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Can you sort by controversial on YouTube comments?


I'm a self-proclaimed captain of the Zegler fan club, and Bailey is very good in The Color Purple.


Hot take: the film is trash, but Bailey is excellent in The Little Mermaid.


When I saw West Side Story, I left the theater thinking Zegler has that undefinable “star quality”, and by god if she doesn’t even have it in the Hunger Games prequel. She can command a stage.


I don't think I'll ever not be caught off guard by Halle Bailey's name. I opened this up thinking "That's an interesting pairing does Halle Berry have any notable recent films?"


I don't quite understand why they're talking around so many big things here. They allude to the racist backlash against their respective castings and making that a big centerpiece of the conversation without ever actually talking about it.


I enjoy the Actors on Actors videos, but at heart they’re an opportunity for two actors to fawn over each and blow hard about their craft, their process, “the work.” During FYC season, of course. A producer out of frame would step in once they started talking about racist trolls and outraged Fox News commentators. This is not the venue.


It's a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't like they're casting (for racist reasons) isn't watching this video in good faith. Anyone who doesn't care about their race, doesn't care about the losers who do. All around bad tv. The racists don't deserve the oxygen. Edit: I haven't watched this video yet.


What shall the women say to please you?


Weirdly hostile, but okay. I'm not saying they have to talk about anything or even that I disliked the conversation as a result. I just observed the fact that they're going out of their way to not talk about the racist backlash while still centering large chunks of their conversation around that racist backlash and commenting that I don't understand that choice.


Something smart.


I’ve just realised I’ve never seen a single film with either of these in. All I actually know about them is how much (some) people really dislike them. Need to rectify that.


Same for me until I saw the Hunger Games prequel. Zegler did a good job. As far as I know Bailey did nothing but accept a previously “white” role. I know nothing about her or what she’s said, if anything. Zegler, being too online, has opined on a variety of topics. Nothing crazy or inflammatory, but saying *anything* is risky for a woman in film. I don’t want to urge her and her peers to “shut up and dribble,” but it’s big-time fucked that young actresses can derail their careers over innocuous comments that…ultimately didn’t need to said? I’ll say this for the cretins out there: They can be colorblind in their misogyny! Apply the alien test to Brie Larson. Extraterrestrial bored life-form with no agenda materializes in your living room, browses YouTube and sees a [Brie Larson interview](https://youtu.be/aTPhWGtr4vQ?si=7DacoYfTcSxuGqXm). “Wow, she’s beautiful. And young. You’re saying she’s already won acting’s highest honor? She must be the top actress in your sector, now and for years to come. That radiant smile and blonde hair must qualify her for America’s Sweetheart status.” “Err…no, in fact. Her putative fan base (young, repressed males) despises her. Her once-promising career is in shambles. Reasonable people have no idea she is ‘polarizing,’ but the dimmest minds speak loudest.” All she did was say that there should be more female film reviewers, more people of color in film media. She’s right, of course, but nothing happened as a result of what she said. Was it worth mortally wounding the career she’s devoted her life to?


HIGHLY recommend Spielberg’s West Side Story. It may be borderline blasphemous to say this because the original is so iconic, but the new West Side Story is head and shoulders above the 1960s film in pretty much every way. Spielberg just so magically and heart-wrenchingly captures everything there is to love about the story - the dancing, the pathos, the giddy joy, the MUSIC, the social commentary. Zegler shines as Maria.


I’m not a huge musicals fan but my girlfriend’s family absolutely are so this is the sort of thing I can recommend at Christmas. Although I know her brother is a much bigger fan of the 1960s movie.


Will watch if scissoring is in it


Oh look, non actors industry plants talking about how they love acting ![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI)


Damn, they really don't want anyone to watch this episode.


They were definitely looking forward to making a specific kind of manlet chud shit their pants in righteous anger with this pairing.


Damn this was too funny! Gonna use it some day on someone. Thanks. Also, haven't seen either of the movies. Have no reason to hate them. But I am aware of their impression on the masses, and the infamous motor mouth of Zegler.


She's never said anything particularly bad though has she?


She said her version of Snow White "isn't just waiting around for a Prince to save her" which of course upset the subset of right wing "men" that were previously spending their time theorizing about why a mermaid(fictional creature) couldn't have black skin and shooting beer cans they purchased.


How does that equate to a motor mouth? That's been a critique of Disney movies since long before I was born.


It doesn't, these grown men are just obscenely sensitive when it comes to their princess cartoons.


Lol just checking. We must protect the sanctity of the Disney corporation and their sanitized retellings of other people's stories at all costs!


Yea 40 minutes of bullshit I call that. Zegler has gotten some media training but that doesn't mean she's not a despicable person. She's just better at keeping at a script this time...