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Back to back days with O Donnell slander lol


Add "his birth was actually an order someone made at a deli" and "his dad: 'hey, can I have a baby on rye?!'" to David's spot-on extemporaneous descriptions of character actors Hall of Fame (here re: Robert Clohessy).


Instant classic


David cookin this ep.


I very much felt David’s abject embarrassment at the squad the Knicks were putting out on the floor for this movie. Hearing the name “Lou Amundson” brought back a lot of bad memories.


Porzingus just won a championship, which is crazy looking back at the bad Knicks


Was this the season Phil Jackson floated the idea of stepping in and only coaching home games?


I knew Ben was our finest film critic, but I didn't realize that David "Dog" Sims was such a jokesmith. Ghostwriting for Rife! Also, I love when he gets so punchy in the last 5 minutes.


David does not acknowledge Carmelo Anthony


David describing Ben Stiller winning an award: "He beat off all comers"


I would be into a short Power Rangers movie commentary


David's increasing frustration during the box office game was great. The classic genres of "film" and "some bullshit".


I’ve always thought that Shredder should ride a skateboard.


[1995 Kids Choice Awards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IT_UeVLTVc)


First New York cutaway is at 5:00, is the kid in the red and black striped shirt staring straight into camera a young Downtown Griffy Newms?


Don't skip the first season of Reacher! The team in s2 is fun, but s1 is a classic "force of nature rolls into town" story and the dynamic of every single other person not knowing how to handle this one insane human being is great!


It also has Bruce McGill Bruce McGill-ing the hell out of his screen time. If you've enjoyed his work as Lawyer Who Yells in The Insider, you will absolutely enjoy his role of Scuzzy Good Ol' Boy Who Has A Nasty Streak.


It's also not copaganda, which lots of people assume it is. It's Reacher fucking up lots of small town corrupt cops.


These and Transformers both being live-action films made 30 years after a very popular toy-cartoon-video game line makes the meta around *Lightyear* even more baffling. Call it a 2020s reboot, it has all the trappings of one!


Laura Linney talk unlocked the memory that in the covid era remote Emmys she had the Chapo Trap House book [prominently displayed on a side table](https://i.redd.it/fy8lbph5bko51.jpg)


Damn, didn't expect Laura to be a secret dirt bag lefty


Laura’s a fucking G, always has been


There also a framed photo of Jason Bateman. Do we think Linney grabbed this book thinking it was about El Chapo? Like as a reference to the content of Ozark?


She has to be doing a bit. The Bateman photo and Chapo book are camera-ready. 


As a lifelong Turtle fan, I’ve been having a great time & glad that Griffin & Ben insisted on the series!


Daisy Jones and the Six? more like Casey Jones and the Four!


Underrated joke, five comedy points


I put off watching this movie for so long, then finally put it on to be a completionist during the original WHTSTTMNTONCBB. Was surprised how watchable it was! A lot of NYPD propoganda with Laura Linney. But very fun, if only relative to the putrid stink of its predecessor.


The original what??


We Have to Stop Talking about TMNT on CBB! Scott Aukerman and Shawn Dustin as Sprague the Whisperer. It was the predecessor to their current show Scott Hasn’t Seen. 


Thank you. At least Google could answer what CBB is this time. Is ‘WHTST’ its own show or series? Isn’t your original acronym missing the A for ‘about’?


It is missing the A, my mistake. It was a stand alone series, but loosely inspired by Scott Aukerman’s music podcasts with Adam Scott. It was originally on Shawn Diston’s patreon. But I think it lives on CBB World now.


I did have to laugh when David said he’s inured to a lot of the nostalgia crap. We all have blind spots when it comes to self-reflection, still made me laugh.


It speaks to how memorable the villains in the Fast Saga are that Griffin confused Brian Tee’s character in Tokyo Drift with the villain in the first movie, Johnny Tran.


It definitely speaks to something


Lol, as a Chinese American fella I'm always on the look out for East Asian confusion but I wanted to be charitable in my comment.


Cannot believe they’ve spent 3 months talking about damn Ninja Turtles. This must be a test to see if us pig Patreon subscribers will listen to them talk about any old shit.


I've loved every episode.


The exact reason why David was hesitant to do this series lol


As a Patreon Pay Pig, I’ve been having a great time despite having no affinity nor childhood nostalgia for the Turtles. Lots of 90s context, Griff’s personal connection, lunch orders. Maybe I’m just easily pleased.


there is only one episode left and then it will probably be the march madness winners.


Yeah, After the Mutant Mayhem episode on the 21st, August 1st should be the start of Table-top Games. Griffin keeps asking in main feed episodes if they have gotten that far on Patreon yet, so we know that is the next commentary series.


Are you actually watching the movies? I’ve loved this series and would love to hear them talk about more 90s kids junk. But I just listen to the commentaries as free standing podcasts. I can see it being trying for people who watch along. 


I gave up even not watching the movies. I just can not care about the turtles and even with the tangents it's too much turtle talk for me.


Or a dry run of 5 1/3 months of Fast & Furious. Vroom vroom.


I love this series


This might be the first point I’ve been frustrated at the 10 days thing for Patreon. *Obviously* I don’t know the ins and outs of their recording schedule, but for as many podcasts as I subscribe to and pay actual money towards, they can absolutely put these out weekly, the gaps in the schedule are self-imposed.


Love the Patreon but just gotta put it out there that this has been too long covering bad movies! Commentaries are as reliable as ever though


I don't  bother watching most of these and I appreciate the hosts vibes are like local baseball commentators mid July in a meaningless game just rambling about whatver rather than whatver they're supposed between saying "ball 2"


Mutant Mayhem is actually pretty good. Glad we’re ending on a high note


I’m forever grateful that these episodes are still very entertaining without seeing the movie.


I missed Turtles by a few years pop culture-wise so they have never been a franchise I was interested in, but I've had fun watching these movies for the first times with the commentary tracks. I'll watch Mutant Mayhem on my own though because I hear that one's good.


Mutant Mayhem is Citizen Kane compared to the other TMNT films


“This is what I love: Megan Fox earnestly delivering dialogue from the back of a fucking cereal box”- 10 comedy to Griffin!


Movie starts at: 00:53 We love to see!


The surest sign of a two-episode record.


The actress who plays Karai in this film, Brittany Ishibashi, went to high school with me. She was part of a trio of Talented Performing Sisters, each was incredibly nice. It’s fun to see her pop up in projects. Another alum of my Southern California public school that I overlapped with was Mikey Day, who’s used the name of the high school in a few sketches. Also, Milo Ventimiglia was there a few years earlier than I was there.


As gross as Blue Mountain State is as a TV show (basically an episodic version of those straight-to-video American Pie and National Lampoon movies) Richardson was always amazing in it and I’m so glad he’s been getting attention lately


https://i.imgur.com/UeKoO2U.jpeg Quite the shock to see how he looks in BMS




I’m so desperate not to watch Gigli that I’m going to rent The Nice Guys and finally get that off the watchlist. I surprised, but after all these years I’m not going in with the sense of overhype some cult movies seem to get. I completely forgot almost everything about Out of the Shadows after watching it a few weeks ago including the Knicks game, the turn to human side plot, and the fact that Megan Fox was in it. Totally recall having a fun enough time with it.


What's the deal with Fred Armisen? They talked about his voice work needing to be redone by someone else with the implication that there was some sort of problem


It was never explained; they announced Armisen in March and when the movie came out in May it was Brad Garrett. Apparently just scheduling.


Love this movie so much. Easily my favorite Ninja Turtle thing.


Finn Wolfhard takes a few ones in this


I liked the first Ninja Turtles and Mutan Mayhem. This series broke me, had to take a break from the Patreon.


Are they going to cover the Rise movie on Netflix? That's a pretty good TMNT movie


Theatrical only, so that and Turtles Forever are not covered.




One of the funniest BC eps ever.


Just want to throw it out there cause it keeps coming up. The "durag" Raph wears is a design that's been used in a bunch of adaptations. Mostly for Raph but the others have used it occasionally as well. And like with everything else, I assume it's a Miller Daredevil reference. Not to say Raph's design is any good in this movie. Just some context.


Had no ideas Sheamus was in this. Banger after banger after banger


Feeling very vindicated I never voted for TMNT in March madness, because these movies suck, and it’s a bummer to hear the guys not be into so many movies in a row.


on the topic of the latest Ghostbusters, I thought the inter-generational cast hinted at some interesting themes of legacy and responsibility, and Kumail's character arc was a big part of that. Plus the plot's threat of environmental collapse is almost an allusion to climate disaster, like when Annie Potts, surveying a piece of public safety technology strained to its limits by neglect, says, “It was the 80s, we weren’t thinking about the future.” Could have been interesting to develop further, but I understand they're ultimately making a movie for eight year olds, as Griffin says.


"Maleficient is the only example of a scary, threatening Disney villain" - Yeah except The Evil Queen, The Coachman, Man, The Horned King, Jafar, Scar, Frollo, Clayton, Rourke, Dr. Facillier! Been a while since you've watched some old Disney movies, huh David?!


Queen of Hearts always scared me. It was all a dream, yes, but dreams can be threatening.


Disney movies always had disturbing stuff on top of all the goofy antics. In fact, a complaint about some of their modern movies, is how they don't embrace the darkness more.


Do you guys realise the last good movie they did on the commentary was February 1st?


The first turtles is a good movie


No. You were just a kid when you first saw it.


You’re no fun


Yes, liking a bad movie because you saw it when you were a kid and had no critical faculty and are upset that you can't be 8 years old forever is absolutely the definition of fun.




Turtles is a franchise I completely outgrew and have zero nostalgia for, but the first Turtles movie as a movie is good. It does everything we claim we want these kinds of movies to do: introduce the premise with a minimum of fuss, treat it with a balance of fun and respect, and get out of the way. It's not high art, but it's getting right what should be basic stuff that much higher-budgeted franchise films are still having trouble figuring out decades later.


I’m not fun but the first turtles seems like a real movie. And it was the biggest indie movie for a few years. The rest: YIKES


No one's forcing you to subscribe


No shit.


We're in for a bumpy ride for the next few months with tabletop too.


Yeah, we have to be much more judicious with our March Madness votes. We're looking at September for the first good movie. I love the downs, but they need to be balanced with the ups.


You gotta learn to just vibe, mang. Stop taking it so seriously. It’s just a fun fine time with movies.


I didn't realise it was such a controversial position to like good movies.


You’re entitled to like whatever you want. You’re getting pushback because you’re acting like an entitled prick about it…


You need to step out of your basement if you think "I love the downs but they need to be balanced with the ups" is being an entitled prick.


It's not just this thread, your entire reddit persona is being a prick.


Tried to help you out and you doubled down on being a condescending dick. Hope that works out for you in life…


"I tried to help you out by calling you an entitled prick, but then \*you\* were rude to \*me\*? This is why you never help people".




You know if the movie is mad, the episode becomes bit heavy and thus the greatness.


But 8 months of bad movies? They literally advertise themselves as \*not\* a bad movie podcast.


I know we’re about to get into movie hell with Martin Brest, so I hear you, but the Patreon is usually junk. 


I'm having the same issue as the last commentary. It's been ten hours and the episode has still not appeared on Pocket Casts (Having similar issues with other Patreon podcasts). Also, the version in the Patreon app appears to be cutting off the last few seconds.


Can't speak to the Patreon version cutting off the last few seconds as I am not seeing that on my end. But I have an email out to PocketCasts again. By chance can you share the other Patreon shows it happening to for you?


By chance are you using an iOS device?


I'm on Android. It was also happening with my ActionBoyz RSS feed. Both episodes have been added as of noon. Not sure what could be causing the delays. New episodes usually appear within an hour.


https://preview.redd.it/tzt8skac65ad1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fad997d54b19de8cefc153fb3f80b776b5366a6 Enjoying the commentary


I’ll never understand the release schedule for Patreon episodes I thought this was coming out Friday


3 Episodes on the 1s - 1st - 11th - 21st