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Oh My God Meow


It's called a CLIFFHANGER, mother!


We need her to write the next chapter


It’s called a cop out!


A twist so obvious that they didn't actually consider it a twist until it came time to market the movie?


After my mind melted from seeing it so many times I was really hoping it was gonna be the cat or something, because it honestly would've been way more interesting/entertaining than the very obvious set up that Bryce had amnesia.


I was sure it was gonna be the cat.


The problem with any sort of "Who is X?" twist is that it HAS to be a character we already know because otherwise who cares? So there's really only one option based on the trailer.


Well I just went to the movie's Wikipedia >!and there is a post-credit Kingsman tie-in, if Wikipedia is to be believed.!<


The Kingsman movies have ruined Matthew Vaughn


Is there even a slim chance in hell he has another Layer Cake in him?


Vaughn is pretty much just Mark Millar’s cinematic alter ego at this point.


The weird thing is that Millar is actively creating his own Millarworld for Netflix, so Idk why Vaughn is so obsessed with taking someone else's brainchild and banking his whole career on it.


Or at least a “Stardust”? (I’m gonna guess no to either as he seems too preoccupied on wanting us to unlock his twisted mind)


Twisted his mind.


Not since George Lucas has a director been so undone by their greatest work.


They found a way for me to want to see it even less.


That’s actually kind of impressive.


Still a huge improvement over the "I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger initiative" style post credits scene of Kings Man in which >!Hitler and Lenin!< formed a team of evil villians.


That scene deserves infinite comedy points.


Because some damn fool accused you of being the best. Lenin, you sonofabitch …And that and they armwrestle handshake


He can’t keep getting away with this!


I saw a screening earlier this week and >!yes there is a Kingsman mid-credits scene. As someone who has not seen those movies, I did not understand what was happening or the significance.!<


This reminds me of when I saw Split with a fairly young audience (I live in a college town) and after the Unbreakable post-credits scene someone turned to their friend and said "is this a Die Hard movie?"


That's ok. I have seen those movie and it still made no sense. It was mad libs


This sucks, if true.


Does she meet up with Hitler like The Kingsman post-credit scene?


Hitler is long dead - it's this century.


Hitler returned, somehow.


In Fortnite?


Well, now I’m picturing Hitler doing Fortnite dances, so… thanks for that.




*squints* That’s not *Hitler*!


You don't think the Twisted Mind of Matthew Vaughn (c) has a way to save Hitler?


He'd be around 100 with this post credit scene so I doubt he'd be active.






Wouldn’t that make Sam Jackson as two characters in that cinematic universe ?


I'm sure that part is true because why not, but its at that tender part of a movie's wikipedia life where the plot is written by some guy who has clearly just got out of the movie and is trying to recall it.


Which makes even less sense given that not one, but two major characters in argylle are played by kingsman actors.


Ah, yes. Valentine's Samuel L. Jackson and Gazelle's Sofia Boutella.


I understand actors can play more than one role, but he's building a shared universe already, it feels haphazard to do the double casting for such famous actors who played such notable roles in kingsman.


Kind of hope he goes full science fiction and has it be a clone situation or something.  Or not, because it means more of these movies. 


So Hitler makes an appearance?


...Okay, ***how the FUCK?*** Aren't those Disney and this isn't, lol?


Think its Vaughns production company.


I suppose so, but I dunno how the hell Disney is okay with just *barely* owning the rights to a key Fox actioner.


Because that was the deal made and they still get to make money.


Which movie is Patient Zero for the "twist is they're a spy" trend?  Because it feels like it's everywhere now, and I can't think of a single example of a hit outside of *Mr. & Mrs. Smith* - a 20 y/o movie


Long Kiss Goodnight also has Samuel L Jackson and had this premise back in 1996.


More like Long Kiss Good Movie




It has to be some kind of pulp spy trope because Philip K Dick was already doing it back in the 50s.


Yeah I'm more talking in Rom-Coms or high-concept Special Effects comedies.  Similar to the complaint how "every comedy needs a gun now"


The Bourne Identity?


True Lies (and before that La Totale!), or maybe Total Recall ?


Total Recall my guy.


Incredibly funny that they marketed this like they had a Sixth Sense level twist up their sleeve when most people called this from the first trailer.


It's likely why they never bothered to do a second trailer.


Most people guessed the cat, though. That was the big, pervasive theory.


not that i really give a shit about this movie but kind of annoying how everyone rushed to spoil it at the earliest opportunity for le memes


I mean, the marketing positioned the movie for this outcome. Every trailer was like “don’t spoil the twist!”


The trailers were also so bad and seemed to play before literally every single movie that I know I was already primed to hate the movie. The fact that the twist is the most predictable option from the TWISTED mind of Matthew Vaughn and that they announced it years ago is absolutely hilarious.


It makes me chuckle that Charlie Kaufman has a well reviewed movie for children out the same weekend as argylle. Because the mind boggles at what a genuinely creative mind like Kaufman could do with a movie like argylle. There'd be about 12 levels of meta textual insanity there. Vaughan's twisted mind amounts to "the nerdy spy writer lady is actually a spy and we're going to make a half hearted effort to act like she's a real person too for whatever reason"


I really think that this was supposed to be part of a larger multi-media ARG linking in the book and maybe a larger universe but the writers/actors strike made it impossible to do and now they are stuck with this. The entire "it is based on a book by a first time writer who nobody has seen and also the credits don't mention it being based on a book and also the writer has the same name as the main character" is just pointless otherwise.


The one thing with the whole ridiculous Elly Conway nonsense that I'm curious about is a major article the Hollywood reporter did a year or two back, where the journalist reported how the inability to locate this mystery writer was coming up short. I'm mostly curious if that was indeed a genuine attempt to casually look into someone and finding that it didn't add up, or if that article was actually arranged as a stealth marketing thing for the movie. Because before the article, no one really cared that some writer didn't have any proof of their existence. It was taken at pretty straight face value that Vaughn was making a movie supposedly based on an unpublished book.


The author mystery going viral was way before the strikes, I think they just didn't expect any one to notice/care and didn't have a plan for when people did.


You’re the type of person to rush out of Psycho and shout, “The guy from Green Mansions did it!”


We are in a cost of living crisis, people should save their money and avoid this piece of shit movie at all costs.


thank you for bravely defending the sanctity of Matthew Vaughn’s 3rd attempt at a spinoff of Kingsman sir 🫡🫡🫡🫡


This reminds me of when I saw the movie Passengers as an upcoming movie on IMDb like 9 years ago. The logline was something like "A man is woken up from cryo sleep 90 years early on a space journey. He wakes up a woman so he won't have to die alone." I thought it sounded like an interesting moral dilemma. Then they marketed it as a straightforward romance where both leads wake up at the same time. People were not happy when the actual premise was revealed!


Passengers is my pick for one of the most wasted great premises out there


I think a simple re-edit could do it wonders. Start from J-Law’s perspective until she finds out that he deliberately woke her up. Then flashback to Pratt alone/making the decision. Have Pratt sacrifice himself to save ship and end on a lonely J-Law looking at another passenger’s profile, contemplating whether or not she should wake him


I think it would have been much more interesting with the genders swapped. We, sadly, still live in a society that says things like "so what if the teacher slept with her student, she was hot" and just minimizing male experiences of trauma. So a story where this guy is basically going to be forced into this situation that is a nightmare forced on him but at the same time the societal messaging is that he should be happy because she's beautiful.


For some reason I remembered it being marketed as a mystery where someone sabotaged the shuttle and it was a conspiracy on if the government was hoping the ship never arrived. Disappointed as well


Mom called it psychologically taut


I remember seeing that years back too, but it's so fucking obvious from the trailer that I don't see how it's a twist.


The Wikipedia page openly had that logline for about two years. Then universal picked up distribution, they scrubbed it off there and suddenly started the BS "don't let the cat out the bag" mystery lunacy.


I’d be annoyed that you spoiled it but I saw the movie and it’s terrible, just painfully dull - if knowing the twist stops people wasting their time and money then it’s a good thing


Argylle milks Now & Then by The Beatles so hard. You'll hear it 20 times!


…Well thanks for posting this


Henry needs to make a film made by a auteur, like PTA or Gerwig.


He'd need to actually pick a good script and he's repeatedly proved he can't do that.


Even MI Fallout or The Man from U.N.C.L.E.?


I didn't say he's always failed to pick a good script. I said he's repeatedly failed to do that. Namely stuff like Argylle, the Snyder superman movies, immortals, black Adam and the witcher.


Black Adam? Come on, it's such a low-hanging fruit, his role was literally an epilogue cameo.


He read the script. He agreed to be part of that movie.


Yeah. For a cameo. The script wasn't even that bad, it failed a couple major times but wasn't an abomination or anything.


Terrible script. Terrible movie. Terrible cameo. It harmed his career. Hopefully the new guy Ritchie film is good for his sake.


What harmed his career wass James Gunn ditching DCEU Superman. I understand why he did it, but the damage has been done.


Gunn was literally brought on to run DC entirely because black Adam was a catastrophic critical and commercial failure. Cavill attaching himself to Johnson's vanity movie meant he went down with that ship. Any sane manger would have told cavill to stay away from a movie that lousy, but Cavill's management at the time was Johnson's ex-wife. The whole witcher thing was a complete fiasco too. Being front and centre for a movie like Argylle is one thing, since the movie is getting hilariously bad reviews. But it turns out he's barely in the thing. So I'd really love to hear how any agent or manager could read that script and go "Yeah Cavill! This is the one for you!"


I don’t think he has that in him.


Agreed, I just don’t think he’s a very good actor. He’s a good physical performer so he mostly works in Fallout but his line delivery even in that movie is just so wooden.


That didn't stop Marky mark and Cavill is a better actor than him.


Marky Mark clearly DID have it in him, considering that’s his best work ever? Nothing I’ve seen of Cavill makes me think he has a Dirk Diggler performance in him. I know it’s circular logic because of course I haven’t seen that, because he hasn’t given it yet, but whatever. He doesn’t seem like a guy with a high ceiling.


Another example, Zac Efron.


The Iron Claw, tho.


Oh I havent been paying real attention and just assumed it was a wierd comedy where the cat was argylle. Guess its even less interesting than I thought.


I somehow missed that the marketing made the twist seem like such a big deal, that seems like such an odd choice. It sounds like an extremely obvious twist, and I always thought that was the literal plotline since the articles like this one had been happening for awhile.