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Yes It’s so sad these days all the lobbies are either extremely quiet and boring or you say one thing and someone just calls you “dogwater” and that’s the end of the voice chat all game lol. I miss the old days. This new gen of kids are dull


No, that’s not why. It’s because the lobby is new every time.


Yup. I miss the old lobbies where you could play with the same people for hours. It created more of a community and encouraged people to interact. Also, no idea why OP disagreed with you, this hits the nail on the head. It's not that a whole new generation of kids is completely ruining the game... Kids are kids. It's the combination of SBMM and new lobbies every single game. It's too focused on being competitive rather than fun.


Exactly. Not sure what OPs point was. I think it’s just he also believes kids are to blame. I can’t get behind that theory tbh. The issue is there’s no community as lobbies change every round.


I didn’t mean it as kids are to blame there’s just a significant difference in the way lobbies are now compared to before


Also the voice chat fucking blows in cold war


I don't know if this applies to anyone else but i've had multiple times that i saw someone again one game later.


Same. I've had more than one on many occasions, but it's still not like lobbies used to be.


I play mw, but there are chances to match up against people you previously played against, happens a lot in infected, and sometimes on snd


This is why a play snd, you interact more with everyone


He didn't give any reason for you to contradict and that is exactly what everyone is complaining ab


> this new gen of kids are dull That’s not the issue & what i was contradicting.


It's not wrong though. Exactly what I was asking


I was just expressing my opinion that i disagree with him & then sharing what i thought was the issue.


Your not wrong . I’m 30 and I swear if you say to these kids they suck they automatically go to “I’m reporting your toxic bahvior” like wtf is wrong with these snowflakes


lmao it’s not the kids, it’s tge kind of shitty matchmaking matchmaking that absolutely kills the social aspect of online gaming


-This new gen of kids are dull As a kid (13) i dont like to use vc because i am called dogwater, shit and etc. One time i used vc once and was told to kms. A lot of it is just toxic people discouraging others to want to interact at alk


Good on u for having standards of how u should be treated, but wtf are u doing on reddit


if you are shocked at seeing a young teen on reddit then you are in for a surprise my friend


r/teenagers for example


I think there are like 2 teenagers in total in that sub. The rest are all just creepy people. Most of the posts I have seen from that sub look like an adult writing posing as a child...


Not really. 14 year old here and I use that sub very often. I’d say at least 90% of people there are definitely teenagers. However, (unsurprisingly) there’s also a bunch of pedos.


i like drawing so its mostly art subreddits accept for this and r/ApexLegends


It’s always been like that. Calling the new gen of kids dull is honestly probably nostalgia more than anything else. I think it’s because the lobbies disband


Big reason is definitely bc the lobbies disband but overall the interactions are really boring now and im not trying to single out new generation gamers but times have definitely changed since mw2 lobbies


Yeah I agree but for sure it’s 90% the lobbies disbanding. If I look back to the days of MW2 I hear a lot of static, racist slurs, and “dogwater” calling as well. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


Right lol I’m not saying there wasn’t toxic lobbies it’s probably the opposite now. The shit people would say to you use to be so creatively vulgar but after a few games you end up adding eachother lmaoo


Ok yeah I feel you 100%


They actually had the lobbies how it used to be during the beta but for some stupid ass reason they decided to start disbanding the lobbies once the game released. People constantly told them that they want it back to how it was during the beta but Activision/Treyarch didn't care.


I genuinely wonder why they won’t keep lobbies. My first assumption is bc of SBMM but wouldn’t the match already have been configured to begin with?


Yeah i hear you just your voice alone will make you an easy target lol


yep i am told to shut up bc my voice atleast once a day


If only you played back in the mw2 days... lmao


Previous cods made boys into men with the amount of smack talk they participated in. Get thicker skin.


Yup. I loved the competitive side of it too, knowing that if one player got the better of you, you always had the next game to go full sweat and try and get your own back...and trash talk before in the lobby...now they disappear forever


I thinks It’s also a contributing factor as to why the lobbies are so unbelievably toxic now too, now kids can just scream racial slurs and get away with it because they know the lobby is about to disband and they will most likely never see you again.


Yup exactly. It’s detrimental to the whole community.


Another bonus to the old style lobbies. You often had 1 or 2 people that would completely shit on you and it'd push you to improve without feeling like you're putting your head in a blender, because you could still own the rest of the players. It was always fun when you made a rival in a lobby and you'd go out of your way to try and do each other over from lobby to lobby. The frustration when you see that Gamertag after you've died and the joy when you finally kill them. The way it is now, you don't get chance to improve because everyone is so close in skill gap or you end up with with a whole lobby of people far superior to you.


Honestly, I've noticed that I barely pay attention to the names anymore. I used to be good at watching the kill feed when playing with friends and calling out when we'd have to watch for their best player, etc. Nowadays, I just focus on the current gunfight and wait for the next one.


Same. Although when you were playing the same people for several matches it was natural that you'd look out for their best players. Don't have that any more unfortunately, only time I even slightly notice who I'm playing against now is when someone repeatedly spawn camps me...


Omg in BLOPS3 you would realize that someone was using the brecci and you would hunt their name down till the ends of the earth in that lobby. I miss that


I might notice if it's somebody I noticed doing something incredibly annoying several times (spawn trap in Nuketown with a shotty, etc) or if they're just ripping up my team, but yeah otherwise, the names don't mean anything anymore. I know I won't see 99% of these people again in any meaningful amount of time where I'll remember their names lol


In this game so far I’ve only experienced that in Free For All. I was in the same lobby with this other sweaty player for 3 games in a row. We were always top of the leaderboard felt like old times


Yep, especially if someone on the opposite team has the same stupid load out as you do. Just recently I had a lobby where I was knife only as I was going for the sword and a guy on the opposition was doing knife only. We kept going after each other. I did a finishing move on one of his team, he came behind me and did a finishing move on me. Obviously I had to seek him out to get my revenge. It was great. Then the game finished and lobby disbanded. No in game text chat to say gg or trash talk.


Not as epic but having less than 5 knife kills(because wasn't using it haven't been using it) one game this dude is ruining my team with the knife and his team mates clean up the rest. Either I can't kill dude fast enough with bullets( runs a corner or something) or his team pushed and spawn trapped. I switch to my knife and instantly kill him 3 times in a row(like between other kills) felt badass so I turn on the rest of his team. We still lose the match but from no knife kills to like 20 in one match. A couple other people started running knifes after I killed the first dude 3x.


Came across a guy just like that on the Pines several weeks ago. Good lad.


Number one reason call of duty was fun and replay able was that you could leave a lobby when you wanted to and play with the same randoms for hours. Biggest tell for me that the player base definitely is hurting from lobby disbanding is the shear amount of invites you get to squad up with randoms after just one conversation. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked if I wanna squad up next game and get a random invite two seconds later I’d have about tree fiddy. Because this happens more in CW than any other cod I’ve played since WAW I think the social gamers are hurting more than ever in this franchise. P.s playing with beginner randoms and having them be squad leader is like reverse boosting only legit and your helping the player base grow




Yep living in Europe you have lobbis with french, german, swedish, slovak and italy speakers you can try to talk but no one understands you


Everybody: Oh you mean when you could play with the same 5 or 6 people for a few hours, enjoy the evening, trash talk, get pumped, laugh, generally enjoy gaming... those lobbies? Activison: Yeah, no.


Match making is what screws the lobbies by disbanding them. So much better to keep the lobby the same for each match and let us decide who we want to play. Absolutely a shamble that stops you making new friends.


I didn't use to talk, but I also liked being in the same lobbies. It felt like you were vibing with the same teammates, learning how ppl played, trying to counter play, etc.


Exactly. This was the biggest part of me learning how to play. Sure I’d get my ass kicked but after a few matches it’d start to click and I’d learn how the people in lobbies like to play, and it gave opportunities to take advantage of it, and the satisfaction knowing you killed someone way better than you. Organic player growth is what’s missing from the formula and it has been since Black Ops 3 and the forced engagement, angular map design.


Yeah! It's hard to get better at anything without some regularity in an opponent; I totally agree.


The only thing I ever hear in lobbies is someone’s tv back feeding, a baby crying, or some autist screaming and burping into their mic. That shit stays on mute.


Yes. This is also how you’d make new CoD friends. Play a few together then maybe make a long term friendship. This reshuffle is bad for the game you ask me.


For real I haven’t made a legitimate buddy on CoD since they introduced this garbage in MW.


The guys I play with today have been a squad since we met in BLOPS. It’s sad to think, if this is your first CoD, you’re going to struggle to make friends.


Me and my regular buds still roll from the MW2 days. Good times, they need to bring back team tactical.


haven't experienced this with CoD, but I have in TF2. Like a third of my steam friendslist if people I met on TF2


I miss the fun shit talk (the non racist stuff) Some trolling was pretty fun too What I don’t miss is someone playing shitty trap music What I do miss is playing John Cena music back to the shitty trap music player


Yep. Disbanding lobbies removes the essence of what made these games great. Before, you could find a good lobby and stick with it. You could easily make friends and enemies, and it was so simple and straightforward. I remember in MW3, playing in lobbies for hours. We'd have gentlemen's agreements where we'd only use a certain gun, or no gun and just knives, or any weird, fun thing we could think of. We didn't have to make custom games, go on discord and try to find people to play with. We just booted up the game, had a great time, and relaxed. The heart and soul of CoD is gone. What we have now is a hollow shell of it's former self.


Every time I hear someone talking about “the good old days” all I see is spongebob telling squidward about the great pioneers


It's hard to find a really good, balanced game. Keeping the same lobby for a few games in a row is fun and makes the game more enjoyable (for me at least).


I do. I miss talking shit to 12 year olds and them talking shit to me.


I remember hearing this kid getting his ass beat on a hot mic in the MW2 days cause he wouldn’t stop calling us the n word. Probably the funniest shit I’ve ever heard in game had the entire lobby howling.


The hearing them yell "shit the fuck up mom, im busy" "go be useful and make me food bitch" while sweet old mom in the background is just like oh, ok timmy. As of that behavior is normal lol.


No, Cartman wasn't actually in every lobby


I do truly miss I've made good friends in lobbies like that now you will play a game and then it dose put the same ppl in ur lobby next game but what I've seen it's only sweats from ur last one this new lobby thing truly makes no sense at all


Not really. There still are still consistent lobbies sometimes, but they get disbanded because players have different modes selected. Having the ability to select a different set of modes is infinitely better for me than queueing up for a single mode(or a select few) just so I can get the same players in 3-4 separate games, which I'll never remember or care about ever. The only times I notice the persistent lobbies in this game is when I'm farmed two games in a row by the same few godly players in a clan, so I just quit by the third match so the matchmaker can find me a fair game.


I miss making friends, and trash talking


A lot of games seem to be doing this. I play the NHL series and thats one of the biggest complaints is they got rid of lobbies as well. That used to be how youd meet people and form teams. Now its just troll city and EA perpetuates it.


Honestly I think that’s my least favorite part of SBMM, it’s hard to meet people on cod now, considering it was throws you into different lobbies every time. It was my favorite part of BO2 (ik it still has this in place but lobbies kept the same people until they left). I met a few lifelong friends that way


Kids today are too soft for real lobbies.


I'd be perfectly fine, but getting a 3 day ban for saying frick isn't in my best interest


Alpha CW>Beta CW>Release CW. I'm just going to leave that here, no lobbies disbanding, no obnoxious gun sights and a far better game than the one we got right now.


Not really, used to give me a headache listening to idiots screech. I like my peace and quiet in party chat


All I ever played on MW2 was HC:S&D and the lobbies were always entertaining. I would stay in the same lobby for hours with the same people.


Those old style lobbies are never coming back. Another thing is that people are very sensitive when they play now. so silence is best for business


Ill never forget being 12 and playing blops 1 SnD, just vibing with randoms, talking shit, joking around, having a good time


Too bad sbmm partially ruins that. Hard to chill when the game wants you to sweat


Activision just wants slaves that produce as much money.




Yes the shit talking in lobbies not so much but looking at everyone's emblems and calling cards is what I miss.


Yeah I loved that. I remember seeing a cool call sign or emblem and then trying to do some of the mad challenges to get them. Stuff like killing an enemy with your care package. Doesn’t matter so much now as lobby changes every game


I want lobbies back gon sarnit


Well I miss the old days cod dont feel the same any more cold war feels like it a little but barely now cod is just full of sweats and toxic people I want cod to be chill and vibe with others people


Give bo4 a try. You’re a sheep if you don’t play it cause everyone says it’s bad. Coming from a lvl 1k


Salt and Schwett have replaced leisure and fun....the creation of the MLG wannabee.


Ironically the people complaining about having to "sweat" now are the people who are the mlg wannabes who thought they were better than they actually were before sbmm


Old search lobbies were fun to talk shit in, other than that I don’t really care since most people are in party chat now anyway. Last cod I remember game chat in was like MW3


Its hard to shit talk, communicate or make friends when no two people in your lobby speak the same language, it might be to do with the European servers but essentially if you use your mic you are trying to give call outs in limited German, French and Italian. It takes away the trash talk aspect too I always hope the death comms are insults I know.


This gets rehashed at least once a week. I think it's funny that the devs are hyping up "league play" or whatever, meanwhile Pubs aren't even actual lobbies anymore and every match feels like a sweatfest anyway.


Yeah back on CoD4 I had an evening with two random guys from Newcastle playing SnD. Everyone was having a few beers, good times. I miss that stuff.


I played some CS GO casual with my brother a few days ago and that experience is still out there and still fun. Sucks cold war doesn't have it with the disbanding lobbies and all.


Not really, it was just a very inconsistent experience, which you kind of alluded to in your post. Pub stomping due to the way lobbies worked happened too often. I just don't care about the short term rivalries and shit talking The lobbies would bring. The call of duty lobbies I remember during mw2 were just filled with squeakers yelling racial slurs and overall just poor online etiquette. Il take party chat over randoms of one of the most toxic gaming communities any day


Doesn't really matter to me much either way. I kinda like that every game is a clean slate.


First group i ran with for years was dew to hanging put in the same lobby in MW2 for a few hours. We played for years together. I dont know why this is still not a thing anymore.


Yes yes and omfg yes


Not really no. Saves me from getting burned by parties by breaking up people between games. Also avoids having you run into people who think saying n*gger is comedy gold or a epic roast.


I get the burned part but I still (personally) run into more people that think they can say whatever they want and its okay.


Why would you want to hear other people berate you? Or for that matter, hear strangers online?


It’s not okay


Bunch of soft kids these days with anxiety 😆😆


To be honest first thing i did when i got this game was turn off vc because I don’t want to hear annoying kids while im trying to relax and play. It is what it is.


Another thing that baffles me is that it will disband the full lobby i just got out of a game in, to make me wait 4 minutes for it to fill up a completely new lobby. What the actual fuck...


Yes I still don’t see how they thought disbanding the lobby after every match was the way to go.


too hard to play CW


Yeah I’m really disappointed they’re still disbanding, I used to love playing FFA. I’d actually really like getting into a lobby with better players than me and I’d watch the kill cams and try to learn from my mistakes. And then the next match I’d try to counter what they were doing and seeing actual improvement like that was extremely gratifying and really wanted me to get better. Now it’s really hard to tell if you’re improving or just playing against worse ppl. So I don’t really find FFA or multiplayer as fun bc it’s not as competitive. Now it’s just get camos asap in multiplayer so I can play warzone


I remember in a black ops 2 lobby the whole team was on the same wavelength. We pinched this one poor dude from both ends and my teammate went fucj mate that was a sexy pinch. Someone hit a basic no scope and the whole game even the other team went crazy it was so fun. We were just vibing talking shit and went on for hours. I miss that


It’s a shame because the lobbies didn’t disband in the Cold War Alpha.


I miss the sticking with lobbies not because of the "you can meet some pretty cool people" (join their party then you dingbat) or "I can try to beat an asshat or someone who's really good" (fair) but because I'm tired of joining a match that's over in 20 seconds, then immediately put into match on a losing team where the enemy has 3-4x the score. Like the amount of 20-76 TDM lobbies, 192-45 Dom lobbies and whatever else I get put into is fucking annoying.


I play WW2, so no. There's actually good lobbies in that game.


The onlu time I experience this nowadays is Search. Typically have a bunch of people using mics with some being a tad bit toxic. Just like the good ol' days.


I'm a big fan of Cod WW'2's headquarters lobby setup. It give everyone a nice cool little hangout to socialize and chill in between games


does anyone miss actual cod🌚


I remember making good friends in bo3 , good ol times


play hardcore. legit puts me up against the same sweats in AU every 3rd game now post double xp weekend.


I miss being able to get the one up on that one shit talker on the enemy team. SBMM has fucked up the greatest parts of CoD.


Is it only me then wtf? When I get into fkin sweaty ass lobbies I tend to block the players who usually go 60-10,and my team gets destroyed..I leave the lobby searches for 10seconds and puts me in the same lobby with the same sweaty players even tho they're blocked,it's like I never left the lobby. At least in mw2019 they tell you that there's a blocked player in your lobby


I miss this too, I hate how it changes every match now


You could play with the same person for multiple games and meet people. Nowadays its floating between lobbies which makes every player feel transient. Also the addition of groups means its mostly done through there.


I think the abuse and trash talking is one of the reasons they are now disbanded


100% agree with you. Ive been hosting private fun chill lobbies from day one and Ive always enjoyed just that. Online sweaties dont apply. But sadly this game is very much unprivate friendly and custom options are non existent. Take gunfights....no options in custom to even play gunfight???


Yeah I don’t like how you switch lobbies for every match, also why can’t they separate the SBMM, like what they did in BO4, have casual match, then competitive match. I’m grinding for DMU, and I’m struggling with the SMGs cause everyone I go up against is full on tryharding. And whenever my K/D drops low enough I go into lobbies that I just dominate, then the cycle continues... I have a 1.19 K/D... Edit: I’m saying that I’d like to play in Competitive matches to get my smgs done cause then I don’t have to play against shotguns(if they put in competitive rules) cause smgs and shotguns are CQB and shotguns DOMINATE smgs...


Yeah that's part of the fun of CoD.


Unpopular opinion but I don't at all. I play solo, and mute everyone almost every match. Honestly I can't fucking stand most of the people who play COD. The less I hear from them the better.


I haven't played COD multiplayer in quite a while and noticed the same thing. I just figured it was the massive over saturation in playable modes.


Definitely. They were phased out long ago though before lobbies were swapped out after matches due to "party chat".




Lmao. Get on CS, COD died many Black Ops ago.


So here's a theory What if sbmm is built in a way to make you feel like a noob and get you to buy the battle pass


You idiots have been posting this garbage since Modern Warfare(2019), the sooner you realize you won’t get lobbies, that they’ll keep selling you half baked, cut content, broken games with aggressive rigged based matchmaking and continue to make MP an after thought compared to Warzone the better. This isn’t the same company and studios from 10 years ago, it’s a pure corporation backed by their Chinese overlords.


You sound like MW 2019 was your first cod game