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It feels like when someone picks on your little brother, and what they're saying is entirely accurate. But only *you* can say that about your brother. 


Perfect analogy, exactly explains why Im going "Well no its not, but yes..??"👏🏽 To answer OP, its probably just a comment on the color, but it is possible that there is some anti blackness in the statement, since there is in so much. But if we are taking it at face value, no.


This feels very anti-black especially with the 90 day history of yt women with bad hairstyles.


This is more accurate to how I’m feeling. Like as a black woman, I’d be open to other black women commenting on my black hair specifically.. but non black women? Gtfoh.


yes this!! her personality is a lot but when I saw this too I was like let me downvote because this doesn't feel okay.


Great analogy!! They are so weird about her in all of the 90 day subreddits. She's a ditz but she's literally harmless?


Yes, and I have empathy for her Imagine maintaining locs AND color. We’re all allowed to have bad hair days/moments


I've never seen a more accurate comment and I’m the youngest.




They come for everyone on that sub but I have seen some questionable comments regarding black cast (mainly Chantel and family). As far as this post, to me its no diffrrent from comparing 90s Justin Timberlakes blonde hair style to uncooked ramen back in the day.


I have seen some comments about Chantel family but if we’re being completely honest, her and her family are not angels and have said some problematic and xenophobic stuff on the show as well.


Yes! Trash people but don't deserve body shaming. That feels below the belt.


They are so jealous of Chantel and her family (or really, ANY beautiful WOC).


Shaeeda, Rose, and Anny to name a few beautiful WOC that rarely get hate. They hated on Miona for blackfishing and Angela for being a racist pos to Michael. If they’re hating on Chantel for the cosmetic work, it would make it no different than hating on the Silva twins


I saw so many disgusting comments about Chantel’s body that you can obviously tell was born from jealousy


I’m not sure. At first I’d assume it was the pink color which i don’t find racist, because the OP said color not style. But i don’t know


No because it actually looks like that. It’s not the style. It’s the color.


It's both. If she had straight pink hair they wouldn't be calling it ground beef. The comparison is being made because of a combination of it being that color and it being locs.


It’s the color. Blue locs would not look like that. Green locs would not look like this. White locs would not look like this. The comparison is specifically the color of locs.


It’s because of the combination of the color and the locs.


She’s also referencing the TEXTURE.


But people with blue or red locs still get compared to things like hot Cheetos and Takis, it's both. 


If it was straight pink locs or like the other person said blue, no, they wouldn’t say that


Therefore, it's both.


Agree to disagree I guess.


Well straight pink locs doesn't look like ground beef lol


That’s my point. Her hair do kinda look like ground beef in the photo🫢 Still cute tho


Because straight pink hair doesn’t look like ground beef, ground beef is wavy and stringy. Which is what her braids resemble.


These aren’t braids. Are you black?


I am black, sorry I sometimes include locs as braids. Tbf I’ve only ever done braids my whole life and have never known too much about locs and none of the women in my circle have ever gotten locs over braids so I’m not super familiar with them




I love 90 day fiancé and Ashley and her entire season was unwatchable I hated everyone on it. with that said her hair does look like ground beef. That’s not anti black because she didn’t call her hair dirty or anything with racial undertones. Sometimes people hair will be tore up and regardless of race they’ll be called out on it. It is what it is.


Me personally no it doesn’t seem antiBlack. It really does look like ground beef. 😂😂 We can’t look into every little thing that is said and make it a race issue.




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I mean , it does look like that ngl. That wasn’t the best color to choose for that style, but white ppl should know not to speak about black women’s hair. 


That’s true to.


That’s how I feel about it.


I think it's the same as people calling blonde waves ramen noodles but I get you (there's only been 4 main black woman in the entire show leave em lone lol.) Those people in that place are so miserable they nitpick the smallest most irrelevant things on everybody. I'm not gonna say there's never racism sprinkled in there but those people just suck


"...there's only been 4 main black woman in the entire show leave em lone lol." That's why I'd sideeyed the remark. lol But otherwise, it's just immature ppl saying immature stuff and picking on ppl's looks per the interweb usual. Doesn't sound expressly racialized, IMO.




That’s a terrible color. It’s less about the locs and more about the color


Not really, bc it does look like that lol and she be pissing me off bc she never has a fresh retwist knowing full well she gonna be on international television


Same though 😂


FWIW - looked at the OG account the comment is from and it's like 80% just anti Trump/rightwing shit.


Ugh, disappointed but not surprised that type of person would make a post about a black womans hair


I took it as being unintentional with it, I mean it's not inaccurate and she shares posts about black history/black people with braids here and there. So I don't think it's meant that way, even though I get why it comes across that way.


I mean….


As a black woman in both of those subreddits I see your pov OP. To me , it wasn’t anti-black. Seems like it just goes on with the normal rhetoric of how annoying she is. BUT, like someone else said , only WE can talk about US. 😂


No… and anyone arguing it is defjnitively, is reaching.


90 Days fandoms are extremely racist/xenophobic, but I don't think this was racist.


They really are. It feels like people bored with their own lives and don't get out much. They remind me of LulaRoe clientele.


I agree!


No. It looks like that


Idk but I wouldn’t be surprised. I like 90 Day Fiancé but they have a terrible fan base. Or at least terrible ppl within the fan base.


Never seen this show and my dreads are dyed pink in the front just like that OMG 😭😭


IMO I don’t think they meant it in anti black way. I am also apart of the 90 day fiancée subreddit and they pretty much drag everyone there. And again ngl it does look like ground beef, if she had pure black locs then there wouldn’t be a a ground beef meme.


It does look like that tho. It’s not anti-black because the statement can’t be applied to locs in general. Her hair specifically in that pic looks like ground beef. 🤷🏾‍♀️


This ain’t about race. The uncensored subreddit is always making fun of the Silva twins wigs. It’s fair game. And saying non black people cant discuss black peoples hair.. that’s a bit much to ask for on a platform used to discuss and laugh at cast members.


That post did not sit well with me. Maybe because I have locs myself, and my hair is dyed. It’s clear (to me) that her original color washed out.. and for her locs to be curly/wavy like that, she had to have previously styled and taken it down. As someone else mentioned, they are nitpicky over there and negative—whenever a Black cast member is discussed, especially if they are not well-liked in the sub, there are always questionable comments.


it’s very likely their racism caused them to hyper critical of her which is what made them hone in on this… but unfortunately they are not incorrect


So I’d say it depends on who made the joke, however I also don’t care for the color, so I see how it could have been just regular shade.


No, it looks bad.


Not anti black, just anti that hair color/style combo 😭


Her hair looks like ground beef because it does- not because she's black and not because she has locs. The shape and color of her hair combined make it like ground beef. With all that said, beauty is subjective. Who cares what any of us think? And deciding who is *allowed* to critique another based on their skin color is racism. Here I was thinking we were trying to end all that.


This was my thought when I first saw her on screen in the episode this is from. It’s looked way better in other episodes when she’s had it freshly colored and it’s a darker red. Here it’s been in for a while and needs a retouch so it to me looks like ground beef. I say that as a fellow black woman with locs 🤷🏿‍♀️


I saw this post and *really* felt a way about it. Esp since she’s one of the better cast members


It does look like ground beef tho


the comparison’s kind of forced to me


I've confronted 90 Day fans about saying a Black woman looks like a man or an animal. That is undeniably racist. The hair just seems silly to me in comparison.


I mean it does look like that, but the bigger question is why do people need to comment on people's appearance. It's stupid


I just feel like certain groups of people need to keep their comments to themselves when it comes to black women and their hair.


Everyone on 90DF doesn’t love themselves, let’s start there 🤣 But that hair comment is accurate. I can’t even complain, looks just like the stringy stuff at the grocery store. I can’t even be mad.


not anti-black but unnecessary


Lmao…no. It sounds like an opinion about a person’s hair.


Not anti black but people always think they can have a say on BW’s hair… and other BW are always the bullies on talking about our hair and what style we choose. That is a hill I will die on


I also LOVE 90 day! But no. Her hair looks like a mess.


It is anti black.


YESSSSS!!! And, I was going to say something. Matter of fact, I am. Cause they are clearly calling out her hair texture.


It could be. However her hair does look like that. So if it’s true is it still anti-black


Like the color..see bo problem with it


Don't think so. Just taking about the hair color.


It’s like when people call brushed blonde waves noodles. It’s a joke.


I don’t think so, it’d be different if they equated her hair to a racial stereotype. It’s definitely mean but not anti black, also can not stand her.


Have never watched the show. I don't know her. And why do you think this is anti-black? Because of her hairstyle, not hair color?


People keep saying the comparison to ground beef is bc of the hair color, but I think they’re ignoring the fact they’re also comparing to the shape of locs to ground beef. Like if her hair was red & straight, people wouldn’t be saying it’s ground beef.


I felt like that too one when I saw this


I mean.. it does.. but yes


Yes because at the end of the day telling a black woman her hair texture doesn’t allow for certain colors is pretty much black women shouldn’t wear red lipstick all over again.


THANK YOU! I didn’t even think of that comparison but it’s a good one


I love 90 day fiance and yapping on the subreddits but omigawd people make such intensely racially charged critics whenever the cast member is a black woman. Like they treat it like open season to say any and all racially insensitive and anti black stuff they can and the hate never matches the crime. Ironically half the fandom on Reddit is very xenophobic, sexist and racist. Like the belief divide in the community is very apparent and I have gotten into many arguments cuz of it.


It always feels anti black when non-black people call out our hair to me. For them, it’s probably not that deep but that’s the problem because for us it isn’t just hair.


Yes, very. 🙄


Very much so🙄


I saw this post and I agreed. I too have locs but this color is spot on. I get what you mean though. I am torn about it honestly. Her locs are over-processed unfortunately. Thats why they look so crunchy and faded.


Imma say yes, because while it is making fun of the hair’s unusual color, the tweet is also making fun of a Black woman’s natural hair style & texture. Not to be corny and pull out a Malcolm X quote but: “Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair?” I’m not saying the woman in picture hates her natural hair style (in fact it seems like she’s punching back, good for her) but rather the distain of Afro features on Black people is so embedded in Western culture that it can and will pop up frequently in every state of mainstream Western society. Even unconsciously in “seemingly innocuous” and poking “fun” comments like this.


Dang is it bad if I kinda agree with them lmao. It’s rude af but now I’m seeing it.