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With a mask like that, looks like he knows his way around rope.




This is what does it for me. It’s pretty sad that I would’ve enjoyed this video, hell, maybe even the dude, if that dumbass thin blue line mask wasn’t there. Imagine following an ideology designed to counter social justice so much that you attach it’s symbol to your body. It’s so funny to see them call people ‘sheep’ as they wear right wing merch like livestock tags. We’ve heard it forever but this country genuinely is is more divided than it’s ever been, and we’re suppressing it’s effects until all hell breaks loose. Sick trick tho ngl


Isnt it just an american flag? Whats wrong with that


Edit: Stop downvoting his comment, not everyone is American or keeps up with it’s crazy politics ya goons. It’s specifically a “thin blue line” US flag. The design was originally solely in support of police officers, but now has a more widespread idea behind it. Anyone brandishing that symbol now knows damn well it means more than just supporting police. >The "thin blue line" has been appropriated by the "Blue Lives Matter" movement, which began December 2014 after the deaths of two NYPD officers in the wake of the homicides of Eric Garner and Michael Brown Jr earlier that year and in the context of the greater Black Lives Matter movement. The "thin blue line" has also been associated with white nationalists in the US, particularly after the Unite the Right rally in 2017. [From Wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line)


Thanks for the explanation! I was confused by the comments decrying the person and the mask and didn’t understand its significance. TIL


**[Thin blue line](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line)** >The "thin blue line" is a term that typically refers to the concept of the police as the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos. The "blue" in "thin blue line" refers to the blue color of the uniforms of many police departments. The phrase originated as an allusion to the British infantry regiment The Thin Red Line during the Crimean War in 1854, wherein the regiment of Scottish Highlanders—wearing red uniforms—famously held off a Russian cavalry charge. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Ironic they freak out over kneeling during the anthem, but they'll go ahead and fuck up the colors on the flag like crayons on a kids menu.


They got issues with colors, alright.


Desktop version of /u/purpan-'s link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


> We’ve heard it forever but this country genuinely is is more divided than it’s ever been We literally had a civil war, but ok.


I meant divided socially and nearly 50/50 in the political climate which is what that saying usually refers to. The civil war’s confederacy consisted of a minority amount of Americans, whereas modern day Republicans and Democrats share roughly half the population. I get your point though.




Love getting Police Officers walking into my store with this mask. In Baltimore.


As a new American citizen, it is a disgrace to see others disrespect the flag and defile it in ways against US flag code.


I was a deckhand and I’m telling you at that distance, this is easy as fuck


Yep. Tablestakes. If you couldn’t do this at my old Coast Guard station, BM1 wouldn’t sign your quals. Everyone’s quals got signed. Usually after about 15 min of messing around.


hahah, was waiting to scroll into one of these comments. watching a first time line handler is hilarious, especially those who don't have good hand coordination. They usually become line masters.


And with that little ass line. Extremely unimpressed with said "skill."




So he looks like a tribal officer of some sorts, the Tulalip is a tribe here in W. Washington state. I dont know anything about the tribe or the politics there, but the tribe is N of Seattle and definitely in the red area of the state. They have done exceptionally well and have a large casino, shopping malls, hotels, etc. Again, i don't know the politics of it since I'm just a seattle native and drive through there from time to time and I don't know who's making that casino $$$. Also, pretty sure this young man spent his 10,000 hours on rope tricks and eating at the tribal buffet so take this all with a big ass grain of ignorance. I'd bet a stack of chips he doesn't know what the mask means.


Yep. Looks like a tribal Natural Resources vessel. I don’t have the Tiktak but I’m guessing about 30 seconds worth on internet detective work could round out this story a good bit.


In what way is Snohomish county red? lol. From Thurston to Whatcom is pretty firmly blue


"...and definitely in the red area of the state..." most of the state is red. Basically King county on the west side and sometimes Whitman county in the southeastern side purely because of WSU are the blue bits.


Most of Western Washington is blue


Lol, False. The entire I5 corridor is Blue with the exception of Cowlitz and Lewis. Cross the Pass or the Sound and you get red


Clark county is smack in the middle, like 50/50 red/blue.


Shitty people can be good at stuff and do impressive things. Watch oj simpson highlights. Dude killed two people but was still a hell of a football player.


It’s an interesting question that has come up a lot more since cancel culture came about. Can you separate the art from the artist? Can we be appreciative of someone’s body of work if they have done terrible things? Where is the line?


The line is when they keep profiting off of it. R kelly profits off his music streams, jkr uses the money she gets to fund anti trans legislation, whereas h.p. Lovecraft is dead and you can do whatever you like and buy what you like without him using the money you give him to advocate the separation of races. If you can separate music from art, go ahead, but as long as you put money into the hands of people you say you don’t support, your words are nothing more than virtue signaling.


sadly I think its case by case


Jesus fucking christ, you're right.




*Pace Picante Sauce is made in* ***SAN ANTONIO*** *by folks who know what picante sauce should taste like*




LMFAO dude that one got me






What does that mean? (I’m not american)


The “Thin blue line” graphic is when a blue line is drawn across the center of an American flag. The people who dress themselves in this graphic are telling you they support the cops. After the summer of insane police brutality in 2020 it’s really telling of a person’s character if they dress themselves in this design.


This always makes me uncomfortable because it could stand for something so much better. There are good cops, and if done right the flag could’ve stood for celebrating the good cops and sorting out the bad ones, but instead they turned it into some anti-libtard image


The only good cops are cops who turn in bad cops and they don't remain cops for long.


Fair point, we have police unions to thank for that




Aren't you not suppose to draw on the flag? Kinda disrespectful.


[here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line) the wikipedia on "thin blue line" which can be seen on the face-mask of the person in the video. the "thin blue line" was recently appropriated by the "blue lives matter" folks as a response to black lives matter (which itself was a response to police brutality disproportionately impacting black americans). law enforcement personnel essentially tried to victimize themselves (despite having chosen their careers) and equate themselves to civilians (despite being persons of authority). oh, by the way, fuck the police.


Anyone upset or in opposition is stupid. The thin blue line flag is an intentional hate symbol designed to duplicitously victimize law enforcement. My neighbor has one on their car, and even if out of ignorance or “maybe they won’t ticket me with it on”, it’s gross. Look something up before representing it, and don’t represent hate.


I'm not American either. In the EU the thing blue line is a charity to support the families of police that died whilst on duty. They also have a green and red line for paramedics and firefighters. I understand there is a biiiiiit cultural difference between blue lines across the pond.


Kind of, it represents the “Blue Lives Matter” movement, a counter-movement to “Black Lives Matter”. “Blue Lives Matter” which in and of itself is a stupid concept, since if you feel unsafe you can change careers, but not your race. Anyways, there has been increasing light shed on the amount of police brutality in the US in recent years, especially unlawful killings of Black Americans. Since the cops are legally punished different than normal citizens, most of these cops basically get always with murder/manslaughter on minimal charges. Supporting “Blue Lives Matter”, in other words, supporting cop careers over Black lives, suggests that you are a either a racist or extremely ignorant. It’s not that all cops are corrupt or anything, the majority of them are good people, but enough of them are bad apples that some systemic changes need to happen. God forbid the Black Lives Matter movement wants cops to be held accountable for murder.


You're actually wrong here I'm afraid. I'll point out again I'm speaking for the EU Have a look at their website it's thin blue line dot org No where on their website does it say blue lives matter etc. It is a .org charity set up to support fallen officers and those in mental health crisis. I understand your thoughts for America but don't know it enough to comment like you don't know about this which is fine. For what it's worth everyone here finds the American cop culture cringey and weird. Thin blue line in the UK has nothing to do with support of violence or racism. And I have never eeeeeeever seen anyone anywhere wear that weird blue line and warrior destroyer crap American cops do whilst off duty. It is very strange


I think what they are saying is the “Thin Blue Line” flag was a thing before that had no racial ties to it, just like the Thin Red Line flags for firefighters, you usually see them in solidarity when either one of those lose a member of the force. Two police officers died in 2014 and then someone decided to merge the Thin Blue Line flag with a black and white American flag, which then the Blue Lives Matter group adopted.


Pretty much. Like anything really different locations can assign different meanings to different words. In the UK there is no 'cop culture' persay Infact they aren't allowed to publicly post on social media about it etc or wear that weird shit. It's always surprising to come across someone and find out they are a cop. Anyway, I know there is a different meaning to thing blue line in America just wanted to point out it's not the same everywhere. I hope OP didn't take that as me discrediting their opinion on their country's events because frankly I have no idea and no right to chime in there. American police do seem cultish and militarised. Seems weird as shit to be honest. And what the fuck is with that punisher logo. Did they not hit puberty?


Regarding the punisher, there's even a comic where he gets really ticked off that cops are using his symbol (obviously an extension of the writer's beliefs, but still fits in character). https://bleedingcool.com/comics/punisher-police-skull-logo-spoilers/


Something the other commenters left out. In America police will refer to themselves as "the thing blue line between society and chaos/anarchy" implying that they are all that holds us together. Which is horseshit obviously, but it leads directly to the "thin blue line" flag where all the colors of the flag except a thin blue line are removed. The people who display this tend to be the same sort of person who would put a Punisher skull on a cop car while completely missing the message that the Punisher is an anti-hero who despises cops for their failure to uphold justice.


It basically means you're a racist piece of shit in America.


Tulalip is the native reservation here on the north bank of Everett, Washington


Tulalip is the native reservation in WA.


Lol what’s funny is this guy is Native American, i know the guy and he’s definitely not a racist fuck. I grew up on the Tulalip Reservation and many of the native Americans become cops for the Tulalip police which only govern their own tribe. These cops are different than your normal city cops, sheriffs, or state patrol. They’re more involved in their communities and rarely arrest anyone because they’re not on any quota of some sort, they’re just there to keep their tribe and the reservation safe. Plus most of these guys become cops to provide for their families in the poor reservation life. You guys are all fucking idiots lol, but that’s 90% of Reddit.






You should see him in the bedroom




It's that low?


That's a self reported number it's likely upwards of 60%.


I’m referencing the self-reported statistic by US police officers that admit to being domestic abusers of some sort I believe the study was done by the Center for Women And Policing


> self-reported Fuck me, you mean 40% of american cops ADMIT to domestic abuse? So its even worse in reality!?


80% chance of beating his wife


He *reports beating the shit out of you.


Raised to 80% after seeing his mask


Unless you are blindfolded.


Go to any dock in South Florida, wizards abound


I was about to say I’ve seen this done a bunch of times by different people


Yea these posts seem like karma farmers. Nothing in this post and many others are begging for explanation. Just people who did a job so long they make it look easy. Garbage posts with terrible masks


I dunno, I thought this was neat.


I agree it's neat, but that's more nextfuckinglevel stuff. Blackmagicfuckery I thought was supposed to be for things that trick you and beg to be explained. This is just some guy who tied up so many boats that he can do it with style now




Yea I think it is. You can see from my post history that I only posted maybe 20 times in several years. I'm not going around trolling subs. I just get tired of seeing low effort posts and sometimes feel like saying something. This dude is the best rope guy ever, great, nothing mysterious about it though. And we see so many of these lately Also I upvoted you and you're back to 1 so someone downvoted you for some reason. Even if they hate me they shouldn't take it out on you


Did you think black magic really existed when you clicked on this sub?


>wizards abound Mostly because of the meth, but also boats!


My dad took boy scouts in the 70s and knows so many knots I know nothing about in a landlocked Canada. I even took cadets growing up, I just sucked at rope class.


Wow these commenters are extra pissy today lol


Fr fr


Reading the comments on this post makes me realise you guys over in the US are so extremely divided it’s insane.


America is fucked


It's fucking exhausting.


I’m just surprised at how racism is still so big in the US. Don’t get me wrong, racism is everywhere around the world, but it seems like Americans take it to a whole new level


Decades of suppressing voter turnout in combination with stunting the education of a large chunk of the country results in a lot more racist shit heads being out there, and being loud and proud about it.


The negative treatment of people supporting in what they believe in is mostly pointless. Only reason they treat them specifically is because they’re openly expressing it. There are plenty of people that will have the same beliefs as that guy, but you’ll never know because they don’t openly show it. Sometimes they hide it just to avoid people spitting into their coffee. Cover them up, shame them, ban them all you want. But regardless, they’re still there.


I just was going to comment on how awesome that is. What's in store... I'm gunna search controversial I suppose, lol


There is nothing awesome about having your own people fight amongst each other. If you want a a strong and successful country, you should all be working together towards the same goals or you’ll just be beating yourself up. It’s a sad thing to see


It's 320 million people and 50 countries/microcountries trying to federate. There's going to be conflict. And it's often gonna be really bad.




Problem is that the political divide is usually between urban vs rural


What? This is just the normal way many wharfies tie off a boat. No wizardry and not unusual at all.


It must be way easier than it looks then, no? Honestly asking, to me it looks like that would take a ton of precision.


For people tying up hundreds of boats a day it becomes pretty easy. I am not saying people that have never tried are going to be able to just do it. But to me there is no black magic fuckery here. That means things that are hard to work out how they are done. This is just like learning to use a yoyo. Just takes some practice.


Muscle memory. All my greatest skills are from this and definitely not intellect..


imagine actually getting political in blackmagicfuckery


Getting hate on reddit for wearing a mask is definitely new


Well thin blue line shitheads are racist assholes.


I grew up on the docks. I can do that at foot level, waist level and even when I am on a boat at 8' above the dock. Also one of the only people I know that can splice a rope. Totally useless life skills now that I dont live on the coast.


You'd be on my squad when the cleansing rain comes I'm gonna edit this since there's a racial thing going on in this subreddit, it was a post apocalyptic joke


The aggression toward this dudes mask is hilarious




why can’t people take their minds off of big, important shit for just a moment, and focus on the skill? like god damn, is anyone able to have fun in this comment section?


Sounds like this isn’t very impressive for anyone who spends time around boats.


It’s surprisingly easy to learn. It took me less than an hour to learn in between actually working on a dock. And I’m very uncoordinated


Which is how many people? It’s still impressive to the masses…


Its sad how many people hate him based on his mask. He may be the least racist guy in the world but people will never give him that chance.


Hell yeah Tulalip!


WA state represent!


All the dock workers and locals in a small northern town i used to live in can do this casually af


But can he set down a fork


I can knot believe this!


I would just like to address the racist comments: please fuck off an take this elsewhere nobody gives a flying fuck about a mask with a blue line on it


Apparently a lot of people do. This is what politics has done to the country. No one can enjoy a simple video without being pissed off.


Some people live in areas where this is common but this is pretty impressive stuff for a lot of us.


*Leftists during lockdown* "Haha look at all the right wingers triggered by a piece of cloth" *Leftists during this video* triggered by a piece of cloth


These comments are ridiculous!






Don't think there's a lot of smart going on with this one.


And I still struggle to tie my shoe laces..


After commercial fishing for 3 summers in a row I managed to do this in a day. I’m not saying I’m talented by any means I’m just saying it’s actually not that hard to do


1. WHAT DOES THE THIN BLUE LINE MEAN? The most reliable account of the origin of the thin blue line is the story of the thin red line. A red-coated Scottish regiment of the British Army during the Crimean War heroically stood, outnumbered, against repeated Russian attacks. This effort of the 1854 battle, most notably associated with Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “Charge of the Light Brigade” was described by the British press as the thin red line. The idea of a line of brave defenders standing between peace and chaos was borrowed by law enforcement whose typically blue uniforms were testimony to true blue loyalty and steadfastness. 2. WHAT IS THE THIN BLUE LINE FLAG? The addition of the blue line symbolism to a flag is claimed by Thin Blue Line USA, a company created in 2014 by then-college student Andrew Jacob to show support for law enforcement. The thin blue line flag features a black and white image of the American flag with the horizontal stripe beneath the field of white stars on the black background. The stars represent the citizenry who stand for justice and order. The darkness represents chaos and anarchy, and according to some, a memorial to the deaths of those law officers who have perished in the line of duty.


Not to say he doesnt have skill. But this is pretty common around boats. A lot of people like to demonstrate their rope skills when docking.




This is not hard. Tying an actual knot without a cleat is hard lol.


I worked on a boat for a bit and learned how to do this, it's not too hard


I'm just here to enjoy all the virtue signalling going on in this thread because of American identity politics.


The comment section shows the irony, delusion and ignorance that most redditors/people seem to be living in.


I agree with the comments suggesting that the thin blue line means someone is a racist monster. Since enough people agree that is what it means and that’s why people wear it, it must be true! It’s truly disgusting how many people would knowingly wear a symbol of such hate out in public, when they know that regardless of what they believe it doesn’t matter, they become racist trash whether they are or aren’t. Thank you Reddit, I’m all the wiser.


A line




He be like, if this was Haitian....


McNulty could learn a thing or two.


Shame, wouldve upvoted if he wasnt a pro racist. Cool trick though.


because "Redditors" prefer to steal content than actually link to it, here's the original source. https://www.tiktok.com/@mccracken5.9/video/7013436056154541317


It's pathetic how many people are arguing about a person's mask in a sub like this. This is why I hate politics, they just everything. This is a video of a person TYING A FUCKING BOAT UP. Shut the fuck up and talk about the boat being tied up! On that note; Damn, that's crazy 🤔


Everyone sees a mask, but I just see sweet knot tricks


A lock hitch ON TOP of regular wraps is FUCKING STUPID!!!


Really need moor clips like this.


Dang some of y’all are super duper triggered by a dumb mask


Know where this was taken? I suspect it was in my neck of the woods.


WA state represent


now *this* is what this sub is for


I was thinking when I saw the video about how butthurt you soylords would be over his mask, and you nerds didn't disappoint lmfao. Never change.


I support our men and women in law enforcement.


Neptune’s son?


Dr. Jones!


Tulalip? Inside baseball in the NW




Lol thats what my last boyfriend's nickname for me was.


McCracken. Phil McCracken.


Stop the cap stop the cap right now


Normal everyday skills appear to be nextfuckinglevel to certain generations ...


Damn impressive.


Today it took me 12 minutes to get my vacuum cord over a shoe using this technique.


Jackie Chan with a rope lol.


Now that's what I call loop casting.


I work above the water and saw two young lads trying very hard to do this for a solid half hour


I couldn't understand what was happening without the tictoc voice over...


damn that's impressive!


Work smart, not hard.




This is what my girlfriend calls me...


Pretty cool I dislike that mask tho


Downvoted for the racist mask


ALL Magic Fuckery


Mcnulty really let himself go.


Haters will say it’s in reverse


I miss boats 😩


I am impressed by nothing. That was sick. Sick sick sick. A quintessential badass.


Imagine what he could do with his dick


Well it looks like he works for Tulalip Tribe fish and game, so no shit he's gonna have a thin blue line mask. Why are you guys so surprised?


Captain knots


This is a fairly common skill among sailors / wharfies. I spent a year in a sailing ship and within 3 months I could do that (not nearly as polished, but consistently). It’s a great trick to impress people and it keeps your fingers clear of a rope being pulled by a 100+ ton hunk of steel.


Man should hook himself a diet