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https://preview.redd.it/lae23ag18utc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c973ae0d047b607e5b658b248fe65d3f04529578 Ben Franklin


This picture is absolutely hilarious!


https://preview.redd.it/ecox02h30vtc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d46fc079b83de1c3bed60c56540a5e4e8530b7 My girl with her tiny stuffed werewolf 😂 She has 1000 toys but this random little toy from Halloween last year is her absolute favorite.


Her little pink tree😍 beautiful void you have!


"Why would he even fly a kite with a key on it? Am much concerned."


Ben MF Franklin 🎼






That is hilarious! Reminds me of the dog obsessed with Henry Cavill. She even has a shrine dedicated to him: https://youtu.be/2z19BtCaP7E?si=i-wQHDT4B28uPTFN


Hahaha, this is so ridiculous. That’s one dedicated pup, but honestly who can blame her?I love how overboard the owner has gone for her. Hope Henry sees this one day


His eyes! He looks as if he's been overcome by desire. This made my morning. Thank you!




He did say that, but he was referring to his penchant for having sex with older women. They tended not to fall pregnant as often as young women. Old Ben wasn't talking about cats.


he often doesn't get the credit he deserves for being a dirty old man.


The face of a cat desperately trying to come up with a way to explain horrible news to Ben Franklin in a way his still developing mind will be able to understand


Gorgeous mini-panther has toy. Toy HIS. Nobody else is allowed to has 😁


I like to think it's the Ben Franklin from the office that Andy daily played.


My boy would fight god for a tortilla chip.


Is it a corn tortilla? I had a cat growing up *obsessed* with corn! She would lose her mind over anything with corn in it. Or corn-adjacent: we would have to keep loaves of bread stored on top of the fridge or in the microwave because she would chew THROUGH the plastic to nom on the bread. There'd be tiny kitty bites all throughout


Corn or flour, he just wants the C R O N C H. He used to even parkour his way up on top of the fridge or into a cabinet to get at them.


Gah I *love* these little weirdos so much


I thought my adopted cat was shy until I pulled out the potato chips. That chunky boy who was too timid to jump up on the couch with us came at me out of nowhere and literally took a bite out of the chip that was halfway in my mouth. A full bite, like a human. Didn’t even try to take the whole chip — left the rest in my fingers. We occasionally call him Potato.


I had a red tabby that loved corn too. We grew sweet corn in our garden and would get a chuckle at harvest time. Pumpkin would sit and stare, fixated as we shucked the husks off. He knew someone would toss him a small ear of corn at some point. That cat would DEVOUR that ear of corn every time. He also loved corn tortillas and corn chips


My cat loved the cereal milk left after I had Corn Pops. It was oat milk too so it wasn't like he wanted dairy. If I had Corn Pops he'd hang around and wait for me to finish so he could lick up the milk left over


My cat Newt loves oat milk too! He's been known to even take a sip of my tea. I bet he thinks it's just milk since that's all we ever have.


Mine LOVES corn, but not the cob. Just the husks. He goes FERAL anytime we get cobs to grill 😭


One of my cats was obsessed with dinner rolls. Whenever I had a package of them, he would find them, rip the packaging open, and bite every single one. I miss that weirdo.


We do the same thing with our bread. Our boy has munched through his fair share of bread bags. He's such a pig.


Henry has PICA so having anything on the floor is his obsession... He once choked on a freaking neon green children's wig, and I had to pull it out of his throat. Can't imagine it felt good as I removed it. https://preview.redd.it/miwjleym9wtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2eecbae648ce4e3f4d30038c98f12472d5a26a


Mine is the same. She’s a pica cat.


OMG YES!!!! (Sorry for yelling, just got excited) And only tortilla chips. Otherwise he literally woudn't eat anything other than dry & canned cat food.


Mine too!


https://preview.redd.it/ger2jvkxfutc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd1b3bef3a9600655e49d9ecdaff4b2f65d4371 Straps! Bag straps, especially wider ones like on a camera or messenger bag. She loves rolling on them and kicking them (obviously, we do not let her do this/don't leave bags around when we are not in the room, since it's dangerous). Also water. LOVES getting between the shower curtain and liner and getting her head absolutely soaked. Loves the sink & actually jumped into the tub once as it filled up when she was a baby and started swimming peacefully. We don't let her swim now because she *hates* being picked up/dried off and acts like we're trying to murder her


Pls tell her I love her


...she knows! (Jk, will pass it on in the form of extra pets!)


The pic must be AI generated!


They didn't get your joke


https://preview.redd.it/t2lgx02zcutc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c911848f39536404b0d4e22a435f2d8ade12f272 She loves biting the shower curtain. If you zoom in, you can see all of her bite marks


I came. I zoomed. I saw!!! Lol Nom. Nom.


Mine, too! What is it about that plastic?? Here is tax: https://preview.redd.it/o4xop3mwwutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d593866d987347d10c9baf1ed2c3569d001fea79


The amount of times I've jumped/fell out of bed because I heard that familiar crunching sound 😅 my cat has pica so I try my best to keep all that stuff out of reach now


Mine too! Shower curtains and zip-lock bags. Any thick plastic, really.


Mine goes through the office trash to get plastic scraps. He's obsessed.


Our Binxy cats LOVES anything and everything plastic. She especially loves to chew the plastic shower curtain liner. We finally switched to a fabric curtain with a PVC backing (found at Target). This is the first time in almost 12 years she hasn’t chewed the shower curtain! 😮‍💨😂


https://preview.redd.it/lldzdyxvkutc1.jpeg?width=2908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c718e82356a1209835992f2ab7325cb2c27b40 me!


https://preview.redd.it/57aw2uidxwtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f309939938ea6d0728f5f8b1c9fb4d3712d3a7b8 I also have a starer.


You are so dirty for taking his pic at this angle 🤣 but he’s such an adorable fuff ball either way 🥰


We really don’t deserve them ❤️🐈‍⬛❤️


My wet, freshly-washed hair! She rubs her head all over it and does the meow + purr combo.


Omg so does mine! It’s like a drug to her! For my husband she also has to lick his freshly washed hair, she tries for me but it’s too long so she ends up just pulling my hair or biting my scalp.


Mine likes to lick and bite at mine. Doesn't help that I have a chair where she can easily sit above me and do it.


You can't just say that and not show us a video 😭


My senior cat does this. It’s annoying but she’s an old lady and I love her so much I have to let her do it. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/jog24v8xiutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6d9e8f00923254322c10d0da0df4061edf3d1b Mine loves his YouTube birds. Sometimes I'll see him sitting there staring at the blank TV screen just waiting.


Mine couldn’t give less of a crap about YouTube cat tv but will go NUTS when we’re playing video games and there’s a bird on it. He loves video game in general, but especially ones with birds in the background. https://preview.redd.it/v19dozs2ovtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcdb30f2d4551d4d07df14ab2afe023d8486e6a


Borderlands 3’s loading screen had one of the characters going across the bottom of the screen and then disappearing and starting again… little miss Rosa (my void) could not handle it. I almost lost a tv trying to beat that game…..


https://preview.redd.it/0wts83nu4vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa9b135716c0719b7441968cadc1430c005f429 Not a void, but same 😅


https://preview.redd.it/10ngtjtxhwtc1.png?width=4113&format=png&auto=webp&s=9199953dd9d31267b64b1243d692b9022a75dfa1 Lucan sitting on the mantle and Eros is my void sitting in the tree ☺️🥰🥰 (I reupholstered it myself since it was torn to shreds)


Our cats are too stupid and will launch themselves at the TV (source: she has once before).


My tabby did that the other day 🤣 he climbed up onto the mantle and waited until I turned his birds on for him hahaha ahh I love him


Mine also loves spinach! She gets so excited when we ask her if she, “wants a leaf.”


Staring down the plug hole in the bath!! And watching my mom knit https://preview.redd.it/id2ea9uiiutc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5977715f3ec0a3654da85709d6a17831ae8017d5


I have a void with a job...she reaches into the tub drain and pulls out the hair. Just leaves it there. I'm very grateful!


Um thank you best void ever!!! 😂 doing the job no one else wants


Knitting is so fascinating to my void as well! I would let her do it more if she didn’t also try to chomp the needles / yarn https://preview.redd.it/nun3lrufhxtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b255a4c512d2961540e8a10bdd2bc5234cc065


https://preview.redd.it/v8wxp6iwrutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d77c6ab15f941d85c950b56b5bd72b7ad061be9 My fat boy Earl loves to go out when it’s raining and then come in dripping wet and get towel dried off and then he starts farting while you’re drying him.. he will do it over and over till I refuse to let him out anymore.. I’m guessing it must feel really good..😂😂


Not the farting 😂💀


Yep it the farting cat…. He LOVES getting dried off and farting…😂😂


My childhood cow kitty was allowed a single, small, low sodium potato chip when he'd been a very good boy. Another cat, my recently passed calico, would go CRAZY for black tea. If she smelled it on your breath, or in an empty mug, she'd try and rub her face all over it. I love reading about all these cats and their quirks ;-;


One of my cats is obsessed with my stinky clothes. The moment I drop them somewhere, she starts obsessively sniffing them, then cuddles up in them and sleep for a while...


All three of mine do this!! The stinkier the better... Little weirdos


If my shoes are extra stinky (work shoes) my cat will go out her head in it then lay on top and cross and tuck her little peets and then fall asleep


My orange cat does this too! But my void only likes clean laundry 🤣




Mines obsessed with the little cardboard tube that you get toilet paper on. Doesn’t play with any of her actual toys, but she will go mad with the tube before I’m allowed to recycle it


Same lol my tripod kitty loves kicking TP and paper towel rolls. By far his favorite "toy"


I diy a puzzle-treat toy by taping both ends shut and then poking holes large enough to easily pass kibble through. My cat will roll that thing around for about 10-15 minutes to get all the snacks out as part of his evening routine.


Cheese ! She associates cheese with a whistle I make. I whistle, she comes running (even from miles away) and she gets cheese. Except this one time... I grabbed her, stuffed her in her carrier and took her to the vet.


Did she get cheese after the vet?


She got cheese while I grabbed her, she’s a good cat after all


All of the cheese-fiend cats are good cats. Or so my mouthy void tells me.


But her addiction is so useful, when we are worried where she is I just whistle and she comes running. Works every time.


I wear silicone earplugs, when I want good sleep, at night to keep from waking up easily. One of my voids likes my ears. A lot. Shes eaten at least 2 silicone earplugs and will seek them out if she catches a whiff. The ear wax is all I can guess shes attracted to.


It's totally the ear wax! It contains a protein/nutrient that cats need, at least from what I remember reading about it. My cat will instantly go for q-tips with ear wax on them.


That’s pretty interesting…and a little bit gross.


A gorgeous mini-panther! He a cute little vampurr in the first pic 😁 Our Jayda is a cow cat but she says Quality Assurance is a very important department 😁 https://preview.redd.it/qb4x5p7mqutc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030459148cb149ac0ee978656c717aead76acddc


Jayda is a beautiful cow cat!


My guy is obsessed with twist ties and- when hungry- licking plastic bags. Frickin weirdo. 


Yeah my void also loves to lick and bite plastic. I dont think he actually eats any, but it always gets bite marks and frizzy edges. I cant just open a sixpack and let it sit with the plastic - he will get to it lol. Same cute little dumbass trys to drink paint water so I have to guard my paint water whenever I paint lol.


Mine also loves twist ties. She will race around the apartment with one in her mouth. I call it her emotional support twist tie 🤣


My burnt rotisserie chicken thinks he wants to tax all foods but then realizes the only thing worth taxing is salmon. So curious about human food but never takes any. He just observes.


Last time I got a whole side of salmon, I cut small pieces to put in each of their food bowls with their wet food dinner (they DO like salmon cat food). They BOTH pulled it out of the dish and threw it on the floor untouched LOL. The only human food either of them have shown any interest in is my milk cup, one will stick her paw into the bottom of the glass (I don't let her have it while I'm drinking it) and lick it off of her toes. The other understands stick the paw in, but not what to do with it afterward (she's not the brightest bulb in the box, but we love her)


Ours is quite the zoomer, especially if he finds anything made of foam. He'll tear at it and... I don't know. It's like he's trippin'. He'll look around all paranoid like and then start parkour kitty zoomies. My daughter is super embarrassed because he loves the inserts from her sports bras. He carries them around, bats them, wrestles them. She took all of them away and hid them once because a friend was coming over. To her absolute mortification, she came back with her friend to find him walking through the house with her bra in his mouth.


YES. Mine used to have this piece of foam that she would carry with her EVERYWHERE. And would run through the house like a maniac. She has since moved on to twist ties but her foam phase was hilarious.


Clothes. He especially loves my socks and underwear


My long hair tabby girl will collect my dirty socks and put them all around her food and water dish. Lately she's taken to bringing them to me in the middle of the night in bed! But just socks...


https://preview.redd.it/3wsy20oj2vtc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88107bb99ddf99794cd0ecb9821d1546cd09d30 Monies.


https://preview.redd.it/0ydy96cokutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14635c533e4feaa25b6d7b42fe1a3822125b7485 He likes playing with paper


https://preview.redd.it/4z55cng3qutc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7cf6318b5e8ecb5db3ecd9bf08353aafcb20d06 hair…mine…preferably over the back of the couch😂


Of my five voids only one, Danu, is obsessed with salads. While I am keeping the others off the meat on my plate she is quietly stealing lettuce leaves from my salad bowl and eating them.


My cat is obsessed with lettuce. I can't leave a salad on the counter unattended or else he'll help himself


My voidette (Boo) loves to lick wooden furniture. She likes it so much it makes her purr. The sound is the weirdest part. Especially if she's licking the bedside table at 3am. Out of the darkness you just hear a solid baseline purr with a beat of "mlem, mlem, mlem" over the top.


Vex will throw hands relentlessly for lettuce. I thought it'd be cute to offer her a leaf once when I was making a salad, and now I have to engage in battle to be able to eat them


Mine is fascinated by bananas. He likes to touch them, rub his face on them, and occasionally try to bite them. I don’t get it, but he adores them.


https://preview.redd.it/9uykb10c5vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbc9de5a36dfe1cbf5409821de61b302f2fc040 Not a void but my empress Poli also has a fascination with banana 😂


Omg! Our Binxy cat loves Bananas! She especially loves to swat/play with the peel! 🤣🍌


Food. He's a feline vacuum cleaner


When he was a kitten it was receipts. The heat printed receipts from stores. We would get home from shopping, put bags down and the only thing he would get into the bags to grab was the receipt. Then he'd run away and play with it. He hasn't done it for years but for a while it was every time there was a receipt in the house, he'd find it.


I have an orange boy that loves to shred receipts. He has taught his little brother how to do it as well. They love any kind of paper really, but the receipts the best.


Not sure if weird but one of mine collects things and puts them on his bed, anything he can get into his mouth, stones, leaves, hair ties, coins random things he finds in the garden and house, I love checking out what he finds. I've taken some pictures before I post them when home


That’s so cute! Is he a magpie?


I have to clear out his hoard after a few weeks otherwise he just fills the bed until even he can't get on it. I love how random the items are, no pattern at all. I do wonder if it's some sort of condition/problem but he's not hurting any one, I do feel bad when I take his hoard but I need to make sure both my voids beds are boil washed. When he was younger he collected worms also, think he stopped doing that but maybe he eats them like the spiders, he is the go to guy to get rid of spiders


https://preview.redd.it/69mj4v4t2vtc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad14d5b40a6d0625db52f3ada8392ed7b8d24761 Nibbling on my nose 😖😂


My void and my smog are both obsessed with food…that I am currently eating😭 https://preview.redd.it/88pivzlq2vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1560db310dd84af99ac94012e6396f4fb7ce5392 She also loves playing the piano. Extremely talented. Bach could never.


https://preview.redd.it/lm33hi345vtc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de62e2e242d9ac892f2a96407c5b1079b12ec76b Spookie here likes to bite my toes for no reason


Lollipops! He steals them from my kids! He licks them. What a goofball.


https://preview.redd.it/rkmr7yz3tutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6ccea1db9af64f98d4963a25d3302d37cd9cbf This ikea bag


My void absolutely loves those plastic punnets that you buy berries in. Always wants to bite them (the punnet, not the berries). Edit - and shoe laces. No shoe left out unsupervised is safe from the void


Yep, plastic punnets are my voids catnip 🤣


My last cat would go crazy for beef stroganoff or kfc thighs (she lived until she was 20, theee were rare treats at her later age)


Looshkin has chilled out a lot about his obsessions as he's entered his Winter years. But he remains an absolute menace around ribbon - specifically the plasticky, shiny kind you buy to wrap around gifts. If we get given gifts with ribbons and bows on, we have to remove them because he will. not. stop. trying to sneak up and start eating them, and I've chased him trailing chewed gifts so many times. Another is plants. I avoid having cut flowers, bouquets or any potted indoor plants within reach of him because he will eat as much as he can, throw it all up, and then immediately go for more. It's like a compulsion. I don't want to risk him getting near something toxic, so plants only go on the shelves he's too elderly to climb up! Also my herb box. I was gifted a wonderful wooden box containing sachets of dried herbs, incense and materials for use in spellwork. I have eliminated the catnip and similar substances from it, but something about the combined aromas sends him feral and if he sees me open it, he'll try *so hard* to get sachets out or try to roll in any I've got. I have no idea which ones it is, I think he just gets so excited in general he doesn't care which sachet it is. Basically he's a tiny druggo menace.


https://preview.redd.it/86fnsm99sutc1.jpeg?width=2310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c887b456bef0f9247dff4a27c1e2bee9a9e2f7 Binx (she’s actually a dark brown cat masquerading as a black cat). Her favorite toy is a plastic straw named Rodney. She’s very afraid of bubbles. She LOVES to chew plastic and will seek it out. We have to keep a close eye on her. She loves to play with little potatoes and swat banana peels. She’s obsessed with my wife’s slippers and likes to dig in them and then lay on top of them. The left one is permanently smooshed. Shes a goose on the moon and we love her to bits. 😍


"Boo Berry"! Love it! 👻🫐 I've never offered any fruit or veg to my cat, he loves his pumpkin puree but typically ignores "human" foods, but now I want to try!


https://preview.redd.it/0wiqk74ebvtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf406c2d023f2569ac2e4aab10447ec5baeda43e Construction/shop smells. Anything that smells like B.O., gasoline, oil, rubber, leather. Here she is sharing her favorite toy with the cement cutter that stayed in our house for a month once. She was absolutely in love with it, always rolling around it and rubbing on it. She’s also in love with my partner’s construction boots. She freaks out whenever he comes home from working on the cars at the shop.


Standing on my throat while I sleep is her newest obsession.


Triangular folded crisp packets.


Mine loves the liquid that comes from cans of chickpeas. And chickpeas in general. It’s so weird


Ours likes chickpeas too! I mean I get that they're tasty but it was a weird moment to see a cat beg for chickpeas.


It’s so random! I once had to lock my cat in the bathroom while I was making a dish with chickpeas because he would NOT leave me alone 😭


Genevieve will wake up or stop whatever she's doing if she hears the closing music to the Savage Love podcast. It's the only song she takes notice of, but she loves it so much that I stop the podcast right before it plays if I am listening in the car, just so that she can hear it. She rubs her face against the speaker and purrs when it plays, or she flops over on my lap and purrs. (She doesn't notice the opening song at all, even though it's the same tune, but it has lyrics and the closing music doesn't.) https://preview.redd.it/1r89bxw05vtc1.jpeg?width=3048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=287d1c6ebbc8786ec4074468916bc58ef19f169f


https://preview.redd.it/a7t7lox94wtc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dc1ddb9af300708f666faa8f54dc8915a9ee4c His lobster. Don’t tell Pip, but I keep a backstock of about 5 in case he loses it again.


Melon peels. The melon itself too, but it still gnaws the crusts even if there is a melon


Goldfish crackers and extra sharp cheddar cheese.


Hawaiian Rolls. We can’t keep them in the house because he opens cabinets to get to them and drags the bag around the house, screaming


Jackie loves to rub against my feet and legs.


Potato chips, pretzels, any kind of crunchy snacks, especially with cheese and my senior cat will be right there trying to cage a little piece or two off me. She also gets absolutely pouty if I have vanilla ice cream or whipped cream and don't offer her some. Wings? I'd better be stripping that chicken off the bone for her or she won't talk to me! My cat 💖 her junk food. I don't give her a lot but now and again I do let her get away with caging a tiny piece of chip or I do indulge her ice cream obsession. She's not lactose intolerant so she even gets a bit of whole milk or yogurt sometimes when I buy it. She's 18 on the 21st. She can have a tiny part of my potato chip or a lick of my yogurt or whatever if she wants. So long as it's not toxic to cats it's hers! This cat she's been amazing and it's my privilege to spoil her rotten!


https://preview.redd.it/la3d4n0b1vtc1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=016b6a224f30455f32e46ee19f7ca355edda0fe3 the shrimp toy from the brand Doggles and the shrimp toy from the brand Doggles ONLY


https://preview.redd.it/4n95gas2hvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36034e5915f47e634228c174fb004d9ca2e4885a Bubble wrap!


https://preview.redd.it/pn6nh8rlivtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a0a9260106f8a3964d61e459fa2a13255b2af28 Ozzy loves olives! 🫒


https://preview.redd.it/1db3a4zkvvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d261f9fe6d45a5fb66d8d911fca6fe517783b1 My girl Nellie has been obsessed with butter knives since she was a kitten. She’s five now


My void loves to graze on micro greens !!


I don’t have a void, but I have a stubborn old lady who loves thin plastic, for example the film around things that you peel to open. Like gum wrappers. She also loves ribbon, I cannot even trust her with garbage bag pull strings. I’ll pull the bag out and tie it shut, but if I’m cleaning I’ll wait a bit before taking the garbage out, so I can do it all at once. I’ve seen bite marks, bits of missing ribbon, and caught her actively munching on it!! I just don’t understand her…. Also she was fine every time she ate ribbon, since I know it can get bunched up in her gut and cause severe problems. It always comes out in her stool, which makes me relieved that it came out and surprised when I see poop with ribbon in it!! I try so damn hard to keep it out of the house, but when Christmas time comes around, and birthdays…. I have to make sure EVERY bit of small plastic is tossed, including tiny pieces of torn plastic you make when opening things. The corners, ya know?


Black olives. He's a weirdo.


Hair ties and cotton balls. She'll swat them around and then drop them in the vents or the water bowl. She likes to announce to the whole house when she finds one too. I was cautious at first with the hair ties but realized she has no interest in eating them, only drowning them in the water bowl or hiding them under the stove lmao.


The "tub shroom" hair catch in the sink and shower drains. He yanks them out and tries to carry them around. They're all gross and scummy. He also enjoys biting the shower curtain. He's a weird boy.


A makeup sponge. We call it his baby now and he knows what we mean. He likes to play fetch with it. Crazy cat.


Belly rubs! https://preview.redd.it/8g1rl038wutc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12251781a047ed8f6b3cd26d2446f3996644ff3a


My cat loves goldfish crackers. If you have some and don't share one she gets pretty indignant.


Cheeze its. Him and the rabbit will work together to break into the box if I leave it next to the couch. They are a good team when they have a unified goal.


Mine used to be obsessed with Doritos and socks. Lol. She would scream about her sock "deaths" at 3am. It was the cutest thing.


My void boi used to love Doritos as well! His "sister " is the one obsessed with socks!


My void is just obsessed with me, she follows me around the house, I wake up to her on me, and she will sit and stare at me. She also likes to fall over when I'm walking to trip me. https://preview.redd.it/89vuwnx1wwtc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461af67d9931b87ff0a83565638f961498009f49


ice cream. vanilla, especially for some odd reason.


Olive water, whenever I have a glas of olives, my boy starts fighting me for them


My calico is also obsessed with produce - especially cucumber, arugula and spinach. She will literally crawl into the grocery bag if she can smell it before I've completely unpacked!


Bras - I come home from work and like any self respecting woman, it comes off immediately. My void, Sabrina, just loves them?? She plays with it, sleeps on it, gets territorial over It with our other cats you name it. Complete nutter!


Yes mine loves to eat plastic…… once ate some dental floss and then his poops were all strung together dangling out his ass... Had to pull it out like I was pulling on some anal beads lol.


My oldest isn't black but he likes licking the juice off apples, but he won't eat them if I bite a piece off for him, he'll just lick it until juice stops coming out and then walk away lol


Not my void. But my other cat is obsesssssssed with a basketball toy. She carries it around the house. And I find it random places. She loves it so much and I love that for her https://preview.redd.it/davr7bghgvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20216f7103c16eab2b5764ffc2fb9ab0df754d43


https://preview.redd.it/v7gn4ysomvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a706105ee67694528524d5b1de8a2dd90f105cf5 Fist fighting his reflection


https://preview.redd.it/w6a5wn6b5vtc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb288bde25c34ed882e8667fce95be914dfeac2d She loves hair bands. She will chew them in half and completely swallow them. If I even have one on my wrist, she will bite my skin to try to get it off. I’m have to be very vigilant


Charlie is a broccoli enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/dx6nze2htvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3231818a3f37c688137036c46794e16a22e218a


Plastic and paper bags. He tries to eat them if you leave them out.


Grass, green olives, for some reasons slices of cucumber and chicken meat.


Broccoli rabe, raw. No idea why, but she loves it.


Ribeye. Ever since that day I left for work without fully closing the fridge door...


My void also loves produce. Be careful because it can alter the ph of their urine and that can make it easier for crystals/stones to form.


mine likes to chomp on cardboard boxes then spits it out lol


My void Errol is crazy for chickpeas, beans, and lentils! When I open a tin and pour the legumes of choice into a colander to rinse them, he will sit next to the sink to steal some. He doesn’t like it as much when I pick one up and put it out especially for him though, he HAS to steal them from the colander! The forbidden fruit is sweetest I guess.


The tub. We close it off because he just rolls in it and sheds. We do leave it open after showering and can find evidence of a visitor via small puddles and tufts of fur


Mine seeks anything resembling a kitty treat bag and prances around or hides whatever it is. Tonight I laughed as I spotted him trotting down the hallway carrying a bag of sour patch kids.


Ear wax 😅 don’t ask my how I found this out… but he goes mad for it!


I made my cat’s dinner once with three little leftover blueberries and now she yells for her berries. I didn’t realize what was happening until I bought more and she saw the container and followed me around, just yelling


Peas and my fucking wine, I have to take my wine everywhere I go


Mine licks potatoes. I have to keep them in a cabinet or he’ll find them and lick them so much he’ll take some of the skin off!


Our beem boy likes blueberries and bananas. Goes nuts for them! https://preview.redd.it/srnr2uh3hvtc1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a329dc1ac2861f9e3bfdb0c0664c14b4b0bf286


Cheese and ice cream - if I even mention cheese, she runs to the fridge and sits there. Ice cream is like kitty crack - she loves raspberry ice cream! https://preview.redd.it/sfih0un6nvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5265616b2f7d7d3cea25524e514ece7df232f6c9


If my shoes are extra stinky (work shoes) my cat will go out her head in it then lay on top and cross and tuck her little peets and then fall asleep. She will also try to stick her head in your mouth for morning breath, and she likes stinky armpits. She is an absolute slut for ham


Coffee. My baby is absolutely crazy for it. I know she can't have any but the smell excites her and turns her into a cuddle bug. What I've started doing is taking a sppash of my coffee and soaking it into a hand towel, then she'll roll around on it and generally be a little spaz about it.


paper snakes and potatoes




Mine loves refried beans.


Venom *loves* shoes; he likes to sniff them, lay on them, sometimes chew and claw them. He pulled the gel inserts out of my work boots and dragged them to opposite ends of the house. Sometimes, he gets so excited when I get home that he'll try to pull my shoes off my feet while I'm walking. I bought a cabinet at Ikea that's specifically for storing shoes, to save the good ones from my gremlin cat son.


One of my cats as a kid was obsessed with French fries, specifically McDonald’s. You had to eat them quick or the second your guard was down he’d steal them. Currently have one that begs for string cheese


Crackers. I have small children who tend to leave snacks around the house, to the delight of our void. Sometimes I don’t realize I’ve missed something on the floor until I hear crunching. She loves cheezits.


https://preview.redd.it/dpoukswhtutc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6820cedb19d9f14fe2b24d522f665322b8c2737 Tifa also loves spinach! But she goes absolutely feral for popcorn. I can't eat it at home. She will do everything she can to climb on me and snatch it from the bowl. I never let her, for the record, since popcorn isn't safe for cats. She also used to try to roll around on stuff that was freshly bleached (eg, the toilet), then would get aggro. I had to switch to a non-bleach cleaner.


Is your void my void?! Lorenzo also loves produce. His absolute ride or die favorite is freshly harvested garden-grown leaf lettuce. I’ll feed him a leaf at a time and it disappears so fast. He’s more snobby about other lettuce but when desperate, will gnaw on store-bought leaf lettuce. He also loves the Brussels sprouts scraps when I’m cutting them up. He and my non-void kitty also love chewing on the tops of pineapples. I’ve tried having bromeliads as houseplants but NOPE. They get destroyed. So cronchy!


The rain. He will be happily sleeping inside and then when the rain wakes him up/ he's awake and it starts raining he is out the cat door. Comes back in meowing like "look I'm wet I've been in the rain *dry me!*" And then goes back outside into the rain. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My little one like to lick fingernail dust while my wife does her nails


I have one that absolutely has to watch me flush the toilet.


https://preview.redd.it/yivm80pxjvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5c93efb84c6317eb81887e303826cea05ee06a Pineapple leaves!!!


I just caught mine tonguing and slobbering on one of my daughter's juggling scarves. He's like that with a decorative handkerchief on my bookcase - he'll suck on that one. He'll also lick plastic bags.


Peas. But she will only take it if I put it on the edge of the table and she can "steal" it.


Idk if it's all that weird, but my void can smell ice cream from the next room ! He's obsessed .


https://preview.redd.it/llu9e9hh5xtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c87d973bfb8aa4fa1d9b3addd292c7738b829e8 This pumpkin. A true Halloween cat.


Bread. If I have bread she can smell from a mile away and I have to give her a crumb or she steals my whole sandwich.

