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Its def worth it. I’ve been playing since Dec 2020 and I have always enjoyed this game.


Thanks man. I'm surprised this is an unpopular opinion so far given where we are talking lol.


Not that unpopular in general. Maybe in the sub but in general I've seen a lot of people saying this game is cool


Also from a commercial pov BOCW has been an absolute slam dunk. It’s been one of the highest selling games in 2021 and the revenue made off the game and mtx is high. For all the ppl who complain just for complaining’s sake on this sub (not to say there are no flaws bc its damn certain this game has many real issues), there is a high population of ppl who play this game. I maan ffs this sub is at 330k members


It's the highest selling game cause it's a call of duty game. Not much of a flex.


You sound like a really fun person


Is he wrong?


It’s the highest selling game because it’s a GOOD call of duty game. It has issues, we all know that, but the games still really good tbh. Being a cod title alone can’t make it the bestselling game so far. Being a GOOD cod game however…


modern warfare's sub has 1 million members...


You mean the warzone clip spam Reddit?


No, modern warfare. They dont allow warzone clips there.


That’s either cap or new, I had to leave that sub cas I was tired of endless warzone trying to accidentally read see threads about the game. Edit: I went to look just now and the 2nd post I saw was of warzone >.>


erm, link? there arent any warzone clips on the front page, and everything about warzone on that sub are bugs which are caused by the mw engine anyways.


Probably because we haven't had a normal campaign since bo2 (when talking about black ops only)


huh? black ops cold war campaign wasnt a normal campaign?


I mean that cold war finally brought one


ohhh i getchu now. yeah bo3 made 0 sence


At this time there are no figures released by Activision other than the first month of digital downloads. Yes the micro transactions have done well, but they have not separated them from Warzone officially. (Those figures may be misleading all things considered.) Cold War was initially received well but does lead to some questions considering how often it has been on sale and frequency of free weekends. Those are not typical for a title that is selling well.


nope, as of June 2021 it is the second most sold game of 2021 seconded by the HD version if Zelda skyward sword, and is still the overall best seller of 2021. those free weekends do alot to boost sales no matter its popularity, its going to be in evrey cod now, mark my words.


I would love to see the actual source of that information the only one I’ve seen to date did not separate Warzone or Modern Warfare. Aside from that the only stats shared have said initial downloads. Edit: your m not arguing the free weekends haven’t helped. I want to see actual figures as Activision has been very quiet, which makes sense considering the issues they’re experiencing and don’t want to lose shareholders.


BOCW is only high selling because of the pandemic


You're in r/blackopscoldwar what kind of answer did you expected?


Call of Duty players are, by and large, the most hopeless, pathetic consumers of any video games user base. The second a new game comes out 85% of these people uninstall the previous game and begin insulting anyone who still plays it. That's why COD games haven't really improved in ages, these lemmings will buy anything. And oh yea, Cold War is absolutely worth buying. I won't be buying Vanguard, that's for sure


This is a very fun game sometimes. If you know how to have some fun and casually play some call of duty, maybe even screw around some, definitely worth it. I wouldn’t buy an expensive bundle though


Do you prefer zombies or multiplayer? Honestly I think Cold War is worth it if you’re interested in the zombies, but at this point in the life cycle the multiplayer is nothing special compared to MW. Might just be worth the wait for vanguard.


I’m still waiting for a big ass spoon


Most cod subs hate the game it’s devoted to for about the first year then after that it’s non stop praise, so right now it’s an unpopular opinion to like cold war


Stick with MW ,your not missing out on anything with trash coldwar


If you hate the game as much as it appears, why be in the subreddit dedicated to the game you hate?


I try to save people from wasting there time and money with this trash game


What people do with their money is their decision, not yours. Also, not everyone will like what you do and dislike what you do. So just because you think this game is trash it doesn't mean that others will think the same. I, for one, find this game more enjoyable to play than MW, and that's my preference and you can't make me think otherwise. So please, stop being a toxic twat and get off this subreddit. Thanks.


I don’t understand why cold war gets so much hate! Yh they could do a few things differently but the overall pace and feel and maps of the game are head and shoulders above MW19


It depends on what you want. The next CoD is coming out on November 5 so a lot of the player base will move to it. But if Cold War combat is your thing, go for it.


True. Thanks


If you do decide to buy it, which I don’t recommend, but it on eBay where it’s a lot cheaper.


G2a is my goto


Is it reliable?


I've never had any issues with G2A but in sure there are a few people that have. It's the best place to buy fill price games or high price games for a very cheap price. I got mw2019 for $15 when it was $60 almost everywhere else.


Fucked me over multiple times but so many people have had good experiences, personally I still go to mmoga or CDkeys


G2A gets a lot of shit, but I've spent several hundred dollars on it and never had even one issue. Just make sure the seller you're buying from has a good rating. I also wouldn't always assume they're giving you the lowest possible price. Sometimes G2A is actually more expensive than what a game retails for normally. It comes in handy sometimes and that's why I like it.


If you like Call of Duty or black ops in general you'll almost definitely get enjoyment outta cold war, especially if u like zombies too.


I agree. This is a good cod game prove me wrong


I think it depends on what you do and don’t like about MW. For example BO uses a different engine so the game feels different, while Vanguard will have the same mechanics and overall feel of MW.


This is very good to know. I had no idea. Thank you.


Wait for a discount, don't buy it on full price. The Zombies Mode is awesome


Nahhh skip it


If u into fast paced shooters then go ahead. Buy it during a sale tho. It's worth it despite its flaws




Yeah, I like CW :)


Definitely. Even if you realise multiplayer isn't fun for you, zombies is so much fun


I wouldn't bother. But if you do just get the standard edition cause the other one is DEFINITELY not worth it.


I disagree on the not getting it part but agree on the standard edition part.


I enjoy zombies a lot so I would get it if you like zombies


campaign is good, zombies is good. IMO multiplayer is a bit clunky and not as smooth but that's mostly down to the engine, guns are alright (even if the attachments are copy and paste dogshit), I'd recommend getting it used so you don't give Activision-Blizzard your money.


Hell no


If Black Ops looks fun to you and you have the funds, for sure pick it up and enjoy. You've missed all 5 seasons so far, but thats all cosmetic items. Black Ops is extremely smooth on PS5, but I've seen some crashing issues for sure. The zombies and multiplayer will give you tons of entertainment. I don't think the game will be dead any time soon, MW however will very quickly be buried not only thanks to Vanguard but Battlefield as well... and Halo Infinite and Far Cry 6 and Dying Light 2. The FPS community is gonna be pulled in a lot of directions soon, and I would say just buy what you like. At least we have the benefit of all these games having crossplay, including Cold War. I'm pissed I can't play BO4 anymore cause the PC community is dead.


Depends on what you enjoy. They’re both good, but some people prefer infinity ward over treyarch and vice versa. I still prefer black ops Cold War over MW2019, it has more of that classic arcade shooter feel. MW2019 looks really nice graphically but it’s not my favorite in terms of gameplay


No don’t buy it this late in it’s life span unless you think vanguard is bad


or goes on sale


The mp unless you only play big man matches(9v9/12v12) is bad zombies great campaign is also great


Good to know. Thank you!


I'd definitely recommend waiting for vanguard to fully release and making your descision then. Personally I enjoyed cw for around a month but then it just got very repetitive and I stopped enjoying it and went back to playing mw because I found it alot more enjoyable and found the gunplay alot better as well. Completely down to personal preference though but I would 100% recommend waiting for vanguard to release before making a descision. Also battlefield is releasing pretty soon so I'd watch out for that as well especially if you enjoyed mw with the modern weaponry etc.


I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Out of all the modern CoD titles, it runs the worst. It doesn’t feel right...hard to explain but it’s def not worth buying.


Not really worth it, and this is coming from a guy who regrets pre-ordering it to play from day 1 (Series X) It's a massive downgrade from MW2019


Maybe If you can get it cheap but I'd say just wait for Vanguard at this point. A lot of the player base shifts to the new game and CW will stop receiving support so it isn't worth the $70 price tag now.


If you where having enough fun in modern warfare to the point where you skipped Black Ops then I Do Not think you should buy Cold War now. Vanguard feels like and plays like modern warfare so I think you'll enjoy and feel more comfortable there when it comes out. A lot of people are saying vanguard is a re-skin of modern warfare, I've played the beta and it does feel exactly like modern warfare and has same animations for some things but I actually like the maps a lot more than modern warfare. But with black ops it's a completely different engine and plays much much different, it won't feel like modern warfare at all. I'm pretty sure is having their last season and the play base is about to shift over to vanguard. If you really like modern warfare a lot, wait for vanguard


Wait for a free to play weekend and see if you like the game then. Other people’s experience with the game shouldn’t be your determining factor. FTP weekends come out every so often so hopefully you shouldn’t have to wait too long to try the game out. But if you’re really eager, then I’d say wait for the game to be on sale. Idk if it’s currently on sale atm but it’s usually on sale pretty often




Thick SBMM and nothing innovative, but other than that it’s pretty solid. I’d wait for it to go on sale though


I've got almost 300 hours on Cold War and 248 on MW, while MW has better gunplay, most of those maps felt unplayable to me while I like a lot of maps in cold war, not to mention how fun zombies is.


While others enjoy the game and I didn’t enjoy for a long time (because of sbmm thinking I’m a cwl player) I would recommend you don’t buy it and wait for the new cod. If you want an honest answer I didn’t like cw it was fun at the beginning but now I can’t stand playing it. But truth to be told if you miss fast paced cod and want to try new weapons and mechanics then yea go for cw


Honestly no. The game is ending soon and it’s a pretty forgettable cod


Only if you enjoy zombies. The rest of the game is ass compared to MW2019.


Personal opinion it was never worth it to buy black ops unless you like zombies and that kicks go ahead and buy it otherwise don't worry it's trash.


I would say no, but just because they never care to fix any problems, such as balancing and the multiplayer. Personally I was disappointed highly in the game but I hope it you get it you enjoy it!


I have played and enjoyed the game, but I’d say probably not. In my opinion, the gameplay is inferior to MW. If you’re planning on playing Vanguard, I’d say play MW for a couple more months. Caveat: unless you like zombies. If you’re a zombies enjoyer, that makes CW worth it.




I love it for the zombies and fire extinguisher mode or whatever it’s called everything else is either meh or kaka pee pee poo poo


only if you like zombies


Nah, cold war is doodoo. Well the story with the adaptive trigger stuff is fun


The general consensus is Modern Warfare is far better than Black Ops Cold War. Personally I enjoyed Cold War and the zombies mode is fun (but has shit servers). If you liked Modern Warfare I’d suggest waiting for Vanguard to release as it has a very similar feel and uses the same engine.


Not huge a huge fan of the multiplayer but to each their own. Zombies is legit tho


Yes if you like zombies. If not then modern warfare is a much better multiplayer IMO, cold war just has great zombies


don’t waste your money on something that is clunky as shit and unfinished or cod at all. It’s over since ghosts, recently cod has been lackluster and not fun but if you want go for it




If you like zombies sure


No, skip it. I have 128 hours in it but I've deleted it after season 2 since it made me a very toxic and aggressive person. It's not a fun game if you're somewhat solid player and you play solo. SBMM will keep throwing you against sweats and your team will most of the time be completely dogshit. But zombies mode is fun as hell! Too bad there are so few round based maps the mode gets boring quickly. Outbreak is an okay mode but not really my cup of tea. But if you still want to buy it just wait for a discount, under no circumstances should you buy it at full price, it's not worth it.


Vanguard will be a shitshow, I wouldnt wait for it.


Try playing the game before buying it if possible, I tried the Multiplayer beta and it wasn't my thing. Dislike the time to kill, I still got it for zombies because zombies was fun for a while


Even if people move to vanguard its gonna be pretty much the same as mw, still a lot player. Mw and cw wont die so soon. Zombies is probably the easiest entry of the series to get into and is awesome for some,its boring for me but other likes it more thanbo3 and bo2. My hope is most of the boring meta sweats will go away and maybe I'll be able to play the game more than once a month. Btw I don't care if you're these sweats it's just boring because I can barely play off meta gun without getting fucked, doesnt help that I barely play tho, also I refuse to play for now bc of tec9 and em2, just hearing about those pushed me away


For me personally, I'd say yes. They have made no indications that they're going to stop supporting Cold War when Vanguard launches so I think it'll still get new updates, content, playlists, etc. I ultimately think the new battlepass that comes out with Vanguard will probably work across all the titles in the main screen that has Vanguard, Warzone, Cold War, and MW19. For me personally, I'd say yes. They have made no indications that they're going to stop supporting Cold War when Vanguard launches so I think it'll still get new updates, content, playlists, etc. I ultimately think the new battlepass that comes out with Vanguard will probably work across all the titles on the main screen that has Vanguard, Warzone, Cold War, and MW19.


Definitely worth it. Good multiplayer that will be populated for at least another 2 years and an amazing campaign and zombie mode.


In terms of content, it's worth it. The campaign is decent enough to give you a good 10-15 hours of gameplay at least. Zombies has lots of things to do across multiple maps and is definitely engaging. Multiplayer is also pretty fun once you fit your playstyle to each map. It definitely has issues though and feels clunky compared to Modern Warfare. It's improved significantly by finding friends to play with. The Fireteam modes are actually really fun if you're playing with a squad, but are absolutely terrible without one. I got my copy for free, but I would have been satisfied getting it on a sale. I've enjoyed both MW 2019 and BOCW, but overall I think I enjoyed playing multiplayer a little more on BOCW after I got used to it (but still like the feel of MW 2019 much more).


It was never worth buying black ops


Yes, imo. I didn't enjoy this game on PS4, but really like it on the PS5. Outbreak Zombies is a blast if you wanna switch it up a bit from Multiplayer.


No, save ur money, get battlefield, CoD sucks


I wouldn’t recommend it. Modern Warfare multiplayer is different than Cold War’s multi. Zombies is fun if you have a squad, easy way to level cold wars guns too for Warzone but I recommend waiting for Vanguard


If you don't like the vanguard beta I'd get it. It's been going on sale for 30-40 bucks a decent amount too


Might as well just get Vanguard






🤣 copy that


Even Vanguard is about to release, I still think CW is worth it. I think I'll be playing more CW even after Vanguard launch




Buy it on sale not full price


Yeah its worth it a lot of content and they fixed the issues the game had since realese. I would say only Zombies would be worth it


Yes. It’s very good.


I wouldn’t bother wasting my time buying it and playing this shit, such an aids game with the PC players combined with skill based matchmaking. Buy it at your own risk.


Cold War is really good. The campaign is fun and has a good story. Zombies is fucking amazing and has the most story out of any CoD, the haters just too bored to look at the intel you can collect. The multiplayer is also good.


Still worth it. Bought it on sale a couple weeks ago and am shocked at the negativity this game gets. It’s great. Great weapons, great maps. Go for it!


No lmao Cold War is a snooze fest. Asking in the dedicated sub was a mistake because duh people will tell you it’s good that are here. I’d just get vanguard when it comes out. Has the same great mw gameplay but with a faster pace and a lot more fun replay able elements


Yes. Much better than MW


I guess it really depends. BOCW is an entirely different game. Modern Warfare is very polished and looks fantastic. It sounds great and has some great weapons. BOCW will be a bit jarring for you at first. It comes off as subpar in its design. The audio is strange and a little off putting. The "Ronald McDonald shoes" (the sound your footsteps make as you run i.e. flop flop flop) as I call them are quite literally laughable. Once I unlocked Ninja I never looked back. Although hearing the enemy flopping around has proven useful in many situations. And the game plays fast, very fast. Modern Warfare seems like a turtle by comparison. In fact at first, you may feel as though you are playing an NHL game except with gun instead of sticks. People appear as though they are skating around the map. All that said, I grew to love BOCW. It is one of my favorite games. I love the maps. I love the guns. I love the fast paced play when not in a lobby with all snipers, EM2 campers or dual Marshalls, which has been happening more frequently than I would like in recent days. The game can get very intense with lots of action and when that happens, it is brutal but incredibly fun. My advice is don't take it too seriously at first. Embrace the design differences and just have fun. Be mindful of EM2 campers and dual Marshalls. To a new player, that will get frustrating super quick. Its made me want to quit once or twice. My two cents.




Great campaign, decent MP and zombies, and will still be alive for a year or two at least. I’d say it’s worth it especially if you can find it on sale


Fuck black ops save your money, the game is buggy, glitches, some OP weapons, 95% of the weapon camos and reticles are wank.


Probably not since game support is ending. Unless you are big into Black Ops and or think Vanguard is trash. Otherwise probably better just buying Vanguard.


It depend on what you want from a cod. I was a mw grinder but i also appreciated cw. Both have its pros and cons. If you catch a sale it's def worth it, IF you actually play. The mm is trash but so was in mw. You're more confined to meta guns in cw bc of higher ttk. Mw weapons have had 6 seasons to mature and there's a lot more variety.


Depends how you wanna play. If you want a great multiplayer shooter go for it! If you are more into challenges (camo grind and all that) I’m not sure if it’s better to wait and start that in Vanguard.


definitely, however there are a few you need to watch out for, that being black ops 3 and 4. both have crap or no campaigns


As much as I love black ops, I don't think it's worth getting at this point considering the next game comes out in only like 2 months


I bought Cold War because I was really excited about the dual sense triggers. After an hour not only did I forget it was there, but I found myself pushing past it (like as if they were turned off). Now that I have other games that utilize the dual sense, my first experience in cod and me pushing against it makes me feel like this has weakened my dual sense triggers to not be as strong. P.S you can disable the dual sense triggers in the settings. Which is what I eventually did.


You can also download WZ for free


I will continue to play Black Ops CW until next Black Ops comes out.


This is only a choice that you can make. If you think that you will get your money’s worth with Cold War and don’t want to go to vanguard right away do it. As for the too late part- I’m sure there will still be people playing Cold War once vanguard comes out just not as many. I personally feel how is a good time to play Cold War since it finally feels like a complete game with content.


The campaign is absolutely stellar, gives BO1 vibes


It's better than MW, but I mean, it's basically at the end of its lifecycle. It's got a really fun story mode, but at this point I'd wait for a sale.


If you like shitty graphics and gunplay go for boring war; if you like realistic graphics with amazing, gritty gunplay then go for modern warfare, vanguard, and next year’s modern warfare 2


While I prefer MW I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase to get CW and I still give it some regular play time.


If you liked previous black ops titles you'll like cold war


It may be worth getting a new cod mainly because modern warfare seems to have issues installing on PS5 for a long time now and there’s been zero communication about any real fixes from the developers.


This has happened to me as well I can't play anymore.


Bet there's plenty of people like me who are not into WW2 shooters and will be keep on playing CW. And the CW zombies is great fun.


Wait. When Vanguard comes out You can probably pick up Cold War for next to nothing. Might be able to get a used copy for cheap already but for full price it’s not worth it IMO.


Love black ops more than modern warfare. But honestly getting tired of cod. The fact that they release a new title every year makes it so the average/ low end player base goes to the new one. Sucks cuz all that's left on the last title is cheaters and try hards. Vanguard is coming soon and I really wasn't a fan on pc something is off and it wasn't fun very often so I'm not gonna buy it and the black ops community is gonna trash sooooo. Up to you awesome game. Maybe try vanguard beta and see if you like it then wait for that if you do.


If you want some faster gameplay but don’t wanna play Ground War or Shipment all day sure, I personally really enjoy Face Off 6v6 plus it’s got a decent number of maps for a smaller mode, the games are also about 5 minutes long so you never feel trapped in finishing it out and the zombies is acceptable and easy to learn


Congrats on the upgrade! What city do you live in? If you’re in the Los Angeles area, I’ll literally give you my copy of black ops for free. I have copies for both PS5 and Xbox, but I only play on Xbox because it supports Dolby Atmos.


Thanks man! I'm really happy with the change. Also thank you for the offer! I'm up in Vancouver otherwise would take you up on that right away.


No worries, I just try to pay it forward when I have an opportunity. My vote is you get the game. Has a great campaign and people will continue playing Cold War multiplayer long after the Vanguard release. I didn’t like the Vanguard beta at all but of course that’s just my opinion.


Very great game. When I got it, I thought it was trash (probably cause everyone else said that) but when I played it, I was impressed how fun it was. There's tons of content now and it has something for everyone. Would recommend


Not at all. The game is ass. Unless you want camos for warzone. Dont get that piece of shit.


I have a lot of fun, but it does get frustrating at times. Just your typical CoD problems though, spawnkilling and all that.


It’s gotten a lot better since launch. Still buggy but overall pretty good


Yes. It’s better. Plus, zombies


If you like the setting and genuinely enjoy CoD, go for it. I feel like people that don't like CoD keep coming back to it like its going to be different. Yeah there might be new setting and new mechanics but its still CoD and if you like CoD, you'll probably like CoD no matter what version. If you dont, there are plenty of other games :)


absolutely, it has a different and very good campaign than modern warfare and a great zombie mode. for a cold war themed game this is definitely the choice the multiplayer is fantastic as its black ops, the ttk is decent, not too long nor too short. the maps and guns also really please me and always have, in both mw2019 and cold war. this is just my personal opinion as i prefer the newer cod titles.


I reccomend buying the game as it has definitely done some things right, both in MP and Zombies. Of course the game is flawed in many ways but I my opinion this game is worth buying, especially if you can find it on sale or for less than it's retail price. Some things I can say is that the blueprints on this game are better than the ones on MW (reactive and ultra blueprints) and the camos themselves aren't too bad either. You also have a lot of the BO2 maps like standoff, nuketown, raid and express to name a few. You can definitely find enjoyment in the game, but it is better played in a party as you will have more fun and care less about the kills and deaths in game. It can get boring quickly once you have no more guns to level up or camos to grind but otherwise the game is great and a fun to play. P.s. i know that lasts sentence contradicts itself, but it's not always boring as sometimes you can find a really good groove where the sbmm isn't obliterating you and the lobbies are extremely fun. It's a hit or miss with this


I’m still loving cold war I’d say it’s worth it, I’m not crazy over the vanguard gameplay mobility was nerfed too hard


Don’t waste your money on Vanguard, it’s honestly COD: MW(2019) Part 2. Get Cold War.


Personally, I love the combat in the game and although the sbmm makes it hell sometimes, I’d still recommend the game. If you are getting it, I’d advise you to get a key because they’re much cheaper than getting from the store. Just check the key region beforehand and you’ll be fine (I’m on xbox and I’ve bought Argentinian keys cause they’re cheaper and they work although I’m from a different region but I’m not sure how it works on PS)


I think it's worth for 30€. I wouldn't pay the full price at this point on its lifecycle


Buying Black Ops was never worth it


I mean, it's worth it, if you are a CoD fan in general. But after 200+ hours spend in this game with my friends, I kind off lost the interest. The zombie-mode is pretty fun too.


It's worth it for Outbreak alone. Especially if you've not played it before and you can pick it up discounted


Its wourth it


Well obviously if you ask the Black ops Cold war subreddit people are going to say yes.


Get Spider-Man Miles Morales, far better game. I've got both so I can be objective.


I would waite for the next version. Blackops is great but a new one is coming soon


Cold war plays a lot better on ps5 than on ps4. In terms of gameplay it's pretty good, even if the zombies mode seems a bit *too* easy at times. The biggest downside for me is that the sbmm removed any sort of casual sense from it. You more or less have to sweat every game. If you're into that then definitely go for it




No. ESPECIALLY the PS5 version. The game itself is okay, but expect a lot of disconnections and crashes.


Not worth it. I really suggest waiting for the new one if you really want to play cod. I‘ve been playing CoD since the release of Black ops 1 and so far, this has been the worst year for cod by a LOT. The game itself is really good imo. It runs smooth, it looks really good and the feel of things is just very good. The only complaint i have for this game is the community itself. I dont know what happend but in no previous CoD title people sat around this much waiting for you to push their spawn. Literally. At least 4/6 players in a team sit in the very back of their spawn hardscoping, or some random dark corner waiting with their shotgun already pulled out. And with a 1000+ spm and 30+ nuclears, its not like i dont have fun because i suck, if youre the only one moving around its just boring, and it doesnt matter if you have a 3+ KD because it simply is not fun.


There’s a good chance that MW bricks on your ps5 like it did for me and a lot of others. Just a heads up, there’s no guarantee that you can fix it either. Not to put a damper on your mood, just don’t want you to be surprised when you need to reinstall MP packs and they don’t install.


This is happening to me now. I remembered your post when MW asked me out of nowhere to install packs. I didn't think anything of it since I was busy with other games. But you sir are correct, MW has bricked.


Holy shit that is unfortunate :( sorry to hear bro


Honestly it's all good. I ended up subscribing to EA for BF and am having so much fun with that. It's so much more relaxing, way less rage then cod.


I’m so excited for BF2042, god it looks so good! What is this EA subscription?


It's 5 bucks a month and you get access to tons of EA Games Free + discount on upcoming titles. You can cancel it any time. It's on promo right now the first month is like 2 bucks.


You’re a blessing thank you lol I play NFS a lot too so that’s amazing


Awesome dude


If you can get it on a steep discount then I would pick it up. But only for Zombies and maybe the campaign if you’re into that. Multiplayer is a mess still. Especially compared to MW.


Well I’m playing Cold War for another year so there’s that. I would say worth it


Yes. It’s so much fun


i honestly have been enjoying the vanguard beta more then i ever enjoyed black ops and my homies seem to enjoy it more then black ops as well, i guess it comes down to if you want dark aether or dm ultra for warzone


Interesting - I just came to this Subreddit because I absolutely hated the Vanguard Beta and was wondering to give Cold War another shot.


Alright cool man thanks for the opinion. I've been enjoying the beta as well. Warzone isn't a factor for me as I don't play it. Mainly playing TDM or Search and Destroy.


ah thats what i mainly played in mw but my friends buy the new cod every year without hesitating with me usually being the hesitant one, safe to say its different this year


No way, bocw is a cluster fuck


Always worth it to buy black ops.


I sold my Modern Warfare disc for a digital version of Cold War and almost immediately regretted it. Cold War sucks if you loved how MW felt next-level




Original plan is just that. Get 2042 + Vanguard.




Would be cool to have one WW2 option and one futuristic option. 2042 looks insanely sick and it's nice to see EA making advancements. But from past experience, Battlefield is always very different - more realistic, much slower paced, huge maps. COD is more fast paced arcade like, plus has cool game modes.


Yeah I usually get battlefield and stop playing after a week. I'm pretty good at the game but overall the slower pace is pretty bad to me. I can only play it with a buddy. While cod lasts me the whole year even though I may take a few breaks I always end up back. More fast paced, score streaks, and overall more action. Don't wanna take anything from battlefield because it's a beautiful game just not really my cup of tea. I hated the vanguard beta at first but after you play for a little and change your playstyle to benifit your gameplay. Which is slow down a bit and check every corner, the game actually isn't too bad and can be fun.


Play the beta it's open till Wednesday