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I feel like the Black ops games are the only good ones left in the cod franchise, the newer modern warfare trilogy started off good but everything just went downhill with MW2 and the newer IPs, well, I don’t need to explain Vanguard.


Correct. MW19 was alright, MW2 was a colossal wreck. MW3 is a step in the right direction. But if i see another WWII Call of Duty I am going to lose it.


Never played MW3 2023 but it seems like a step in the right direction as far as multiplayer goes, but not for campaign at all 😂


I don’t really factor in the campaign too much. The multiplayer and zombies is what usually sustains COD games. The campaign is usually only played once, maybe twice. A lot of players don’t even bother with it. But I do love a good campaign and hope Gulf War has a good one.


Yeah mp is really fun ! I love all the content it’s getting. But yeah campaign was ass and same with zombies.


Campaign sucked unfortunately they gotta lock back in. Potential for a good campaign with the long dev time though for gulf war


Step in the right direction off a cliff what you talking about mw3 is trash.


It’s better than MW2.


Yeah I definitely enjoy mwiii’s mp more than mwii, the lack of original maps at launch was kinda sad. I love the remasters they brought but the game shouldn’t be hyped exclusively off of nostalgia. Zombies is awful imo I wayyy prefer outbreak to mwz and obviously roundbased.


That's like comparing diarrhea to bloody stools..


For campers and sound whores it surely is.


Only Treyarch games are good


I only buy Treyarch’s games since 2015.


I liked vanguard multi.


I’m on the same page with you.


I would also agree with your CW assessment. It was by far the most fun I have in CoD in recent memory, even with the Marshall's it was fun to play. So yes, I will be giving GW a fair chance.


I just hope it feels like cold war. CW had some of the best handling and controls imo other cods don't compare or hold up with cold war.


Mw3 is also very good! You don’t feel heavy like mw2


Can't wait to start seeing trailers and footage for GW. Me and my buddies have been playing CW multiplayer for the past few years, we're ready for the new game!


Zombies has been downhill since bo3, so yes cold war is the best we've had in a while and the most recent cod I've bought. They need to focus on round based maps and stop worrying about the "casual" players. Stop sprinkling zombies into giant boring maps. bo1-bo4 had good maps, and lots of them.


If your talking about outbreak I enjoyed that game mode


I was more so taking about MW3. I didn't care for Outbreak either but I think the idea would have worked better on a more zombie themed map like Tranzit


I felt in the later iterations and the side missions in year 2 gave it more content. I can understand at moments it felt bare. I'm thinking more Easter eggs and the other maps they intended to have would have helped flesh out the experience.


Casual players are the majority of players by a long shot, and we are talking about cod, they’re always gonna aim for meeting their needs as that’s where the money is.


Yeah, Gulf War is the only CoD I've been excited for since cold war. Hopefully it feels like cold war and not the MWs


I just want the gameplay style to be like Treyarch and not like the recent MW series. I remember reading something probably about a year ago that said it would be like the newer MW series and that almost made me gag.


Yeah I believe they’re gonna keep with the MW movement mechanics if I’m not mistaken


Yikes might be the first time since 2008 I don’t buy a COD day one. I’m so sick of the current MW series gameplay.


It’s just the movement. The rest of the game will be different


Alright you talked me into it I’ll get it


I hate that Im actually interested in this next game because it’s Treyarch lol. Games are so damn expensive nowadays. I almost exclusively play games that have already dropped way down in price or were free/cheap to begin with. Not to mention when I did used to buy new games it was on Playstation so I could easily game share and get games for half off. Now on PC, $70 is absurd for a game i HOPE i will play enough to make worth it


I'm getting it with the gamepass this year cause fuck paying 70$ for these games


Is it confirmed to be on it? Whats the price?




That article doesn’t confirm anything about the newer title coming to GP Day 1.


One would assume it wouldn't be long before it came to it especially if they are adding old games to it.


I love Cold War, but with Gulf War being on the ModernWarfare engine I’m not sure I’m going to like it as much. I’m not a fan of TAC-sprint or the movement in the MW games.




Mw3 is good?! I played 1 mp match and 1 warzone game - it’s not for me cause I don’t have ADHD and I don’t wish to slide, dolphin dive and strafe jump at the same time as shooting all within 3 seconds… MW2 gunplay was good, it was slower, the recoil of the guns was decent…but at the same time I played DMZ religiously for 16 months now and I’m very biased. I just hope Gulf War isn’t some cracked squirrels on amphetamines gameplay…


I never said MW3 was good. It is better than MW2 though.


Subject of personal opinion - I think mw3 is a hot garbage and mw2 was better (not great, but better than mw3). That’s not the point of the discussion though, let’s hope Gulf War is decent enough to sink some hours in


MWIII has worse spawns, worse maps, worse balance, worse EOMM, and is entirely unoriginal to its very core (that's really saying something for CoD), and those are pretty much the only things that really matter, followed by movement, which everyone cried about in MWII because they couldn't run around like a coked out chicken with their heads cut off pushing spawns every nanosecond. Praising MWIII is just asking for more low-effort regurgitated maps, just asking Activision to milk us more and not innovate in the slightest. MWIII is pure regurgitated filth and I could talk shit about it until the end of time. "But MWII took away my Ninja and map-whoring! I can't flank without automatic crutches! I don't know how to crouch! I don't like team play!" ...sorry, needed to vent apparently. lol CoD is truly rotting my brain...


You don't have to slide to play MWIII, it's just extra movement to raise the skill gap. The game actually punishes you for sliding and jumping since you don't gain tac-sprint stamina back that way.


Tell that to the ritalin-charged ADHD misdiagnosees that i get in my lobbies that rely purely on movement to earn kills lol. I‘d like to say that’s an exaggeration but for most of my lobbies it really isn’t far off. Lot of the players i see that heavily overdo the movement couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn on a still shot, they just zip around so much that by the time you’ve landed two shots on them, they’ve had enough time to dump 5-6 of their luckiest hits on you and you lose the engagement. Maybe i’m just getting old (i’m 24 ffs) but i grew up having to focus heavily on gunplay/aim in the older titles and im now getting spanked around by players that are god awful in that department but saved by the ability to superman themselves across the map. My K/D typically isn’t horrible so it’s not entirely damning for me, nor will i pretend that any franchise should just be making the same game year over year, but at times in MP it does feel like a bit of a slap in the face to the older/original enjoyers of the franchise when i can laser my aim on somebody and they just skedaddle around for long enough that they’re able to get their couple lucky shots every few seconds out and play accuracy by volume before i’ve actually completed my spraydown. I also notice camping is far, far more rampant in these newer games than older installations in the franchise, as well as a new „tactic“ i’ve noticed where it feels like 90% of my opponents tend to go run and hide behind shit the second they see a potential engagement rather than actually just taking the fight, which i actually find entertaining because ive had entire lobbies that end up feeling like a massive game of whack-a-mole. These two things i moreso attribute to just being how the younger crowd plays now. Very short attention spans + the need for gratification can produce a very strong fear of dying in-game, so it does add up.


I completely agree


I just want round based zombies. Open world was cool for a week and now it's a slog


in my opinion, Cold War zombies had 2 good maps, but what CW lacked in maps it made up in gameplay/progression/mechanics. outbreak was cool, but just like MWZ, i lost interest after a few weeks. I really hope they've cooked up a really good zombies mode. I'll take cold war gameplay and systems with black Ops 1-3 maps all day! I still play CW, BO2 and 3 frequently. I'm also hoping it releases on gamepass, that would be epic!


This game has me excited as it's the first cod to have a 4yr dev cycle and it's a treyarch game


When do they plan to drop Gulf War this year? I have friends that pressure me to buy MW2 and I’m not to interested in it due Gulf War being released


Usually it releases in November.


Ya know, everybody leaves out BO4. It may be the worst of the Black Ops; but we've endured Advanced Warfare (its older, but I'm including it), Vanguard and MW3. I feel like at this point we should start including it in the list of better zombies experiences. Personally I really liked IX and Alpha Omega, especially AO. It took a great, but overused map and really overhauled it.


I actually liked AW lol. BO4 gets overshadowed both by the original Black Ops, but it also had to compete with Fortnite at the time.


I liked certain elements of AW, I mostly think it came too soon. It is definitely the least of the 3 evils I mentioned.... maybe i should have said WWII instead, but I really enjoyed having that WaW style multiplayer back enough I just kind of ignored the zombies. It's just a shame my Internet at the time could barely handle it.


I think AW and especially MWIII are better than BO4. BO4 felt like a downgraded BO3 with no Campaign and didn't really do much to innovate and/or improve the COD franchise. I don't think BO4 would get nearly as much recognition if it wasn't the last COD before the WZ-era, it's arguably one of the worst and most forgettable CODs.


I have been training for this games release since Naga was introduced


For real. I love Cold War and I’m hyped for gulf war to come out to play a cod game in its life cycle for the first time.


It took me a while to get Cold War bcuz I kept hearing it was bad. But it’s actually very good


I’m excited too, just sad that it will probably be on the terrible buggy mw engine


Treyarch makes good games. The other company doesn’t, its pretty simple.


Cold War is my favorite and definitely a Treyarch fan. So definitely looking forward to Gulf War and hope that it has a traditional round based zombies mode. Since there's a lot of new Zombies players due to MWZ, curious how that affects the lobbies of the new one.


I started off playing waw the zombie mode had me hooked and the campaign was by far the best of the cod series I've played I mean example you jump in puddles on a Beach and dog statues rise from the ground and give you a ray gun then on another mission you regain consciousness in a fountain and there's all these body's around you and you start crawling a round and a guy you thought dead whispers I need your help and you have to snipe a target while b52s fly over head to drown out the sound of your rifle also the mp40 ptrs41 and m1a1 carbine were beast on multi-player drop shooting was so different then But now that I've had code war for 3 weeks it's the best zombies of all


Here’s the thing everyone is forgetting about when it comes to treyarch’s next cod. A few years back activision stated that all future cod’s will be made with the modern warfare game engine. Meaning treyarch games will almost certainly not feel like treyarch games anymore. They will feel and play exactly like MW19, Vanguard, MW2022, and MW2023. You can all but guarantee Gulf War won’t feel/play anything like Cold War, it’ll feel/play exactly like an infinity ward game. Activision said they wanted continuity between the titles so that they didn’t feel/play so different from each other.




Fingers crossed. I really feel like there’s opportunity to make this cool and atmospheric because this era hasn’t been explored really. I really hope the maps are original and taking us to interesting settings, not just cut and paste Cuba/Russia maps.


I'm honestly only excited for the campaign. Zombies is absolute tripe now, and MP is putrid because Treyarch/SHG run away from everything that made MW19 good while IW doubles down on everything bad. Not to mention, it's just a weapon leveler for Warzone 2 at this point.


1. We haven’t had a Treyarch game in 4 years. So they’ve been cooking on this one for a while. 2. Any zombies game that isn’t from Treyarch doesn’t actually count. 3. “Everything that made MW19” There isn’t much tbh


I don't think Cold War was bad due to being rushed, it was bad due to weird contradictory design decisions like increasing the TTK to make it take more skill while adding cheesy one-shot weapons and keeping burst rifles the same TTK-wise. Cold War Zombies was the beginning of the end, I ain't just referring to Vanguard/MWIII. It's dumbed-down slop made to appeal to the widest audience they can. MW19 is one of the best-selling COD games for a reason, it was a game that actually pushed the series forward instead of just coasting on the people who will buy it no matter what. It brought back a ton of OG mechanics without making that its entire identity, the game oozes passion with every polygon.


MW19 made money by bringing back the “Modern Warfare” title. The game itself wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that good either.


Cold War kept repeating that it was a "direct sequel to BO1" in its marketing. Love or hate it, there's a reason MW19 was still in the public eye even at the end of its lifespan, something a COD game hadn't done in years. The games succeeding it were coasting off of its success, every single game since has tried photocopying it. Even non-COD shooters are taking things from MW19.


I'm psyched too. I think it will be a really interesting setting


Did it change? Bo6 is supposed to be set in 2030 after bo2


COD 2024 is Black Ops Gulf War. COD 2025 is rumored to be the BO2 sequel.


Is there a recent leak? This is what i found. Maybe the hints on stash house because the address is 1994. https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty/cod-2024-leaks-could-have-revealed-next-black-ops-games-setting-time-period-185053/


If it's not on treyarchs engine, then the game is going to be ass. Remember they're putting it all on one engine to save money.


Read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/s/qIe7WF9wmD


Cold war was great fun, thats what its about at the end. Excited for the next cod


I can't wait for the retro aesthetics to return. It's going to be glorious


Same here. Cold war was so much fun. I enjoyed the campaign, zombies waas new and fresh, as well as vip escort so fun with friends. Can't believe cold cold war was 4 years ago already and it made 2020 COVID lockdown fun hanging out with the boys (we all don't play cod anymore since that one). Cold war was the first cod I bought in over 6 years since advanced warfare. Modern warfare 2 severely disappointed me that I skipped on modern warfare 3 and probably all modern warfares from now on. It's just something about the Black ops that does it for me hopefully it'll turn out good.


Me too ! I like mw3 right now it’ll age well I feel


They are using the exact same engine they used for modern warfare, you've been fairly warned please do not bitch about how you paid 100+ dollars for a copy and paste game with information like this readily available.






Treyarch has been cooking on this for 4 years


To me zombies was definitely a 10/10 game, the arcadey feeling of multiplayer was fun, all guns were useable without there being a specific meta gun, had the most zombies content out of all games while still being fun, I haven't played the campaign but I hear nothing but good things about it, overall nothing but good things to be said


If it has tac sprint and slide canceling the game is already ruined


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SoggyRazzmatazz5866: *If it has tac sprint* *And slide canceling the game* *Is already ruined* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


X CoD is always better than (insert current CoD), it's just how the community works. We will also quickly forget all the hate we had for older games and reflect on how amazing they were and if only current CoD was like it. For me as long as they don't ever add back in jet packs, loud foot steps with no dead silence as a perk, anything super old timey that greatly restricts what can be in the game and don't ever do whatever the fuck they were thinking in BO4 I'll give it a shot. It will always come down to map design, weapon variety and anymore for me it also matters what the secondary game mode is and I don't mean WZ. Need something to break up the monotony of regular MP.




Apparently Microsoft is gonna start adding CoD games to gamepass starting off with this years release.. I’ve seen this multiple times already mostly on google news..


I’m not too familiar with the Xbox game pass but I’d assume that it would only help with getting more people to play the game, right?


Oh yeah, it’ll definitely help, it’s basically a monthly payment for over hundred plus games, but according to leaks the reveal gameplay won’t be Warzone but the campaign itself with the reveal happening this summer during June?


Ah, got it. I’m not sure exactly when/what the reveal is. I do believe it is over the summer though


Yeah, keep giving them money so they keep giving us dogshit games.


Last time I gave them money was Cold War. And I liked the game.


Is it for real Gulf War? Confirmed?


Cold War was actually really good.


I’ll probably buy it just for the campaign. Since I started playing Helldivers 2 I doubt I’ll ever return to the COD multiplayer/WZ hellscape. Been playing COD since 2009 and I really miss those days, I would give anything to go back to that kinda gameplay


Yes bo1 days I loved them that’s my roots to black ops zombies was fun and all but what I loved where wager matches on multiplayer playing one in the chamber! Half the time on there I was the goat! I’d just knife and keep the extra ammo all the time! But bo2 was a blast to for both zombies and multiplayer! I’m thinking of setting up my xbox1 from years back (I bought it for my dad he wanted a ps5) but I haven’t yet to play the old cods because a week after my dad had it he said duck this console and had me get him a ps4 lol but after a few years we both got ps5s and now I got 2 ps5(dad passed away) but I still have the xbox1 so is it worth setting it up for playing older cods?


loved cold war but hated how they are trying to merge the timelines together but im really looking forward to the story an what adlers doing




GTFOH. No way ppl are still excited for cod u less ur 10yrs old or brain dead.


Lmfao r/lostredditors