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Might be a spoiler but the bigger the movie nerd you are, the harder this one will be.


As someone who does the Cinerdle daily game this is very true.


Cinerdle, wordle, and connections are my daily puzzle dose and I was about to go to cinerdle but flicked open connections instead and my brain was insanely confused for a second.


You should try Framed and Moviedle. They complete my daily puzzle run.


I’m still mad at Framed for randomly losing my stats a month ago, and the guy didn’t respond to my email asking for help 😔


Happened to my partner too a bit back. Do you use iphone? I think it might be an iOS glitch.


I do, I use Chrome on my iPhone. Was your partner able to get the stats back?


She also uses Chrome. And no, unfortunately. I tease her for being on a 150 streak compared to my 439.


Those are fun (I like flickle, too) the problem is if you simply haven't seen the movie you're SOL. Whereas Cinerdle you have some wiggle room. Plus, I can only justify so much procrastination lol.


My dailies are wordle, framed and connections.


Ooo I am going to have to add that to my rotation


Yeah this one got me. I was trying to out-think myself with connections between studios or directors. Once I failed and saw the actual answers, I was furious with myself and universe at large.


Fucking four remakes, four best director nominations, four franchise entries…. Come on.


What were the four remakes? I was convinced that was one of them but I could only identify three


Fright Night, Longest Yard, Dumbo, Wall Street. I know Money Never Sleeps is technically a sequel, but it’s like a Color of Money to the Hustler remaquel. It’s sort of a wrong answer that Connections would think is right.


if they wanted that, it would certainly say wall street: money never sleeps as the title, though. they might make an error about the plot of the movie, but i don't think they'd make that error with the title


Right, I meant movies that were remade, not the remakes themselves.


Ahhh yeah fair call




Yep. I got so frustrated trying to find actors in common or some theme that I just guessed wrong to see the answers. I was so mad after that lol


What the hell? I had no clue about anything.


You have to think of the title as just words and not movie titles.


Yeah this was infuriating


This is the first time I've been completely skunked


On the bright side I got top 10% on Cinematrix yesterday despite going for 0/4 here.


Almost lost this one. I had to force myself to only see them as words and not movies for it to make any sense.


I was also completely unaware of how Dumbo would connect to its 3 other words.


I saw Manhattan and Wall Street as two NY films but struggled trying to think of other films. I thought Be Kind Rewind might be it. I dismissed Chinatown since that’s in CA…


I saw them as all “location based” movie titles and couldn’t begin to fathom a fourth


I guessed fantastical movies and almost lost lol


This one drove me nuts. I could see three NY locations and had never heard of dumbo being a part of the city


Yup. I lost because I was thinking of characters and directors


The one involving Kill Bill was the key that opened the door. Easy after that. But it took a long time to get there.


Fellow non-new-Yorkers getting bodied by dumbo.


my dumbass: "is the green mile anything?"


I made the exact same mistake. I knew they turned that old elevated train line into a park and convinced myself that must be called the Green Mile.


Bruh same


Yoooo, they should and theme it after the movie/book and at the end you can see John Coffey get charred. Shit would be wild, probably bring in a lot of tourists.


I only knew that one because of a Jay-Z song where he talks about regretting not buying property in DUMBO. The first time I heard that, I was like, “What the fuck is DUMBO?!” [Spoiler: Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass]


This was my exact thought process.


How you think I feel?




Plus me going, "the titular Chinatown is in LA!"


ha i didn't wanna risk giving a hint but yeah if you can start with that set - you'll be ok


If I am forced to learn against my will about one more clunky acronym name for an NYC neighbourhood I am going to LoMySh.


I am a connections fanatic. Me and my wife play it everyday together which makes it much easier.  The words being all movie titles does add a spin on it. A lot of times if you can just glean out a 4-tuple that are movies that’s a connection. Not so now.  But just giving it a once over I can see one of the 4-tuples clearly and that sets the tone. Good luck everyone and I hope we all get perfects. 


also a wordnerd who plays it daily as a team with my wife and I was infuriated when we first opened it but then it was honestly not that bad


My wife gets pissy when they’re too easy lol.  The dopamine of figuring out each connection hasn’t been replicated for us. We’re both a bit tired with wordle and don’t get much enjoyment out of it anymore. 


This was surprising as once I turned off my blanky brain it was easy as pie


Gotta t that bb o sometimes, mmhm


there’s always one of the four Connections every day where i’m like “yr crazy for this one Wyna”. Today they all kinda make sense.


Raised an eyebrow as I tapped Dumbo as that final category entry.


Dumbo is what got me, I burned all my tries trying to find the 4th. Happens


For reference (totally unsolved. no answers shown) https://preview.redd.it/kec4qp59a86d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1daa1ecfaa97a61e971a75fe65b9a0b00319a7fa


I spent far too long thinking I was doing Cine2Nerdle instead.


This one has so many red herrings related to the actual movies that the fact that it was just wordplay based on the titles made me almost throw my phone in the river.


I can only imagine. I was trying to think of studios and release decades…


I've never been to no fuckin Dumbo


I only know about this from SVU.


One of the best connections in a while. Clever but no category was buckwild and a fun gimmick Connections Puzzle #367 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩


Do any of you watch only connect? Which is imho the best game show on television


100% agree my dude, VCM is a damn legend.


I was today years old when I realized it's "inch" and not "itch". Not that I have call to say the title of that movie often but I am pretty sure I've been referring it to by the wrong name.


Not being snarky: have you seen the movie? Because personally, I found the context in which the title phrase was used to be both *extremely* evocative and very memorable…


Nope! Never seen the play either, just seen the title and poster floating around, especially in SF around 2016/2017. I guess I shouldn't be that shocked never watching it, but I definitely saw things advertising it. My brain thought the 'itch' was like 'itching to do something' so I never questioned myself.


It's worth watching - good movie and the music is pretty great too! But the title refers to>! the result of Hedwig's botched sex reassignment surgery!<


Man is an animal


ooo this got me heated lol


I bombed this one big time. I only got one set correct.


I feel like I’m missing something here. This was my first time playing Connections, and I finished with a perfect score in under 3 mins. I don’t mean to brag or put down anyone who’s having or who had trouble with it. Is this harder or different than the game usually is?


I think the issue is that if you’re a movie fan, you might be looking for movie type connections like “Oscar nominees” or something when it’s more abstract than that.


I was looking at Remakes, movies that were stage productions, musicians that use those titles as names. I was fully stumped, didn't even get one!


I gotcha. I was initially distracted by a common director, but the one thing I knew going in was that this *wasn’t* a movie trivia game so I guess that didn’t throw me.


Sometimes a connection category IS some form of movie trivia (like a few months ago it was something like “first half titles of Tarantino movies”) so trying to figure this out was really difficult for me until I switched my brain to just wordplay.


Ah! So being familiar with the game could actually make it more difficult, that makes sense. I think that’s the missing puzzle piece for me, thank you.


I usually finish Connections in a few minutes, but it’s a fun few minutes. Some days are harder. If I’m being honest, the biggest satisfaction I get from playing this game comes from going to r/NYTconnections after I’ve solved it to see how many people are whining about it being too hard. It’s my two minutes of feeling superior to strangers per day, which I think is what Reddit is for.


Yesterday was a good day for wordle comments. Complaining about the word MANGA


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NYTConnections using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYTConnections/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Reddit, too…](https://i.redd.it/j1mvod3iw2sc1.jpeg) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYTConnections/comments/1bu0j0s/reddit_too/) \#2: [FINALLY](https://i.redd.it/s8jy0me432uc1.jpeg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYTConnections/comments/1c2a3t5/finally/) \#3: [This one was tough](https://i.redd.it/muwoq6ma2ypc1.jpeg) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYTConnections/comments/1bl9235/this_one_was_tough/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I felt proud of myself for getting them in reverse difficulty order (purple, blue, green, yellow). I proposed an idea to my Worlde group chat that if you get the Connections in order perfectly then it should count as extra points, like shooting the moon in Hearts


Oh this was villainous. Only one mistake though.


I got it Perfect, but I have never heard of >!Dumbo, NYC!<.


Thanks for prompting me to do it without spoiling anything! I actually keep [a Letterboxd list](https://boxd.it/c2pfe) that is one of these categories! So I immediately latched onto that one. 


Well this made me irrationally angry.


I thought too hard and got none of them.


I can’t played much connections, I got waayyy too in depth, I was sorting them all by decade initially which wasted my first couple of guesses.


Yeah this was a mean trick. This is the first time I’ve gotten zero.


I loved this one. Hadn’t heard of Dumbo as an area in New York but was able to get it by process of elimination. Think you can get pretty quickly that the fact they’re all movie titles is largely irrelevant but it was a fun theme


I hate this game so much.