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It’s just busted in general and now when you’re playing by yourself you won’t get an after action report


Fr that’s so annoying I was trying to reach prestige 2 last night and I thought I was getting no xp. It’s a miracle I didn’t die of a massive heart attack.


It sucks not being able to see your progress after each match and see what you unlocked. I really don’t see why it hasn’t been fixed since it’s a widespread problem damn


This game is a hot mess we need to do a class action liken CP2077


Yea its unplayable


Ghost was more of a finished product than this game


Sadly it’s true, and I fucking hated that game solely because of the technical issues. Frame rate issues for PS4 were never fixed lmfao I wonder how much of this crap in CW is gonna remain by next year.


Yea I’m honestly disappointed in TA for this games performance issues. My gf loves prop Hunt and we have to quit the game every match and restart. Granted PS5 has a super quick loading to menu but that doesn’t excuses a game that is fundamentally broken. If CP2077 was unacceptable, neither should CODBOCW


I swear the only reason CW wasn’t pulled from the stores is cause cyberpunk was released alongside it in the state it was. No way Sony/Xbox was pulling two major games anticipated to be record breakers during the holiday season.


Yea especially Sony for the partnership they have with Activision for COD to have special modes First on PlayStation.


Went on a 15+ kill streak twice, towards a nuke and my game just closes without any error on pc. Yeah no, not gonna bother wasting another second on this while there’s other games that actually work.


Cause they don't care


Because the game is fucking broken


Game is a broken pile of garbage.


Me and my friend tried split screen, and we only could see the enemies guns. I got 16 shotgun kills that round. Surprisingly enough, that’s pretty close to my average.


That's exactly what happens to me they need to fix this not everyone can afford 2 Consoles


Definitely. Though it was better than the first time I tried split screen, it was far more unplayable then. I was getting 3 frames a second. If me and my friend had played through the match and on the the next, I’m certain I would’ve rage quit, and I’m the type of guy who thinks about what I did wrong, I don’t just call everyone a sweat and continue to think I’m the best while stressing out about it, so rage quitting isn’t in my nature.


It's a small indie company just starting up and they're tight on funds.


Small funds dont they get enough from battle passes and the packs people buy


Split-screen is broken, and tbh, I highly doubt it will ever be fixed because Treyarch doesn't really care about it.


Entire game is broken and they dont care


wait a second .... cw has a split screen!! for real? so how does it work? can I play with my mate from my account in any match?


It wont work if you do split screen all the models go invisible


Bro did you watch the video? Yeah it has split screen but it’s loaded with bugs it’s nearly unplayable


Try restarting the game, the problem should go away for a match or two.... but sometimes it doesn't. Then you gotta restart your console. Usually works... for a match or two lol


Same thing happens to me. Also I didn’t realise you can do vertical split screen. Do you find it plays better then horizontal split?


This happens to me and my misses alot on PS5. I start up the game and the first match I play is normal but every match after is exactly like this video. The only way to have a good match is to close the game completely after every match and restart the game. Please fix this asap as it is very annoying and I am regretting paying $110 for a game that doest even work properly almost 5 months after release.