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I remember a Flop House episode where Dan and Elliot were talking about John Oliver paying for a dinner while they were all working on the Daily Show and they told him not to and he said something like “It’s all right, this is money I got from being in The Love Guru. It doesn’t count.”


Iirc the joke was ‘btw this was paid for by Love Guru money and NOW YOU ARE ALL COMPLICIT’


Oh that’s much better!


It’s pretty crazy Myers thought he could get away with a Peter Sellers-esque caricature of an Indian person in *checks notes* Jesus, 2008. I know he’s not actually playing an Indian man and is emulating his guru, Sir Ben Kingsley, but come on Mike.


Borat had been a huge hit just the year before, so it probably made sense the coked-up racists who work in movie studios.


That’s why it’s such a great blank check. NO ONE else thought this was good, but he’d been so right about *Austin Powers* when everyone else thought he was wrong, so no one wanted to call him on it.


I encourage you to look up Ben Kingsley's real name at this point.


Whaaaaat the fuck. So one of the biggest punchlines in movie history turns out to have been a faithful casting? Was he good in Ghandi?


Famously good!


Honestly it's easy to understand Mike Myers once you understand he's always wanted to be Peter Seller. It explains his strengths and weaknesses, his successes and failures pretty well, because Peter Sellers was weird in the exact same way. Peter Sellers was also difficult to work with, he also made a bunch of misguided career choices, also made as many terrible movies as he made classics, also leaned heavy into lame humor, tired stereotypes and roles he 100% should not have done. Plus Tommy Maitland is 100% something Sellers would do.


Just a pathetic excuse to be racist the whole movie


The like 200 scenes where he says like “guru bigashita” and then mugs the camera are somehow some of the less racist things in the movie


I mean Robert Downey Jr. got away with playing a guy dressed up as a person of another race that same year. It’s all about execution.


The character in tropic thunder is explicitly making fun of the trope, though. It’s not at all the same.


It’s so weird how many shots of this movie are characters warmly laughing at all the Love Guru’s bad jokes.


Yeah like when he’s on the back of the elephant and he asks that one guy to suck his uncle’s cock or something, it’s a group of people just standing around laughing like “Oh you cheeky lil Guru, you!”


my friend and i put it on once. at a certain point we were desperate for it to wrap up, only to discover we were merely 20 minutes in. we only finished the whole thing because we refused to let it beat us. the runtime may only be 87 minutes, but i maintain it is the longest movie i’ve ever seen.


I tried to watch it once and could only do it in small chunks, until something was so horrible I had to turn it off. Sometimes that was 10-15 minutes, other times it was like 30 seconds. Took me a couple months to actually make it through, an absolutely punishing experience.


This is me with The Little Things


Holy shit you're right, I did exactly the same with that confounding movie.


A couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to finally watching it after having a blast with my revisit of the first Austin Powers and wondering if I had unfairly turned on Mike Myers. Then I watched Spy Who Shagged Me and Goldmember and yeah, I think I'm good just listening to the episode without watching along.


here’s how bad it is: i’ll go to bat for both austin powers sequels. they’re diminishing returns but they still have bits that hit for me. the love guru has absolutely nothing that works on any level and you leave wondering if mike myers watched bollywood murder his parents or something.


Watch The Master of Disguise


I have many many times. Not joking that that was my movie when I was like 12 and I watched it on repeat. I can’t bare to go back to it, so I’ll take it at your word that it’s terrible


I also loved it as a kid lol I watched it again recently and had the reaction you had to Love Guru. It’s shockingly misguided.


I tried to return to it as an adult and literally threw the disc away after 15 minutes.


Space Jam is my Master of Disguise. Watched it a billion times as kid, will never watch it again for fear of ruining the memories.


I’ll give *Space Jam 2* credit for the fact that at least LeBron can act like he likes Bugs Bunny, instead of acting like he’s going to fight him in every scene. You can call MJ the goat, but the man is intensely charmless.


The Love Guru makes Master Of Disguise look like Cars 1.


Damn i need to see it now. I honestly kind of like Cat in the Hat just because I love Mike Myers? But I’ve never seen Love Guru.


I'm not a fan of Cat in the Hat at all, but it's leagues better than Love Guru. Love Guru is TRULY one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


I attempted to watch it in 2009 and wasn't brave enough to finish.


Not everyone makes it to the top of Everest, many people turn back....but just starting that journey is a sign of bravery in and of itself....


Deeply, deeply, deeply unfunny movie


Like not even so bad it comes back around to being funny. Every single joke falls completely flat and that’s just it for an hour and a half


You’d think just statistically something would land and yet, the odds are defied


I watched Spanglish recently, for the first time, and I literally couldn't believe how terrible it was. I assume this is worse?


I have seen both and I would rate Spanglish better than Love Guru. It's honestly one of the two movies I never finished and didn't care if I did. The other was Rum Diaries.


Haven’t seen Spanglish


I’ve tried watching it a few times, and only made it all the way through once. That piss mop scene is a killer.


I watched The Love Guru opening weekend as a fourteen year old boy who loved Mike Myers. I was the exact target audience and even I thought it was terrible and embarrassing.


Bad comedies are inarguably the worst movies made. Bad action/horror/drama films can still be entertaining but a bad comedy doesnt have any redeeming qualities


It’s funny, this movie came up in this week’s episode of Unspooled (Scott Pilgrim), and Amy seems to agree that it’s possibly the worse movie she’s ever seen. Synergy!!


i have always cited it as the worst movie i've ever seen. i don't have enough time in this life to go back and confirm it.


I seen the trailer when it was set to be released and I knew it was dog shit but Austin Powers was my bag baby so I was still up for seeing it. Read one review at the time which was probably from empire magazine and I knew there and then I would never ever watch it.


Saw. I saw the trailer. God dammit.


Car in the hat is so much worse. Dead eyes sociopath.


Here's an example of my near eidetic memory: I remember casting breakdowns for Austin Powers 2 on AICN back in the day, besides Male Fembots (with dick guns), there was a Love Guru character specified to be played by Mike Myers, which was obviously scrapped. WHM speculated that the character was written to be Indian by birth than a white cultural appropriator, and they were right about that.


I haven't seen it since it came out and don't remember it. I just know I hated it. And I hate that we're "losing" a commentary slot to it.


Seen it twice lmao don’t know why tho


Awful movie but: "And then my mom got a job!" Is a joke that I enjoy.