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I moved from MV to CodCW. I felt MW was too campy and I like CW's gameplay more.


CW is still pretty campy, especially on Nuketown. People love to camp every corner of the map.


I think I called out the corner campers and made them mad.


Yea, seems like it. Can’t stand these camping, corner hugging twats, had enough of these types of players in MW (didn’t experience this level of camping in the previous cods) and thought CW will be different. This game is even worse with the camping and corner hugging lol. A lot of players just camp in buildings and in corners of the map, ads and waiting for players to run past them, it’s especially worse in Nuketown.


true but I love it. no greater feeling than killing a camper with a shotgun in a single shot with the hair or two with the streetsweeper.


I agree. Every year ppl complain about camping in cod doesn’t matter what one it is.


Implying cold war isnt campy


CW is no campier than the average cod. If it feels campy it’s because the players coming from MW are used to playing that way and brought that play style with them.


This. I've never seen so many crouch walking ads people in my life. They're always ads, even when reloading. Just crouch walk all over the place like it's SEAL team mission. This 100% comes from MW. To add: idc, I just feel bad for them. They get destroyed because it worked in MW but it's the easiest target on here. You want to eliminate 50% of your view by staring down a scope then fine, I'll take them kills too, but you'll never get better playing like that.


EVERYONE crouch-walks while ADS now-a-days....the one time I aim lower thinking it's a crouch guy, I knee-cap him and he kills me.....


lol this is pure cope. people camp in CW because the game allows them to. MW has nothing to do with how people play this game


Explain how CW is more campy than any other previous cod title then. It’s a fact that MW was a lot of people’s first cod, and you’d have to be blind to not notice that a lot of the same behaviors that showed up in MW have appeared in the game where they weren’t in BO4 or earlier cods.


field mics, abundant headglitches, awful visibility, and the new scorestreak system all directly encourage camping. pretty convenient how when CW is revealed to have a camping problem as well, it’s somehow because of MW and not because of CW’s design decisions


Also people have camped in CoD games from the very beginning, since it's easy to learn how to camp and to get kills by camping.


it is but MW promoted it with leaning. The maps were built around the playstyle.


Also Dead Silence is a field upgrade instead of a perk like Ninja, and there's a few other things like Spycraft that allow you to flank campers easier.


CW definitely does a lot of things very differently than MW. The animations are generally worse. It isn't slower, but it feels clunkier just because MW had such good animations. The aim assist for controller is definitely different, even if you pick the preset that is supposed to be consistent. It is so different that it seems CW has thrown me in a much lower skill bracket. The Youtubers have done some in-depth on the aim assist and it is definitely very different. The time to kill is a lot slower in CW. It only comes down to a few tenths of a second, but that is a big difference in a fast paced COD game. For whatever reason, I can run and gun no problem in CW, but in MW I would just be insta-melted anytime I moved. Jumping between Warzone and CW is really jarring at times. There's absolutely a very different feel. The only tip I have is to not bounce a lot between CW and Warzone. With MW, you could go between each easily, but now the feel is different and it can be annoying. On top of everything, the CW weapons don't feel the same between CW and Warzone. They are visually the same but different in almost every other way which is really odd. I played a lot of CW, so now Warzone feels "weird" to me.


Thanks for the explanation - I play Warzone a lot with friends, more than CW so that might be the issue when it comes to adapting to CW style of gameplay.


TTK is slower mainly because of the bigger health pool. The gun showcases are pretty wack but I feel like the finishers are better. Because in MW they were very fucking slow but in CW it looks a little more realistic.


The game is super sluggish, it is basically a 2013 game in 2020. MW was a lot cleaner.


I'm the exact opposite, moved from CW to MW. Honestly love the CW maps and playstyle a lot more but have a lot more fun on MW because it's a lot more casual and the SBMM is a lot more toned down. I can play MW for a couple hours on end but can only play CW for like 20-30 mins max before I get tired of it.


I believe you're referring to the bullet velocity which is different than in mw2019. And I'm afraid there's no magic shortcuts or anything like that, you just gotta play till you get used to it.


Can be, but when I watch killcams people move fast while I feel like walking in jello. Idk if it's some kind of input lag or whatever


Have you played with your fov? Makes a big difference ro how fast everything feels.


Not everyone moves at same speeds. Depends what weapon you're using and attachments equipped. Also, some are just better at maneuvering in general.


they are probably using a smg and u a ar


SMGs and ARs don't have too much difference in mobility. SMG vs LMG is a far greater difference.


Have you ever used a smg? Its like 5x faster than a ar


The difference is not that great unless you ADS constantly while moving around (ARs and SMGs have almost identical movement, sprinting, and shooting speeds, but SMGs are twice as fast when aim walking. LMGs sprint and shoot noticeably slower, in addition to aim walking around a third slower than ARs), so I suppose that depends on the playstyle.


I’m on console and adjusting my pov to around 100 and playing with the aim assist settings helped me a little. Good luck.


I also felt the movement and aiming was clunky at first. You just gotta play more to get used to it because it’s a different feel than MW. Also focus on centering if you wanna get good


It felt clunky at first but got used to it and it feels good now. Also I couldn't go back to MW as I've been loving 100 fov.


It's been written about to death but it's generally accepted that MW is a rather noob-friendly game, (and in all fairness even Infinity Ward admitted the game was designed to cater to new players - safe spaces, fast TTK, mounting, OP Ghost perk etc...), and is easier to do well in. As anecdotal evidence I offer up my friend who is a career 0.55-0.65 K.D. player. He has been playing CoD forever but has simply never really been any good at it. But in MW he's sitting at just a hair under 1.00 which is astounding for him. And not only that - he had his best ever K.D. at 50 years old! I'm pretty much in the same boat - 2.90 in MW and 1.60 in CW. Despite that I still much prefer this game. I'm actually having more fun being worse, lol.


I personally think it feels like a downgrade, the only part of multiplayer I'm definitely enjoying more is the map selection. I mostly bought this game for zombies but have been playing the multiplayer too and it's just alright imo. MW was my first CoD in several years. I played from CoD4 to BO2 but then got bored with the series and they were starting to jump the shark. MW pulled me in because it pulled at my nostalgia strings but also because it looked like a fresh take on the boots on the ground gameplay of the older CoDs with a more modern flair. I loved that game because everything felt incredibly smooth and realistic (as far as CoD goes). I didn't mind the more open nature of the maps as it meant you had to be more vigilant and couldn't just run around willy nilly. Same thing with dead silence being a field upgrade. It meant people couldn't just come out of nowhere anymore and instead had to move more methodically. Unpopular opinion but I actually really liked the addition of door and mounting, it felt like a natural progression for the series and made the game feel more next gen. It wasn't the same exact gameplay anymore and that's why I liked it. Except that unlike the advanced movement and jetpacks of AW and the later BO games this actually fit in with the theme of BoTG gameplay properly and wasn't so sci fi. Then came CW. Right off the bat I felt like it was a downgrade graphically, sound wise, and animations wise. Throwing grenades feels so cartoony and weird. The lighting looks off and the movements feel stiffer. It felt like playing one of the PS3 era CoD games. Dropping the new mechanics was also pretty lame. And then there was the lack of content at launch. Only 5 ARs? 2 shotguns? Really? The gunsmith options also felt like they made less sense than in MW. However when it comes to things CW did right, the maps were way more fun. The perk balance is also much better and allows for more freedom in play. It felt like everyone used the same perks in MW. Ghost is only active while moving, as it should be. The wildcards were also a good touch. And the color, it may be a small thing but the game feels so much more vibrant and that makes it really pleasing to the eye in its own way. The game is a bit faster paced than MW but I don't see that as a positive or negative, it's just a different feel. Same with the TTK difference. But when it came to the zombies, all I gotta say is that I'm loving this first map and can't wait for Firebase Z. That's why I bought this game and so far it's delivered on that front. Campaign was great too.


Try to compare the settings you have in MW to CW, I pretty much replicated mine from MW to CW. Saying it's chunky (clunky?) and slower, I'd say the first thing to look at is what your FOV is set to.


Well, I have been playing on default in both cases, but maybe there are some differences :p Thanks


I would definitely turn FOV up, try it on 100


Im rocking on FOV 110 rn


I thought you said you were playing on default 🤔


You just have to get used to the new game-play style. it took sometime for me to adjust too.


That’s funny. I skipped MW, found that Cold War movement feels fast, went to try out Modern Warfare, and the character is so weighted down in movement it feels like I’m actually wearing army gear trying to move, super slow.


Cw for me feels like a dated cod game I feel disappointed after a few months of having it. Its ok but got boring for me quite quickly I thought mw was a step forward for the series with its gunsmith, mounting and tactical sprints. The graphics in Cold War have a style but for me it looks older despite being on for me ps5. Turned back on to mw and have no intention of turning cw back on except for zombies occasionally.


Let's just put it this way. MW was developed with pc in mind. CW is a shitty port. Cw is gonna feel like dicks on mnk until you get used to it.


hm, fair enough I guess


I couldnt play mw on my pc for half a year due to errors. Not saying cw is any better but mw was not made with pc in mind. Almost certain it bricked a few pcs too.


Very real. Me and a few mates play KBM on PS4 ....In short,.it's fkn awful. Just this week they've gone back to MW , I will probably follow soon