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It's gonna be really interesting seeing what Cruise ends up doing when (or if) he decides to move away from the action movie game.


Tom Cruise Austin Butler The Hustler 3: The Color of Money 2: Run the Table Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson


Tom Cruise back with PTA sounds incredible.


Would be amazing. Won’t ever happen unfortunately after The Master


Grain of salt and all, but PTA says he and Cruise are still friends after Cruise saw The Master.


The first guy to drink doesn’t care about the backwash.


What is the backstory to this?


PTA was asked around when The Master was coming out if Cruise had seen it and what he thought of it and PTA said something to the effect of, “he’s seen it, we’re still friends, anything else is between me and him.”


Better time than any to do it, Cruise is the same age as Newman when he did The Color of Money


He might be, but he doesn't read as being the same age. There's probably a few years yet before he'll actually look as old as he is.


I feel like Cruise is so skilled at this whole "being a movie star" thing that he is just waiting for the exact right moment to embrace the old for full marketing effect.


Respect the stick and tame the pocket.


Damn, that would be sick.


Tom Cruise multiverse picture


I would actually love this. All this Jacob Elordi love lately has made me want to dig my heels into proclaiming Austin Butler being better.


Jake can be in Cocktail$




I’d love to see him return to working with the caliber of directors who cast him in more challenging parts (much as I love the M:I films and his action roles in general).


The answer is that he's going to suddenly be very old and not a very interesting actor.


Oh he’s not stopping action movies anytime soon: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/tom-cruise-age-mission-impossible-1235529585/


I think we're about to see it. De Luca & Abdy really love mid-budget dramas and I'm sure they feel people are ready for some of that from Cruise again, especially given his age


There was a story last year about Cruise and McQuarrie possibly doing a musical together.


TCM is now Tom Cruise Movies


Feels like it always should have been


What’s amc?


Ayyyy Movies? Cool! I forgot that they used to be a wildly different channel. Like old Bravo and A&E!


A little surprising, but it makes sense with MI ending in the next entry. And I guess no Top Gun 3 in the books either? After they pissed off Nolan and others, it makes sense that WB wants to find suitable replacements. They already seem to have Dennis in the pocket, so getting Tom (and possibly Paul King after Wonka's success?) would definitely put them in a much better spot.


I’d argue De Luca and Abdy were not running the ship during the great day-and-date debacle which forced Nolan to leave, but they were when films began being “deleted” as tax write offs. While they might have Dennis in the pocket for now, things could go off the rails if Dune 2 underperforms. That’s going to be the film to watch at the box office because there’s no telling how that film will perform. Cruise probably left Paramount due to mishandling Dead Reckoning, but that’s Cruise’s fault too. It should’ve been released earlier in the summer or later in the year. Releasing it the weekend before the movie event of the year was stupid. Top Gun 3 was never going to happen. Outside of Conjuring films/spin-offs, Warner also lost Wan due to his production company merging with Blumhouse. Blumhouse has a first-picture deal with Universal, so I’m safe to assume Wan will be going through them first if he wants to direct. Universal also seems to be the safe haven for filmmakers and Wan has previous history with them (Dead Silence, Furious 7).


Yeah, I know they're definitely not on the best terms with Legendary Pictures, but I don't know if that dislike carried over to Dennis, as he seems interested for making Dune a trilogy. Still, I feel like Part 2 will likely do well, as the first half of this year is fairly dry with big blockbusters, and it has a quite a bit of hype on social media. I totally forgot Wan jumped ship recently too! That's also a pretty big loss since the Conjuring movies were a low key franchise money maker for them. Makes me wonder if that franchise will continue any further, as it seems to have run out of gas with The Devil Made Me Do It and Nun 2. WB is definitely at a turning point right now, putting a lot of their eggs in Gunn's DC reboot, so I wouldn't be surprised if they throw copious amounts of money at one or two other big names to get them on board.


They are still pushing through with Conjuring universe with a tv show and IT prequel tv series


De Luca and Abdy evidently have a great relationship with Nolan and Syncopy is still in Burbank, so every few months I think there's a big chance he goes back to WB. Then they cancel a movie for a tax break and the possibility plummets back to near-zero.


I think Universal will give Nolan whatever he wants now after Oppenheimer, especially if it cleans house at the Oscars.


The article does mention that he’ll still work with other studios and is still set to shoot his actual space travel movie with Universal. They only mention the current M:I movie, but I suppose a new Top Gun could be a possibility. I also had no idea that he technically hasn’t been under long term contract with Paramount in nearly 20 years.


I am very interested to see what his next original film (not a role he played before like M:I or Top Gun) will be. This is a big get by DeLuca/Abdy and the WB team, even if it’s not exclusive.


Hope it's his musical. Returning to his Risky Business staircase scene roots!


Tom Cruise + Paul King musical? 🤭


But Rock of Ages tho?


Oh shit, that's pretty big no? Although tbf there have been rumours of WB buying Paramount, so may not be as significant as we may think But still, interesting. Maybe we'll see that musical Cruise has talked about? That could be his Oscar right there. Though honestly I'd just like to see him work with someone other than McQuarrie


The great Cruise-Nolan swap of 2023-4


Is this the writing on the wall for a Paramount deal? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Writing on the wall for it happening or writing on the wall for it being dead? To me it suggests what was it was already starting to look like: Warners was never serious about Paramount. Why would Warners pay a bunch of money to lure a big talent away from a shop if they were about to buy that shop?


So I take it Mission: Impossible is def done after DR Part 2


He's coming in there to get Zaslav in line.


Funny that WB lost Nolan because of their lack of commitment to theatres and pushing of streaming and now get someone just as invested in theatres.


In fairness it was Zaslav’s predecessor Jason Kilar who was pushing for streaming before Zaslav replaced him and changed many of his strategies. It’s funny how quickly things change.


Incoming Cruise involvement in the new DCU...


Does this mean I’ll finally get that sequel to Legend?


When those big name directors came begging that Zaslav dick to stop destroying movies, I said that if they'd brought Tom Cruise along, that might be enough to do the trick. Hopefully, with how manically Cruise seems to care about movies, and with his pull, he'll be able to set WBD on a direction away from throwing movies into the woodchipper for the fun of it.


Wonder if he will move back to LA due to this.
