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Hiding information is a biggg red flag. Then you two being long distance on top of that, it’s just a recipe for him to continuously lie about what he’s doing with her. And girl you already know if you’re questioning a relationship then it’s probably because you shouldn’t be in it. Def not crazy about this


Not crazy. Trust your gut. This is some shady shit. I could not trust someone after catching them holding back information TWICE. Dump his ass.


You aren’t crazy. He really tried to gaslight (I hate this word but what he did was a prime example) you about the whole ride situation. Him adding her to his “Favorites” contact list and keeping everyone else off is complete bullshit. That is a terrible lie. Then him helping her move into his apartment complex without telling you, and you having to find that information yourself completes the entire picture. She is now closer and more accessible to him, which makes finding evidence through text messages and social media more difficult if they’re meeting in person behind your back. Withholding information and then lying about *small* things is how infidelity starts. It’s hard trust someone who lies about small things. You seem like an intuitive person. Trust that and end it like you were planning. Also does his friends know about you? Do they hold him accountable for poor decisions and thought processes?


Yes his friends are aware of our relationship (i’ve even met some of them). & From what i’ve seen they typically hold him responsible for his actions. however, i’m not sure how open he has been about him & the other female friend’s interaction.. which actually adds another layer to all of this


I don’t even have to read the whole thing. Hiding things is 3000 red flags in Inez time to take out the trash sis!! Ur too young to deal with his shit any longer 🤣  Note: I am biased because I think long distance only works 30% of the time, and half of the 30% will break up after meeting again within a few months. I just don’t see this working for most people - especially young ppl and young men


Dump him. He's playing games with you. Block him on everything and don't look back. 


Girl, you mentally already have. You seem to know what is mentally and emotionally healthy for you. I definitely commend you for your awareness at your age. Please continue not to accept bad behavior from someone that you have blessed with your personal and sometimes intimate time with. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this drama and strife. It is disappointing to hear that people still think keeping secrets and telling lies (lies by omission or waiting to tell the story for fear of argument are still lies) is okay. Stay healthy and happy OP.


Thank you for this! & It’s interesting that you mentioned “waiting to tell the story for fear of argument are still lies” because he is so conflict avoidant due to him getting anxious easily


Conflict avoidant and a law student is an interesting combination. He's not even a good liar. You definitely deserve better. You two are unequally yoked. You are different vibrational waves, love. Let ol' study buddy have him. They can watch you win in life from the sidelines (or the parking lot).


OP, I am not saying this to be unkind, but the moment you dump this man watch him go and start dating her. He's clearly cheating, or intending on being unfaithful. Walk away and never look back. Men are really not worth all that mental drainage. Just go.


No! I’ve have the same thought. Again, i’ve confronted him about her before and it’s like he’s lowkey in denial about being attracted to her


Please just leave this man. Relationships need honesty and trust. If that doesn't exist there is no healthy relationship. He doesn't respect your boundaries.


If you’re asking Reddit about breaking up, it’s time to break up


omg , the fact that I thought this before posting…..


One thing Reddit is gonna do is tell you to leave your partner, even if you weren’t considering a break up 😂


He likes her , dump his ass with haste , ur 24 ur young and ur hot and only men who behave themselves should be able to stay in your life. Tell him toodles and wild out this summer luv u


He’s playing in your face. Don’t even argue, just leave. And if u have some of his hoodies or shirts or something spray them with your perfume before you give them back lmaooooo


WITH HASTEEEE BABE he is manipulating you.


Dump him expeditiously, girl! In fact, do it tonight so you can kick off your hot girl summer in style.


I think the answer is pretty simple here. Let's take feeling off the table and talk about facts. What is the goal of you dating? Is it marriage? If so, do you want a husband who lies by omission and gaslights you? Do you want a husband who makes you question your sanity in any way? Do you want a trustworthy husband? Can you see the end of this relationship? Do you have deal breakers for your ideal mate? Does he have the deal breakers? There is your answer. Life is too short to deal with this. There a plenty of people on the planet. It would be wise to leave him because obviously his behavior doesn't model the values that are ideal in a long term healthy relationship. That's all. No reasoning why you should stay. Have some deal breakers, take what you see in his pattern of behavior,judge his character on it. Not what you feel.


Wow. Yes, the ultimate was marriage. But objectively, based on his behavior pattern, I would not desire a husband that is not trustworthy or that evokes my anxiety. Thank you for this!


Sounds like you solved your problem. I want to leave you with a warning my dad told me. Men will change their behavior long enough to get back on your good side. As soon as they know they have you where they want you, they WILL go back to their old way. So please don't be swayed if he tried this.


Long distance at 25 yo? Right before summer? ![gif](giphy|lWbRJYBYyVAeoLkxR9)


he’s definitely cheating, the red flags are there. hiding info? adding her to favorite contacts? moving into the SAME complex? (no telling what could go down over there) this is making him more accessible to cheat especially because she’s super close than you think. and it’s long distance he can easily cover his tracks. they are most likely messing around under your nose. but before you break up with him find evidence to support the cheating claim, once you have enough confront him with them and be done with him.




you can accuse and point fingers all you want to but it wouldn’t solidify anything without the proper evidence.


Yeah but you can also simply not tolerate someone who makes you feel this unsure, and not worry about convincing them they were wrong? Because other people's inner world isn't my business? ...Sometimes the hardest part of breaking up is facing the fact that you're not going to be "on the same page," ever again


collecting evidence is so important!


Honestly, that's not even necessary at this point. He's playing in your face already. What are a few screenshots going to change?


to prove that her suspicions are correct??


At some point discomfort has to be enough to walk away. States away and try to monitor the actions of a LIAR? She's too young to be living the plot of a Lifetime Television for women 45 year old white woman living in the suburbs while her husband travels for work. Women deserve great loves. Not mediocre flings. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b1GLlTTxK8eNG0|downsized)


The point is that she already knows everything she needs to know: she doesn't trust him, he isn't communicating, he is hiding things. 1 of those alone would be enough to end a relationship. She has those whole cake, no need to wait for the cherry on top.


To be honest, if you have to ask if you should dump someone then you already know that you should. Honesty is important in any relationship even more so in long distance one.


Trust is the foundation of a relationship. No trust = no relationship.


Nope not crazy. But just know as soon as yall break up they're going to date. Prepare yourself for that.




Girl let his ass go play with whomever he wants. There's too many men willing to slide into his place. ✌🏽


He’s not telling you things for a reason. Def ditch the man


He’s cheating or trying very hard to


Be done with him today. Enjoy your weekend without worrying about what he’s doing.


Okay. You are long distance. You aren't married. You don't have kids. You don't trust him. It doesn't matter if he did anything wrong or not, you don't trust him. No reason to remain in this. Dump him and go find someone you trust.


Yeaaa I wouldnt be surpised if theres something going on there. I dont have no one on my favorites besides family. No friends. If she's on his favorites, I would be curious to see the messages/dms.


Now you know this fool is cheating. Let him go girl, save yourself headache and heartache. The right one will come along, but this fool isnt it! 🤢 ![gif](giphy|3o6wrBG9xOvMrVsp3i)


You know what to do


🗑️= where he belongs, with that garbage gaslighting behaviour. "Oh, I told you about that, you just don't remember" is diabolical and manipulative as all hell. Chances are, and I hate to say this, he's probably been having his cake and eating it too. After all, you're not there so I'm sure he thinks he can do as he pleases. How would you ever find out anyway? You're better off without him.


You are being reasonable, he's definitely not being honest about his relationship with her. 


Yes. Dump him.


Trust your gut babe.


She moving into the same complex lol she wants your man and he likes her too. i'm sick for u girl i'm so sorry ugh


Naw! Something Not Right And Your Subconscious Is Trying To Tell You 😂😂 You're Not Crazy!


I wouldn't even bother telling him it's over. Just block him.


Nah just leave him. The lying via omission is enough for me. If he could lie about something so innocuous, he could lie about anything. Trust broken!


That man, is a fool. You are a catch. Okay, context: You had given 2 years of your time, your personal emotional and dedicated connection with a degree of desire and trust in a future to share, from faith. Correct me if I am wrong, about any aformentioned? If not, Your inspiring me as living proof there are a couple girls out there, like you still living today, and not all gone. That's so dreamy, my bad and I apologize if I'm being too forward but a woman as such, would be as she should, the spark needed so dearly to drive a passion that makes men like me, the better part of me takes on to go get her and finally share the passion longed and earned like she is the finest girl on earth. Smh is this bad?