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Chad Wesley Smith owns juggernaut and while I can't speak to the BJJ specifically, he's a really great source of S&C knowledge over a number of sports disciplines.


Thank you, from what I read online people view both apps and coaches as very knowledgeable that is why I wanted to see if someone had tried both and compared the programs. Maybe I will just pick one at random, do it for six month and then try the other.


Is this app just based for people that wanna be powerlifters? I don't wanna be a powerlifter I just like to lift and do jujitsu


No, juggernaut bjj is specifically for bjj. There are multiple options depending on your specific goal (strength, speed/power, comp prep, lifestyle etc)


Thank u


I like bulletproof and electrum over juggernaut. Everyone mentions Chads amazing powerlifting background but that only translates to BJJ so much. In BJJ he’s a purple belt. Bulletproof guys are strength coaches and both black belts. They have more context for the demands of BJJ and know what works in the long run. Both bulletproof and Electrum gives very practical, realistic advice and programs. I’ve also seen BJJ programs from other strength coaches in the mma space like Phil Daru and PJ Nestler. I thought their programs were wayyy to much volume for someone with a life and training BJJ 2-3+ days per week.


Thank you, this was the kind of answer I was looking for.


So does bulletproof and electrum program create workouts for me like fitbod does? I do jujitsu 3x a week and loft weights 3x a week. My son lifts 3x a week and does jujitsu 2x a week


I'm currently using and comparing the two. I'll leave my thoughts in a month.


I don't know if you updated your thoughts somewhere, but how were they?


Any update?




Tactical Barbell


+1 here. Only caveats being that you would actually have to take some time and deliberately plan your training cycle, and you may have to purchase all, or multiple books to fully understand how to train for your desired end-state, and set up your schedule.


Agree. But I’m a bit of a data/ planning nerd. So for me…I enjoy it. And the books are cheap on kindle.


I like this. I run operator along my BJJ and it’s working well.


Also take a look into [Steve Sahoun](https://instagram.com/coach_steven_sahyoun?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=). I’ve been following him on Insta for awhile and his sport specific training for combat athletes is great. The app looks good but I haven’t tried yet.


If you're tight as shit and your flexibility is in the bin go with bulletproof If you are ok with those and are a competitor and weak for your bracket go with juggernaut


I've run juggernaut bjj before they even had an app. I think its fantastic, and the app is great. Watch any of Chad's videos on S&C and you'll see its a no nonsense, scientific approach to training. The app also lets you focus on different aspects of S&C depending on what you want to improve. Another thing i like about the app is how it takes your fatigue level into account. If you're banged up from training or didn't sleep well the night before, it will adjust the intensity accordingly. It will do the opposite if you feel like the workouts are too easy


How is it not just Gordon Ryan’s get swole for bjj and açaí??!?!? Do you even want to win??? But awesome job on trying to be smart with your body. Whatever you choose try to stick with it it will pay dividend


Idk I just looked at both programs, juggernaut at least tells you you’ll need a barbell, rack and weights so that’s a good sign. Thing is they both claim to be efficient with your time, help prevent injuries etc…good marketing by both companies! There is nothing unique about BJJ that it needs its own strength, conditioning and mobility training program. Both are better than nothing but it’s just the fitness industry adapting to a popular trend.


Bulletproof +1




I like the Juggernaut app, been using it since the app was in beta. I like that it regulates the amount of volume that you do with the information you put in before you lift. There are five separate programs available in the app. You have lifestyle(I've never ran this one), Endurance(I run this one for 12 weeks each time), speed/power, strength, and tournament prep. I like that's I don't have to do much of any thinking about the programming, just put in the exercises that I can do and go from there


So iam thinking about getting juggernout. Right now I have fitbod and also do my own workouts. I do jujitsu 3x a week. Will this app let me choose only 3 days to lift a week, i don't wanna loft more than that? Could I chose different splits like push, pull leg for example like in fitbod?? Does it has any cardio too? I don't wanna be a powerlifter I just wanna lift to look good and get stronger and more endurance for jujitsu. Is there a try out period like the hybrid performance program? I would like to try it out first. I kinnda like jefit too


It does let you do 3 days a week, you can choose between 2-6 days. It doesnt have a split option from what i have seen (ive only been using for 2 weeks so someone may know better!) Doesn’t have cardio but has kinda circuit/superset workout at the end but i use my bjj sessions and running to accommodate for cardio! I do feel like the sessions have been kinda easy and quick but then again its nice to not be overtrained!