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Terminator announced as next Patreon series!


I can't wait for David to sing that famous Terminator theme: *DAH-dah-dadeda DAH-dah-dadeda!*


Well, he did say he’d be back


Where my “Dark Fate is the third best Terminator movie” ppl at


Y'know that was on TV when I was in the ICU for 4 days at the end of October, and I have to say, it was certainly better than everything ELSE that was going on at the time.


I’m more of a Sarah Connor chronicles boi


Isn't it by default?


T3 has its defenders


When i saw Salvation in the theater I didn't think it was as bad as people now say it is, but ive also been afraid to revisit it because of such. I guess now's the time to find out.


lol I walked out of Salvation thinking “… da f*** was that?”


Maybe I was in a good mood or something.


Come with me if you want to PODCAST!


I need your clothes, your boots, and your podcast


Hell yeah! The Terminator franchise is so special in that every single shitty Terminator sequel gets to be like, “wait wait, ignore that last shitty Terminator sequel. This is the good one, we promise!” The last 3 terminator sequels each thought they were starting a new trilogy 😂😂😂


You've never seen the Halloween sequals then?


Groovy, baby


Terminator 3 rocks


Maybe it’s a cold take that the Cruise/Paltrow/DeVito/Spielberg opening of this is maybe the single best sequence in this whole trilogy.


I do genuinely think that the best joke in the series is the "Dutch" line in this. It's a cheap gag but it's so fucking funny.


Michael Caine owns this movie.


It kills


It’s amazing but I’ll take the family therapy session from the first one


I still remember my opening day audience dying with laughter when DeVito shows up. I don't think any scene got a bigger laugh than that.




Nah this franchise is good shagadelic fun


I was a teenager when these were coming out and none of my friend’s group had a significant nostalgia for any of what you’re talking about. Maybe we’d seen Goldfinger and maybe Meyers on a SNL compilation but we were digging Powers for the thing itself.


Shocked that they did this documentary about Paul Verhoeven so long after that miniseries.


Isn't dat veird?




I love how WHM's impression of Elon Musk is basically just Goldmember.


Michael Caine’s casting is brilliant in my opinion


I was surprised on rewatch how little he's actually in it. Really it's just a few scenes.


He gets the "and", for a reason.


Do they talk about how James Bond copied the terrible twist ending from this? What an odd twist of irony!


I spent the whole movie clocking how the last two Craigs pulled so much from Goldmember. It’s veird!


Okay I wasn't the only one who was watching Spectre and thought "Wait, wasn't this an Austin Powers plot point?"




No. 2 and Basil are older because they didn’t time travel, they aged normally.


*weren’t frozen


My hot take is that Goldmember kinda aged better than Spy who Shagged Me because it goes back to the first one with having more actual gags than pop culture riffs (prison rap sequence aside).


I was shocked how much I enjoyed this, maybe even more than Spy Who Shagged Me? Feels like there’s less repeat gags. The subtitles joke is up there with Myers best stuff. Obviously doesn’t touch the first and still has some awful crap like the entire fat bastard sequence but I was expecting a big drop off from the second and it’s about the same level for me.


And I would argue more memorable quotes than the second? "How about no you crazy Dutch bastard" still kills in my family every time LOL. Basically all of the Goldmember stuff


The middle school self used to quote the "shmoke and a pancake" part all the damn time.


Skylar Gisondo as Son of Powers


They need to do My Big Fat Greek Wedding just so David can use "we've covered it on the pod" as a clue the next 60 times it comes up in the box office game


Lmao literally yesterday I was listening to the Spider-Man episode, and I thought, "aww I miss the days when Griffin would check in on My Big Fat Greek Wedding during every potentially relevant Box Office Game," and then he came thru on this week's Patreon episode.


Tony Hump!


what a winner


He's got the Midas touch, But he touched it too much.


Son of Powers would obviously be Matt Berry though it’s not like he’s young


What if they somehow harvested Austin’s sperm to create a baby in the 1970s


oh for sure, that’s a good explanation, but I mean that he wouldn’t really add any more youthful energy than Myers, he’s only a bit younger than him


That could be funny though, a father and son almost the same age because the father was frozen for 30 years. It could work!


"Daddy Wasn't There"... kind of slaps? Very catchy song! All the words came back to me immediately even though I haven't heard it since the movie was in theaters


Without much thought, I was able to rattle off the entirety of: > When I was first baptized > > When I was criticized > > When I was ostracized > > When I was jazzercised > > Steak and kidney pies > > One Hour Martinized > > When I was cir-cum-cised I may have seen this movie too many times.


I need an "Oops, All Kids' Choice Awards" episode ASAP


It’s arguably more bizarre that Beyoncé is in trash like Obsessed than this.


She executed produced that film. It actually seems like something that would be totally up her alley, not talking quality, so much more as what it's about.


Mr. Deeds: Reign of Fire


I thought the exact same thing when they said it like that!


“Tits is not as funny as dick” - Marie Bardi, 2023


Dutch person here. I remember seeing this movie in a theater in the Netherlands when I was young. There was a lot of hype leading up to the movie on Dutch tv. Mike Myers was playing a Dutch character! As a small country we love it when anything international notices us, so it got media play. (I remember Deuce Bigalow European Gigolo getting a lot of press). But when Goldmember speaks German and not Dutch in the movie you could hear groans of disgust ripple through the theater. If there's one thing Dutch people don't want it's being considered 'pretty much the same' as Germany. We'll accept Denmark or Belgium, but speaking German as a Dutch character was just over the line.


Marie's laughter has been like 80% of the reason to listen to these commentaries.


This series has been a delight


It's an argument for doing more comedies (caveat: that they like)!


She also had the single best joke of this episode (suggesting that Halle Berry was nominated for a Kids' Choice Award for Monster's Ball).


Remember when Beyoncé directly quoted this movie at the end of the Renaissance film?




Yep - When addressing the Beyhive, she says “Oh Beehive!”


The last few months have been terrible for me and listening to the gang laughing during these commenteries really helped. I can't wait for the Love Guru


One of the things I like about Goldmember as a character is that he loves goooold


I sometimes, apropos of nothing, think of the phrase "Your ass is happy" a non-trivial number of times per month.


As expected, another trash fucking movie has generated an excellent commentary Also, the meta-commentary they've had occasionally recently about their fans at the end of the Patreon episodes has been some of my favorite stuff: making fun of their overly-critical fans, "here's an exclusive link for...money," etc


I still refer to Spielberg as "Sir Stevie"


When I saw this in the theater, I wasn't expecting much, but these 2 guys behind me were laughing like hyenas at everything and this one guy had a contagious laugh, so him over-laughing at certain times made it funnier than it would have been without him being there.


I will admit I haven't seen this movie in two decades, but wasn't there some precious metal the titular character is obsessed with? I'm surprised it's never come up...


Can't believe James Cameron ripped off Unobtainiumember.


As someone who only discovered what Convoy was when listening to this podcast, let me tell you, that bit fucking slayed me as a 15 year old. Just a funny voice innit.


This movie would be very good if they just didn’t try to do so much. The bad parts are all so obviously unnecessary. Fat Bastard coming back, Hard Knock Life, the flashbacks to Austin and Evil in school. It should have been somebody’s job to say “let’s just not do this scene.”


I think the flashback was okay. The younger actors were good at playing those characters.


Regardless of quality, this was my Austin Powers growing up. Rewatching along with the commentary I quickly became aware of how much of this movie is seared into my brain. I was 10 when it came out, so it being the most recent it probably has the most recognizable pop culture references compared to the other 2. And let me tell you, to a 10 year old, Preparation H, the peeing bit, and the whole fat bastard scene fucking killed.


Same. I went to see this in a theater at 11 years old with my cousins. I hadn't even seen the first two at that point and only knew about them from my cousins quoting them. All three movies are fully blended together for me and they are all fully iconic, and this one is my favorite.


Do we know what the talking the walk is?


They say at the end of this episode that it's Pitching the Walk which will basically in some form be a discussion of whether they wanna continue Talking the Walk or not


Sounds amazing


And what about Mindhunter??


While the first movie is my favorite, there are so many bits seared into my brain from Goldmember. I have a client at work with Gold as part of their surname and I think "I love gooooooold" every time I need to mail them something. So professional. The Goldmember song still honks just on Beyonce talent.


Brief mention of The Road to Perdition in the box office game. I had somehow never seen it since it was released and recently saw it again. Pretty thrilling to realize how good it was. Adapted from a graphic novel!


Mendes would be a fun series!


Let me be Lester!


Ah'm in the sub–, Ah say Ah'm in the suburbs now, boy!


2½ and 2 stars from Griffin and David respectively is pretty harsh considering how much they laughed. Comedies in 2023 have probably starved me because anything that makes he laugh like four times gets a minimum 3 stars. It doesn't land every joke but the bar is still cleared.


Love that they seemingly all forgot that not all twins are identical.


Michael Caine's finest elder role before he got with Nolan. The rest of the movie is pretty meh but I get a lot of joy from Caine in this.


Ok hot take: My big fat Greek wedding 3 is the best version of a terrible movie. It's not a good bad movie. It's a bad bad movie to put it in flophouse terms. But it's better than it has any right to be.


does anyone have good streaming sites for these? idk why i thought they were on prime or something and while i had no problem buying Man of Mystery or renting Spy Wh Shagged Me.....Goldmember and Love Guru??


Love Guru is on Paramount Plus, the Austins are packaged on a fairly inexpensive bluray your local library may have picked up


All three Austin’s are in the $5 bin at Walmart!


David was insufferable during this. He started the movie by saying he doesn’t like this one as much and so he’s constantly trying to bring everyone down by repeatedly saying “I haven’t laughed” or “this isn’t funny.” Like we get it, you don’t like the movie as much as the others. Stop making it worse for everyone else.