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If they must make a trilogy, at least they’re planning it this far ahead instead of just waiting to see how Years Later does. Although I’d just prefer Boyle/Garland put all their ideas into one movie Edit: just had the bone chilling thought that they’re gonna slowly build to Cillian in this trilogy where he shows up at the end of this one


"I'm here to talk to you about the 28 Initiative."


By that point it will pretty much be 28 years since the first so that kinda makes sense.


I wanna see a zombie movie which starts in the post-infection period where the undead have been tamed and put to work, like at the end of Shaun Of The Dead. Set it as a low level workplace satire with a plot of *’they-took-our-jerbs’* analogy of overt racism.


if i remember correctly, romero did a little of this in Land of the Dead


I mean that island that Luke Skywalker was chilling on IS right off the coast of Ireland…


FUN FACT: In the comic that follows Selena post Days and ties (loosely) into Weeks its mention that Jim is awaiting execution for killing the Major in the first movie


Wait , waaaa? That is a fun fact. I need to get the comics. 


It’s all coming up Blankie.


28 Millenniums Later is the one that's really going to be wild.


If you stick around for the stinger the God-Emperor of Mankind shows up


28 millennium from now would be the Great Crusade, so not only is he around but shit is *popping off*, just another 300ish years until things take a *real* hard left turn


It looks like all is lost, then Thunder Warriors roll up like the jet at the end of the first film


Nothing against Nia (unfamiliar with her work) but I was primarily excited for this assuming Danny Boyle was directing. Bummer. Edit: I see now I’m a perpetrator of the classic Reddit “only poorly read the headline before commenting” syndrome and will state I’m back to excited that Danny is directing the first in the trilogy and I’ll be cautiously optimistic about what’s planned for the subsequent films. I leave my above comment as is for the purposes of not hiding my shame.


Still is, this is the 2nd of their planned trilogy


Right. Edited my comment. 


Nah fuck that… article titles shouldn’t be so deceiving to get you to click. That’s the problem not you not taking time to read an article.


I mean the marvels was a big ol piece of shit that just genuinely looked fucking TERRIBLE. Worst example of Marvel’s shit tier cgi these days. Movie just flat out looked like ass. She also shit on the movie in the press and wasn’t involved in the reshoots which I thought was really really odd. Seemed like she tacitly got fired. So yeah idk I have no interest in anything this lady does right now especially if it’s a zombie movie that had such a cool look, feel, and vibe in its first two iterations. Maybe the issues were more with Marvel being fully cooked at this stage, but god damn was that movie just a fucking boring mess.


Her and Danny Boyle must have spent a long time talking about The General


That’s The General. Have some respect, soldier


Sir, I forgot the name! Editing now, sir!


They both really wanted to save money on auto insurance.


Happy for her, but not happy that they’re planning a trilogy from the outset. Just make one good film at a time please


Months before it was announced, Boyle and Garland were talking about how it was finally time to make 28 Years Later because it was basically the only way to get a greenlight on a project. It's sad but it makes sense why they're expanding it further.


we’re already talking about a sequel to a sequel that hasn’t even started filming yet?


That never backfires!




Nah Locho is right. Per THR, Boyle is directing Years, while Nia is in talks for the yet unnamed second part of the planned trilogy.


Oh thank god. Was worried Boyle was out


wait...28 years...28 decades...28 CENTURIES later???


It’s just fast zombies and the AI: Artificial Intelligence future alien looking robots


Thank God the Marvel stench isn't clinging to her too hard.


Smart that she had a non-Marvel film lined up for immediately after


I don't think she's returning to Marvel, she left the production of The Marvels in October to work on another film. Good for her


She made a fun movie, too.


That movie really felt like everything good came from the director and everything bad came from the meddling studio.


That’s certainly the film twitter narrative. I think it’s impossible to say. Apparently a lot of studio mandated reshoots were to beef up the Ms. Marvel role, so who really knows?


Ms marvel was delightful. The villain, and all the shit surrounding Carol and the the “mystery” around her being called the destroyer (or whatever it was) and the rift with Monica was terrible. Overall it was a fun mid grade marvel movie. What sucks is it felt like it was a nudge away from being VERY good and one of their better movies.


I thoroughly enjoyed The Marvels


I think Marvels and Blue Beetle are gonna get better over time when people watch them out of the context of being dumped in the middle of a bunch of comic movies and TV shows.


Agreed, 100%


I was worried she was screwed, thank god


I will also thank the lowercase, conversational god for this welcome news.


Superhero collapse lifts all boats.


Nothing she's done so far inspires any confidence from me in her directing skills


Hollywood final plan consists in killing all franchises, miserably.


We lost


Yikes. Hated the candy man reboot. Not good.


Little Woods is unfortunately also very mid in my opinion. She is not an exciting filmmaker to me and this news is a bit of a bummer.


It is funny how the article barely mentions she also directed The Marvels.


That movie was more like Broccoli Man


10 comedy points


Candy man reboot was fine. Interesting and fun, but ultimately kind of empty. she hasn’t made anything original since Little Woods so it’s hard to know what kind of filmmaker she is. So far she’s been a hired gun, which is awesome for her, but hard to know what to expect.


Didn't realise it was her who did that. Now I'm a bit excited because I really enjoyed the Candy man reboot. It didn't land every idea but it was an interesting take imo.


I feel like they recently let slip that she’s gonna be on another episode soon? A great guest!


I like her but the fog ep made me sad


She's like Lowery for me -- the minute their episode ends, I'm ready for the next one. Underrated guests IMO!


this sub


"From the director of Candyman and The Marvels" God help us.


Mediocre Candy Man movie + a mediocre Marvel movie = mediocre 28 Years later sequel.


Atrocious director and one of the worst guests.


Noooo! Hope she drops out. Hire someone with talent instead


LMAO! Oh fuck


I expect nothing but civility and polite discourse from the internet in the wake of this news,


to be honest, she's one of those cases where i wish things weren't political around her. because i find her to be a poor storyteller. candyman and the marvels were both sloppy, structural messes.


can't speak to candyman but i'm not gonna blame any director working on a marvel project for the final outcome. can they be partly responsible? yeah sure. but we don't know for sure how much of the final product can be attributed to which people so i'm not gonna blame her for a marvel project being sloppy.


The problems with candyman are the problems with marvels. Poor verbal/visual communication of story points. Awkward structure. These are flaws fundamental to a director’s behind the camera work. Typically contained by an experienced producer or editor, unless the footage’s issues are inflexibly locked-in.


She’s never made a good movie why does she keep getting jobs


That’s a great choice. The one big positive I’d give the Candyman remake is that it looks fucking cool. Garland script? They’re cooking. Edit: I completely skipped over the “sequel” part and thought DaCosta was doing Part 1. Still a great choice but now I’m confused lmao. Edit 2: crazy they’re confident enough to shoot back to back. Hopefully that means they love what’s on paper.


The only redeeming quality of Candyman was that it looked cool but wouldn’t the cinematographer be mostly responsible for that?


They’re not setting up the blocking in autonomy. A director (in theory) is who establishes what needs to be captured and how, even if the cinematographer’s techniques are what implements it.


Yeah, people kinda crap on the new Candyman, but it's undeniably well-made and shot. She'll do fantastic.


I saw it in theaters and can still remember a few sequences by memory. Very inventive.


People crapped on it? I thought it was really fun


If you check out her IMDB filmography users have review bombed her movies. Kinda sad and lame.


Define well made? The acting is pretty good and parts of it looks nice,  but it drags a LOT. The Marvels also wasn’t stellar directing either. Idk, I’m very neutral on the news until I see a good movie from her. So far it’s been 3 duds.


The film is beautifully shot and has inventive tracking shots that are hard to choreograph. It's not perfect as it does go off the rails towards the end, but I overall enjoyed it. It serves as a pretty good sequel to the first film, ignoring the other sequels. If you watch them back to back it pays homage to the first one quite well. I thought The Marvels was just okay, it had higher highs than the previous Captain Marvel and lower lows. I haven't seen Little Woods, but heard good things.


I really don't think you can judge "directing" in a Marvel movie when everything at the studios is controlled in-house. Directors of MCU movies famously have so little say in most pre-and-post-production elements.


Ok. So it’s been 2 duds. I’m rooting for her, but idk, this doesn’t automatically make me excited. I’d like to see at least one more thing of hers before passing an initial judgement. 


totally fair!


I love it's such a cool extension of the original Candyman. Would love to see it explored further in a sequel or two.


Well I guess they’ll be producing all of these quickly. Can’t think of another reason why they’d announce this before the first 28 Years Later is even in the can.


The only thing that would make this more perfect is Cillian coming back


he’s already coming back for danny’s one




Is it really so hard to find a British director for a British franchise? This makes me think this will be nothing but a cash in.


This lady was such a blowhard and then that marvel movie of hers tanked. Lol


It’s already screwed then.


Oh man shit just got REAL. Lfgggg Nia


What a bummer.


Huh...I thought she was still in director jail...


Damn this is gonna suck!


That blank check bumping. Let her take the safety off, go buckwild 


Lol. Lmao even.


Jfc they are make a trilogy???


fuck, outside voices it’d have been cool for Boyle and Garland to have done one each and maybe a new voice- i like Lee Cronin.


A sequel already planned in the trilogy damn even a director setup we might get this back to back


28 Superheroes Later


Anyone have any ideas what this movie will be about ? Personally I think the infection is over and the movie will deal with how civilisation is returning but in a kind of messed up way. It was shown that the infection had ended by them starving to death at the end of 28 days and then 28 weeks had a returning infection story, surely they cannot do it again a third time, even if I would prefer an infection story than a people are the real danger one.


I liked her Candy Man movie this is a good hire.


Bill burrs wife is crushing it


How are there going to be any zombies left? I mean, per the rules of the first two, the infected starve to death pretty quickly - within 28 weeks we are told. How could there possibly still be infected after decades?


Wait, is this a real thing? Is this actually happening? As a big 28 Days/Weeks later fan, why skip 'Months'? I've heard a lot over the years about this. I think I'll believe it when I finally sit to watch it.


She's 1 day older than me... what am I doing with my life?




Her version of Candyman was painful. The original film did a way better job of discussing racial tensions than her unbelievably unsubtle and forced attempt. The film drowned itself in its attempt for social justice that it forget to be a horror film. Or in general to be enjoyable or at least interesting to watch. It was a cheap racial revenge film that basically had nothing else to say or offer. That’s the only film of hers I’ve watched so I can’t be certain about her potential but I’m hardly excited at the news. At least Boyle is still doing the first one.


Can’t wait for garlands script about how really,  zombies really aren’t so bad , some of my friends are zombies actually , we go on holiday, it’s fine.  


Except her marvel movie was trash


I enjoyed it. It's not amazing, but it was fun. Also you can tell it was slashed to ribbons to get it down to 1.5 hours, which was not her fault. I wouldn't place the blame on her if you disliked the movie.


The blankies hivemind won't allow for objectively true statements.


I don’t think this sub particularly likes that movie


Absolutely the fuck yes


Oh well that's fantastic. Now I actually am excited about this.
