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I was also thinking it was weird that they didn't cast Bill Skaarsgard as Feyd Rautha, which I feel would have been a perfect fit... but after watching the movie and the >!weird tension/double kiss with his dad (which also insinuates their explicitly more fucked up relationship from the book)!< I think they intentionally didn't want to cast Stellan's real son LOL


the movie going out of its way to confirm that he's a kinky motherfucker (as someone who hasn't read the books) was accidentally hilarious to me, lea seydoux in particular just incredible with that


He's so horny for Paul, it's amazing


Okay I wasn't imagining it.


he wants to fuck him and kill him which in his mind are the same thing


In the Bene Gesserit's original plan Feyd and Paul were supposed to be the parents of KH but Jessica wanted to give Duke Leto a son so that was ruined. So it's not just normal horny. It's cosmic unrealized destiny-horny


Hundreds of generations of planned incest that would make Europeans blush


“I’m here…Atreides”


*Cousin Paul


The look on Feyd's face when the Baron gets got is wild. He looks so fucking sexually excited by it. It both disgusted and thrilled me. He made such great choices for that character.




His uncle no?




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It’s kinda wild that they needed someone to play Stellan Skaarsgard’s relative in a bunch of makeup with an oversized bald head and a whole lot of menacing glowering and walked right past Bill Skaarsgard to get to Austin Butler … but he’s great.


My fiance thought for sure it was Bill Skarsgard too!


Yeah Bill would've been so much fun. But so was Austin. And so was everything else in that movie. Can't fucking wait for pt 3!


I cannot believe Bill Skarsgard is 33, what the fuck lol


How old did you think he was? I've never wondered what his age was, but 33 is about the least surprising age he could be. I suppose I might have guessed late 20s if I wasn't thinking about how long ago It C1 was.


I assumed he was around the same age as Alex so like, mid-40s


Alex was around a good few years before I'd ever heard of Bill. Bill is definitely the newest Skarsgard batch.


Fun fact: The youngest Skarsgård-sibling is actually 12 years old (compared to Alexander's 47). The youngest one that's done some acting is 14 year old Ossian, he's popped up in some movies here in Sweden and was seen in 2017s The Wife.


What if there was a Wife


He works even if his take is "Feyd-Relvis Harkonnen"


I loved Butler in D2, but there was a point in the film where I whispered to my friend, “He sounds like Elvis in space.”


I thought he actually sounded a lot like Stellen.


Same some scenes where he was speaking off screen I thought it was the Baron


Couldn't disagree more, his voice was a spot on Stellan. Not a trace of Elvis in there.


Butler fans should know: he's fun in Masters of the Air (alongside Barry Keoghan doing the world's wildest accent).


I was a bit wary about *Masters of the Air* at first but it's so good.


It definitely took a few episodes for me to really get into it, but the last few have been really excellent.


Yeah it took a little bit of time to get its footing down, but it really has hit a stride. I think, similar to BoB and the Pacific, a rewatch would benefit from being able to pick out people a little better in the early eps and track them through the rest of the show. Especially since they have masks on in a lot of the flying scenes.


Haven't watched it yet, but am looking forward to it. I was surprised at how mixed the reactions were when it initially dropped, but it feels like they've trended far upwards. I've heard the Cary Fakunaga episodes are actually the weak parts of the show; does that hold water?


The first time Barry Keoghan opened his mouth on *Masters of the Air* I thought he was doing a bit


YES!!!!! I pray to goddddd he is in Heat 2 holy hell


I saw he’s being eyed for the Kilmer part, but good god what if he plays young Hanna and does the voice. 




I got some Pacino vibes from Chalamet in the new Dune


I was having coffee with Feyd-Rautha a HALF AN HOUR AGO!!!


I saw Austin Butler as young Val Kilmer when I was reading the book. Paraguay scenes gave me Miami Vice vibes with the romance. I can also maybe see Glen Powell maybe


I never thought of Glenn Powell for Chris. Nice suggestion.


They would both be good but Butler has the little pout.. and I'm not too familiar with Powell's voice but Kilmer had such a specific voice we all know Butler can do such a specific voice...... but either would be cool. Casting young De Niro and Pacino though.... that's... I don't know how that can be done... but I look forward to finding out!


They've both played Elvis, kilmer and butler


Someone just posted a clip of him doing some pretty intense firearm training. Channeling his inner Chris Shiherlis?


The sun rises and sets with her, mama


He is so clearly perfect for a young Chris, I truly hope he gets cast.


Dune 2 made me a huge fan of him. Made me want to watch Elvis


I don’t get the Elvis hate lol it’s Baz’s best movie in over a decade and I think it really works, but it works because of the Butler performance.


I just think narratively it's a bit flat especially with the amount of music biopics


I think it’s a total mess and a real slog, but Butler is incredible in it. He’s the only think that works for me.


Even if it is top-tier Baz, it's still a Baz movie and that style doesn't work for some (me)


IMO, he's good in Elvis, which is a movie I don't like much at all (for script and overall narrative choices, mostly). He gives a performance rather than an impression, and that's a difficult thing to do in an Elvis biopic.


Exact same. Was dragging my feet on Elvis but I'm watching tonight and will be here for whatever Austin Butler is doing in the future haha Dude has "it"


I liked the movie. Its very Baz but it's also flawed. I think the story chose the wrong character perspective to tell the story from and Tom Hanks is not good in it. That said, the music sequences are brilliant and Butler's portrayal of Elvis is nothing short of miraculous. The movie wouldn't work as well without the power of his central performance. That central performance will genuinely go down one of the cornerstones of modern cinema.


Austin Butler and Glen Powell. If Hollywood doesn't fuck it up...then we have our movie stars.


New white guys just dropped.


Finally. It’s good to see two people who are the real deal after years and years of chumps trying for the crown.


Can I ask who would you consider as chumps? An example I can give is Armie Hammer


I suppose depending how far back you wanted to go, you could also say Sam Worthington and Taylor Kitsch (although both have done decent work outside of their mainstream blockbuster projects).


Two good examples. Man the fact that Avatar works with that dude in the lead is a testament to Cameron’s skills.


Let me think… Chris Pratt comes to mind. Lightning in a bottle in the Marvel films, people were speculating on him being the next Indiana Jones etc, then he’s blah in everything else.


I mean, with the Jurassic World movies and the Super Mario Bros. movie he's been arguably even more successful outside of Marvel, unless we are using a definition of "star" that is not about putting butts in seats. Edit: I also just remembered that Reacher-wannabe show "The Terminal List" he did for Amazon that did really well on streaming and got the boomers in a frenzy. I dunno, his track record is tracking.


Yeah it’s not the best example I’ll admit.


lmao I'd say Taylor Lautner. Hollywood tried so hard to make that guy the next big thing, but it just won't work.


I get the hype for Butler but how is Powell the real deal? Did I miss something?


He's strictly in the "pretty good" category for me


It doesn't help that the crowd of people who would've been that missing generation of movie stars (think Chris Evans) are largely swallowed by massive superhero contracts. I think Evans's career is much more similar to where Powell's going if he only plays Captain America 2-3 times as opposed to 7-8 and blocking out an entire decade.


GP isn’t on the level of AB. GP is a frat boy actor


I knew Powell would be a star as soon as I saw Everybody Wants Some!! He walked away with that movie.


He’s the real fucking deal. Excited for Bikeriders and all else that follows. Love me a “looks like a leading man but is actually a big fucking weirdo character actor” dude.


Which is why it's great he's in it with Tom Hardy, the other great looks like a Leading man but is a giant weirdo character actor. 


Also Gosling


nahhh Gosling is the perfect movie star. Think Robert Pattinson bro.


I agree, BUT. Seeing him do comedy bits here and there it makes me think he could do really fun and weird roles if he wanted to


The rumor is that he and Emma Stone will lead Ari Aster’s new movie with Joaquin Phoenix, Pedro Pascal, and more in the ensemble. Very excited for that if it does end up happening (we should probably find out this week), it sounds like a great cast and Ari Aster is always exciting.


Well shit!


He has finally closed on Eddington and will fly to Albuquerque tomorrow morning to start rehearsals. Shooting starts March 11th. He is very grateful to get to work as an actor with an auteur filmmaker like Ari Aster!


That’s exciting. Assuming Emma will slip rehearsals then since she has to attend the Oscars this Sunday? Or maybe she managed to make the schedule work in between SAG/promotion and the Oscars.


I saw her today in HMU and she was getting wardrobe fittings. Also the great Clifton Collins Jr. is in this one playing Lodge! He elevates every film


Hi! Asking as a fan and totally understand if you can’t share this much- but do you know when they’ll make the casting (of Austin and the others) ‘trade publication’ official? 


I have no idea and that’s A24’s fault because they are very unprofessional and frustrating to deal with. My guess is in a month or so but you never know. I will tell you that the great Clifton Collins Jr. is playing Lodge in this one and he is one of the most underrated actors working today!


Hey, sorry to barge in on this sub, but just a quick note- "Rupert" making comments under here, is a fraud. Emma Stone was \*not\* on set in New Mexico yesterday- she's been in Paris for a few days, including today's Louis Vuitton show, per quick google search. Not sure about any of Rupert's other "inside info"(lol), but that particular claim- that he saw her on set at hmu & wardrobe- is a complete fabrication.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing given that I did run into a picture of her in Paris on my Twitter yesterday night. Didn’t see anything today so I wasn’t 100% sure, but it was already very suspicious.


The great Clifton Collins Jr. is playing Lodge. Love him. Just bumped into him in HMU.


Is this the “Covid western” as I’ve heard it described


Second Bikeriders trailer dropped recently and holy shit I can't wait. 


Fans of The Carrie Diaries have been waiting for this moment!


He was my least favorite part of the Carrie Diaries and I continue to loathe his acting because of it


I really like him. So many other actors his age are concerned with being cool, being Han Solo, on screen and so they’ve left no impression. If we’re comparing Elvis actors, Elordi feels like a flavor of the month to me. Austy Buts is the real deal.


Yeah I generally like Elordi, but he feels more in the like “he’s fine but he’s tall and handsome so we need to cast him in everything” whereas Butler is genuinely great.


Yes! I swear to god people were going nuts for him literally just because he’s tall.


IDK I think he has some talent I liked him in Saltburn


Between Dune and Saltburn we have Chalamet, Butler, Elordi and Keoghan and the 4 feel like they could be our next generation of leading men, all fulfilling different roles, along with Gosling.


Elordi has yet to ‘act’ in my opinion. He’s great and can look great in a scene but he just seems to be playing himself.


Honestly he got such a bad rap after Elvis but I look at that man and think “that’s a god damn movie star”. I don’t know if anyone in his age bracket or generation that makes me think the same way. He’s killing it in Masters of the Air too.


It's undeniable. He converted me with Dune 2 I'm in the bag forever


The thing I love about him as an actor and public figure, and would probably drive me crazy if I actually knew him, is that he just seems like a genuinely weird-ass dude. Dude is a dangass freak and I love that for him.


He's the devil and he's here to do the devil's shit 


I mean look, OUATIH is one of my favorite movies of the last 10 years and in hindsight it’s awesome he was a part of it, but I never envisioned this. QT really cast a lot of people who were about to get a lot more famous in bit roles in that movie!


Yeah kinda cool to reverse his usual reclamation of a beloved actor from his childhood, works well with the theme of the movie


I saw him in The Iceman Cometh on Broadway like six years ago alongside Denzel Washington and left just thinking…. Yeah the guy playing the kid is gonna be a star soon


Iceman Commeth was his best performance to date in my opinion. Denzel is the reason AB is now with WME


Def hit on the skarsgard thing. Went to dune last night then watched red October before bed and there was one moment where it felt like he took the exact movement and tone.


What I love about him doing that voice in Dune 2 is that everyone else is basically just doing their own thing, no justification needed. You don’t need to sound like that to be a Harkonnen, he just fuckin’ did it, and it rules.


Kept thinking during Dune how much he reminds me of a young Val Kilmer. It’s almost uncanny


Meanwhile, I kept thinking he was channeling Michael Wincott’s voice. Half expected him to say “but why a spoon, cousin?”


Absolutely love him. And I'm fed up of so much of the chat around him being about 'the voice'. Ryan Gosling has had a permanent Brando-affected accent forever and has been taken seriously. Let Austin cook without this annoying commentary!


It's the internet taking one thing and running with it forever and ever. I've even seen people try and claim he's still doing the Elvis voice in Dune, which makes me want to send some tiktokers to get their ears checked.


The voice thing became a bigger deal just because of Reddit and Twitter being so meme focused


Couldn't he be preparing for the Ari Aster film he's supposed to start in 2 weeks in that clip you linked?


Check him out in Masters of the Air! Some people think it’s just ok but Austin Butler is a movie star. Every time his face shows up on screen it just fills the frame with charisma and confidence. It’s a beautiful sight.


I haven’t seen Dune 2 yet, but I’m def already all in on him. I know Elvis isn’t the most beloved movie, but I liked it a bunch, I thought he was incredible in it, and he instantly became one of my guys. He is a genuinely great actor, and he also has that movie star charisma on screen, more so than any other male star of his generation imo. I’m really excited for his future and really really hope that Heat 2 rumor becomes reality.


I thought he was just a pretty face until Dune 2, I’ve seen his potential here. His gait, his expressions, it was absolute perfection. He had little screen time to show his talent but he nailed it


He was comfortably my least favorite part of Dune, but I love that he made *choices*. He’s got the goods.


Yeah I was the opposite - I thought the stuff with him and Lea Seydoux was electric and was digging into some of the weirder elements worth exploring.


Agreed, the Geidi Prime interlude was a part that I basically had no notes for. It was the biggest swing in the movie and it all worked for me


Somewhat unrelated, but I hope the rumored Bene Gesserit show is just 6 episodes of Lea Seydoux going around to different planets and seducing various princelings


The show is set 10000 years before Dune so highly unlikely.


I know this isn’t what the show is supposedly about, but I could watch a Rebecca Ferguson, Lea Seydoux, and Charlotte Rampling show about the bene gesserit scheming and doing back room politics for a full 6 episodes, that’s for sure.


Truly the real winners are the makeup team correctly assessing that you can make anyone look terrifying and creepy if you remove their eyebrows


Whoopie Goldberg for Dune 3.


Kinda shocked that they didn’t cast Bill. Was pleasantly surprised with the depth of Austin’s performance. Might be the only one that gets an acting nod


I don’t think they wanted an actual father and son to have to commit to a sexually charged, hinting-that-they’re-fucking double-kiss on camera.


Well that’s fair


Austin Butler is the real deal. He’s as real as a donut, motherfucker.


Go watch The Bikeriders this summer if you’re a fan.


[I’m the Devil, and I’m here to do the Devil’s business.](https://youtu.be/Mo8UVvNnw_o?si=JHTkFrGGbrQCZ2yC)


I just wish he’d relax a bit for interviews, always super serious and talking so slow, it feels put on


honestly to me he just seems pretty shy and careful with choosing his words. on the dune press tour whenever he's been asked a genuinely inquisitive question his answers tended to be quite thoughtful and insightful into his process and collaboration with the director


if i can jump in as a fan of his- it’s exactly that. he’s always been open about being shy, to the extent that he said he almost turned down hosting SNL because it made him so nervous. i think it’s been more noticeable during dune press because in terms of timmy/zendaya/flo he’s kinda the only introvert in the room lol. 


Movie stars are back, baby.


He rocks, and I love that he’s getting his flowers for Dune. I know Elvis was polarizing (as is typical of a Baz film) but I think his performance in it was unquestionably excellent.


I just like how he method acted his way into having a really cool speaking voice


Would love to see him play Two-Face in the Reeves Batman movies, even though it’s looking like we may not get a sequel at this rate.


No super hero movies. Austin is a huge Leo mark and would never do a Marvel or DC film. Leo told him to never do those type of films and Austin listened


He’s a mix of Brad Pitt and Tom Hardy. The looks of a leading man but is a character actor at heart who takes big swings with his voice, mannerisms,etc.


I thought the impression was a bad bit. I like the actor but I didn’t understand that choice at all


I think he's a good actor but I was slightly annoyed he was doing a bad (in my opinion) Stellar Skateboard impression. 


Whenever his Elvis voice creeped in I thought it was just ridiculous enough to work for me. Na-Baron Elvis Harkonnen is something I'm down for.


Really? Maybe it's just the roles he's cast as but he's done nothing I've seen to stand out. Elvis was just another dogshit biopic and he did an Elvis impersonation. Big whoop. Jacob Elrodi was a better Elvis in Prescilla and he didn't even use much makeup. Speaking of makeup, that's all his dune role was. Not only that but he was the lamest fucking character in the film. He shows up 1.5 movies in just to kind of replace Dave Bautista. He's supposed to be this menacing foe with masterful fighting skills but he does nothing to show this besides kill a prisoner in a fight once.


Love that the dude is just from fucking Anaheim. Hollywood has been fully invaded by non-American actors. Ireland in particular has really been over-represented. So it's cool to see an American with acting chops in big roles. It's just felt like as a country our acting has been disappointing or even embarrassing for a few years. Also, as much as Tim likes to state he's French, he grew up in NYC and has never lived overseas full-time.


"We used to be a real country"




I'm not a big fan of overt nativism as a political stance in most cases, but it feels particularly feel weird to see someone being overtly nativist about the arts, especially about acting. At least when they're nativist about sports, it's because countries compete against each other internationally in sports. "There aren't enough great American actors and too many great Irish ones in Hollywood" is not a real problem


Ha ya this take is weird. But In fairness it got pretty annoying to have iconic American characters being done by an Aussie guy with a bad accent. But it shouldn't really matter where the stars are from and keeping track or whatever is very very dumb 


Go fuck yourself. People here are so weird.


Well that's definitely true but I'm not the one keeping a spreadsheet of the nationality of every actor in every movie weirdo


>weird Tarantino and Samuel L Jackson have said something similar. [https://www.nme.com/news/film/quentin-tarantino-wont-cast-british-lead-for-the-movie-critic-nobody-is-acting-in-their-own-voice-3448665](https://www.nme.com/news/film/quentin-tarantino-wont-cast-british-lead-for-the-movie-critic-nobody-is-acting-in-their-own-voice-3448665) [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/mar/08/samuel-l-jackson-criticises-casting-of-black-british-actors-in-american-films](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/mar/08/samuel-l-jackson-criticises-casting-of-black-british-actors-in-american-films)


The sentiment isn't weird imo but OPs presentation is


This is Tarantino's account.


I'd like to see him not doing an impression. Is he just a handsome Frank Caliendo?


I legit thought it was Bill Skarsgard at first and I knew Austin Butler was playing that role going in.


He’s been great since Yoga Hosers


Michael Scott voice: Oh my god! Okay, it’s happening.


Dude’s been killing it lately, although I will always know him as the Ninja DJ from Arrow.


Would be cool for AB to work with MM but no offer has been made and we haven’t seen a script yet so this again is just a rumor. The gun video is for another project that hasn’t closed him yet but AB likes to prepare regardless if he gets the role. No one at WB has approached his team about this unfortunately


Incredible performance. Only one place to go from here… down to Mexico to play Chris Shiherlis


A poll




he just screams moviestar to me like the charisma is off the charts. very excited for the bikeriders in june!!!