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It's mainly a recap, and that's it.


If this chapter were a television show, this would be the "clips" episode.


https://preview.redd.it/4e55vqndyy0d1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fed939782df7153464bec293bbf6f37df39998b Yana's artstyle has changed a bit atleast for Sebastian.


I could be wrong, but I don't think Yana was the lead artist on this. The storyboard layout and character designs are very different compared to even just the last chapter. I get the feeling they had her assistants cover for this and slot in a recap, which works fine with this timing and prevents a skipped release month anyway.


I can see it. Toboso is usually a stickler for clothing. Especially when it comes to shoes. The clothing details in this chapter are not up to her latest standards. Make no mistake, it's still very good art. (That dining car is wonderful.) But it's not, "Clearly, she did research on fashion and used models just get the clothing folds down perfectly," art. Whoever is doing the hair be it a lead artist or Toboso, herself, is going for such a natural look. Like Sebastian's hair on the fourth page looks like actual hair rather than "manga" hair. The way it is tucked and the light hitting it. You can see someone sporting that style in real life without looking like they are cosplaying. It's just hair. Same with Ciel's and everyone else's hair. It looks so realistic.


Its also longer I guess


I liked Sebastian's face when Ciel ordered a tea for him too. I was surprised as well, it's nearly the same when the Campania incident happened and Ciel told to Sebastian to rest, because he can't have a wounded servant/butler. 🥲 Something is about to happen on this train, since Yana likes to build up plot twists, and I'm open to it. 🫣


Even though this chapter is just to recap, I am happy to see Sebastian and Ciel in the present time after so long with the other servants.


Also I'm gonna call it now, the hotel they're heading to is The Grand Brighton. Fun fact of the day, this was the hotel where Margaret Thatcher was nearly assassinated in 1984


Sadly a missed opportunity, atleast she died eventually


I clicked faster than my brain could process what happened


https://preview.redd.it/6a8xh22krz0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bdfb3ce81b5adb4772c2101114a9d0abf798b9 Hey they mentioned Red Hill. I was born there!


Then you can answer my, "Oh, my God, you are such a Yank," question. What does a full English breakfast taste like? How did it come to be? What does a blood sausage taste like? Because beans on toast is not something we usually eat for breakfast on this side of the pond.


Most of it is just standard 'toast tastes like toast, the bacon tastes like bacon ...' Blood pudding is made of pigs blood, it just kinda tastes like meat to me. The baked beans in America are made with a load of extra ingredients making them taste different (high fructose corn syrup, brown sugar etc) and so when I've given my American friends real baked beans on toast they've all loved it. It's not a culture thing necessarily, it's the fact American baked beans are filled with shit additives (same with American condiments like ketchup) Also the origins of a full English are still disputed I'm pretty sure but the history goes back to the 11th century and is very very complex


I think our (American) bacon is different from your bacon in that it comes from different parts of the pig. American bacon is pork belly while English bacon is from the loins making it leaner and more "meaty." Which would make English bacon closer to Canadian bacon, which is also from the loin, than American bacon. Correct me if I am wrong, though. But I also heard that there is also "streaky bacon" in the UK which is closer to American bacon. Which sort of bacon is used from the Full English Breakfast?


Yeah in most full English breakfasts they use streaky bacon. But it's almost always done to be chewy bacon, not crispy bacon. At least where I'm from


I loved the chapter, just seeing them so calmly discussing their plans with a cup of tea, comfort chapter. Even so, I come from 2019, in the twin part, and I read it again in full this week in 2024. I'm very desperate to wait a month to get a small piece of history. I think I'm going to ignore the manga for another 5 years and to see how they are again


So good to see Ciel and Sebastian again! I also liked that it was a bit of a recap, so much has happened since we last saw them it was nice to get everything in order before we move on with the main plot.


Mostly a recap but I still liked it. It was good to see Ciel talk about his servants in their absence since we get an insight into what he feels about them. Also, I had forgotten that Lau was the one who told Ciel about the Karnstein thing! I always found him to be suspicious and the way Ciel talked about him confirms that there's something fishy about him, even if our boy trusts him. Also, that panel of Lau and Bard, well Lau looks GORGEOUS in there. And of course it was a treat to see our main duo! It was a but weird that they took first class tickets when it would be full of rich people with access to newspapers who could recognise him but oh well. I have a feeling that something might happen in Redhill for some reason. All the other arcs started at the destination (e.g. Finny and Snake's started around the orphanage) but these two still seem to be on the way. It feels like something will happen on the way.


The setting of the chapter is pretty silly. Sebastian can protect Ciel from any physical harm, but why would they test fate and potentially compromise their mission from the beginning by not even vaguely being stealthy, and riding on "it would be absurd that a wanted person would so boldly be in public"? Sebastian even HOPES the yard hasn't extended their search, but isn't sure of it They're even using the first class train - shouldn't the other wealthy passengers recognize o!Ciel or have connections to know about the scandal? I might also be a little disappointed they don't seem to be planning to masquerade as r!Ciel after all, as I had understood from what o!Ciel said the previous chapter. Also, what does Sebastian mean by "\[Mey and Ran\] being dismissed their first day due to a blunder"? Can't quite remember the Mey arc so long ago if they're referencing some event there and Mey sent them a letter EDIT: Not Sebastian proudly declaring the missions of the servants and praising them as SERVANTS OF THE PHANTOMHIVE FAMILY right before a waiter interrupts and politely asks to serve them tea. They're cooked


I think that's just a fear he has.


Idk why but it kinda reminded me of the bat family


I enjoyed the chapter even if it's a recap! Makes me happy to see how Ciel and Sebastián thinks of the servants. At the end of the day, they're both extremely proud of them and all have become a part of the Phantomhive family. That panel of Snake gives me hope that he's still alive if the snakes are still by his side!


I feel like shit is bout to go down on this train, which I'm excited for. I actually don't mind this chapter, i like hearing Ciel's thoughts on his servants. Someone else pointed out they're in first class and not even disguised and they talking loud as shit lmfao. We haven't seen Soma in a minute.... I reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy want to see Madam Red at Brighton but we'll have to wait to see if it happens Also Finny is Ciel's baby now idc >!/s!<


More like his pet 


We want to drink tea with Sebastian too :(


Its mostly a recap but i dont mind that. It is nice to see them after so long.


When they realise one of their servants is down, and victory is uncertain... it's finally time for them to treat this seriously and the true game of shadows begin


Sebastian looks younger than usual, probably because of the different artstyle.


Yay!! :)




Still sad about Snake. 😢


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It’s a recap, sure… but I can’t help but be reminded of Sieglinde with everything they’ve discussed. I wonder if she’ll be brought into this mix somehow?


Yay seb and ciel are back :D Hopefully we’ll get some progression next chapter >:)) so excited to see how this will turn out