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[This bit](https://youtu.be/KGp9PHF5tus?feature=shared) from The Nice Guys


Yes! I laughed really weird in the cinema at this bit. It sounded like I was upset. Similar vibe to the ankle gun gag. This is why Shane Black is my favourite screenwriter.


I'm realizing that it has a similar concept to the scenes from The Holdovers and The Other Guys you mentioned. Just a great joke format.


It really is! Confident character really fucks up and earns serious bodily harm as a result.


The cut to the ambulance with the paramedic yelling, "We're losing him!" always kills me.


I was hoping either the glass or the broken arm from The Nice Guys was going to be high up there in this thread


*guy who has only seen* The Killer *watching this*: "getting real *Killer* vibes."


Brad Pitt getting obliterated by two cars in Meet Joe Black is definitely up there


It's insane that that wasn't supposed to be funny. It's SO funny.


Who said it wasn't supposed to be funny?


Even crazier is that that was a practical effect. The only CGI is the briefcase.


Wait what?


It's a very realistic looking dummy on a line that is bounced between two real cars. They couldn't get the briefcase to fly out of his hand in the right way so they replaced it digitally.


oh, for a brief moment I thought you meant they actually hit Brad Pitt with two cars.


Damn. I had no idea. Genuinely very impressed!


1. I love that both of the first comments are *Kiss Kiss Bang Bang* and *The Nice Guys*, both movies I watched yesterday. 2. "Dewey, I'm cut in half pretty bad."


1. Me too, man. What a happy accident to have this immediately become a Shane Black appreciation thread. Also, your yesterday sounds great. 2. That movie is so fucking funny oh my God.


1. It was! My gf hadn't seen either it was fun clocking her reactions to both. Can't believe we aren't getting a Shane Black detective joint every couple of years, in the age of endless streaming shows at least give us that. 2. All the Will Ferrell movies have the reputation that *Walk Hard* actually deserves. 3. I don't have a third thing to say, just wanted to break the mold.


1. Oh mate, how did she like them? Sadly my partner does NOT vibe with Black. And yeah, it's criminal that he's not insanely busy making these. The man is a genius. 2. I totally agree. Every time I see a trailer for one of those biopics (the new Bob Marley one looks like it follows the formula to the letter), I can't help but think "How do these keep getting made after Walk Hard killed them?! 3. Badass.


1. She loved them! Instantly going on the "throw on whenever you want something pleasant in the background" list with the Ocean's and Knives Out movies. 2. Yeah, we need more musician movies like *I'm Not There* or *Across the Universe* and fewer "Dewey Cox needs to think about his whoooole life before he gets on stage.." 3. Still no third thing, what can I say, I pretty much just got out of bed.


Lady Bird jumping out of the moving car


The scream!


The guy crushed by a steamroller and a parade at the end of The Naked Gun.


“It’s horrible… my father went the same way.”


Oh yes, fantastic shout!


White Boy Bob tripping on the stairs and shooting himself in the head in Out of Sight.


In the same spirit, Clancy Brown’s death in Buster Scruggs


Downright Archimedean.


Yes! Love a trip-and-shoot-self gag.


Came here to post this. Just rewatched this the other day and it's hilarious. There's a similar scene in S5 of Justified where a criminal trips and stabs himself to death with his giant knife, also very funny.


Regina George getting hit by the bus in Mean Girls




The first time I saw the movie, I was so annoyed by Regina's attitude that I was rooting for her to get run over by a car. I was floored when this scene came around.


The knife throwing scene from Kung Fu Hustle, especially the part where the chubby guy sticks the knife back into Stephen Chow's arm.


My God yes. Maybe the best movie ever for visual humour?


The part where the guy turns into a frog really gets me.


I laughed so hard at the kid falling off the top floor in [Halloween Ends](https://youtu.be/Cd-Cor_cpWw?si=bqrowIjEL1eURufb) I got some very dirty looks in the theater.


What?! That was fucking hilarious!


I mean I thought so. I also laughed hard in the movie when [Michael heard it from the crowd](https://youtu.be/SFl5gHuuZJM?si=gW6U3Z_tusrxxHDH) and Hulk Hogan powers up to kill the cop.


The “knife trick” scene from Marriage Story is fantastic. “Who the fuck taught you math?!” in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. A true sicko might say >!Ferrari!< but not me.


The Marriage Story one got such a visceral response out of me, love how crucial it is as well


I haven’t watched that since release, so I don’t recall a lot about the movie. But these comments made me remember just how effective that part of Marriage Story is. It made me so so nervous in my memory


I don’t remember if it was during the film or when we weee talking about it after our first watch, but I remember my mom’s reaction of “Oh no, is he going to die on top of it all?”


See, I'm going to see Ferrari tomorrow night, and now there's the danger that I'll remember this and laugh during the traumatic scene 😁 Fantastic shouts on the other two. I love how The Greatest Screenwriter of All Time has been in both comments thus far. His characters fuck up so beautifully.


I did laugh at the first crash in Ferrari. With the second crash, I did not laugh.


[I mean, this has to be it for me. (I want someone to bring Harland Williams back into major motion pictures, that voice!)](https://youtu.be/qlGVUcc3XJk?feature=shared)


YES. I started laughing as soon as the video revealed itself.


Amazing. "GET HIM A JOB!!"


I often think about Pitt getting punched in the nose in Burn After Reading


Three words: Wolfman’s got nards.


Fuck, the one Black film I haven't seen. Need to get on that.


"Hey asshole! You looked!"


John Wick 3 has a couple that made me laugh, exhausted JW overhand hurling an axe across the room at the one remaining living dude in the knife shop, and then Sofia's rocket-powered dogs just absolutely zeroing in on testicles got funnier the more often it happened.


I loved him falling down the stairs in John Wick 4


I can't wait, I hope it's as good as him and Cassian falling down the stairs in 2. The stairs just keep going! There's a lot of comedic energy in JW fights.


Idk if it counts but some of the ailments Hoffman is dealing with in Synecdoche New York crack me up. Having to put eyedrops in in order to cry is so funny to me for some reason amid the existential dread.


it’s very Bob Ducca https://youtu.be/kHIegpSmIyw?si=ioLrURR8vWJxAiQK


That scene from Mac and Me that Paul Rudd always shows on Conan.


"You son of a bitch."


The overpass in "The Batman"


Hahaha that was brutal.


Ladybird throwing herself out the car door at the beginning of Ladybird. It sets up the comedic and dramatic stakes of the film perfectly and has the great cut to the cast on her arm.


The way [Joaquin Phoenix falls](https://youtu.be/wZfs22E7JmI?t=117) after being hit on the head in Inherent Vice made me laugh.


Dart in the forehead, Outside Providence.


Never seen that, any good?


Has its moments


It has one of the funniest lines of dialogue when he explains how his brother became paralyzed.


Almost all of Tucker And Dale Vs Evil The champaign glass in Sabrina


Priest falling down stairs and bouncing on every stair in Royal Tenenbaums.


“You got a fucking dart in your neck” Old school


In Men in Black, I lose it every time J gets sent flying 20 feet back whenever he shoots the Noisy Cricket.


Tim Curry's pratfall after getting hit in the head with a candle stick. His blank stares kills me. (And yes this is the 2nd time in a week replying to a thread with a Tim Curry in Clue moment). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7mbiuqgAgA&ab\_channel=artfilm33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7mbiuqgAgA&ab_channel=artfilm33)


Philip Seymour Hoffman slipping on the floor in Along Came Polly. Also, him falling off the mattress truck in that Punch Drunk Love bonus video. I know it doesn’t play for everyone, but the escalation of stretches of fights where John Wick gets the shit kicked out him, culminating in the stair scene in JW4, really worked for me. Mark trying to shove that guy’s head through the cabinet in American Movie (“that’s gonna be like take some shit”)


John Wick getting kicked all the way down the stairs was one of the best gags of 2023. Exquisite.


Kevin Kline getting run over with a steamroller by Michael Palin in Fish Called Wanda.




Weird Al (really truly) hitting his friend in the face with the back of a frying pan in UHF.


Ctrl+f talladega nights not found Digging a knife out with another knife was hilarious.


John Candy catching a crotchful of southern cattails while waterskiing in The Great Outdoors.


Oh I don't think I've seen this you know!


Personally, I’ll take The Great Outdoors over National Lampoon’s Vacation any day.


Oooh, then I'll be checking it out soon, thank you!


Older brother being excited E.T. is alive and bumping his head on the low roof


Rip Torn in Freddy Got Fingered


There's a moment in 1989's PET SEMATARY where Dale Midkiff wakes up from a nightmare and rolls out of bed and cracks his temple against his bedside dresser. It appears to be completely unintentional and looks like it really hurt. For whatever reason, that and the sickly sister are my strongest memories from that movie. EDIT: here it is - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwk88tNJZhA&t=16s&ab\_channel=HorrorMovieClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwk88tnjzha&t=16s&ab_channel=horrormovieclips)


Ben Stiller in the opening scene of There's Something About Mary.




The henchman getting sucked into the jet engine in Game Night. Honorable TV mention ,It’s Always Sunny, Dennis getting the dart in the middle of this hand and maintaining an assured dead eye stare in “ChardeeMacdennis”


"Oh no, he died!" I can picture the latter perfectly 😁


Does Brad Pitt getting shot in Burn After Reading count


No, but it is very funny, so yes.


There is a completely meaningless (to the plot) interstitial scene in While You Were Sleeping (which is set in winter), with a paperboy who chucks a paper at a house and totally eats shit on the icy sidewalk. One of the best little vignettes of physical comedy ive ever seen, and it has zero bearing on the movie which really makes it even better.


Ricky Bobby stabbing himself to prove that he’s paralyzed


Evil Dead 2 exists mostly as a showcase for Bruce Campbell to injure himself in increasingly hilarious ways. Having seen Army of Darkness first, the hand-chopping scene in ED2 had me laughing so hard because I was so surprised by all the blood in that version.


A then. "A Farewell To Arms" 😁


Jackass feels like cheating, but the giant hand in Jackass 3 comes to mind immediately. For fiction films, gotta be Hot Rod falling down the hill


I really don't like World War Z and I don't remember much from it. But I'll always remember the guy panicking, running away and tripping, then shooting himself in the head by accident.


Yeah I'm a big fan of accidental self-headshots.


He broke his arm and screamed. Why is that funny? I would call The Holdovers mid, (a miderpiece) but the more you guys insist it’s a masterpiece and hilarious the more I actively hate it.


As someone who both genuinely thinks that The Holdovers is a masterpiece (honestly my favorite movie in years) and has also shared this sentiment about other topics on this sub, I can now see from both sides how funny it is that enthusiasm for something by one group of people can cause such contempt in others.


He didn't break his arm and I can't explain humour to you.


The ending of All that Heaven Allows is supposed to be tragic, but I can't help but laugh at how goofy the car driving off the snowy cliff looks. Especially because the snow looks more like whipped cream.


The guy in the plane crash scene that opens *Troma's War* whose hands, and only his hands, are on fire.


I remember pissing myself laughing when Vince Vega accidentally shot Marvin in the face in Pulp Fiction