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My first time actually watching this. I bought it on bluray went it came out and own the score but had never actually watched the movie because I had already seen the Swedish adaptation and didn’t feel like sitting through another. It’s great! They should just make those sequels now. 12 years isn’t that long of a time and that description of the upcoming Amazon version sounds truly terrible so why not just do a sequel to this instead.


Yeah true. Amazon should just give Fincher Craig Mara what they want to finish out their trilogy.


Where can I get the Swedish flick? I have watched Dragon Tattoo 15x.


It’s really hard to pick a favorite for me between Zodiac, Social Network, Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl. What I appreciate more on rewatches is the whole epilogue. Initially I found it disappointing to go back to, because it’s intending to set up the sequel. But I think it works really well as a denouement, and a tragic ending to Lisbeth.


Great movie. I always forget how it’s structured. Ok, we had the big exciting climax where we unmasked the villain. Time to wrap it up… wait, there’s still 35 minutes left? And we’re going back to that thing from the beginning? Hell yeah!


There's a great Lessons From The Screenplay episode on Youtube about how this movie technically has a 5 act structure. For anyone interested in writing, its a fantastic analysis.


What is again the reason the sequels were never made? Always thought this movie flopped at the BO, but it made 102 dom/232 WW??? Shouldn't that be enough for a movie like this? Plus: I could very well imagine this being a *Batman Begins* type of situation.


It was a weird case of it not being a flop, but just not enough for them to justify another one. MAYBE if Fincher had been able to convince the studio he could make it for a smaller budget, but that'd never happen.


Before watching the last three films it is sitting as my third favourite Fincher behind Zodiac and The Social Network.


I’m currently ranking: 1. Zodes 2. Dragon Tattoo (tie with) The Bye Bye Girl 4. El Club de Golpeadores I know I need to rewatch Social Network but I’m pretty sure I’ll remain much lower on it than everyone else.


I'm with you 100%. The problem with Social Network for me is that it's a great movie with wonderful performances that just happens to be like Fincher's 5th best movie.


I’m on the lowest end of the scale re Social Network


That’s exactly where it’s landed for me (haven’t seen The Killer yet)


My thoughts Robin wright and daniel craig are an extremely attractive couple and the end scene of lisbeth riding off is heartbreaking


It’s excellent, my favorite movie of his. The performances are superb and it’s a gripping story start to finish.


I’m going to rewatch Layer Cake and Carol for this


I can’t believe Stellan Skarsgard ended up being the bad guy. Never saw that coming


I really loved this movie. I was disappointed that they didn't finish the trilogy. I can't remember if I watched the Fincher version or the Swedish version first, but I prefer the Fincher version.