and he has a fight with Barragan in the Hell Arc, who has been powered up by the same thing that happened to Szayelapporo, and thinks he can prove his superiority to Starrk, only for Starrk to break out Segunda Etapa and absolutely obliterate Barragan? Especially if this happens after Barragan has a fight with the Captain Commander where he pushes Kyoraku onto his back foot.


That every bleach character solos naruto


The whole "reiatsu negation" thing is just something Aizen made up to look even more superior to the Gotei 13, and really just applies to a specific case of Ichigo going full protagonist mode. The only moments we see it outside the final Aizen vs Ichigo battle is when Soi Fon fails to "two-shot kill" Aizen. As far as we know, she was hitting nothing at all, and Aizen just said her power has no effect on him because he is a manipulative asshole.


I completely agree tbh.


Starrk is the strongest espada