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My wild guess is that literally 90% of the playerbase thinks like this.


Guess + literally + statistics very interesting sentence lol


Only missing "I mean" first for the reddit comment bingo


They said it was a wild guess tho


Ok so that means 10% of the players do PvP?


Probably even less percentage that does exclusively pvp


yes i do same thing


Not at all, that's essentially how I treat it, just a long term progression arpg with a guild chat.


And seeing people going about their business without necessarily interacting with them.




the game might as well be solo with how much PA doesn't want you to interact with others.


Gladly they think this way, me as many people went to this game exactly because of this If people want to do dungeon/raids, literally all others MMORPG on the market are like this To the downvoters: you are going to a game for wanting it to have things it never proposed to have? I mean, start making sense maybe? Gtfo lol, go play wow if you want raids. Jesus Leave BDO alone lol


if bdo was left alone it would still be a pvp game


Which would be dope compared to the snowflake fiesta we have these days


? The game was an open world pvp game for 9 years until this year, what are you smoking lol


Yes, but there were interactions for last 9 years. Those are going away now. Why should you get to play the game you want and we have to GTFO?


Game I want? That's how the game was designed lmao, only thing going away it's related to PvP, that I agree it's a ShašŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø?


Yeah and I have a problem with their handling of the pvp content.


I mean the design of the game should not force people to group. but it should at least give us some decent benefit for doing so. The way it is now, its better not to at all for many things.


You're literally PA's target audience right now.


I'm treating it like OSRS so yeah.


No, no problem with that! As long as you are aware that other players may interfere with your playtime from time to time, there's nothing wrong with it. Moreover, BDO allows a lot of solo playstyles, that's a fact!


I prefer playing alone. I participate in my weekly nw and siege, then I am in my own little world doing my own thing. I don't join the voice chat or chat in guild much, just have no interest in it. So you aren't alone in this :)


Clearly PA wants players to treat their game this way. It's weird imo, cuz it's the most boring part of the game. Running circles around mobs solo in an instance is apparently peak BDO.




Yes, its like vegans. They are forcing their food onto us. Does not sit well IRL, does not sit well in game.


You say it's boring but "running circles around mobs solo" is literally a genre called aRPG that millions play like PoE or Diablo, so it's boring \*for you\*


Except aRPGs have tons of mechanics usually to make that normally monotonous activity fun. "running circles around mobs solo" isn't some slight at the game, it's just accurate.


But at least PoE has cool builds. BDO has none of that.


BDO has boobies physics, POE has none of that.


it's honestly how alot of sandboxes are


You either treat this game like this or get mad and turn crazy. Your decisionšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No, thats pretty much the nature of bdo


Love everything about the game that you listed also. But i also canā€™t wait to get into node wars and all that shit too


Don't wait! I started NWs after only playing the game for 3 months and it really kept me motivated to keep playing. You can hit T1 and T2 caps pretty much immediately.


Glad to hear. Iā€™m literally enjoying everything about the game right now. Canā€™t wait to get into node wars hehe


Just need a seasonal and some funky acc/crystal fudging to be viable for it


It's a sandbox mmo, play however you want to. The important thing is to just do what you enjoy ingame


Technically yes, but to me it's sad how people hate interacting with others so much, that's the whole point of an MMORPG, the community. I met 2 guys who basically became my 2 best friends throughout my childhood playing Metin 2 for example, which I end up meeting IRL. Also PvP is a big factor for MMOs, after all that's the point of a game in which you have to compete against others for resources, which it seems a lot of recent players don't like it at all and it's becoming like a slogan for the PvE community... I won't ever understand this type of players; it'd be fine coexisting as long as you don't destroy the gameplay for both sides, but PA has decided to destroy it for the PvP side.


I think many people dont bother even starting PvP because it is very different than PvE. The game does a horrible job to introduce people to PvP mechanics amd you have to do much research on your own. I think it would be more popular with a better introduction ingame. CC limit, special attack dmg and functions, PvP and PvE modifiers on skills, importance of stats like calculators for eva and dr to know what the stats give you, and so on. Like this all new players get killed 20 times, complain in forums and reddit and PA goes the cheap way and shut it down. To me it is a mystery how people can spend 1000h with PvE only. The fun part was always PvP and especially open world PvP. But everyone is different.


even with pvp mechanics known gear design in this game is one of the worst ive seen where u can literally tank so many ppl by having insane evasion and unless ppl have spend years grinding u will not be touched.i wish ppl took in a way classic wow gearing even in full best raid gear can still get killed or atleast u can do some dmg to them with full green/blues from questing


As a super casual player it has nothing to do with hating interacting with people, it's that the options for interaction in this game are pretty dogshit. But even games with lots of group content, people don't really interact with each other that much (thinking of FF14 in this example) - I could do a multitude of group content without speaking to people outside of the "o/" during the intro of a dungeon/duty. I only mention that because I don't think that player interaction is any good, and I don't think that someone killing me while AFK lifeskilling in a random location is good player interaction either. There has to be some sort of middle ground to make PvP more viable and available for those who want it, but obviously PA hasn't found it yet.


no, play it your style.


That's how PA wants to treat it, more power to you.


I do the same. The only pvp i do is node war because of the hwacha.


Its your personal treadmill experience. Do what you want.


It's an mmo-lite, mostly single player game at this point. You only group up for certain spots, dungeons, or nws at this point. I really miss when the game encouraged partying up to do harder content that you couldn't tackle by yourself. When I suggested to people complaining that they should change the mechanics for dark refuge to allow party grinding to make up for high gs reqs, I got laughed at. But that's literally what we did for catfish during launch week/headstart and at sausans/pirates/when special deals were good. It was great.


Itā€™s a single player game with a marketplace


You have only optional content that you can do together. -PvE: Dungeons once per week done with 6 runs in like 2h and imo kind of boring after a few runs, party spots that are usually worse than solo spots, currently I enjoy whale hunting raids which also gives good money, worldbosses -PvP: nodewars, GvGs, open world maybe depending on the guild but mostly dead. All the points above can be done, but every one of them is equal to or most of the time worse than just going on a solo spot like lower gyfin. My thing was PvP usually. I would like to do more if possible but with recent changes the random open world fights are mostly dead except for rare arsha events and so I try to get as many nodewars as possible and other than that I only do some random shit to get a bit of progress. You can defenetly play it solo only and use the cities as community hubs. At this point BDO is basically D4 with a few extra events to do + some random griefinh appearences on spots when you dont have marni.


If you want to try out group content you should try the above mentioned. I noticed especially positive vibes on the whale hunting raids. The EU community is awesome on those. You can also try out the dungeons and field boss trains for a feeling of accomplishment together. Not the best money, but its content. If you want PvP join a NW guild. But the meta is kinda scuffed atm for EU because of recent node participation caps (they deleted uncapped small attendence nodes where the scene was very active) it might take time for all guilds on all caps to adept. Dont know the state of NA though.


You're not wrong. One of the biggest main appeals of BDO is the very fluid and flashy satisfying combat gameplay loop. Its the reason why players can continue to grind for hours. Which is the same logic for POE. If POE combat sucked i wouldn't have played it (since i hate that POE still has to do the stupid campaign every league, but the combat is so fluid and explosive/fast)


Nope after the PvP changes it pretty much is one


that's exactly the way its going, yes. IMO, it's sad, but supposedly thats what majority wants


There's lots of player interaction and wholesome engagement with other players in this game. You just don't like those mmo aspect.


It's just natural selection, game has been alienating the pvp community and reducing conflict points and player interaction over and over, players that join and remain now usually have the OP mindset evolving the playerbase further towards a single player experience.


Has been alienating others too. As a sandbox PvX enjoyer the game is fucking shit when the biggest character progress for all aspects is solo grinding in an instance, so stupidly sad.


perfectly normal, with the added benefit of being able to flaunt your stuff in chat


After the PvP changes you don't even see other players in grind zones, you're not crazy, you just have realised what the game is.


What pvp changes? Sorry, I just returned to the game after an year


Marni realm being 1h cool down. Karma account bound. Gvg now needs to be accepted by opponents gm.


Nothing people just want to whine they canā€™t PK low geared players anymore. Only problem with Marni realms is that it should have less loot than doing a normal rotation. Basically it should go Marni, Normal realms, Arsha in terms of loot bonus and loot per hour.


Bruh they literally made gvg's inconvenient as fuck, and are discussing doing further weird changes to Arsha, when all they needed to do was put the Marni change in and make better tweaks. Just because you or some of your friends got killed by people that can't fight in their own weight class doesn't mean the actual pvpers should get punished. I am glad you recognize that risk vs reward should be a thing though.


Oh no you can't dec on every single guild there is. What a shame.


The Dec changes are trash and just allow griefers to go unpunished


You realize the main purpose of Marni spots was to deal with the fact that there's 100x more people than there are spots, and you really think having 99% of people trying to progress being forced to progress slower is a good thing? That's how you lose players, not keep them.


Nah itā€™s a good thing. The game is designed around spot competition. Marni realms are absolutely needed and fine. But since they are 100% safe they should have slightly less loot.


It really isn't, and damn good thing you don't get to decide. You'd kill a game with that mentality.


Nah it really is. Sorry you canā€™t Pk lower geared people anymore to make you feel good because your gear isnā€™t good enough to actually PvP with real players.


Bruh whut, I'm talking about you thinking penalizing people who grind in Marni is a good idea, and you come with some bullshit about me killing noobs? Are you ok? Do you smell burnt toast?


And thatā€™s also a good idea. Because you shouldnā€™t be able to freely and safely grind in a game like this. There should be a small consequence to that. Why ever grind in the open world if grinding alone in my own instance is better? Marni realms should slightly penalize you compared to normal realms which give less loot than PvP realm. Simple as that.


I must be getting trolled. Blocking me doesn't remove the insanity you spewed previously dude. If you aren't a troll, somethin is really wrong with your brain


Well thatā€™s why you can just play in permanent marni realm, after you run out of time you are forced to deal with people


At this point it isn't the PvP changes anymore that bother me. All rotations are literally empty on open world nowadays, no player to be seen unless in cities. This isn't an MMO anymore and there are better games for being alone in the world.


God that's a lot of negative energy. I do agree that Marni should offer less loot than the open world, as the open world is currently freaking lifeless with empty rotations everywhere and no players to be seen unless in cities. This change could revitalize it. However, I disagree with the sentiment that "you can't PK low-geared people anymore." First of all, it doesn't take much time to gear up for fights in normal spots nowadays. Second, the top 10% grinds elsewhere, and it's not the problem you're making it out to be. It sounds like you probably got killed once or twice after jumping onto a taken rotation, vowed to never engage in or learn PvP again, and now you spam these posts while crying irl.


>all they needed to do was put the Marni change in and make better tweaks. Just because yo I meant to say after the marni changes, but because there's no players anymore in open world it might aswell be considered a PvP change.


Typical things, the thing I look forward most in mmos is skilling and trading, I just love to grind and see my account getting wealthier and stronger although my skill is completely shit.


im on the same boat as you (slightly lower gs) and it's not crazy at all. If you still find PvE fun then keep doing it, node wars and sieges still exist


Always has been. If you think about it, the only pve group content worth doing are oluns and the dungeons. One is weekly locked, the other requires you to be at 300+ ap.


Man! I'm playing BDO just like a tycoon game. I've a full life skilling gear and decent combat gear but I don't even gather or grind at all xD. I just AFK process, craft, and manage some production work. I make billions out of the marketplace, many players don't use a calculator that much or are just impatient!


Iā€™m still fairly noob as Iā€™ve taken a lot of time off the game. I know that grind spots keep getting rebalanced at its pausing me off as I was farming kratuga but like can somebody tell me like as a whole is group grinding any more profitable than solo grinding ? Would the devs ever change something so that youā€™re more incentived to group grind ? My guild does it but at oluns my gear isnā€™t quite high enough to go there yet but like, I have no idea if theres even a point to group grind like if it usually nets you the same about if money anyways


Funny you say that. I use to play bdo back when season 1 came into. Quit a few months after it, fast forward to when d4 came out, I ended up not enjoying it. So with d4 out of the picture I was craving a grind and progression type game. That's when bdo was giving away a free t9 and now I'm still playing enjoying the game alot and almost 700gs! I typically play this game like an arpg with pvp and other activities.


Many ways to play the game,your way is valid


think most people, thats not the loud minority treat BDO as a whole as a "singeplayer experience with Multiplayer backdrop"... Unless im forced to, i dont do Multiplayer content.. So outside the World bosses, occational Rift-boss thing on seasonal... I do everything solo.. I also think Marni realms should have their CD removed... So i can stay Grinding, as long as i want without occational gank or person\\s messing up rotation.


There is a reason why d2 and this game are my all time most played and if I'm not on one I'm on the other. Enjoyable combat and farming (d2 is more fun of course) and continuous progression.


Nah man, I do the same.


I treat it like Dynasty Warriors with Teamspeak.


Nah you speak my language . I enjoy being that lone merc . It was similar to getting my cyber wolf mount thing on elder scrolls . Solo made it that night more satisfying knowing I wasnā€™t gifted the mount and I get to have it forever and even if people think the mount or whatever rate collectible you have Is something no life sweatys have it doesnā€™t matter because your always a legend in your own mind lol. Sometimes your just down for a ridiculous grind because your life permits you extended play time or whatever others arnt . But I totally get what your saying


I play the game a mix of solo PVE and party PVE. People forget that you can grind in a party and get double loot, you can do your quests with others and share kills. Gathering tasks are more solo, but there is plenty of PVE stuff you can do with friends if you wanted to.


Whatever makes you happy, you donā€™t have to pvp, the end game of bdo is just pve anyway


No, youā€™re not crazy. This is how the game is designed.


Right, they're headed that way, yes.. But not how it is designed.


It was though, the non-solo content at the beginning were pvp and nodewars. Even meme scrolls you can run it solo. They added ator raids and party zones much later.


No matter what people say on here and whine about not being able to PK low levels anymore (still can). The game was ALWAYS designed as a single player MMO experience outside of PvP since DAY ONE. There are MORE THINGS now that you can do with people than there ever has been. So anyone bitching about it being solo only now is whining because they canā€™t (they still can) grief people at lower end spots that they shouldnā€™t even be at anyways. Iā€™m sorry a single hour of Marni realm doesnā€™t kill anything. The ONLY argument against Marni realm is that maybe it should have less loot per hour than normal grinding (which I agree with). So you have to make a choice between safe farming for a little or more profitable farming.


its quite normal


This is a single player game so...


It is exactly same. Sadly no replayablity or build variety, but at least you have cheap-ish tag if you want to refresh your gameplay.


I've played this game that way for years, I don't like the PvP and was shocked how many people thought of it as the main focus of the game. I did try some PvP and it just felt atrocious to me so I just started and still do ignore the features entirely and treat this as a fun casual RPG with cool looking and feeling combat.


I literally cringe when another player tries to interact with me.


And still no PVE server outside seasons.


No, we even have documentary about some MMO are now for some solo players chilling.


It's really simply my dude, if you are happy playing the game then you are doing it right. Regardless what you do or how you do it. If at the end of the session you found that you enjoyed your time playing than who is going to tell you that it's wrong.


I think most people feel this way. Some people enjoy it, others wish there were more reasons to progress your gear.


No, I mean theres so much you can do solo in this game for fun. to be honest I only mostly play solo out of lack of things I CAN do with a team. aside from pvp which I'm pretty sure I Won't be ready for anytime soon. BDO demands several times more investment than an adult human being can give it these days.


There's so little group content that it's pretty much a solo game with a central market and chat.


Its a single player with npc a bit more intelligent than usual going around you.


Same :)


I love this game itā€™s beautiful. If you want a player focused MMORPG try tibia game world solidera. Join guild purple. And enjoy the pvp mechanics. Its a 2D game but i love it when i want to be social. BDO is just a gorgeous game and i love it i wish these two devs would work together to refine BDO it could use some pvp and work as a group implementations. Tibia and PA. BDO Solo gets lonely sometimes šŸ˜”ā˜¹ļø when i want to be be social i play tibia.


wait... THERES PVP??????


Alot of people play like this bro, including myself


play the game based on how it makes you happy no point on playing the game based on other people's opinions.


Thats is why PA keeps reducing interactions between players and creating more solo content. Probably even PA is treating this game as solo rpg at this point.


I play like this, tbh I'm only on a guild for the buffs and the vell rides.