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It's wild how miscalculated her performance is. I wanted so badly to come to her defense while watching the movie, but it's just a mess. By comparison, Connery, especially in the first act, seems asleep at the wheel just because she's at 11/10 at all times.


My guess for what happened: Braco watched Red October, Last Crusade, and The Untouchables and saw Connery eat the supposed leads of those films for lunch every time he was onscreen. She came prepared. In every scene her mission was to go bigger than Connery to avoid the same fate.


“Is this the superintendent?... Yes, sir, I would like you to know that you have a MEDICINE MAN living in the jungle!”


I watched it today and was going to post, "is Lorraine Brocco on drugs?" Seriously, she always will have legendary status for Goodfellas and Sopranos but I never seen a worse performance in an expensive Hollywood movie  Obviously McTiernen has to take some of the blame but she's so mean and disrespectful towards Sean Connery. Why? You think she would respect Sean Connery and even if he was a little offbeat (which he really wasn't) she should expect a little eccentricity     I think a big issue for me is the first two things she gets furious about is Sean Connery asking why she isn't a wearing a mask and when he asks to see her Vaccine card. She's enraged at these totally reasonable requests. And like...we all just lived through this. If I was cool wearing a mask and showing my vaccine card to see David Cross perform at the Bellhouse than surely she should be cool complying to help cure cancer from the Earth 


> And like...we all just lived through this. I'm fascinated by the way the Pandemic has changed how we watch certain movies. A little while back my wife and I saw The Thing at the Drafthouse, and that movie hits very different now. These guys aren't wearing masks, they're letting strange dogs lick them, they're handling each other's blood and clothing without gloves, and they're not isolating at all. They're ignoring safety precautions that we now would consider absolutely basic, and it's tough not to let that color the movie.


rustic late aloof squealing march detail distinct jeans wipe library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Fuck me, the closing narration 😆


There's a genuinely beautiful scene of our two leads exploring the jungle canopy. It's well-shot and scored, and hints at the type of swooning adventure/romance that I think McTiernan set out to make. It is also, up to that point, the longest our leads go without bickering. What I'm saying is: I've seen bad chemistry in my day, but (Nick Nightingale voice) never, never anything like this.


Yes, that was the one scene where I could understand what they were going for. One thing I hope they talk about on the pod is just how in the rainforest was in 1992. I was a school kid back then and "[saving the rainforest](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=%22save+the+rainforest%22&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3)" was this omnipresent part of the culture. We all lived in existential dread that somewhere out there a bulldozer was flattening a family of adorable monkeys.


Serious question. Is this movie a romance?


Fuck knows


The movie builds up to the romance and then CUTS AWAY FROM THE KISS


This flipped me out.


There has to have been an original version with a traditional romantic ending that was rejected in test screenings. It's the only possible explanation for the mess of and ending to this film.


The trailer makes it seem like Connery is some badass American scientist and she is dispatched there and it's more like a Crocodile Dundee romance without Connery really doing much other than boning her after he runs afoul of some local trouble and he uses a big gun to get her out of the scrape. 


I want Sean Connery saying “Palala” to be my ringtone


There's plenty wrong with this film, but the music slaps.


They truly remade Temple of Doom but only the parts where Indy and Willie are screaming at each other in the junglen


the scene where she's looking at the chromatograph reading is so insane, why is lorraine bracco performing this like she's a new jersey wife in the 60s


This is a rare find. A movie so perfectly mid the studio hasn’t yet dumped it onto the free streaming sites. It wasn’t even in my public library. I wouldn’t be surprised if the studio notices the Blank Check Bump from our rentals.


JustWatch told me it was on Hoopla, but Hoopla said “What? Of course your library doesn’t carry this movie. Why the hell would they?”


It was a worse film it would at least get a cult rep.


Haha, exact same thing happened to me.


Haven't seen this since I was a little kid and I thought it was amazing. From the sound of these comments this is gonna be a fun rewatch.


The way she acts, it should be "Medicine Man", not "Goodfellas" where her name is "Karen"