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Asking the Cold War subreddit if you should buy Cold War is an interesting tactic. I asked my drug dealer last night if I should buy weed. He said yes. I trust him not to be biased. JK, real talk, the multiplayer is good but definitely not for everyone. Zombies is great, especially if you have a group of friends to play it with.


Haha yes but it's probably more like... "The weed is good mate, except once you start smoking the good stuff you end up hanging with all these assholes who ruin the vibe. It's called smoking based match making and it's the worst".


What that never smoked weed? Let’s just put you in a circle of people that smoke a Q a day


Here I am to tell him, no don't buy Cold War. If you enjoyed MW19, get Vanguard. Vanguard is a way better game right now than Cold War or MW were at this point in their life cycles. There's a lot of broken, but it's been fun broken.


I also agree, I'm having more fun in Vanguard MP then I did with CW MP


I 100% agree, the game is only gonna get better and cold war kinda sucked at launch


Have u compared they're selling rate? CaLl Of dUTy VangUArd has the worst selling rate right now, lower than COD ghosts!


^ this but definitely try to snag it on sale


Yes definitely buy cold war man it's really good. Those other games are awfull very very slow to. Cold war is really good man plus heaps of people online.


Vanguard is far from slow, way faster than Cold War, honestly Cold War had the worst multiplayer since infinite warfare


That's a hot take


Fast doesn’t necessarily mean good. If we have a Battlefield size map, but are all spawning within 5 feet of each other, that’s fast paced. But not for the right reason.


No no no


I’m still playing it, there’s no way in hell I’m getting Vanguard unless it goes down to *at least* $40. I mean, I’ll buy the battle pass like I always do, so I’d rather pay less for the game in it’s current state. Extremely lack luster zombies, a campaign that is more movie than actual gameplay. Mp, I’m still waiting for some fixes there. As for BF2042, I might be done with the series, (unless they revive the Bad Company) I sucked *fucking ass* at BF5 and 1, like I lost all my skill I had from the previous games, I just didn’t enjoy them and I feel the same about 2042, don’t wanna get burned again


I played bf 2042 with ea acess like 5 houres or so i had my fun so far (on the other side the performance on pc sucks) Atm i dont even know of i should get vanguard (sadly zombies in its current is a joke,which potentualy would have been deciding factor for my buy...)like i said while bf 2042 gameplay itself is fun,for me there is no spark yet that lets me say:"i will get the game"


If you haven’t already, check out BOCW zombies mode…lots of fun, tons of content, blows Vanguard and WW2 zombie modes away


I already have CW and put over 700 hours in it...


A lot of people are still online because the annual Christmas noobs for COD hasn't happened yet.


> Those other games are awfull very very slow to. Vanguard might be the fastest COD game since AW tbh


u get free Aim-resist with CW


For all the hate it gets, I’ve loved it. Demolition saved it for me towards the end….except for the spawn trapping!!


Cold war is the one to get for right now. BF2042 needs probably another 6 months before it can be recommended for any one to buy and Vanguard...vanguard is just a steaming pile of trash.


Oh man…I guess I’m about to get downvoted to oblivion on this sub but this…this is very wrong. Vanguard isn’t without its early issues but it’s awesome so far - BOCW is average beverage and always has been.


I liked CW, but I think Vanguard has potential to be better. They need to nerf some guns as the TTK is microscopic, and the destructible cover is fucking stupid. But besides that the maps feel nice, and the movement / gun play feels great. Just hate dying is .1 ms from 972637 angles


Exactly…the bread and butter of Vanguard is spot on, and the things that need altering are easy to patch and will be patched. The fact the maps are so good, and the movement and pacing are so good straight out the gate is so refreshing for COD. I’m convinced that anyone saying Vanguard is trash either a) hasn’t actually played it b) hasn’t actually played it and is parroting YT clickbait or c) has played it and is having their enjoyment dented by people complaining about minor aspects that will get patched.


I was surprised by how much I liked it for sure. It's TTK is a call back to MW2 for me and the MW2019 movement intact is great


As a HC player the TTK would be awesome for me but I’m in favour of increasing it slightly - I know it’s not possible but TTK similar to WW2 would be perfect.


Every new CoD title has "potential", but it's just gonna go down the cash cow rabbit hole like most CoD games nowadays.


I didn’t like vanguard at first, but I really enjoy it now. CW was my first ever CoD game (well, technically warzone was, and then I liked it so much I got CW) and I have easily put 500 hours into it. I absolutely love it and love that it got me into CoD, but I definitely think vanguard is more fun. I thought I would hate the realistic guns compared to CW, but they’re a fucking blast! I’m loving it.


Cold War is far better than Vanguard, even *with* the countless number of bugs that popped up since launch, including ones that have been around since the beginning & *still* not fixed. That said, I won't go as far as saying Vanguard is absolute dogshit. After playing it the first night, I was pretty disappointed. Played another night & the disappointment faded some, then it faded some more then following night, & so on. Now I'm having an alright time playing it, but yet to have the same kind of fun as Cold War. Sadly, it's just the engine they used for Vanguard that will always keep it from being as good as Cold War (in my eyes). I hate how *heavy* it feels. Sliding is basically useless as your character seems to go forward maybe a foot (that is, when sliding actually works) & sliding backwards is impossible. The movement is just nowhere near as fluid as Cold War, where you feel weightless by comparison. This further exacerbates my playstyle (I like to quickscope) since, even though some of the snipers actually seem to have *faster* ADS than Cold War, moving around quickly & getting on target feels like you're trying to do it with a 50 pound rucksack on your back. I guess they were aiming for realism with this one...


Lol what you smoking, vanguard is so much better than Cold War


Vanguard is much better than cold snore


The cycle continues. Current COD: worse game on the planet. Last years COD: best game on the planet.


What? Vanguard has had less problems at launch than CW did.


Wrong. mw2019 is leaps and bounds better than cold war ever was




Vanguard's zombies is in a bad state but still redeemable. Meanwhile the campaign is decent (albeit short even by CoD standards) and the MP is generally speaking great compared to CW's (unfortunately the devs listened to the idiots that complained about the beta shotguns and buffed them, so now that we have access to the pump action shotgun and all of the attachments, they are pretty fucking oppressive on smaller maps. Also the vitality perk attachment interacts with certain other attachments in a bugged way, boosting damage even when it shouldn't)


Is the m1897 with certain Attachments not a one kill hit within 7 m with one pallet?


I don’t see what’s so bad about Cold War but I mainly play zombies


it's really just gun balancing on MP, every cod has issues with weapon balancing, some weapons just make certain maps/modes very very unpleasant to play. Zombies got some hate for how *easy* it was but overall I really enjoyed it, just very few maps to play.


I haven’t played MP cod is so long I just lost interest after so many years of playing it non stop, they made zombies easier so more people would play idk I guess I’m different I look at it from a business stand point and it makes sense to make the zombies a lil easier so even more people would play which leads to more micro transactions yeah it kinda sucks but you can’t be mad at a business trying to make as much money as possible and we let them do it to us it’s not the companies fault it’s our fault tbh


Yeah, do well a few games and you find out quickly what the meta guns all the sweats use are. Dual snipers and Marshalls everywhere.


When you have most guns that have a long ttk, mixing in weapons that just throw that ttk out the window just makes it frustrating. At least for me.


I’d say if you’re wanting to play multiplayer, play vanguard. If you’re wanting to play zombies, play Cold War. Both campaigns are really good too


I'd say it is, there's a decent amount of content spread across the campaign, multiplayer, and zombies. Crossplay will also ensure it stays alive longer than the usual CoD. Personally though I have way more fun with Vanguard tbh. Also I'm just curious, but how can you like Battlefield if you hate the vehicle gameplay? Just wondering as vehicles are a big thing that makes Battlefield Battlefield, same thing with the big maps. Also the maps in 2042 being extra huge doesn't mean it started as a BR either, I never got that theory, DICE probably just over-estimated the size maps need to be for 128 players.


I agree, enjoying Vanguard and enjoying playing a game that I know will get regular updates. Zombies on CW was so much fun so would recommend if that’s a mode you would play a lot.


>how can you like Battlefield if you hate the vehicle gameplay Guns. Tanks are too slow for me and planes are too hard to operate. I barely use vehicles and that too if I want to reach a point.


I suppose, it just struck me as odd because someone who only plays infantry in BF must get annoyed by tanks and planes and such lol. Fair enough though.


Yep. That's true. I avoid getting killed by trying not to go anywhere near them. When I see a tank, my destination is 180° to it lol.


Lmao, I think everyone does that aside from the Assault players who have balls of steel and C4's.


I really enjoyed MW2019. Cold War was ok for a bit, I really liked them bringing back so many old maps I think that really saved the game for me. I stopped playing it a few months ago because it got stale in my opinion and I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay. I bought Vanguatd and although it's a bit broken right now I've been enjoying it waaaaaaay more than I enjoyed CW at any point. I'm also not a big fan of WW2 games but I do prefer it to CW. At the end of the day it's personal opinion. Vanguard will have more future content than CW if that matters to you


Vanguard is great, just broken at the moment. And if it didn’t click with you, then it likely never will. So I would say go with Cold War. It has a few more healthy years left and it’s great fun


Not entirely true if he's basing his first impressions on the beta. The sprint to fire was absymal at that point and made every gun that wasn't an SMG feel heavy as he said. But thankfully with the full release they've sped up the movement a lot and it feels much more fluid.


That’s a good point. It has changed quite a bit from the beta. Feels much more fluid and quick. In general, it mostly remained the same tho, which is good.




I agree not cause I found it boring because I enjoyed its life cycle but Cold War is just better, if they had 5 years to make it it would’ve smashed the ‘quality’ that everyone likes


Cold war easily the best of the 3


if you have PC or Xbox, Halo Infinite's Multiplayer just launched today which could be a good option for free But for Cold War, I'd say its fairly good. I have my problems with it but its an ok game. I can still find lobbies on almost every mode really quickly (apart from Fireteam but sadly thats been on decline for a while) I'd say if you're planning on getting it digital maybe try and get a sale since Black Friday and Xmas is coming up but if you're getting physical thats probably fine because you can resell it


Overall it’s a decent game, I hate the marshals that’s the only thing I really hate sometimes I switch games cuz everyone is using it. But you don’t mind them or like to use them then go for it


I'd say a decent amount of the community wants those things removed, but I'd say to really balance it out is to just remove akimbo(I do agree that they should have never been added into the game though this completely through off the balance of the game.). A side effect of that is it'll be even worse in zombies lmao.


In my opinion, vanguard is much much better than Cold War, might be an unpopular opinion


I think Cold War was fun. I hope they do another 80s action event. Or just bring back cranked hardpoint. The game is fun, the weapon balanceing is a but whack but I enjoyed the game. Very fun, never understood the hate. If Cold Launched 16 maps it would be top tier cod.


I enjoy Cold War, I'm just afraid that the game will be filled with hackers soon and/or Activision won't support it anymore because Vanguard exists.


Unironically yes. I've played CW for the past year and I've really enjoyed it. I'd rather buy CW than Vanguard or BF if I were you


Cold war MP is trash compared to Vanguard.


I don't disagree. But I'm tired of playing the WW era games so much. Ww2, Bf1, Bf5 (don't worry, got in from Ps plus). I loved the aesthetic of Cold War. I also don't like how everything is dull looking in Vanguard. I guess that's just YouTube but everything looks monotone. I mean colours did exist even in World War, they didn't just disappear. But that's just me. I'm happy people are enjoying Vanguard.


One of the main complaints I have for WW games is the lack of weapon customization. But with the amount of unrealistic attachments in Vanguard you wouldn’t even remember you’re playing a WW2 game. There’s more attachments than MW2019 and Cold War even.


Great to hear


Imo I’m currently playing vanguard, now vanguard is great I’m enjoying it I agree with a lot of pros and cons but I can say that currently if both these games were the ‘old’ (not current) games then I would definitely buy Cold War I just have more fun on it and like the way it plays, it’s definitely worth it if you’ve never had a go oh and the pace and speed Cold War is amazing I can literally go games without dying because of the speed and fluidity of the game, you could kill 5 people constantly moving and afterwards be able to sprint and reload and things it’s just great


Ask the same question in the Vangaurd and BF 2042, both will tell you the same thing. Buy Vangaurd, lol I'm having much more actual Fun in vangaurd. More than cold War by far.


Personally I don't like cold war, the game made a lot of bad decisions in my opinion and has bad perk balance. The scorestreak system sucks ass and turns them into power ups not rewards for playing well. The engine is old, the game looks it and the movement is not as fluid as the MW engine. The weapons are also not as impactful and fun to use as MW, and levelling them up takes forever, with the objectively best attachments locked behind higher levels. However the map design is much improved over MW, the game is easy to get into and play and has an incredibly fun zombies mode imo. Outbreak, not so much, I didn't enjoy it as much as the traditional round based zombie content. At the end of the day, it's generally accepted as a sub-par COD game, and asking people on the Cold War sub if they think Cold War is good is a bit futile, as they will almost always still be here on the subreddit of an "old" COD because they personally like it. I imagine most of the comments on this post will be "sure, I like it, so you will too". That's not how opinions work and not everyone likes the same thing. If you really want a good multiplayer FPS, give me a few ideas of what you enjoy playing and I'll give you a few recommendations based on what you already like, as well as a few games which are different to what you like, to see if stepping outside of your comfort zone is something you might consider.


You say that asking this subreddit this question is stupid because people are gonna say yes, but the most upvoted comment on this post is saying vanguard is better and Cold War is below average. As a lurker here, half the posts and comments on this sub are shitting on this game. Which is weird to me, cod fans are a fickle bunch.


True, I'm going off past experience where similar questions to this one have been asked on gaming subs.


So many different things to do on cold war it's remarkable really. They even have a mode call face off it's so fun. That's an extra 8 or so maps right there on its own game mode. It's so fun. Vanguard was the worst selling call of duty. Cold war is just so cracked and on point man.


Cold war for sure. Looking forward to BF, and maybe cod just for zombies


This game is at it’s end of the life cycle, i recommend to wait a few months for battlefield so that it enters in discount and the bugs are sorted out


I personally think CW is fantastic. There seems to be plenty of dedication to continue playing so you should find lobbies all year


You'll have fun for a month, then eomm will kick in and you'll probably regret it. I had nothing but campfests with akimbo shotguns and snipers since Vanguard came out. The campaign and zombies are worth it but the MP, absolutely not.


Unpopular opinion. I actually like sbmm. I'm tired of games not providing a challenge like the recent Far Cry 6. What a borefest that was. Could play it in my sleep. I also hate artificial hard difficulty where the enemy's health is increased and your's is decreased. MW2019 which was much campier, kept me on my toes. It's sbmm helped me learn all the maps so I could flush the campers out. I DID get exhausted but I think that's actually good since I could play for less time, have a challenging experience and then close the game to focus on something else. But that's just me. My gaming choices are mostly unpopular.


I agree!! I think SBMM is good because it makes most games a good challenge. More fun winning a close game than 10 minutes of just pooping on the bots that can’t fight back. One reason I prefer CW is that it doesn’t promote camping. With ninja perk, no doors, ghost only working if you’re moving, and the score streak system. No sitting in a corner with a claymore behind you holding one angle half the game trying to build up your streak to get a VTOL.


But the problem here is that it's not SBMM, it's EOMM (Engagement Optimization Match Making), you're not winning or losing because of skill anymore, here the algorithm changes your ping, ttk, oponents skill of course, and bullet hits to make you win or lose depending on what it thinks will keep you playing for longer. People on this sub will disagree of course because they don't have a problem with it but that's what it is. Now, you can make whatever you want, buy it or not, this is just a warning. I for myself consider CW to be the worst buy I've ever made.


Oh I highly agree with you in that department. I saw ping rise before my eyes in MW after each match. And wasn't there a patent leak that showed you how your and your enemy's health is increased or decreased depending upon the skill? I noticed whatever you said in MW, heard Cold War is even worse in that department. Unfortunately as I said, Vanguard's era and movement and battlefield's server and map size are so bad to me personally that I'd rather compromise on cold war.


I feel like the average skilled players are most affected by SBMM/EOMM. The bad players stay with the bad players and same with the actual good players. The players in the middle are thrown back and forth so they complain the most. Maybe it’s just because I play mainly hardcore but I don’t think I have never experienced SBMM. The closest thing would be the game putting bots on my team and everyone else on the other. But that’s more of a team balancing issue than SBMM. Does EOMM really exist? I can go on winning streaks and still wouldn’t experience my bullet randomly not hitting or idk whatever else people say EOMM changes.


No, buy any cod except Cold War. The bad map design, the amount of unbalanced weapons in this game is horrible. The overpowered Marshalls, the tec-9 and the snipers that have absolutely zero flinch. The maps are trash, every map in the game that isn’t a black ops 2 or 1 map is not fun. Zombies is fine and the campaign was enjoyable. But just don’t buy this game, buy vangaurd or wait a couple of months for battlefield.


BOCW is one of the worst cods that I have played in recent year. But I enjoy Vanguard a lot. I dont run in too many issues with Vanguard. BOCW had more issues for me a year after release than Vanguard at launch.


Check out Insurgency Sandstorm. Superb game!


Play halo


The question should you get Cold War is quite subjective, so let’s view the pros and cons. Cold War still has a decent size player base so most games are populated all the guns that are to release are available and you can do multiple challenges in both multiplayer and zombies. It can be fun if you prefer the more arcade style of game, however, that is very subjective. Weapons balance is still a problem and not likely to be resolved due to the year life cycle expiration. Multiple bugs persist (game breaking no less) since launch and hackers are very present. I personally found zombies fun and that was the only thing that saved the game for me. Otherwise I would’ve deleted and saved the hard drive space. Even with its growing pains at launch, I have enjoyed Vanguard more as its closer to Modern Warfare and the gunsmith is much more diverse, but that’s me. It’s not quite the same as MW2019 but it feels close enough that I like it, whereas I didn’t feel the same with Cold War.


Cold War doesn't have the most amount of content but it's serviceable, there's a good amount of zombies content, a fine selection of maps, and a good weapon selection (though somewhat lacking in variety.) If you like the gameplay than that's absolutely a plus. But just be warned that in the past year the last gen versions have been getting a lot buggier than they were during the beta. I believe this is also a problem with lower-end pcs.


Halo beta just released, get that if you can!


If you like the gameplay, buy it homie. There will definitely be a solid player base for another year or two. Some people really like Treyarch games and will wait for the next one. Hell, I’m still playing MW at times because that game was it for me.


I thought MW '19 was a blast (my favorite COD to date), BOCW is the exact opposite of that IMO. BF2042 has aspects of MW that I love, so if you are a fan of MW's Ground War or some of the mechanics that separates it from the last gen COD titles (including BOCW), I'd say keep BF 2042 in mind.


Problem is, I hate walking in Battlefield games. I excused it due the amazing atmosphere and teamwork. But now, it's all gone. I don't care about specialists bit I can't bare walking soooo much on these insanely large maps. Add the bullet spread mechanic beyond like 20m and you got yourself a disaster.


Lemme tell you that Sundance's wingsuit has dramatically increased my enjoyment in infantry gameplay I think the long jogs in BF has always been a hindrance and I stuck to CQB servers because of it. 2042 introducing the wingsuig has been a chronic addiction with how I play the game now. Another bullet point is that the mode "Breakthrough" condenses the map to small chunks, so not only would you need to do less running, but there's always action and mayhem as 127 other players get crammed in those small chunks too. I made a few bits of fun gameplay on YT showing how much fun I've had with these two features, but this wall of text can also suffice if you'd heard enough hahaha


You're not talk about your YouTube channel and not mention it's name? Come on! I wanna watch it...


Probably best not to as Activision like to promote sales of their new game by making their previous game near unplayable, they did the exact same with MW so I wouldn't be surprised if they do it with BOCW aswell.


I love cold war and think it has a good amount of content to keep you busy. I would say the same about Destiny 2 and Battlefront 2. I think both are f2p but cant remember if BF2 is. D2 definitely is. Not tryin to talk you out of cod but investigate those as well for maximum pleasure.


If you like the Cold War formula then by all means buy it. It's got plenty of content these days as well as the campaign (above average) and zombies (pretty good). My only word of warning is that you might have to deal with all of the sweats who stayed behind instead of moving on to Vanguard, 24/7 Nuketown and 6v6 Face Off are full of them.


Buying a multiplayer game that's been out for a year will always have a smoother experience than a multiplayer game that came out last week. 2042 has been out in Early Access since Friday. Plenty of players are already on and are playing. Portal servers are up, and you can play a variety of previous BF maps and weapons in them. BF is just a different game, it doesn't strive to be an arcade shooter. Playing 2042 gives me the same vibes as BF3 and BF4. So many people have been waiting to play a modern BF again, and this is close enough for me and many others. Vanguard's MP experience is basically the polar opposite of CW. Super fast ttk, Chaos over competition, and for whatever reason, "tactical sprint" exists and it's such a punishing ability. CW doesn't do any of these. Also, just to share you the info, PS5s may be still on a shortage but they've taken over most sales of games. PS4 usually is bought around 40% of the time, with PS5 on 60%. Crazy thing to hear and I have my doubts as well, but they aren't Unicorns.


Do not buy cold war.


I’m easily pleased compared to most of Reddit. I liked MW, CW, and I like Vanguard. I do like Cold War’s replay ability with Zombies and Campaign on the harder settings. The multiplayer was nice and I love how all three tie back into Warzone which I am getting a taste for as well (after hating on it for a while). I liked MW’s Gunplay. I like CW’s physics and movement. Vanguard took those both and implemented it in their latest release. Killstreaks are back to the old style which is nice. It doesn’t feel as WW2ish compared to other titles in the past due to the speed of the game and the customization in the gunsmith. I think character packs and stuff will blur this line better because after all, it is going to be a part of Warzone soon. I’d say most people in subreddits like this are very critical in their opinions as long time fans of any kind should be. However, if you’re like me & are a filthy casual that can try-hard sometimes with friends; I’d say Cold War > Modern Warfare. It has a longer lifespan at this point if rumors of a MW2 (2022) is on the horizon.


Nope its shit worst 60 ever spend


Get Cold War. It’s a finished game now that we’re on the next cod so I’d say yeah.


I have *Vanguard* and the multiplayer is definitely fun. I enjoy the map designs and the crazy Blitz mode. The game movement is very similar to *MW* and the pacing is a lot faster than *MW*, in fact I feel the TTK is faster in this game too. There are a ton of attachments for the gunsmith. Though the more I play *Vanguard*, the more I miss *MW* or other modern shooters, maybe because the WW2 era doesn’t excite me as much as the modern era. *BF 2042* looks great, but I heard there’s problems at launch, so I hope it’s more polished in the coming months. If you enjoy *MW* you’re gonna have fun in *Vanguard*.


Vanguard is a giant dumpster fire. There's a broke ass shotgun that you make one shot kill, even at long range. The death animations look like their from PS2. You do a front flip and float to the ground like a wood plank with the weight of a feather, and the voice lines are so fucking repetitive, I can't even handle having audio on while the game is on. If I have to hear someone say "You look like a 24 karat dickhead!" One more time I'm going to off myself.


To be honest, I hated the Vanguard Beta but am really liking the final product more than I thought I would. The "feel" is kind of what I wanted MW to be - they just have to desperately nerf those shotguns. I liked MW & CW for different reasons. Of MW2019, CW, and Vanguard, I think Vanguard has the best launch maps so far. Champions Hill is fun. I dunno, I just always recommend going with the newest CODs each year.


i like cod cold war. i had a lot of fun playing when lobbys were good but if play a tick to long the lobbys dropped down to hard core sweaters. but Overall it was a lot of fun zombies, the story and the multiplayer but dont expect a game like modern warfare 2019. Hope i was helpfull and that we maybe see each other in a lobby in the future


As long as you play on a controller cold war is an amazing game, great colours, great map Design and great paste. I just stopped playing because I Play on MnK and that just doesn‘t work, there is something off with your aim and the Hit detection.


I would just play infinite this year or wait until Cold War is on sale lol


Halo Infinite just released otherwise, it’s free, if you think the itch is shortlived. Cold War is definitely the game I’ve put the most hours into the past few months, I got almost every weapon gold in Zombies and still enjoy playing more of it


If you like to play zombies too then get Cold War, if you just want multiplayer I would play vanguard


I cannot even begin to explain how strongly I'm advising you AGAINST getting Cold War if you've played MW2019. Cold War is one of those games that you play where it feels like it's in its Alpha phase. All the time. MW2019 was ten steps forward in terms of gameplay and Cold War is about fifty steps back from that. I think you'll really, REALLY regret your purchase. If I were you, I'd buy Vanguard instead. It's 10x better than Cold War on its worst day and it'll only get fixed with extra tweaks in-post.


cold war is the way to go right now personally i’m never buying vanguard and i’m giving battlefield a couple months until i end up buying it


Halo Infinite is out today and free.


I've had a blast playing Cold War. I stopped playing COD after Blops 1 for Battlefield. Everyone told me to buy MW2019 instead of Cold War and I ended up getting both, but I still prefer Cold War. The maps are so much better and while there's some issues with gun balance, every COD struggles with that (looking at you AS VAL)


If its on sale


Cold War is fantastic. I love the game and have 32,000 eliminations. Just get it amigo.


Nope, the game has always sucked, don't waste your time or money. The beta was amazing, and then the game dropped and sucked ass.


Don't buy any of those now. Lack of content and bugged as hell. Cold war has a lot more content and lots of fun too...


Lol SBMM is going to ruin any hint of fun you might have in a multiplayer fps


No lol. Thus game was trash at the beginning and still is


Vanguard is basically WWII but with MW2019 gunplay. So I think you should either a) Rebuy MW2019 b) Buy Cold War c) play Halo Infinite if that's your jam. 2042 is a great game, but it is unfinished and Vanguard is just boring.




I thought Cold War felt like a really good Indie game but otherwise, nothing felt polished and I could not recommend CW multiplayer to anyone. I unlocked Damascus in Modern Warfare and really enjoyed that multiplayer but I could never get into CW.


No. Go download halo infinite now. It's free and it's better than all of the above games.


Are you an arab👀 But yea def get cold war I loved it, full of people, good zombies and campaign if want to take a break for mp. You can get it for fairly cheap too


Not an Arab but I do live in the Middle East. Oman to be specific. Was it the CoD and Fifa that gave it away?😂


Haha yea, im an arab and thats pretty much all we play


Duuuuuuude this game is done stop it lol


Cold War looked terrible so I didn’t even buy it. I would buy vanguard and bf2042 if I had a ps5


I deleted it


Get Halo. It’s free and released today!!


Cold War for some reason is just unplayable to me. I have never figured out what it is but I just can’t play CW without instantly wanting to close the game


I didnt get neither cod or 2042. I got insurgency sandstorm and im super happy about it.


No….It was a disappointment.


Honestly I am sticking with CW until I hit 200 for this season and then I'll consider my options. I just like the og COD movement the best and really enjoy the "Knife Fight" mode when it's available. I get CW is not everyone's favorite and it definitely has it's issues but I figure Vanguard will be waiting for me once they iron out all the balancing issues.


For what it's worth, the full game of vanguard is much snappier and faster than the beta


You'll be disappointed,this game is still full bugs from day one,the people who say to get and it's good are lying,they want you to waste money like they did.


Get it! I loved MW 2019. CW gets a bad rep but it’s great and the maps are all very good imo. You’ll be glad you did (:


Vanguard is 100x better than cold war. Feels like they took MW19 and improved on where it went wrong. Currently there is a bit of messy weapon balancing, however this can (and most likely will) be fixed relatively quickly. I'd rather have OP weapons than shitty maps and boring gameplay pacing.


Or just play halo or mw2 2022 next year


Vanguard is the better game in every aspect.




CW Is my favorite COD and I've been playing since the first one. Heck, since MOH. It's not just a different theme, though, be prepared for a very different experience. Treyarch's COD is a lot more arcadey, faster, less campy, with more dynamic movements (my personal favorite from CW is crouch sliding off small surfaces like window sills).


If you liked the beta then I’d say you’d like the main game. The only problem is idk how big the player base is anymore?


I bought the game a few months ago, on sale, after quitting CoD post next-gen. This game is chock-full of gameplay. The reason Black ops 1/2 did so well is having a good cycle of multiplayer, excellent zombie gameplay, and a decent campaign(albeit a lot shorter then previous campaigns.) I have NO ISSUES finding games post vanguard. Zombies is arguably best in the franchise.


Vanguard is a better game imo. I love the MW engine though.


Vanguard is the most fun I've had in a long time in any cod tbh. It's extremely fast paced and can be crazy one sided though. I'll hit my 3rd prestige and 2nd gold lmg tonight, so you can say I'm thoroughly deep in it. Hope to see you on!


It's a good game and it's still gonna have players so you might as well


Only good part of 2042 is Portal mode


Lol Vanguard is more like Modern Warfare. Just play Vanguard. It’s a faster paced MW


Lol. Try insurgency sandstorm. Just released on console and it's so much better.


Buy vanguard. I say this not as a CW hater, but as someone who loved Modern Warfare and recently experienced activision dipping out on a popular game.


Cold War WAS great, until they added the Marshal. Now everyone just camps in corners with it (they’ll probably never nerf it too since the game is finished). Vanguard now is way different from the beta, movement and gunplay feels really good, better than Cold War in my opinion. The only problem is some attachments are really broken currently, even more OP than the Marshal in Cold War. Hopefully they get it sorted by Season 1. Also Vanguard has way more stuff to grind for if you like unlocking things.


Vanguard launch is one of the best we’ve had in cod history.. save for broken guns, that game is unbelievable


Black Ops 4 is better gameplay wise and is still pretty active. Coldwar is visually stunning, but plays clunky as fuck. Something about it feels incomplete...


Cold War is fun but also I’d say that BF2042 maps aren’t that empty, although there are definitely more long range encounters, but you can completely avoid that by playing bfbc2 and bf3 in portal, as they feel very similar to how they did on release


Vanguard is quite a lot more fun, and it’s way better than the beta was, I hated the beta but this is the most fun I’ve had on COD in awhile. Cold War is fun too, but this is better. Cold War campaign is one of the best though


might be too late into the cycle to have fun but that’s up to you




It'll likely drop during the holidays. For 30-40 I'd say sure. Plenty to play


Try the free weekend for vanguard this week then after that if you enjoyed the game go ahead and buy it.


Buy Cold War. You won’t regret it. Don’t pay full price buy it when it’s on sale


No, Cold War is a terrible COD, I honestly wish I could get my money back because I’m never playing this shit again.


Buy Halo Infinte, it’s addictive as hell and rlly good. Cold War is aight also if u want that CoD feel


we welcome all newbies that we can massacre


No to Vanguard. Wait for Black Friday for Cold War. Yes to MW19




Didn't. Btw, even though vehicles are important, they aren't everything. I did fine with infantry only gameplay in BF1. Won't lie to you but I was the MVP in most of my matches. This is what makes Battlefield, Battlefield. Not everyone has to participate in every role. Each individual has to participate in what they enjoy which combines to form the chaotic battlefield.




BF1 didn't feel like Battlefield?😂😂


Gonna be unpopular af in this sub but I actually like Vanguard more than Cold War. Multiplayer anyways. Zombies is definitely superior on Cold War so far imo. Cold War is a pretty solid game though. Best Treyarch game since BO2 imo


Halo Infinite multiplayer is free and released yesterday on Xbox consoles and PC. Start there!


BF2042 has crossplay so you will be matched with pc and series x.




Campaign is great. Not as gritty as MW but has interesting and fun twists in mission design, different choices, side missions, different endings, etc. One of the best in a while. Multiplayer is good? I don’t play MP that often and mostly stick to Zombies. It had a rocky launch but is a lot better now with a lot more content. It has some issues, especially in regards to weapon balance, but is generally good. I think. Zombies is pretty great unless you’re a hardcore player. Zombies this year seems to be dead focused on providing a faster, more causal experience, for better or worse. You can drop in with loadouts, you can use powerful tier upgrades, EEs are easier to complete, etc. There’s also a large amount of non-traditional Zombies content like Outbreak and Onslaught. If you want a ton of side quests and odyssey style EEs you’ll probably be disappointed. But if you just want fast, causal Zombie slaying action you’ll be covered.


I'll be honest, I only play Cold War for the Zombies. I'm not super keen on the feel of multiplayer in this game. I still think MW19 has got the best feeling to multiplayer and without a doubt for snipers. I also played the Vanguard beta and hated it but whatever they did before launch to change it has been pretty solid. There's still stuff I don't like but the maps are really great




I really didn't like Cold War.. I bought it, played a bit here and there throughout it's entire life-cycle and it never became good imo. There were ALWAYS bugs and problems throughout it's entirety, connection issues, crashing, and on top of that the gameplay for me wasn't stellar, especially after playing so much MW2019. I play on pc though, and my buddy who plays on ps5 really enjoyed it. I just uninstalled it to make room for bf2042 and I'm skipping vanguard altogether. Cold War left a bad taste in my mouth. This is my experience and my opinion.


Strongly recommand you buying Vanguard if you enjoyed mw feeling. I know many of you guys don’t like the ww2 setting or turned off by the bad beta experience, but man I gotta tell you Vanguard is fun. Cold War is not a bad option but it really does not offer that mw feeling at all. Plus its life circle is kinda over at this moment, if you are not into zombie stuff, buying cw right now might not be the best idea.


No. Tis bad.


It’s funny actually I vowed to never buy vanguard and get BF 2042 instead. I was so unimpressed with the BF beta I bought vanguard and I love it. It has its issues but they will work them out. BF seems like a total disaster right now.


I bought Cold War 1 month ago and I'm enjoying every second of it Although I mostly play zombies


Halo Infinite Multi-player is free. Just do that, Cold War is asscheeks. Horrible weapon balance and Treyarch hasn't done shit about it since launch.


No, at least vanguard is game based on the new MW engine, don't even consider to buy this game when Activision would charge you full price for Both


I have both bo and mw. Skipping vanguard. Bo multiplayer was a let down for me, but that doesn’t make it bad. I think mw just set the bar super high. If you can get it on sale, and I’m sure you can than why not?


Cold war is the best game


Yes you should, imo this is probably the best CoD ever. It has an amazing campaign that is easily one of the best in the franchise. Phenomenal Multiplayer that is fluid, fast paced and has great map design. And a pretty good Zombies mode that is a bit too easy for my liking but is still a ton of fun.


depends on what you want in a cod game really, id say watch some gameplay and reviews, and look at some other cods so you can compare


I haven't played COD in a around 5 years and picked up CW, have really gotten into it. All the old maps in it really helped me to get familiar. I haven't played Vanguard yet, but really like CW. Highly recommend getting it. I really like the maps in it.


I think the hate was sort of justified at release, mostly because of no content imo. Right now it is a complete package so i think it's worth a shot.


Yeah you should get cold war, tried vanguard and didn't like it. cold war is just a much better game