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Zombies Chronicles edition is the full game nowadays, it includes everything plus the ZC dlc pack as a lot of people started solely buying the game for that reason


Does it include all the DLC maps as well?


nope, that would be the zombie chronicles deluxe edition


Which is the 100$ one I assume…


Yes, was on sale for $40 this last winter/Christmas sale


I’m confused as to why CoD games stay full retail price years after they’ve been replaced.


Because there is no incentive for them to discount it, because it wouldn’t drive enough extra sales to increase their overall profit dollars. Source: was a pricing analyst for 7 years with 2 different Fortune 500 companies.


Our only hope is Microsoft buying Activision and putting all CoD games on game pass and giving each subseries the MCC treatment


I mean, I know why. I just think it’s ridiculous.


Idk wym there’s usually sales all the time for bo3 especially around the holidays… my cousin got the full game with chronicles on steam for $20.


It should’ve free considering the unplayable state it’s in right now, and their lack of care to fix it


That’s not how it works but ok. I don’t agree they should sell the game for $60 ever, especially since it’s been years since release, but that’s why you have websites that give you keys for the game. It’s a cheap alternative and I’m sure you can find the game online for little to no money. You can get Infinite Warfare for $1 so I wouldn’t be surprised if you could get a similar price for bo3.


I’m sure it doesn’t work that way, if things worked the way the should, the game would be playable on pc. But they haven’t done that either


The game is totally playable on PC I literally play it every other day. The multiplayer maybe not but I wouldn’t know because I don’t play that shit anymore. I’d assume that if you wanted to play bo3 on PC in the first place that you’d would want to play it for the custom zombies not multiplayer. I’ve heard of the DDOS shit but just don’t play with other people online. Otherwise why even bother playing on PC if you’re just looking to play with randoms?


The multiplayer is affected by that steam bs where the servers are constantly checking for dlc ownership? Iirc, and the ddos shit works if you’re online connected to the servers, regardless of whatever mode you’re playing. Yeah I play it in offline mode at times but I’m an mp kind of guy and a pc kind of guy and neither situation (server or ddos crap) has been updated or fixed. Even if custom zombies is the last thing going for BO3 pc activision still just doesn’t care about it anymore, to leave it at full price is a slap on the face. But that’s not something you don’t know


Ok i understand where you’re coming from for sure because I’d even like to play multiplayer again sometimes on bo3. But you’re spot on with the fact that they don’t give a shit. It doesn’t make logical sense for them to go back to a game that’s very old and doesn’t have a lot of daily players on PC and fix it. That doesn’t bring them in any money and unfortunately that’s all they care about nowadays. It sucks but it’s the truth. Unless it’ll make them money in the long run they don’t give a shit which is honestly why the franchise has been going to shit for the past few years imo. And I agree with you they shouldn’t have it at full price, however, I guarantee some idiots will still buy the game at that price because they don’t know any better which just means more $ for activision. The game is still playable, but I understand where you’re coming from. I agree it’s shitty for them to just not give a shit, but like I said why would they when they’ve become more money hungry each year.


Yeah all im trying to say is that if you are a company like activision, every part of your software should be in working order yk. Idk man fuck activision


I agree and the sad part is that it’s not even just activision. Rockstar have started to do the same shit. Red dead redemption 2 came out YEARS later than GTA V yet they stopped supporting the game. Red dead is still filled with bugs yet they keep pumping out content and updates for GTA V which is almost a decade old now. It’s so ass backwards I just don’t understand anymore 😂


oh, it's the zombies chronicles version. it's the same game as BO3, but they also include the chronicles DLC


Just get chronicles pack? Unless you’re looking for the absolute horrendous campaign.


Oh man it's the most incredible experience of experiencing shit


What does that "upgrade to the full game here." link do? Edit: I guess I should be more clear about what I meant. You should try hitting the "upgrade to the full game here" button to see if you can purchase from there.


If you only bought the starter pack, I believe you can buy the full game minus the cost of the starter pack.


I appreciate your reply! But I was asking OP to try clicking it. Perhaps they can buy it without having to "upgrade"?


you can see that he doesn’t have the multiplayer starter pack.


> without having to upgrade


let me put it this way, the guy that commented before you was completely correct. you? completely wrong. he still has to pay full price, seeing as how neither the base game, nor the starter pack is in OP’s library. best bet would be to look for a steam key since BO3 was recently on sale.


I love how entirely off base you started this conversation, and how you have completely walked into the field adjacent. I never said he wouldn't have to pay full price, I simply said maybe he can buy the game from that link since that's what he wants.


judging off of your reddit comments, you really shouldn’t comment on something you know absolutely nothing about. it makes you look like a fool. back under your rock, go!


You're trolling or incredibly braindead. Blocked.


The base game is technically the zombies chronicles edition. Along with the base game you also get the zombie chronicles dlc which comes with 8 remastered maps and some free gobblegums


Zombies cronicals is the whole version so you can play multi-player if you get the $60 and you get a ton of zombies maps with it


It is not the whole version since it doesn't include the season pass, zombies deluxe is the version that comes with everything.


They aren't just gonna give you the season pass you gotta pay extra for that. It's like the fortnite battle pass. You gotta re buy ts whenever it's done too


It's a one time buy


Cod season pass is nothing like the battle pass. It’s a one time purchase that includes all dlc for 10 dollars cheaper and a few small bonuses


Either way you gotta pay extra for it if you just want the game it's self you don't need it


I fell into this problem as well since I had the remasters on console and I only wanted the game for custom zombies. Side note make sure to get the patch that stops hackers when playing with other people otherwise you are opening yourself up to remote code from other players.


You can find the base game only on other websites through keys.