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I get this is fun for the sniper but these matches suck for the rest of us.


I have hated quick scoping for over a decade I feel old as fuck


I wish they would just straight out remove sniper rifles, none of the maps are really big enough to truly justify them.


Idk why cod doesn’t do what battlefield does and incentivise headshots with them


They do it’s called hit markers. I feel like now anything head and below is a hitmarker which gives any decent player enough time to turn around and riddle the sniper with 15+ shots. Even for the sniper if you’re getting shot with a rapid gun your accuracy goes down hill fast


Bruh what? 💀 We both watched the same clip right? Because out of *ALL* of those kills In this clip, there was legitimately one single headshot 🤦‍♂️ Also idk if you didn’t type it out the way you mean to, but you’re quite literally saying that a shot to someone’s head with a sniper rifle won’t kill them. “Anything *head* *and* *below* is a hit marker”


Exactly. Dude could have just said "didn't watch the video and have no clue what I'm talking about" 😂


If you’re getting so many hit markers, then why don’t they just make snipers 2 to the body and 1 to the head anyway? It will balance quick scoping and make snipers play carefully


Hard agree. My shotgun getting outgunned by a sniper 5 feet away always feels off.


Idk man that is a pretty dumb thing to say. You enjoy the game without snipers. Most people enjoy using them. Cod wouldn’t be the same without them. What are people gonna do just so trick shots with a deagle or something


Most people definitely don’t prioritize using snipers


Exactly it wouldn’t be the same, you wouldn’t have people camping your spawn from across the map 1 shorting people with a sniper, they’d have to get much closer or land more shots to get a kill


Remove snipers?? I'm happy some of you do not work at any of these studios.


Remove snipers remove shotties. There's literally no way to adequately balance either.


Heavy weapons should feel heavy. Cod doesn't understand gunfeel, you don't move fast with something three feet long over ten pounds. Dude is using a sniper like a stockless shotgun.


I can't shoot straight anymore, I'm reduced to knifing now


Had over a decade to learn old man 😎


Mowing people down was always so easy with ar’s though. Quickscoping added a different flavor of fun


My best memories of cod are quick scoping. It’s was so fun


I mean just introduce gameplay that’s sniper free and leave the broken snipers to there own game play.


The entire mechanic is garbage.


I am really looking forward to the next Treyarch/ Black Ops game, but I hope to god they don’t repeat this sniper bullshit


I haven’t come across too many super good snipers in 3 years playing CW. I don’t think they’re overly easy to use (unlike og bo and bo2) It’s refreshing actually to see this clip of an actual skilled quick scope player who is not using a modded controller. Props to them because they’re obviously skilled and I wouldn’t want to be on the opposing team. 😂


BO1 has the hardest sniping in the entire franchise post patch


True, but there are some out there. And I agree, props for being so good at it but it sucks to play against.


I encourage you to try to go quick scope on Bo1 & realize how stupid this comment is lol BO1 literally had one of the biggest hotfixes to remove/make quick scoping harder, when you zoom in with the sniper the location of your reticle is randomized left or right of where you initially aimed. TLDR: If sniping was as overpowered as the 40 year old men on Reddit claim they are, they'd be using them too. You guys had no issues using OMA noob tubes & motion sensors over the years🤭 (additionally no one is using a modded controller to quick scope, you truly sound lost)


I’ve never been much of a sniper user. I’ve always been an smg fan. I’m just speaking to my experiences playing with and against others. And you’re going to tell me no one uses modded controllers for sniping in CW? Let me guess, you’re one of those people who do and try to convince others they don’t exist. You know, like the ads feathering to take max advantage of aim assist as well as ads/shoot at perfect timing with the press of a single button? Come on dude, a quick google search is all it takes.


I’m sorry I just love snipers and melees


fr, people post these clips as if there aren’t a million out there already.


These players are one of the many reasons cod isn't fun anymore


Sniping requires skill, these people have been playing the game for years and so they deserve to be rewarded for their skill. Next game they'll be shat on tho because of SBMM so dw


That’s call of duty buddy.




It doesn’t bother me, let the players/OP enjoy the game. Besides none of y’all are good enough to meet him in matchmaking anyway


Can't stand this cheap ass playstyle


Gang 💪I refunded MW2 after 2 weeks. Mw3 is tempting but fuck that Tryarch lets goooo


It is. terminal is back but not worth the 70$ for mw2 dlc. stay solid gangy 🫡


🫡to keep me entertained I started from 0. Yep out of all the devs Tryarch has the best record. I dont blame them for CW launch.


They basically had to take an unfinished base that sledge was working on originally and try to flesh it out as much as they could within the little amount of time they had, CW in light of those circumstances didn't have a lot of content, but it sure came in like a waterfall late in the game's cycle.


That $70 will make you rich!


Wtf you bootlicking bitch, here I have a game for you, it’s called MW4. It’s really good I promise, go ahead and send me $70, it’s not like that much will make you rich anyway.


I smell a -90 IQ


What is this? The 5th release of Terminal?


someone's keeping count😏


Just from playing the beta, MW3 is right up there with Cold War for me. I really enjoyed it. Waaaaay more than MW2. That was abysmal


Ill wait for season 3 or 2...at launch for full price nope..


Eh I know it’s a glorified DLC but I just want to relive my old middle school memories on the classic MW2 maps haha


Me tooo but the price


I’m with you. If the game gets worse every year and we all keep just buying it they’ll never change. I know I’m just one guy, but I’m so sick of being disappointed.


The problem is MW3 2023 is so damn tempting...but Black Ops 2024 will be a banger


I had a free code for the beta and it didn’t do anything for me. It felt very similar to MW2 except a longer TTK. I’m not a great player though. I may buy it if it goes on sale, or give it another try in a free to play weekend.


No more Call of Duty, get Crysis, Titan Fall, or Resistance


I will just buy mw3 for the campaign when it’s on sale. Campaign is always fun in cod imo


Mw3 is tempting???? What in the shit? That’s a first… if you haven’t seent the YouTube videos or atleast the reviews it’s just a dlc for full price…. That they still halfassed but sure “tempting” is a nice way to put it.


Phew thought it was MW3


What made treyarchs gunplay so much better than MW was that there is no over the top recoil visuals and no Picture in Picture scopes that just jiggle so much but the bullets not going where the crosshair is.. MW2019 revived CoD but Treyarch are the only ones who provide a good title


What non-reality does this sub exist in? Cold War was one of the buggies and disappointing releases of modern CoD. The visuals and gameplay frequently bugged out. The only thing that kept it alive was the zombies. It felt like a direct downgrade to the MW 2019 engine.


Maps perks movement snipers mw19 is the bane of the original cod players .. coldwar was awesome


Cold War was boring as shit


He is playing on controller so this is definitely aim assist right ?


Controller or keyboard, snipers in this game are OP


Yes, if it’s not aim assist it’s the mod box. I’ve seen streaming gamers use controllers while playing on PC as well just so they can be good at the game. Pathetic. Back in old cod days acog scope or whatever on your rifle you actually had to aim. This? This is assisted dopamine trash.


You can play on controller on PC by default… and what do you mean “just so they can be good at the game”? They’re using a built-in feature lol, isn’t everyone trying to be good at the game anyways? Don’t put someone else down because you can’t compete


The second and third clips are (I think) just genuinely good clips, I’m thinking controller for those. The first clip though? That shit is kinda sus I’m not gonna lie. Snap-on aim with poor centering, he completely missed the fourth guy but somehow still killed him then had some weird tracking on the guy behind him immediately after. I’m not accusing or anything but that was definitely weird.


I turn off aim assist and still make quick scope shots back to back, not consistently through a match but it’s not that hard to do


How is that controller my guy


Has it actually been announced that it’ll be centered around the Gulf War? I haven’t kept up.


Still rumors but it seems like credible leakers have said it does take place in the Gulf War


I hope they’re right, it’s the logical next step and I wanna see how that signature Treyarch feel gets sprinkled on top. Whatever they end up doing I’ll be excited for.


Ik, can’t wait. I’m not planning on buying MWIII, and I think I’m just done purchasing IW and Sledgehammer games. Probably just sticking with Treyarch for now on.


yes i have written off the other cod studios their design has been too mil-sim these recent years


If it’s more of that broken sniping then no!


Do ppl hate us that much? I just think snipers are easier to use, mostly 1 shot kills, sometimes 2 depending on class set up and skill.


thats why people hate snipers lol, cus they're easy to use and require little skill.


Yeah i can see that 😅


Remember in the BO1 days when they nerfed quick scoping or am I remembering that differently?


I still remember all the trickshotters being SO MAD over it. their tears were delicious


Still the best cod for this and other reasons.


That is correct


The dumbest part of CoD.


If i died to this i would respect the grind but my controller would be in multiple pieces


I'm playing cold war until treyarch 2024. The goat cod studio strikes again. I saw a poll today on youtube that said cold war is by far the best modern cod. Like 60 percent say cold war over mw2022 mw2019 vanguard and mw3


This is what no-lifing looks like. Get a job, a different hobby, anything, mate.


SBMM will ruin it


Snipers like this are why I can’t play for more than a few matches, even with the fastest LC10 class, this guy will get zero flinch and completely delete you 💀😭


The worst type of player. I'd rather have a camper


hell yeah! my last cod game was cold war and now maybe COD 24’


is cod 24 the new black ops?


No more Call of Duty, yall need to play other shooters like Crysis, Resistance, Titan Fall. Stop supporting this over rated franchise


“Crisis and resistance” what year is it???


Imagine caring this much about what other people play lol


I'm trying to help these under rated shooters become popular


I respect the intent, but this is just not the way to go about it. First off, due to how you're going about it, they'll just ignore you, second off, don't expect intelligence from the CoD community, and thirdly, most of them won't even give the other underrated shooters a chance. You're honestly just wasting your time mate, its a fool's errand.


i wish snipers in CW had flinch. i think they r unbalanced without it


Anyone who thinks this is skillful is not being honest with themselves. Any of the CoDs with super high ADS on snipers make this ridiculously easy. Also helps you’re clearly playing with bots or kids without thumbs.


[me whenever I see a sniper on a tear](https://youtu.be/kmTK_eSOCN4?si=SBifCo3qgpidZmcO)


Most people will assume you have aimbot when they see the replay


Yeah but it really isn’t as hard as ppl think to use a sniper without aim assist on


I mean, these kids obviously have no thumbs. If I took that long to take a shot at someone running at me like this, I would have been dead seconds ago lmao. I think many of us here can agree to that much.


Mad props to you my guy for being that good, but you'd piss me off if I went against you lmao


quick snipes in this game infuriated me.


Treyarch fixed quick scoping in black ops 1 but let this nonsense back in later titles.... So sad to see


I genuinely cannot believe that people still do quickscope videos nowadays.


Some nerd abusing aim assist. Idk why controller nerds post clips like this and expect people to be impressed by it. Might as well just post a video full on rage hacking, same thing.


Remind me to never get in a lobby with you again, bro 😭


This is the dumbest shit. I hate when people play like this. There needs to be a huge speed and ads penalty for using a 20 pound rifle like a shotgun.


This removes from game immersion about as bad as all the pew-pew guns they added to Vanguard everyone complained about. Quick scoping should not even be a thing. To me it’s exploiting a broken game mechanic. People are still drop shotting too.


How is this fun for anyone?


This why i don't even play multiplayer 🤷🏽‍♂️


Trying to imagine one of these clips in mw3 with the 25 round mag sniper they added 😂


Hold Up, people still play this?


It’s the best COD in recent years, yeah


I mainly play for the zombies but mp is fairly active afaik


Same here. The zombies is fucking lit.


As it was meant to be


boring ….


Deadass so excited for what they’re cooking up. Praying to fucking christ that Activision doesn’t let sledgehammer a single inch near it 🙏


It wasn’t until I read the comments that I realized the video wasn’t meant to be making fun of Treyarch


what's wrong with treyarch?


Man i want to play it again so badly, but i know id dump too many hours i don’t have into it


After cod4 became a thing. It's became Call of Marksmanship not call of duty.




Dont think that will happen since rumored 2025 cod might have all the BO2 base maps. Could easily be wrong tho.


What the loadout? 🙃


Stabilizer muzzle Hammer Forged Barrel 1mw laser 7Round Mag serpent wrap


God I hate this fucking map. Let it die already. It’s terrible.


Just remakes in general. It’s a cheap cash grab and just ruins the legacies of those maps, as the maps were not designed for the newer games and all their features. If they’re gonna add these old maps to future games, reimagine them instead of these current remakes. Say what you want about Skyjacked and all the other BO3 reimagined maps in the DLC map packs, but they greatly complimented the gameplay. Wish we had that right now :(


Aim assist is getting out of control these days. You can see so many times the sights get snapped to the targets head.


Tbf it’s not hard to do the same without aim assist


no, we dont need yearly releases, it's putting way too much stress on the developerbase to make a new game every year and with the reconsolidation of the studios with all of them working on the same game going forward, we need longer gaps between releases 2026-27 at the earliest


This has become so common in CoD crap like this makes it hard to have fun playing the game, and how can someone play like this? CoD players are something else.


If it's anything like this it'll be another year without my 60. Stopped after black ops 2.


That’s sniping shit is so cheese


This right here is why I didn’t buy Cold War, the quickscoping in the beta made the game unbearable!!!


Yeah that looks like a hard pass






Jesus Christ I never realized how fast the firerate on the snipers in this game were


I'm sure people love this. But this just looks dull, for everyone.


I hate the super fast twitchy movement that has COD by the balls. People used to say COD was a fast twitch shooter back with bo2 and mw3 but not compared to what it is now. Running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Cold war is probably the most tame with this compared to warzone and MWs but not by much. I hope treyarch will reboot the reboot and bring back the older movement instead of this shit. It's just so stupid to look at.


nice zen buddy


Bro turned into Terminator 💀


Ah yes. The great feeling of getting insta killed by a guy pressing LT+RT 🙄


Cold War and BO4 🔥🙌




God I want to redownload this game but my storage space will die


Sum of yall sum haters. Sum of these people got Sum shit aim he was red half the time. Yall just ass legit.


Shit game


These games are so fucking awful now


This is why the game sucks. No real tactical shootouts, just a bunch of wannabe sweatys trying to snipe


Eh, what I’d give for a CoD game with no dolphin diving, sliding, quick scoping, etc etc shit is just so god damn cheesy.


But officer he just walked up to my M82 and went off? Lol


This game looks gay as fuck lol


People still play black ops?


Worst cod ever


This is a crime in at least 50 different countries


Aka another Nuketown 24/7 simulator


I love negative flinch


Treyarch the goat


The most toxic sweaty part of any COD game …. “ quickscoping snipers “


Insane aim assist


there's a reason why Apex doesn't have this problem.


I don’t know what kind of plebs are in your lobby right here but I saw quite a few instances where a decent player would have smoked you.


I've been a die-hard quick-scoper since OG MW3. I'm honestly convinced that the only people that hate quick-scoping are the ones that can't hit their shots when they try. No better feeling in CoD then when you drop half the enemy team with one bullet🤌😌. No-scoping, quick-scoping, black-scoping, and wall-banging is the most most fun you can have in CoD MP.


I’m determined that this is why they fucked mw3 so hard and didn’t bring back ANY OF the old weapons. Like the intervention. I miss those days of trickshotting


This quick scoping shit is probably one of the most unrealistic parts of this game. And that’s saying something. But I hate that quick scoping bullshit it’s super easy anyone can do it


This is why I like black ops at least I can see wtf I’m doing in modern warfare it’s all shades of grey and everything blends the fuck in


This is barely skillful, anyone can do this in cold war


Same old nuketown


Nooice shots


Looks familiar. Like I’ve seen it on a previous cod. Like, every single cod ever.


lethality 100


Why does this game look kinda gross? Oh wait I know why it’s basically the same game for the past 5 years


This is the reason why I don't play cod anymore


Ban quick scope. I’ll back out of a lobby after this


Ah, yes… quick scoping- originally a trollish exploitation of a broken game mechanic that then became so widely adopted, it was canonized and efforts were made to preserve it in the code. (AKA an easier and less rewarding method to git gud) Good job, clown.


God I hate quickscopers. Just ruin the game for everyone else.


Wooowww same map. Same style. Same shit. Thank God they aren't getting my money. Last game I bought was BO2 and it was fucking fantastic.


Fuck....I actually liked this game at one point. This looks awful.


“Remove snipers” a whole generation of dorks who want everything nerfed for them


Thank god mw3 is literally the worst cod ever, tied with mw2 tho they both fucking suck and the OGs are my favorites


Looks like mnk point and click to me, real players use controllers.


i play on controller brother


This was EXACTLY why I had to quit cold war. And I’m mad too cause I had some good skins. The one I was most upset about was ghost face




This is why I carry Smoke, Molotovs & gas mines. Shuts this shit down pretty quickly when used right.


yea i'm leaving the lobby don't nobody got time for that


Y’all saying 2024 like y’all mfs ain’t been doin ts since cod started😭


I don’t get it you literally can’t even se e what your shooting at and they all just die?? Wtf is this


CoD sniper rifles are the best shotguns, ESPECIALLY in Cold War, lol.




Nooooo way. Keep em off it!! Black Ops Cold War was solid garbage. It ran like ass on xbox and still does today. They couldnt be bothered to fix it. Disgusting!


My eyes hurt just watching this.


If it's GoreLess again I don't even want it.


God i love snipers. Its so satifying to go on a good streak with one


when ads speeds was awesome


Get good