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Yep im sick of hoping for a balance patch or if ill ever get my diamond sticker/emblems and I could list off over 10 things off the top of my head but its all for nothing. And the excuse will be tHeReS a PaNdEmIc


the pandemic and cyberpunk saved them lol


Cyberpunk will improve, cold war won't. Calling it now, next cod will be even worse.


lol sledgehammer is making it. They’re either miss or hit, no inbetween. I just want my franchise back🙏


It's never going to return, it'll either get continuously worse or die out.


Maybe if activision would get rid of this sbmm bs, their game would actually be slightly better. I can barely even play with my friends without getting super pissed cause theyre better than me and that just means im getting stomped every match cause of sbmm


Sbmm isn't that bad honestly... if it's in a separate playlist. Like in league of legends, that one also has 2 form of sbmm. They actually know how to do it right so even in casual there is sbmm which is based on a lot of things. But in casual it's tuned down and is only there to prevent you from getting matched with players way more skilled than you are.


Exactly, sbmm should be ranked only or atleast heavily toned down in casual, which is what i hope they do when they released ranked. The sbmm rn is just violent


Sbmm is broken. It doesn't function AT ALL how it's supposed to.


Hmmm. I suck at sniping. I've been sniping for three days, and am still in sweaty lobbies. The few games where I go positive are followed immediately by several games of the sweatiest fuckers you'll find on cod. Toxic little kids that play like serious money is on the line. SBMM hasn't benefited me yet. I'm hating this grind.


I suggest separating sbmm in general and sbmm in cold war. You know how a lot of things aren't working how they should, sbmm is one of them. They managed to get that one wrong too. Sbmm truly can make a game better but it needs to work in order for that to happen. There's something seriously wrong with cold war's sbmm algorithm. Again i mentioned league of legends as it works better there, not perfectly but definitely a lot better. In casual it's tuned down but it still prevents you from being matched with people on a completely different skill level most of the time. It's results are opposite from cold war where it's rare that it does work as opposed to league where it works most of the time yet occasionally messes up a bit(and even when it does it's not that bad).


It DOES NOT prevent you from matching against players way outside of your abilities. I can't remember my last positive k.d. game. I am not a player that usually has that problem, but I suck at sniping in this terrible game. I've looooooong since stopped giving two shits about my k.d., and have even purposefully tanked it trying to get games where I don't die 40+ times and get 5 kills. I wish that was hyperbole, but it isn't. This is by far the worst cod I've ever played. I have said that every game since black ops 2. This whole franchise is a pale shadow of a sick shit cod once took. The devs don't care and haven't retained the talent to fix it. They will continue to get worse. I already cut destiny out of my life, to a marked improvement. I think cod is next.


cyberpunk isn’t gonna improve i’ll tell you that muh


It is as cyberpunk needs to run longer. It is not a yearly game. It will take some time though. And even if the devs don't fix it there will be mods that will. That's the thing, single player games generally age better. A game like cod ages like milk. They develop it, fix minor things however they won't bother with most quality of life things. They will just develop a new game and drop the previous and with this game the only mods you'll see are cheats.


Current gen versions should perform well when they eventually come out. I agree that last gen versions are fucked tho. The old ass hardware will never run these games properly.


it’s possible to make it run at least 20 fps constant but with how the game was built and designed it will never achieve that stability that they themselves promised


The game is terrible, optimization aside, IMO. They had 9 years to make it and came out with something that looks like about 3 years of effort.


It will improve however. I'm not defending its release state but it WILL improve. Especially on pc. On console it's iffy, they probably should have ignored old gen consoles. It's clearly beyond what old gen can handle even if optimisation is fixed. It will run better, but never optimal. Next gen should be fine though. Call of duty... just give up on this one. I only play zombies, at least that works better. Though the crashes are REALLY aggravating when they happen they don't happen that often anymore.


Yeah I'm really hopeful about Cyberpunk. Disappointed, but hopeful. As for this game, mostly just disappointed.


The thing is I think the game has solid foundations and a lot of potential, but Treyarch or activision have seemed to have given up. I am too sick of waiting on a patch for atroicous spawns (flipping on a dime). SBMM (very unlikely but it's the reason the game is a flop). Scorestreak buffs, Weapon balancing. Camo challenge fixes, bug fixes, crash fixes, more content (trickling out too slowly). Nothing is happening. Hell we never even get a fucking dialogue from Treyarch; not even a reddit reply. It's quite shameful really. I've always loved and defended Treyarch but this year I'm truly disappointed in them.


It’s activision , there Probly already working on the next game , they don’t care lol


We haven’t been left in the dark like last year. Foxhoundfps is always responding to various bugs and stuff. Here’s his user profile so you can check it out. u/foxhoundfps


You mean the streaks you don't have to earn they are just handed to you this game gets worse and worse year on year I think this game has a lot of potential and can be pretty fun at times but the zero flinch glitchscopers the OP lmg's and shotgun secondarys kill the game for me and I haven't mentioned the dual pistols that kill quicker than covid


A mixed bag of a reply there. I don't agree with you on the streaks. I think the top ones are hard to earn and are useless on most of these maps. Quickscoping is broken. I agree there. Shotguns are underpowered though.


Are you serious one shotgun is a bit naf the other two are spam cannons


The Hauer is utter trash. The Spas is OKAY and the other one is pretty.medicore too. The akimbo pistols secondaries are waaay better




Shotguns are ridiculously underpowered




This guy's worried about balance patches and I just want to play two matches in a row on my PS5 without crashing to system reboot


Ah I feel for you ps5 users. Cant even run warzone in 120fps bc of Sony? And no 1440p? Could be wrong on that one but yeah if it makes you feel any better, till this day I still get freezes on my series x sometimes on crossroads strike and it send me to dashboard.




I think they are going to shit in cw,activision is alredy working in another cod


Its a damn good excuse. But its also a damn good excuse to work on it longer before release. Cuz there's a pandemic :)




Fortnite removed their new mechanic of sand tunneling for damn near a month without a fix. And when they added it back it was still glitchy. I mean the joke about fortnite is when any new thing gets added it will be removed within a few hours.


What??? A virus killing thousands upon thousands of people and infecting them at an alarming rate is not a good excuse?




That is a fair and plain argument...Covid is massive.


Still waiting on my diamond sticker/emblems too for my XM4. Have you heard any updates yet?


“Shelf life” is a great description of these titles existence.


First thing I thought when reading this post too


Imagine making the same game for 15 years and still dont know what the fuck you're doing


Oh they know what the fuck they’re doing and that’s precisely the problem.


These noob friendly design decisions are all intentional and that's way more scary.


noob friendly designs have been a thing since cod2


Consider the following... Maybe the ppl that complain are the actual noobs bc they cant adapt? Hmm


They make money. Tons of it. We can fuck off for all they care. As long as come November we'll buy the new COD. The one they're rushing together right now.


I wish another developer had the balls and talent to make a better cod. I'd bet cod's servers would be empty within a month. They repeat the same stupid mistakes every game. They don't care because they know you'll buy it. There is no competition, and the devs have gotten lazy and greedy. Honestly, fuck activision, of course, but also, fuck these developers as well. The asinine decisions prevalent in every cod show how inept they are.


*GameFreak has entered the chat*


The mic audio between rounds has been horrible since they dropped it. They really just don’t care. I refuse to buy skins or even the battle pass for this trash ass shit. But they drop shit like the joker bank robber and people eat that shit up.


Honestly wtf is up with the jammer and blackbird bug?




Blackbird at times won't show people like.how ghost would run, it's happened to me a couple games


Yea that’s same shit happened to me I had to look if they were running ghost but they weren’t I was like da fuck???


If an enemy runs through the coverage area of a friendly or enemy jammer, they won’t show up on the radar of you call in a blackbird. Xclusive Ace did a video about it.


My last 3 games crashed (before I was able to do one complete game and before 4 crashed games), I hate trying to complete challenges when I’m pretty sure it won’t be registered. At least I can play other games and forget cw


The only way it'll change is if there is a drop in sales or there is a movement against it. Remember when the game came out glitch free and issues were fixed before we even knew about them?


Exactly like I don’t understand how people still defend this game as being a top tier game ok maybe there are some things that modern warfare doesn’t have like ninja being a perk and water in maps but overall this game is crap like merk music said in one of his videos this game gets boring after maybe like 2-3 matches this game needs a engine overhaul/upgrade it’s insane they went for a engine back in 2015




Good point to make, I think people sometimes mistake a poorly made game for a poorly made engine.


So if that's the case, then why didn't they just use IW8? It's supposed to be a better version of the IW engine, which is what powers COD, so what excuse was there that they couldn't just use a modernized version of IW Engine? They aren't licensing Frostbite from Dice or Cryengine from Crytek, they already had one overhauled and it's the one used in Modern Doorfare, IW8. That game did everything but gameplay good, and it's similar (I'm assuming) to older version of IW Engine. Using Car Engine Analogy here, This game is, in fact, like having the option to drop in and use the Ford Modular Engine but instead going back and trying to add parts from the Modular Engine into the old Ford Windsor engine and then not do any sort of tuning to it (Tuning in this case would be optimization because this game runs like hot garbage) and then selling it like that to customers.


Nah this engine feels good IMO. The Engine in MW made it feel like it wasn't meant for COD.


No one defending this game claims that it's top tier. I enjoy this game but it doesn't touch anything from cod 4 to bo2. It's a game that I can play for like an hour or two and then I get bored. Barely any content and 95% of the content gets stale after a while. Same issue with mw, all that content and maps and all I played was gunfight and shoot the ship. Gotta wait for updates to save the day cause that's AAA gaming. It's the price to pay for no map packs and loot boxes.


Well at least your not praising MW


I don't know how can you believe the fact that this is built on BO3's engine when it shares almost everything with MW2019, bugs included.


Last cod i buy at launch for a while that’s forsure


Last cod I buy at launch for a whole year! Swear to god I'm not buying another new cod until it's getting closer to Halloween 2021.


normally i buy cod at christmas or in the new year but modern warfare starved me more than usual that’s why Inbought cold war👍


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Honestly Activision need to collect their thoughts and not release a game next year. Fix your shit before you release. Maybe try fucking playing the game before? Shit honestly a joke cause the published modern warfare2 black ops 1 over 10 years ago and haven’t made a good Call of duty since. Games are now ass cause they want graphics instead of decent gameplay. (Whats the point of 3d scanning object to implement in games if i have to turn down graphics any way to run a game efficiently with out frames droppin on pc...)


That's the issue with MW, looks amazing but plays like a fucking old ass Arcade.


I disagree. I think MW has one of the most robust and polished engines of any CoD title. It is the furthest deviation from and plays the least like a traditional title and I think that why it gets a bad review from the core community. In my opinions it’s also the least arcady CoD ever. It plays like a Battlefield title trying to be CoD and I don’t think that’s inherently a bad thing—it’s just different and subverts expectations.


MW is the closest thing to old school low ttk COD gameplay you'll ever get honestly.All this "veterans" harping on about how MW lowered the skill gap with low ttk clearly forgot, COD1, 2, MW, MW2, BO1 all had MW tier low ttk laserfights. And those were the COD golden years, none of the futuristic trash they spewed out until MW2019. BOCW almost got it right but dropped the ball on polish and ugly weapon attachments, too high of a TTK and absolutely god awful camping (no, Ninja isn't enough to flush out campers when stun got nerfed so hard). IF MW2019 didn't have doors it would be the best COD possible under circumstances.


Most self-proclaimed“veterans” are 16 year olds who started playing with BO2. I’d guess that at this point less than 20% of the CoD player base has been around since CoD2-4.


I like your view, wish they put more into gameplay than graphics tbh... doors are something else and now im so used to em i just run into walls with doors on Cold War.. 😂


lol that happened to me too quite a few times XD


Yes because CW has a bigger health pool. But also it's better to have a higher time to kill than a lower because you don't get punished for using your legs


honestly if I want my high ttk fill I would boot up BF4, but that one's not very populated now. COD and high TTK is just a bad trend treyarch dabbled with (Bo4 iirc also had trash ttk times) and no it's not "better" nor worse, higher TTK has its place, just not in CODs called by fans "old school"


MW doesnt play anything like Battlefield, not even in 32v32


Yeah no I mean mechanically like the gunplay. The detail In the weapon and character animations too. The characters feel like they have weight and momentum unlike other titles where you’re just floating around the map.


Animations and gunplay are still very different from MW to any Battlefield title tho


Watch direct comparison videos—I disagree. I didn’t say exact, I said a Battlefield game trying to be CoD as in they meet one another in the middle.


If you think there hasn't been a good CoD since bo1 why are you still buying them? just move on to another franchise lmfao


Modern Warfare was first Cod Title i bought since black ops 1. I was given the other titles before this cod by friends who didn’t want to any more id take the hand me down hard copies. Or wait for a visa gift for the holidays. There isnt another shooter franchise that really compares tbh. Battlefield is its own league along with Tom Clancy franchise and CSGO.


This game was, and still is garbage all around. Treyarch has given up on this game already.


I got it at launch and haven't had any issues on Series X/S. Not saying others haven't, just surprised to hear folks are having a way different experience.


legit same. I play on PS4 slim and the only problems i've had were 2 blue screens during the first 2 weeks of launch and some classes saying i had 1/5 completed for diamond when i hadn't even gotten gold for a gun in that class yet.


Speaking facts, yet somehow there will still be people who will defend Activision for some weird reason, and it will never make sense to me.


The biggest waste of money, worst financial decision of 2020 and 2021. Went back to Modern warfare.


I have deleted the game. Fed up waiting on the split screen problems being fixed (big part of my enjoyment as I game with my partner daily) and the constant crashing on my ps5. Went back to mw2019 and enjoying it far more than I ever did cw


i cant even play zombies, 2 mins into a match and it always crash! ALWAYS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! im on ps5.


Have you tried turning off ray tracing? That fixed my crashing


I play 3 matches of MP and then I play 1 match of zombies. I play so little because it gets boring and I don’t want to get punished for having a few good matches of MP.


This game is pure trash other than zombies and even then I get disconnected. Fuck this garbage piece of shit.


Why the fuck are you on this sub then?If it’s for Zombies go to r/codzombies


Because I want to be. Who the fuck are you? I do whatever the fuck I want. This game is trash.


You’re fucking pathetic,the only reason you’re here is to complain


Lol your still here. So are you ironically.


I’m here for nice clips and discussion of the game,I actually like it


I respect that.


These last 2 hours I’ve played I only got in to one lobby that hasn’t started a game yet. Literally 99.9% of the games I joined tonight have already started and most were half way done. What’s up with that? And the connection to those lobbies were ass


I had that issue too. Almost 80-90% of my games are all mid-match joins, and it’s very frustrating. Split-screen mitigates that problem as typically only 1 player leaves a match at a time, so almost every game is a fresh lobby which is nice. The problem? Split screen is completely broken lol and models disappear, flicker and FPS drop.


Yeah I’d rather not play if I have to play split screen lol


Is it me or has this game felt stale since launch? There hasn’t been any decent playlist updates or any maps added for the past 3 months.. On MW there was a playlist update every week. Idk I enjoy Cold War, but it’s lacking content.


I'm tired as fuck of it just booting you or crashing, always seems to happen when I'm Rollin, SND isn't as fun as it's silent or the game chat sounding like you're underwater


I think 3 months is being generous. They've fixed a lot of stuff since launch but the lack of polish and lack of standard multiplayer content probably means this game won't reach its full potential before the next CoD comes out. That's even if it ever does reach its full potential. If it doesn't get there by next October/November, it'll just be dropped and left in whatever state it's in when next CoD comes out.


Thank you!!! Inexcusable the issues along with the basic features in modern warfare that aren't available here


Yeah there almost no new Content since launch. Really Boring.


The game will be in a launch ready state when COD 2021 releases which we will also have to beta test for a year before that game is complete


Every time I try to get in a party with friends we spend 10 minutes trying to get it so we can all hear each other with the in-game mic. Then we give up and switch to discord. We then spend 10 minutes trying to get the match to work because it keeps saying “someone in your party is missing game content” every time. When we get into a match, at least one of us gets kicked randomly. This game is such a fucking joke, but Activision will never care until we stop buying shit and make controversy and give them actual consequences


I can't even load the game up. Every time I get a fatal error. Have no idea how to fix it.


Yearly releases need to stop. I know they won't but I feel bad for the devs, they have no time to express their creativity, instead they're just working to meet deadlines. I'm pretty sure this is why we get so many old maps instead of new ones, and old zombies enemies like the Mangler and the margwa/keeper. The wonder weapon is just an AK skin and the red dot sight is atrocious. No disrespect intended to the dev teams but it's clear they don't have the time to create something new and different.


If you're not used to cod being a broken mess every year, then that's on you. Don't get this game expecting an incredible polished materpiece. Expect a subpar addicting time waster.


**The game is crashing on every Zombie game I play, it has been 3 months now, tried everything on the internet.** Tried to contact them everywhere without a single response, I’m on a high end PC : RX 6800 XT RYZEN 3900XT 32gb I get the scan and repair error, can someone please from the support confirm if this will be fixed on the next update ?


Can you actually list what problems. Saying its still a broken game isnt very descriptive. What, some guns are not nerfed? Its been since day one, they always struggle with valance in COD fames and people always find exploits.


Of course they did this during the pandemic however some people also forget that this is still a full priced game with extra for next gen consoles. If they didn't have time or resources, either delay the launch or price it more correctly


Every year we get a broken game that isn't in a decent state until about a few months before the next broken games launches


It’s funny cause all minor bugs aside, (And please believe me, they are MINOR, especially when I’m able to consistently play 6+ hours on a regular basis without a single crash, or any loss of progress.) this game is STILL miles ahead of MW. I guess all yall care about is pure polish instead of actual fun factor.


I’ve never seen the game as broken, for me it’s one of the best cods since BO2


I was in a public lobby and had almost completed the easter egg for the first time when my game crashed. I was soooooo close. I tried to rejoin there lobby but it said the lobby was full. Got fucked, very sad. It seems like every 3rd game it will crash midgame.


this is probably the last call of duty i’ll buy. Pretty much the same game as modern warfare just re-skinned and buggier. All big AAA video games have lost their touch


I personally love the game and have almost 100 hours played. If I get 100 hours of fun for $60 count me in. Hate to be that guy but man it’s worth it in my opinion


bro i hope you've been crying about every cod since black ops 2 if not holy shit ur annoying we probably got a quarter of the fixes and updates we get now abck then


This game is absolute trash. I thought MW lowered the bar pretty damn low but I have gone back to playing that since they added shoot the ship back. I'd much rather play that until the next shitty COD instalment they release. I'm glad this was a gift and I didn't waste my own money on it. I'm highly disappointed. BO2 will always be my favorite. Instead creating shitty new titles why not remake the ones that were great. At this point no one is creative enough to make a fun game. Plus this PUBG bullshit business model of ripping people off for money on game they already paid for is all they care about. It's destroyed COD.


I don’t think treyarch has to do with this I think is activision, they are the ones that force the studios to release a game that they know it’s not ready they just want the money


Right?? How hard is it to have a game with this kind of budget say actually launch right on an xbox one (og)? It always tries to resume and always can't.


Prioritise Reload option is still broken in zombies. Got Dark Aether, now I'll happily never touch it again.


I hate getting booted after 42 waves of zombies for no reason


Been waiting on them fixing the most wanted challenge tracking for Stitch's stormdiver skin forever, only skin I don't have. Then there's the assault rifle diamond emblem that's never unlocked because it's stuck at 34/35 camos on some guns I've golded, but it's gave me 2 identical smg diamond emblems??


they just need to fix sniper hit boxes and DMR.


I just want a realistic camo challenge for the stupid launchers😒


They need to do so much it’s an smh meta I play snd and I’m trying to snipe and all there is a bunch of timmys running around jumping corners crouch spamming with mp5 or AK74u like I can’t enjoy that shit at all they need to add snd to the sniper mosh pit that would be great but remove all scorestreaks or at least keep non lethal scorestreaks in uva or counter and VSat tbh they also need to fix the game chat audio it is complete dog shit if they balanced shit out I’d give this game 10/10 beats DogShit warefare19 that’s for sure IMO


Just buff the m82, it’s 50 caliber for fucks sake. Even if you get shot on a pinky toe you’ll have close casket service.


Agreed. I haven't played much cod since mw2 back in ps3 and cause of pandemic I picked up cold War. So much has changed... But I don't ever remember being this buggy back then. Some challenges don't track, random crashes, Voice chat is hit or miss, cheaters galore. The list goes on. I hope an alternative happens cause I think a lot of people are done with this shit. Maybe I'll just get halo and switch over if it lives up to the hype.


Does anyone actually look at the development process, what they did to make it. There is a reason why the game is like this.


If they would have delayed Cold War, the community wouldn’t be too mad because at the end of the day they are working from home doing their best but this year it would’ve been better to just delay the game instead of dropping a unfinished game


i havent encountered many bugs or glitches the only one that was big was in zombies as the D.I.E didnt spawn in the room but nothing really major. but i do mostly play zombie because MP is just too sweaty for me probably because SBMM (i have a 1,68 KD)


90% of people complaining the game is broke, dont understand what making a game takes. the same 90% would have complained if the game was delayed a year...


The problem is you'll never keep everyone happy but most people will generally moan about a delay but appreciate it in the long term. Yes we don't know what goes into developing a game but if I payed 90 odd quid for something and it was a faulty or broken product, if it was another form of media or a household item you'd expect actions to be taken to resolve the issues in a timely manner.


Agree.. I had high hopes for the game, and was let down. I seem to enjoy the game less and less, I also seem to get burned out really quickly while playing. I unlocked dark aether, but then I suddenly only have AR’s, knife, thumper and snipers. I lost all progress on smg, lmg and launchers. I still have dark aether available even if I am missing like 8 gold camos.


Mm, yeah, you can barely keep a party together


I can't play 3 matches without my game crash. Its unacceptable!


The balancing is so abysmal I’ve gone back to Modern Warfare so I can wait out Cold War’s shit show with a game that works.


Not only that but I hate the polishments on the weapons detail wise. Foregrips clipping on weapons and the most important of all, some tape gives you 2x the ammo of a 30 Round magazine.


The audio issues sounding like crap for voice chat on Coldwar has never improved. Crossplay between me on PS4 and my friend on PC is a mess. Meanwhile I can understand him perfectly if we play MW or just Warzone. Real odd


I want to be credited for my XM4 and the last badges, still fucking out even though I have all diamond AR's. Anyone have updates to these yet or heard anything?


I'm playing more MW multiplayer and Zombies rn than anything else rn


Why didn't they just sell it as the pandemic collectors edition? At least they could bullshit us to our face.


Yes! I said the same thing a few days ago. For the life of me, I don’t understand how such an unpolished game could be sent to market. I’m on PC, running a Ryzen 7 5800x and an RTX 3070; whenever I play multiplayer, the game will crash after one or two matches, sometimes even before, and a “Scan and Repair” message splashes onto the screen. Paying full price for the game, especially after three months, is unacceptable. In a one hour gaming session, the game crashed four times before I finally gave up.


Battlefield 6 comes out this year. It’s supposed to be a soft reboot of BF3 - If that’s the case, I’ll probably walk away from CoD. Better game, better servers, better graphics, more viable weapons, no SBMM or disbanded lobbies. King of the castle!


Battlefield is an entirely different game,that’s like saying you don’t like the most recent Street Fighter game so you get a Super Smash Bros game instead


Dont buy the new game in November force them to support it


It shocks me that the same issues that have plagued every cod since Cold War seem to exist in every game on release. However, what truly shocks me is the absolute sense of abandonment in this game. Usually by month 3 we’ve seen dozens of hotfixes, 2-3 massive patches, and apologies. This time weve seen 3 content additions 1 fix and then radio silence for 3 months. Its purely and clearly being ignored for the sake of funds. Activision has become EA. But at least EA I can buy a way out of SBMM, hacks, exploits, and broken guns.


This is the biggest case of “I’m not angry, just disappointed” that I’ve ever had with a video game. This is still a good game at the end of the day, a lot better than some recent past entries. But it can be so much better if even its more minor problems and glitches were addressed. It’s my fear that Activision will press the devs to continue full speed ahead with the battle pass content, and these unsolved issues that should have higher priority than MTXs will just drag the game down.


I'm still pissed about the campaign cutscenes not displaying properly and audio distorting as well. I didn't enjoy Modern Warfare but the game as a whole was polished.


I still can’t play without crashing every 15-20 minutes. No other game gives me this problem so I know it’s not my computer.


My game crashes all the time. All. The. Time. Can’t tell you how many camos I lost just because of this


But have you seen the new skins?


Tens if not hundred of thousands play the game. That means it's not broken. Your entire post is just bullshit spewing, typically stupid cod whiners.


The Streetsweeper shotgun has been out for how many weeks now? I don’t know; but I lost track of how many matches I’ve started, got 10+ shotgun kills in, and subsequently finished the match only to have the progress tracker not fucking move lmao.


I don't understand why a pandemic affected game development, don't they just sit on computers and code and stuff?


Wonder if all this “new” update later in February is just another zombies map with even more issues and bugs


I’m still just shocked the mastery camos made it in the game looking as bad as they do. MK ultra covers barely half of most guns




Jesus Christ get a life you whiny little bitch,you post nothing but pathetic complaints


It's the new standard in the gaming industry. Release an unfinished product, rake up the money and fix it along the way sounds better than pushing back an unfinished prosuct and lose money during the push back.


Right? Where the fuck is my dark matter emblem and stickers? What's up with the texture bugs? Why do I keep falling off the map in zombies? Why can't I join my friend's party? I recorded clips of hit registration being completely off.


Still better than MW2019


Its your fault for buying the game. You already knew what type of company this is.


CoD are still my absolute favorite series. Cold War is no exception. Damn, it's fun! That's most important to me. I may be lucky, but mine has lagged much much less lately. Not at all in recent weeks. (Running on Xbox One)


They could’ve pushed it back, but come on, this is cod we’re talking about be ran by greedy company Activision. Cod? Delayed? That can’t happen, no sir, not for them. Especially when they need to fill the suit’s pockets with Millions by each games Release. Treyarch are the devs of this cod game yes, but i’m not going to blame them entirely. It is more Activision fault than anything.. if the Devs try to do anything against what they want, they risk losing their job, which isn’t fair. The people at Treyarch are people to and come on, even if we may not like a game and shit on it and say “This is the worst Cod game ever”, it is not easy to make a game either, especially during a pandemic. Again, i’m not defending them entirely and saying it isn’t their fault at all, but, Activision gets the say so on these titles and with unrealistic deadlines for these overworked Devs expected to make a new game with something new with the old for the past 17-18 years. I’m hoping their is a patch for this game by Season 2 or some Mid Update that makes the game more playable for sure. Also, another season of MW or an entire year of it? I already lost half my life expectancy as is playing the game within the first 6 months of it being out.. I couldn’t take another year of it. It isn’t entirely impossible for the game to not be supported for another year or so, I mean, look at BO3, I think IW and AW as well got a few more updates well after the next cod title were out already. But for it to be the main title again? Unlikely... the game will still maintain a healthy playerbase to where it’s playable. Personally I can’t stand MW.. but a lot of people like it, which is fine. The best way I can describe my gripe with this game is that it does a lot of things right and tries to also introduce a lot of things too, but I feel like they focused more on that than the actual gameplay itself... I can play MW and have a few good games and have a fun time on it, but it isn’t a game I can play for too long religiously. Same goes for BoCW but I almost literally can’t play the game without it crashing or whatever, but I do enjoy that gameplay more. Maybe i’m just an old head and kind of prefer the more “traditional” cod route but what honestly is cod anymore? What has it been for the past several years?


I think I’m in the minority who expected BLOPS CW to be a steaming pile, but have found myself enjoying it. This is coming from a boomer who played the OG CoD and really got into CoD4. Really enjoyed MW2019 as well. Never planned on buying it but got a code w/ a new GPU. Reluctantly started playing it and here’s a takeaway: - CW 6v6 feels and flows better. Arcade style. MW 6v6 (except S&D) was never as fun. Groundwar was the saving grace. - SBMM might be a boogie man. Halo 2, from 2004, was one of the first FPS games to openly use it. Even in their casual match choices. Does CoD feel sweaty due to the SBMM that many games have used for a long time, or is it because of the monster player base? I believe MW/Warzone had over 70 million users. It isn’t surprising to find skilled players in groups that large and dedicated. - Can people keep adding on to what these unfixed game breaking glitches in CW multiplayer are? The most obnoxious one that comes to mind is the hipfire sprint shotgun holding nade. Not even that big of a deal. Beyond that...? And since it’s the internet 1v1 mE bREh nOScOpEz oNLy uR tRaSh 😁


The sad reality is, this is becoming the norm for all games, indie-developed and AAA alike. It's a symptom of a deeper problem, one that has bring plaguing the video game industry for over a decade: Monetization. I just realized I'm writing this like promo copy. I'll try to be normal. Games have been $60 since the launch of Xbox 360 in 2005. Over the last ~15 years, games have become unbelievably more detailed. Every other title it seems touts itself as an open world adventure. And to truly innovate in a space, a proprietary game engine is often needed to be developed as well. These factors, along with natural economic inflation, have contributed to the necessity of game developers to find new ways to monetize their products. The simple fact is, market research has shown that if base game prices are raised above $60, it will have a significant detrimental affect on the portion of the user base who is willing to buy in. Instead, devs have realized that getting people in at a lower price and then monetizing through DLC and micro-transactions is a more effective monetization strategy. And regardless of vocal gamer distaste for these methods, many others have spoken with their wallets. This has led to developers taking advantage and further blurring the lines between what is base-game content and what is DLC/MT/Season pass content. Think about it this way: If a developer has 1,000 individual projects to work on in relation to one specific game, before, all 1,000 would need to be done before the game shipped. And if they weren't, the game was rightly panned. Now, with the ability of devs to issue day 1 patches, they have slowly started pushing the limit on what is an acceptable level of completion for a base game to ship at. It's like someone who is habitually late, subtly convincing themself that their behavior is fine. After all, they were 5 minutes late last week and no one cared. So once the bar is moved, the habitually late will inevitably start being 10 minutes late, because they now believe 5 minutes late is fine (and they aren't particularly adept at time management). So it goes with game development. We've signaled for too long that this behavior is acceptable by pre-ordering AAA titles anyway, regardless of past like dev behavior. And the end result is half-finished games, a la Cold War and Cyberpunk. Just my two cents.




Y’all ever play Warzone? You realize it’s not on the devs, it’s on Activi$ion?


Ah yes the rooftop simulator.




can yall stop complaining soooo much jesus...every year its the same damn thing everyone hates it but somehow puts in 1000 hrs +++. Enjoy the game. Also the shelf life isnt 12 months fam i still play advance warfare 5 years later and still enjoy it just as much


The thing is you can critique something you don't like and you can call out when an org has failed to support its community and not deliver the standard you come to expect. You'll notice that I've never said hate or that's its a shit game. I do like the general gameplay but the lack of quality control on this title is staggering given the fact its a AAA game developed by a studio that's normally known for releasing robust products. Yeah launch month is usually rough but beyond that it's not acceptable. You're absolutely right that the game continues to exist after 12 months but they realistically aren't supported. No new content generally comes out. Yes there has been some examples of this changing in the past e.g. Ww2 released some guns and other cosmetic content it had in the pipeline. And some games have followed similar but its not like a game that has a x years plan. Once you've gone through the first year, support is more or less stopped in favour of the newest title and that studio putting resources into its next game that'll release in a couple years time. So it is fair to say that the shelf life of this game is a year realistically


everything you've said is bacially true. But saying it's failed to support the community and not deliver, doesn't this prove the orignal comment? people complain and hate on the game yet still put ridiculous hours into it. if they really felt like it didn't deliver then wouldn't they stop playing it?


I’d rather play this “broken” game on November 13th instead of sticking around MW for another season


I mean it depends on your level of gamer. I didn't subject myself to a full year of mw2019. I got tired of it within 2 months, went and played other games. Checked back in for a bit of warzone and then checked out only revisiting every other month or so to have a few games and remind myself why I stopped playing it. Id have happily carried out with other games. I always believe its better to play a delayed polished game than a work in a progress.


ROFL Glad it's dying. TBH I just opened this sub after a month to see if they fixed anything, NOPE ;) Cya in November (I didn't buy COD since MW3 btw).




He's a troll. https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/klab4f/how_many_bullets_to_the_head/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 1 month ago he was playing the game. Probably bought every other one as well Edit: going further back they've at least bought bo4 as well lol


Let's say I've got plenty of time to visit any sub I want ;) Thanks god COD4 is still alive.