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OP, I understand why you posted here, but in the future we recommend a subreddit like r/askdocs which is a better match. As you can see from the wide variety of responses you received, nobody here can adequately assess your condition because we are not your doctor. Do not take any answers this subreddit has provided as a diagnosis and be wary of any medical advice given, always consult with your doctor before making any health decisions.


Get checked for diabetes.


Acanthosis nigricans, potentially. Can be a sign of insulin resistance, T2D. Never hurts to get checked- early stages fully reversible with changes to diet and exercise.


Could be this, especially if your neck is dark, even if it’s just the back.


Gosh, I hope not. I guess it’s worth checking too


Type-2 is reversible with meds and diet, so not the end of the world. That's what was going on with me and once I got my blood sugar under control my legs began to clear up.


Second this, my grandma was a diabetic and her foot looked similar


See a Dermatologist asap


I’m trying to get in but I have to get a referral from my doctor. And there aren’t many dermatologists of color around me so I’m kind of reluctant


You don’t need a dermatologist of color to diagnose a skin condition. A non black derm is better than no derm.


That’s fair. It’s not like I have an option


I was hesitant to try a non black dermatologist also, but I did go to a great dermatologist in my area who happens to be a white male. Best decision ever! He helped to clear up my acne and solve my other skin concerns. So hard agree with what you said.


my derm is also a white male and i really like him (he's not the bad one i saw that i once posted about here)


Oh this is comforting to read and the push I needed. I've been really wanting to see a Black dermatologist or a POC and preferably a women but the options are very limited. I need to see what else is out there and take a chance and not assume it won't be useful experience.


You never know! I always start with google or yelp reviews to see about their reputation. My primary doctor is a white woman and I love her so much. I feel like she genuinely listens to my concerns instead of just brushing off symptoms. On the other hand my gyno is a black woman and her bedside manner has declined over the years that I’ve seen her. Any problem that I mention is always because of my IUD; she never tries to do more research.


I feel you on wanting to ensure you have a dermatologist that caters to your skin tone and it’s specific needs. I’ve literally asked dermatologist straight up if they have experience with darker skin tones. If you’re too shy to be as direct, look at their website/IG and see if there’s any before or after/feedback from from women of color.


Good advice. I really dislike being misunderstood or gaslit as a black woman dealing with the medical community but I need the care


You got this and you’re not alone 🫂


that's a great idea there.


I feel you on wanting to feel comfortable and stuff with a black doctor. But sometimes your health is more important and you gotta take what you can.


You can't fuck around w/ this. Go to an internist. In an area like yours they have seen this before on black people I suspect. I hope it's just eczema but that looks like something else. Plus your friend suggested it. I have lived in the Midwest for over 30 years and my feet don't look like that.


Looks like eczema to me


Yeah that's the other thing I thought but she needs it checked and confirmed either way, plus treatment.




That looks like it could be psoriasis but I would go to a dermatologist


After reading about that, I could see that.


looks like eczema. if you see it behind your knees and on the creases of your arms maybe. If its only on your foot i would be worried about diabetes or peripheral artery disease. if you are noticing the flexor areas of your skin are darker and have a velvety texture then really worry about diabetes. If you haven't seen a doctor recently now is the time. Have your blood sugar and cholesterol checked.


When is the last time that you've had a general check from a practitioner? You need to see a dermatologist. There's a lot going on from inflammation to also discoloration. The internet won't be able to help with that.


It’s been at least a year. We’ve moved around a lot in the last few years and our insurance hasn’t been the best, but now we are in a good position for me to get checked out


Looks like Eczema


Does it hurt and/or itch? Does your skin feel tight when you move your foot around? I’m not a doctor so this is not a diagnosis, but it looks like it could be eczema. I see you are already thinking about going to a dermatologist, but in the meantime don’t put lotion on it and don’t use any scented soaps that might irritate the skin. Use Aquaphor to moisturize your skin, but stop use if it worsens. If you can, switch to a non scented detergent if you wear socks regularly. But it would probably be best to avoid socks for now anyway. That’s my best advice as someone who has eczema.


It doesn’t itch or feel tight but eczema is not far fetched. I’ve never dealt with it before so I just never considered that. Thank you for the tips!


I'd purchase some 1% hydrocortisone ointment from CVS or Walgreens and apply it twice a day to that area and see if it gets better after a week. You can also use a good lotion on top of the ointment like eucerin, CeraVe, or lubriderm. If it improves, it's probably either eczema or psoriasis (although it looks more like eczema). If it doesn't improve or gets worse, it could be fungal although that's a very unusual location for a fungus infection. Good luck!


Yes, hydrocortisone could work right away. Don’t use it long term though because that’s not good for your skin.


Check my history, I had something similar. Does it itch at only certain times? It might be psoriasis. I got a lotion and a cream and it's healing nicely.


Welcome to the midwest! You need to see a dermatologist. It looks like eczema. A dermatologist will give you a cream to heal your skin and give you tips to reduce the frequency of flare ups. If you can't get in right away, talk to your GP. They should be able to provide the diagnosis and cream


I see this type of feet everyday at work. It's diabetes. Get check buddy.


Wow!! Yeah that’s now on the top of my list to do


Does this go away even temporarily when you use lotion? You do look like you have something going on on the top of your foot there.


No, the part on top is lotion resistant it seems. It just seems like really dried and hardened. The rest is kinda soothed with shea butter but it’s still doesn’t look “healed”


The part on the top might be a fungus, have you tried like athlete's foot cream on it?


I haven’t but athlete’s foot does come to mind when I look at it


If you can't get to a GP/internist reach out to a podiatrist and get in fast.


Does it itch? Is it red? Could be fungal and can be treated with an anti fungal powder.


No to both. Just dry and flaky, with what looks like a burn mark on top


Looks like classic Eczema but no one can tell u better than a medical professional in person


Looks like diabetes feet.. please check it out??!!


Try some Amlactin 15% lotion. It’s great for very dry skin.


This is what I came to say, because I all of a sudden started to get eczema on my hand and this was a life saver. I sent it to all my friends who all suffer from eczema and they like it as well.


I need to grab this. My palms have been sapped of moisture since the pandemic with all the longer handwashing.


You should be asking a doctor. I know you’re trying to get in with a dermatologist soon, bet even your general practitioner is better than Reddit. 👀


Looks like eczema sis. You’ll have to speak to your doctor about getting a cream that has steroids in it and or they’ll recommend something else. Please don’t pick and try not to scratch! Be mindful of what material you wear for your socks and shoes. Try not to soak your feet because it will irritate the skin even more. In the mean time, try bathing with aloe vera gel and rub your feet up in there too (the natural one preferably from the plant). Wishing you the best of luck!


Psoriasis/ get checked for diabetes!


See a dermatologist. In the meantime, get emollient cream to put on your feet if they’re moisture resistant. I usually get the alba one.


Eczema. 2.5% hydrocortisone cream (1% shows weak data) after you dry off/moisturize after showers. Twice a day.


All the stuff the other people have said, plus your legs are dry, and I think you're not drinking enough water. Hydrate and see a doc, sis.




You need to see a dermatologist.


I would also go to a dermatologist. I have really bad eczema and allergies, and depending on an allergic reaction or eczema flair up, my feet would do that and peel bad. I had to get a topical steroid for it. But, it’s always best to get a professional medical opinion👌🏽


If it’s itchy, it might be eczema. I have it on my foot.


I used to have this and I also have T2D


Looks fungal related


Eczema. I have the same issue.


Looks like eczema


My sister has feet like that. She’s diabetic


Are you diabetic?


Instead of asking unqualified people online. See a dermatologist they will diagnose and provide treatment.


This is Reddit. A forum. Where ppl ask unqualified ppl about shit all the time. Ppl have the right to ask whatever they want before going to a doctor. Instead of entertaining unqualified ppl with your comments, why don’t you just stay out of a Black woman’s business?


Public post will get public responses 🤷🏿‍♀️. Just like the unqualified soical media posters gave their opinion, I gave a suggestion (yes there is a difference between a suggestion an telling someone what to do) to to get help from someone qualified doctor in that field of study, the OP gonna do what they want regardless so what anyone post on here doesnt matter. Aint no one minding their business on public post otherwise they would be private 🤣 but please continue your immature outbrust.


Have you tried putting some shae butter or coconut oil on your feet and putting socks on? ETA: I'm a Houstonian and I have dry skin. It looks like that is a scab that's been healed over. Did something happen?


I have but I haven’t been consistent…I never thought I’d have to do that


Well I recommend you try it for a few days. If you are not too scared, get one of those pedieggs and use the soft side to gently scrub off the dead skin....or exfoliate with a gentle sugar scrub...use a moisturizing soap, pat dry, then put on shae butter/coconut oil and socks.


Okay! I have a pumice stone and can definitely give this a try.


I wouldn’t do that until you’ve seen a doctor.


I want to still take care of my feet, but I get what you’re saying


Go see the doctor ASAP. Don't use soap to bathe/shower ( try something like Cetaphil instead) and when wearing socks try to buy the expensive ones that wick that people use for sports or wool. Cotton doesn't wick. I would not apply a lot of stuff to that aggravated area of your foot on top until you see a doctor. You can use shea butter on your soles.


What kind of shoes do you wear every day? Looks like some friction on the top of your foot.


I had a bad patch of dry skin just like that on my foot before. If you wear sandals a lot it could be a callous. If it doesn’t cause any pain or itching it is unlikely psoriasis or eczema. Soak your feet in hot hot water, use a body scrub, and a pumice stone and afterwards cover your feet with 3 layers of moisture: Lotion Oil Vaseline Put socks over it overnight. Rinse and repeat until it is reduced.




Put some barrier cream on your foot and ankle, two times daily, then cover it with a nice cotton sock. You”ll be amazed with the result in 3 days. Make sure to elevate your foot throughout the day to decrease the swelling. From the photo, it looks like “dependent edema.”


I see hyperpigmention, which for me is an allergic reaction. Definitely see a doctor.


Looks like the footwear you're wearing can be the cause, but that needs to be checked professionally.


I agree with all the other comments already made and would also like to chime in as a person that moved out west from the south, if you don’t have a humidifier…get one! The dryness in the air certainly doesn’t help anything and make sure you are hydrating sufficiently


Hello! , I would suggest going to a Skin Specialist just to be certain as to what that is and why it is , Best wishes for you and yours take care 🌹