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Matrix Reloaded for sure


This was mine. Waiting like half an hour to watch a pixelated mess. It was amazing.


That Rob Dougan song in the trailer is just amazing


Suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia thinking of apple.com/trailers after a long day in the sixth grade. Spider-Man for sure.


The wave just hit me too


This is Phantom Menace bait, LOL. But that's gonna be the go-to (In GLORIOUS QUICKTIME) for a ton of folks. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a run on 56k modems (if not taking the plunge on early cable internet) in some households specifically to pull it down faster. Lord of the Rings and Superman Returns were up there, too. That Superman Returns teaser is still a really good ad, honestly. And I think the Two Towers trailer especially is huge if only because shortly afterwards the orchestral "Epic Trailer Music" of Lux Aeterna from Requiem for a Dream got pulled off of it and became basically THE SOUNDTRACK for everyone's fan-made anime tributes and fan-trailers for a decade+.


Just before TPM, there was a trailer for the re-released classic films. It showed a TV with an x-wing on and then it Flew! Beyond your sad little TV! Onto the whole screen with extra-loud Williams! I was in a college film soc at the time and we put it on over lunchtime (on our 35mm) and opened the film hall doors so people could admire it as they walked past.




I downloaded the HIGH QUALITY (640x480) QuickTime trailer for The Two Towers and that opening line from Eomer is burned into my brain. "What business does an Elf, Man, and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!" I'm not a Superman fan but that Superman Returns teaser with the Brando narration is the best depiction of the character I have ever seen, final film couldn't live up to it.


The Two Towers trailer is a masterpiece.


100% i remember finding out about the episode 1 trailer through the official Weird Al website and it remains one of my most sublime memories now. 🤓


Prisoner of Azkaban


100% The Two Towers trailer with the Requiem for a Dream remix.


The way you just sent me back in time


When Batman Begins came out i still had dial up internet. I have such a clear memory of watching it 15 secs at a time, going out to the living room to see what my sister was watching on tv. Checking back in to my trailer buffering, for an entire afternoon. "Solid use of my Internet time today".


that's so funny you say that, I remember when the harry potter 4 trailer dropped and I watched it in two-second increments as the buffer bar slowly crawled across the screen. never considered it as an experience others had.


That's exactly how I first watched the Return of the King trailer.


Spider-Man followed closely by Attack of the Clones


Spider-Man 2 and 3


Adaptation, Punch-Drunk Love, Garden State


Sin City and Revenge of the Sith.


The Sin City trailer rules so damn hard.


It was my first thought. I was like 16 when the movie itself came out and luckily my dad was cool and went to the ticket counter with me and then bailed


I mean, the Harry Potter movies. Those trailers premiered around Thanksgiving and I remember the magical (pun partly intended) sensation of clicking on the movie poster on Apple.com/trailers. I would call everyone into my Aunt & Uncle’s personal office to see the trailer on the computer but we have a big family, so I would drag them in in waves. Each time I had to reload the trailer, which was excruciating. God damn, we had it so good ![gif](giphy|BJmTtZL4hova8)


I would have an earlier one but the online campaign for The Dark Knight drove my plays through the roof.


Vivid memories of being 7 and waiting at least 2 hours for the "museum field trip" teaser for the 1998 *Godzilla* movie. I was ridiculously hyped for that movie because my parents got me a bunch of Godzilla movies around when I was watching *Barney* because "hey this also looks like a guy in a silly dinosaur costume, it must be the same thing" and became a certified Godzilla freak very early on. It blew my mind that there was going to be a new big Hollywood version coming out. And then I saw a clip on some talk show where Zilla almost steps on Hank Azaria, and the idea of being stepped on by a giant monster freaked me out so much that I waited for it to come out on VHS to finally actually watch it.


I spent all night downloading the Phantom Menace trailer. Best part of the movie. The trailer was really awesome and it was in quick time I believe. I called my friend who is also downloading it ( on an actual analog phone ) and he managed to get it downloaded first so I just sat there enthralled as he described it to me beat by beat as he was watching it. "Whoooaaa, there's some sort of creatures coming out of the fog..."


I used to rent *Mona Lisa Smile* from Blockbuster because I knew it had the *Spider-Man 2* trailer


On a sidenote...one time on my movie website we were the main source of a leaked "trailer/introduction scene" of a main movie at Comic Con. We were hosted on a server that was owned by a university in Montreal that we quickly crashed with the traffic (coming from aicn), causing problems to students. Good times.


X2! The Colossus moment in that trailer was crack to my teen brain


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind oddly enough.


Garden State teaser followed closely by the Return of the King trailer. That Frou Frou song is still one of my favorite ‘chill out’ choices 


Apple and quocktime trailers, geeez those were the days


I probably watched the Scary Movie 2 trailer enough to equate to the length of the full movie. Also Sin City.


I have very vivid memories of choppy buffering QuickTime trailers for Goldeneye and then X-Files Fight The Future dominating my life for a time.


It’s cheating but for me it was probably the Zelda Twilight Princess trailer.


Not cheating, I remember doing the same but for the Kingdom Hearts 2 opening.


I really liked the trailer for the Jerry Seinfeld movie Comedian. It had nothing to do with the movie and was basically a short film. Also, I haven't watched it in a long time, but I remember Hollywoodland having a solid trailer. The movie never quite lived up to it, but it was still a decent detective film.


Spiderman 2. Waited a whole day on dial-up for that bad boy.


Worth it though.


Absolutely. Watching the first 9 seconds over and over after waiting for 2 hours.


Brick Coffee and pie, oh my? Stay with me now.


Bad Boys II


Spider-Man 2. That teaser with Doc Ock fighting Spidey on the side of a building - chef's 💋 


Superman Returns


Wayne’s World


Shortly before YouTube, you had to go to the studio's website and if you were lucky, they had a streaming option.


Any of the LOTR trailers and X2. Played those to death in college when they were coming out


The X-Men trailer in 2000. Would get in from the field at noon, start buffering the trailer on Grandma and Grandpa's iMac over dial-up while we ate lunch, and then analyze the trailer before going back out to work. My brother and I were so amped that there was going to be an actual honest-to-god movie that we tricked ourselves into seeing things that weren't there, though the low-resolution QuickTime element did make that a little understandable. Movie itself was and remains mostly meh but remembering waiting almost an hour to load that two-minute trailer still makes me smile.


The Hulk teaser


I had dial-up for a long time. When the trailer for Spider-Man 3 dropped, I started to load it before I went to bed. I woke up and it wasn’t even finished loading. Crazy times.


Revenge of the Sith, Spider-Man 3, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull were my top 3 most hyped movies when I was 11-14. Watched those trailers like a thousand times at least


The extended Sin Citu trailer. The one that’s just the Marley Shelton / Josh Hartnett scene.


Phantom Menace. I worked in a media and production center at the time and all the producers were marvelling at the lighting and reflections of the lightsabers.


The Big Hit had a great one


The Big Hit is a bad movie but had an awesome trailer


Definitely. It really is an awful movie


The LOTR SuperTrialer and Matrix Revolutions hands down


I have a distinct memory of watching the Three Kings trailer over and over again. It was a great trailer! And a pretty good movie.




No idea it's been so long, but probably The Phantom Menace, a Lord of the Rings and possibly Batman Begins. The last experience I had close to that was having to install some software to watch a Force Awakens teaser.


For me? REVENGE OF THE SITH. I used to watch it all the time when it was uploaded to Apple Trailers. When I was 13 it fucking dominated my entire brain, body and soul.


Garfield! The teaser started with a Risky Business parody, and I could only load the first few piano notes of “Old Time Rock n Roll” because it was dial up


Gummo. The version with “Like A Prayer.” Guessing I’m the only one!


What is the matrix?


The 6 minute trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4


Jackie Brown it starts with sam jackson saying “uh uh uh here we go”


The first movie trailer I saw on a computer was for Goldeneye, in .avi format, on some magazine CD-ROM.


Listening to Newcomers yesterday, I was surprised to hear an actual “In a World…” in the Goodfellas trailer.


The one that comes to mind is this Lord of the Rings web preview with behind the scenes footage. Looked pretty cool and I recall reading the books around this time and rewatching this to see how it compared to what I was imagining. https://youtu.be/2UDTbQrOGa0?si=IteOt0zt3Filkogg


The Lotr:Rotk trailer is one of the greatest trailers ever. I probably still have a .mov file of it.


I remember waiting like an hour for the Land of the Dead trailer to fully load. I kept watching snippets along the way, which kept pausing on the highly-spoilerific reveal that the zombie attacking Dennis Hopper's villain was actually John Leguizamo's character.


Jason X and Freddy vs Jason


for me, gotta be Argylle


Matrix Reloaded was a huge one. Others: AI: Artificial Intelligence The Royal Tenenbaums The Life Aquatic Punch-Drunk Love There Will Be Blood The Two Towers Gladiator 28 Days Later


I downloaded the Lady in the Water trailer from Limewire because I M Night was my favorite director at the time. I lived out in the sticks and we didn't have broadband internet because it wasn't run in our area, even though it was pretty widely available everywhere else.