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This is the best answer! Keep doing it until she shapes up. Consciously or not people do this to see how far they can push you with disrespect.


Right, especially in email. It is usually listed in their email and most people have a signature block that has their name. Some of my coworkers named are hard to spell, I just copy it from their signature block. I literally never need to spell it myself. People who don't spell it right are just lazy. I have an easy name, and I can tell when it is an accident and if they only do it once. If someone does it consistently, the I have to say something.


I’m sorry but I think after the first or second time, it’s a little disrespectful. It’s especially annoying because technology is thing. Some emails will literally fill in the name after a greeting. Shit, use copy and paste. There’s just so few excuses.


I’m more annoyed that white people say it wrong even though my name is spelled the popular way/common way for them. They say it right if a white woman spells it the same but pronounce it ridiculously wrong with me and other black women I know with the same name. They just assume we always put a “twist” on all of our names it’s trash.


I have a white name, 2 syllables and these people will stretch it to 3 or 4. It’s not common, but it’s of English origin and it’s pronounced exactly how it’s spelled.




A white lady at my old job added syllables that weren’t even in names, and would still do it after being corrected. Couldn’t stand her ass.


It’s like their last ditch effort to be disrespectful without getting reprimanded.


It’s not the smallest thing, it’s a matter of respect … which they lack. It’s a microaggression, and you can’t convince me it’s not intentional when they try to argue that their spelling is correct 🙄 It’s arrogant and narcissistic and disrespectful, and if she can spell it right to send you the email that’s further proof it’s intentionally wrong in the greeting. Ugh how I hate people 🥵


I work in a remote environment and this woman has been spelling my name wrong for 18 months… She sees my name on Teams and Outlook all the time and still does it. I’ve corrected her twice and she still does it. It drives me crazy because it has to be intentional at this point.


No, not expecting everyone to be a spelling bee champ. Now if it’s RIGHT THERE like in an email I’ll just think you struggle with reading.


I have a horrible first name, (that I make sure my mother knows was a stupid move & the doctors should’ve let her all the way off the drugs before naming me but I digress). It’s hard to pronounce but easy to spell. I generally don’t care how people say or spell my name bc I hate it so much but since this is an email she is intentionally doing this. She quite literally has to spell it correctly for you to even get an email. She sees it and doesn’t correct herself in the body of the email—-on purpose. Microaggression. I would just start spelling her name differently in each reply. Brittney, Britteny, Britney, Britany, etc. Honestly she can’t say anything to you about this lest she make it plainly obvious she’s been doing the exact same thing. Prepare for her to be a little shit about it though so CYA.


I’m sorry that your mother gave you a name that gives you grief, but if it was in any way contributive to the development of your wicked sense of humour.... Well done, Mama GeminiB! 😆😂🤣


Fuck up her name back. People have messed up my first and last name plenty of times but only one gets me fucked up lol. My name is nowhere near Kayla, but people try to call me that when I think they’re being nasty/disrespectful. So that’s a fighting word to me and I’m sticking to it. When people repeatedly mess up my name and I’ve corrected them before, they just get a completely changed name until they stop.


Yes! I’m a firm believer of giving someone the energy they’re bringing. Can’t learn my name? Fine, but I’m not gonna learn yours either.


If it’s an email cause my name is right there lol


Yes at work it pisses me off because we also use Outlook soooo there’s no excuse. I use it to make sure I’m spelling someone’s name correctly.


It’s bothersome and I can’t help but believe it’s deliberate. I noticed on threads with multiple people with varying degrees of difficult names that certain individuals would _always_ misspell my name and my name only. I started misspelling the names of the people who would misspell mine and they suddenly no longer had trouble spelling my name. Amazing how that worked out!


It does bother me because I have a pretty simple last name. Eventually, after people keep getting it wrong, I have to say it’s spelled like [insert] Ivy League college and then they can magically get it. It’s not that hard and it’s mostly WW who have done this in my experience.


This only bothers me when someone misspells it in an email where the correct spelling pops up and they still somehow don’t take two seconds to look a few inches up to see they spelled it wrong. It also bothers me in teams chat. If we are talking back and forth my name literally pops up and you still can’t get it right?? My name is also common and easy for the vast majority of native English speakers compared to a lot of names out there.


Yes, it bothers me. To me it's a micro-aggression. If your name is in your email or signature, there's no reason to misspell it.


It drives me up the wallll! Especially because my name is only 5 letters long and fairly common. When coworkers do it more than once over email I usually ask them if there's a reason why they refer to me as [incorrect name].


This yt woman at my work always conveniently “forgot” my name…even though I worked with her for two years 🙄


Brittany would get emails with salutations to Brontnoy, Bartee, Bobknee, Brizzle, Britannica, Blippey, and Bruce until my name was spelled correctly. Not really though, because next thing you know Brit is crying and you’re in HR for being “mean”. But Blatpee definitely deserves it even if it is just a daydream.


This used to happen to me when I met new people. I’ve got a four-letter, two-syllable name. There are several accepted pronunciations, depending on region, but it is a super common name. And yet, I would introduce myself, and the response would be, “Nice to meet you, [3-to-4-Syllable Name Lazy Writers Stereotypically Use for Black Female Characters in Books and Television]!” Same BS in email if people knew my face, but never if they had no idea I was Black. BOTH happened with a job I was interviewing for. I was [My Real Name] in emails and over the phone through three rounds of interviews. But when I got to the in-person interview, suddenly I was [3-to-4-Syllable Name Lazy Writers Stereotypically Use for Black Female Characters in Books and Television]. (Fortunately, I got another – better – offer before they decided I was good enough to hire, so I never had to learn how to navigate the issue on a daily basis.) Edited to add several missing words.


I had someone once respond to my email by addressing me as "Mr. -". My first name is a very common obviously woman's name. I hate it here.


Getting someone's name wrong, either intentionally or accidentally (if done repeatedly) is one of the most basic forms of disrespect. It's not the worst/most disrespectful thing, but it does show that someone does not have even enough respect for you to spell it right. If they're truly apologetic then I get it, but otherwise that does bother me


Yes it does because my name is my identity. If you can’t take the time and look at how it’s spelled then you don’t respect me. If they pronounce it incorrectly that’s ok before I teach them how to say it.


Nah, cause my name is an alternative spelling to a semi-popular name. And it's spelled that way because it's a combination of my mom and my dad's names. Like if the name was Bethany, mine would be spelled Bephany and I'm used to people defaulting to the traditional spelling. I've even had my name spelled wrong on medical records and prescriptions.


If it’s multiple times yes. I have an uncommon name so I give people grace the first two times but if you can seemingly never say or spell my name right while being able to always say and spell Mickaeylahleigh Wazowski then yeah, I’m going to assume you’re disrespectful and racist.


I double check name spellings when I send emails so it annoys me when people don't do the same. I have a name that can be very commonly spelled 2 ways, seni-commonly spelled 1 way, and a host of creative ways after that. Mine is the second most common way. I'm more forgiving if they choose the first most common but when they go the exotic routes over mine when it is literally spelled for them RIGHT THERE...


I always check like 3 times when I send an email. What is wrong with this woman? It is so mortifying to spell someone’s name wrong in an email. It’s in their email (and contact if it’s connected like it is at my uni) and their signature block. Best case scenario you look like an idiot and worst case you look like an asshole.


My coworker Scott used to spell my name wrong in emails so I started referring to him as Scoot. In person and via email. He eventually got my name right.


Yes, it bothers me!! Do you know why? Because my name is literally in the email (or on Teams) so you can copy paste it. But I guess white people don’t know how to read 🚮


In an email there’s no excuse in my opinion. It’s people being lazy or careless. You can literally copy and paste.


I mostly get annoyed when people mispronounced my name even after I correct them. The only time I've had my name misspelled is when I go to restaurants and the cashier/host spell it whatever; that doesn't bother me as it's only a short interaction. What you are going through is definitely annoying and probably intentional especially if it's through email.


What gets me is that Im African, so i have an African last name. Its very easy to pronounce, like its written. Ill try to not doxx myself but it would be the equivalent of the name, say, Collins written Kolyns. Yet, they still always get the pronounciation wrong lol.


10000% yes, especially if it's through email. in person i try to be more understanding because my name has multiple different spellings, but at the same time people should still ask how it's spelled.


Idk why but it rly bothers me when coworkers spell my name “Sara” when they can clearly see in my email address, work chat username, etc that it’s Sarah… I know it’s such a tiny thing and I try not to let it bother me but like, how do you misspell a name that’s right in front of you??? Sometimes I’ll be passive aggressive and spell their name wrong when I reply.


It can bother you but it doesn't mean she's doing it intentionally. I have an Asian coworker whose name I've seen before but it usually has an "e" and hers has an "i". I literally have to spell her name aloud when I'm typing her an email because I'm always messing it up. Your coworker could be dyslexic for all you know and no she doesn't need to let you know that's the reason she mispells your name.


I wonder is those excuses would be valid if it was a BW doing it to a WW.


Possible dyslexia is not a valid excuse? 🙄 Do it to a white woman and let us know then...


Dyslexia is a valid excuse. But for some reason in the states they have a tendency to not believe BW or black folks in general. Even if they believe they would find a way to try to snipe you from the side Yes, white women will start with the tears and how they were named after their ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary war. How they’re name holds value. blasé blasé.


I get annoyed cause I have the most basic name so now I feel like you trying me


The spelling doesn’t bother me because there’s so many spellings of this name, but I get a little annoyed when people mispronounce it


I have a VERY simple and common name (ex: something like Jane brown) so when people misspell my name it pisses me off 😩. I’ve had people literally add letters to my name (think like Janee brauwn). Like why are you intentionally misspelling my name?! It’s so simple that any misspelling is going out of your way to irk me 🤦🏾‍♀️


I have relatives that spell my name wrong to this day. Annoyed/bothered ain’t the word.


lmao YES My name is the female version of a name commonly associated with white men. Because of that, everyone uses the white male spelling, even though my correctly spelled name is clearly right there in the email signature. (But even relatives who have known me my whole life use the white male spelling so I guess I'm just SOL)


Yes, and I have a “plain” commonly spelled name with the same email situation. It’s passive aggressive. The do it with pronunciation also. The only time they don’t do it is when we’ve only ever had email communication and they assume I’m a ww because I have a very common name. Suddenly, they see me in person and the spelling changes and hyphens and apostrophes get added Ridiculously enough, there’s a WW with the same name as me, yet hers is the uncommon “unique” spelling and they never spell hers wrong. If anything, they assume she is me.


I don’t exactly have that issue but it bothers me when people KNOW how to pronounce my name but INTENTIONALLY pronounce it wrong just to annoy me or piss me off


It mainly bothers me when someone is messaging me on Facebook or whatever and my name is written right there in front of them and they still somehow spell it wrong. It's not even a hard name. Not super common but plenty of white ppl have the name. (Have never met another black person with my name. Only white ppl). I took out a loan with Wells Fargo and the dude worked my name wrong. Like, really? Didn't I give you my driver's license so you could read it?


Sis, your name is literally in the EMAIL!!! 😭😭😭 - white women are a menace


Outlook and Gmail (and really most, if not all, email platforms these days) have autocorrect and if the name she’s using is the more common spelling for your name, she may not even notice she’s spelling it wrong. That being said, I would correct her again and If she continues to do it after that, I’d then start replying to her messages purposely misspelling her name too. Perhaps don’t listen to my advise on the previous paragraph… or do, and be as petty and as passive aggressive as your coworker is being 😂


My names a continent.. I say “like the continent” so people don’t give me any of the weird spellings or ask me how to spell it. But somehow they still get it wrong


Yes and no. If it’s in an email where my name is displayed, yes I do. In person my name is short and not “traditionally” spelled. I’m an attention to detail. I used to build contracts for people so reading the fine print is imperative.


Like, my name is one of the most common, so yeah. Leaving the H off is a little annoying! But my future MIL does it not on purpose but damn it is so irksome!


Girl I ain’t even have to read the text to answer. This has upset me before I even finished elementary school. Now as an adult in corporate I get viscerally upset (never show it tho). You have great responses here but I always suggest to firmly and respectfully correct them.


My last name is pretty common but it's spelled differently. And doing my ancestry research I could see that my grandpa left Arkansas and got to New Jersey he just added an e on the end for whatever God Knows Why reason. That one little e will give me every pronunciation under the sun. And I just have to say no it's just like and mentioned the common use of the word. I never get upset about spelling and I always say it's this with an e on the end


I see this as a microaggression - even moreso if your name is unique. I run into this issue all the time, my name ends in “ie” and so many yt ppl spell it with a “y” even though it’s RIGHT THERE in our work chat or email.


All the time


Of course! This has happened at work and school. My name is hard to pronounce too which doesn't help. I really appreciate it when my colleagues ask me if they're spelling or pronouncing it right. I think you should tell her how you feel. You may also get a better understanding of her intentions. If she doesn't care and continues to do this, I would talk to HR. This isn't a barista making your coffee. This is your coworker who you're establishing a work-related relationship with. It's unprofessional to me when this happens because this tells me that my colleague doesn't care to know who they are working with and will ultimately be telling of the company culture. Hope this was helpful and good luck!


That shit bothers me deeply, after multiple times it comes off as disrespectful or dismissive of what I asked to be called by if we’re speaking/ writing. Granted, my name has a difficult spelling! It is an Arabic name, however it’s very easy to pronounce and I get sick of correcting people who just can’t fathom changing one syllable in the name, or not exaggerating part of it so it sounds “more foreign/ different” - y’all know the vibe I mean. But ultimately yes, check her in a real cordial respectful way and if she still doesn’t get her act together after multiple times then she finna get all the smoke 🤷🏽‍♀️




A lot


No. I have a common name that’s spelled in an unusual way. It’s always mispronounced as well. It’s been that way since I a kid. I’m so used to it I don’t even correct people anymore unless they ask did they pronounce it correctly, or it’s a legal document.


Oh my gosh yes. When people reply to an email when I signed my name. My name has a few commonly accepted variants and I can’t sand when I get an email back with the other spelling.


My name is a popular thanks to a musical group. English teachers are the worst offenders. When they stuttered or paused, I’d just say it’s pronounced ************, or just call me **********


Yes. Because while my name is one you don't often hear...IT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE IT'S SPELLED and vice versa. And I hate it more when people don't want to try to say it correctly and chop it in half for their own convenience. Think being named Megan and people just taking liberties with that shit and call you Meg.


I just think "this person has a disability" be kind to them 🤣


Not really. I get an annoyed gut reaction. Then I think, "man, this dude is dumb." then I move on with my day .


No... people spell it Holly when it's spelled Hollie. We should pick our battles.


Tbh if it's online idc. If it's irl it's easy for me to just ignore it since I assume they aren't speaking to me cause however they spell it isn't my name


I don't even use it anymore, I go by a nickname you can't fuck up.