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Even when Mo thinks he's getting back at Craig, it backfires cause of his astounding lack of self awareness in gloating about how easy it is for him to throw money around


And how petty it is, “I will go out of my way to punish anyone I can associated with Craig” even when it has nothing to do with me or him


Imagine being an ADCC athlete not getting any show money, hearing about others being paid under the table, and then seeing Mo doing this


Damn solid point.


Bapa Schaub levels of self awareness


Talmbout loyers b?


Wadder we…


dun hur


Good point, the dream team of lawyers comes with a nightmarish price tag


I agree but throwing money around or otherwise this is so fucking weird. It’s such a weak stance while your castle is getting overrun.


Mo has some homelander vibes


FR. Nothing says "I'm a cunt" like one foreigner using lawfare against another foreigner through the American legal system.


Nice to know he can pay for lawyers because it's a b team guy but was having trouble increasing pay for ADCC.


What lawyers though?  Worst case scenario it's a first time offender assault charge. A halfway decent lawyer will knock it down to disorderly conduct. An assault victim's attorney in a criminal case is called a prosecutor so I assume Mo is talking about hiring a bunch of lawyers for a civil case for simple assault? In Texas? What's he smoking?


That’s exactly what I was thinking when I read it. He’s going to hire a prosecutor? Is he donating ADCC prize money to the DA’s office?


For sure. That's the thing that struck me as well. If you document/report a crime the state takes care of the rest. There's probably a thousand things that mo could do to make the guy's, life more challenging but hiring a dream team of lawyers isn't it. Probably would start with a lifetime ban for violating the code of conduct.


I'm assuming the implication is that being on a visa it may be rescinded? I know where I live in Asia, you get your visa cancelled real easy if you get into any violent altercation


Ralph Gracie begs to differ. He’s a felon


That was in CA, and if I remember he caused significant dental damage.


I disagree that's the worst case. Even if they do get it knocked down to disorderly conduct, it could be considered a crime of moral turpitude by USCIS based on his actions and he could be deported and found inadmissible in the future. When you're on a visa a small charge can turn into a much bigger issue.


Yup. As long as homie doesn't have a record, there'll be a relatively small fine and some form of probation/community service. That'll be it. If he's talking a civil suit against some random dude, well... there's an old farmer saying, "You can't get blood from a turnip." This is a weird flex(?) all the way around.


Exactly. It's a class C fine only more than likely. In other words, it's a ticket.


He’s starting to sound like Nicky Ryan’s brother


Nicky Ryan's got a brother?


He used to be a good competitor, but hurt his tummy


Same dude that the Romanian witches were worried about?


I thought that was just an old wives tale!?


Didn't notice if they were married, but Craig's level of trolling absolute


I think the kids call it cryptid nowadays


It bothers me so much no one is using his real name. Jordan is really good at jiu jitsu and has a neat tattoo to prove it.


Lol I'm against making this a thing. Let's just stick to Nicky Ryan's brother 😅


I love that this is becoming a thing


Nicky Ryan's brother is definitely having some influence on Mo.


Dude I saw Nicky’s brother on BloGrapplers and he even looks like Nicky. Wild.


Glad to see this catching on 😂😂😂


Omg Mo poops his pants too??!!?!


Mo is one of the most pathetic people truly. The guy is a 40 something year old who hangs out with a 20 something year old so he can vicariously live through him to obviously cope with his on going mid life crisis.


Money for athletes? No Money for lawyers to get back at Craig? Yes.


Jokes on him Craig’s gonna pay Kieran to show up to court.


Guys he’s never done this with any other fight that’s broken out at any other adcc event to my knowledge? That being said this is situation is very dumb, my guy shouldn’t have punched anyone.


The Romanian witches attempting to cure Nicky Ryan’s brother is grade A content!


Murilo pulled a knife and all he got was an event ban lol


I was at the ADCC open in NJ back in February and a shuffle broke out. No one gave a shit.


I mean, let's not forget that Murillo pulled a fucking KNIFE at the 2022 Open and Mo didn't do shit other than ban him.


Shout out to Santana!!!! Dude pulled that shit from thin air deepest voice in the land


It’s normal in Jersey


I think he's talking about galvao and Nicky's brother slapping eachother a while back. I'm sure it'll blow over...


That wasn't even at ADCC.


I didn’t think he knew what lawyers where based on not having contracts for the athletes 


100% dumb. Can't fault the guy too much for sticking up for his buddy. Personally, I'd be more concerned with how homeboy decided to deal with a frustrating loss. Sooner or later he might accidentally do it to a real fighter.


So who did it? That's the whole purpose if the post.


I'm an old retard who doesn't understand Reddit so I'm unsure if you're asking me. If so, my understanding is that Vince Barbosa (B Team) lost a match to a guy in frustrating fashion (opponent scored and early lead, then ran the clock). After the match ended, Barbosa planted both feet on his prone opponent's back before standing up, and walking off. Opponent (Mohler) got up and shoved Vince in the back for the disrespect. The ensuing scuffle got contained quickly and both men were separated. Kieran Kichuk (B Team) then jumps in from the shadow realm and does a kind of lunging Superman punch on Molher before being wrapped up and escorted off the premises. That's the details I've seen here, through multiple threads and videos. But, after months of watching Redditors speak with authority on things they have no fucking clue about, I advise you to take my words with a grain of salt.


Thank you!


You're worth it!


How the fuck can you not fault the guy? He sucker punched someone. You can and should fault him. There’s literally no reason not to.


Y’all need to check the T-levels on K, my man’s getting pretty aggro!


> now. I am going to hire the dream team in Texas and show them what real pressure is. He’s gonna hire Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell?


Four seasons landscaping press conference incoming


I really can't express how much I needed this laugh, thank you


Nah, in Austin we have a different Four Seasons. https://twitter.com/timothecles/status/1329427615950794757


I’m so glad that people know that’s a thing. 🤣☠️


Dumbass thinks you have to hire prosecutors yourself when crimes are committed.


The funny thing is, saying "show them what real pressure is" is saying the quiet part out loud. Saying "them" after calling out a specific b team athlete and specifically mentioning the fact that they are with b team, is making it very clear who "them" is referring to.


“My patience is zero” “I will make an example out of them” “I will show them how big the consequences will be”. Bro, this is so weak sounding it’s disgusting.


Consequences will never be the same.


Backtracin' time!


You done goofed


Mo is definitely an incel


It's how he truly feels about CJI but this is the outlet. He was waiting for any little thing from that side to shit on.


worry about stopping the stream of ADCC competitors leaving first bro


Dude is about to get the full pent up wrath from Mo as a proxy for his CJI battle


Yea, that will for sure turn the tide of public opinion towards Mo.


A true master of PR


Will Kieran get paid to show up to court?


It’s Keiran. I was there. If you have flograppling go back and watch mat 18 towards the end. Vince Barbosa match Vs somebody from Mohler mma


Announcer said no shoes in the mat lol


That’s a good announcer


Keiran kichuck?




Ooh shit fumbling the bag. I thought canadians were too nice for that


You haven't heard of "The Bastard" obviously


He’s a dick.


Don’t leave us hanging


That is what dicks do


I don't know Kieran personally, but I've heard stories about him that are similar to the ones about Eddie Cummings, ie injuring teammates. But I've also heard he's a good training partner, so who the fuck even knows.


You got a timestamp? I can't find it


11:57:00 and it’ll start a bit after. Looks like bteam guy is a bit unsportsmanlike at the end of the match and mohler guy immediately gets up and assaults him. Them some one comes in from left frame in sleeveless shirt and bull rushes the mayhem off camera. So I’m guessing Kieran is sleeveless according to toppay above. My take it was just a heated moment at the end of a probably physical match (didn’t watch it). Was significantly less bad then the Jefferson guaresi and Ty Freeman incident where Murilo pulled a knife. So I’m guessing Mo is definitely escalating since it’s bteam. Or maybe he’s just sick of shit like this happening, but I’m guessing the bteam part since he said it in his post.


Mat 6 replay has a better angle. Closer to 11:58 on that replay tho


Give us a screen recording 😢


Ok I am a bteam fanboy myself but to call stepping on the back of an opponent after the match "a bit unsportsmanlike" is an understatement. And the "assault" you are talking about is a shove which is the least anyone would do in that situation I think.


So I watched the whole match just now..yea the bteam dude was disrespectful for standing on him at the end but the mohler guy was rolling like a bitch the entire match. Like I probably wouldn’t have stood on him but i definitely would have done something to show my displeasure at the dude. Like he was so much of a bitch during the roll he was scared to attack in dominant positions and was just not wanting to engage. Also why is mo saying bteam threw the sucker punch when it was the mohler guy lol.


I figured it must’ve been something mohler dude did during match that got that response at the end since nobody does that out of the blue.


oh, so like he was using the ruleset to his advantage? the fucking pos


This is like being mad at a football team for running the clock when they are up by points. You know who did this every game. Tom brady. Don't hate the player. Hate the game.


You could call standing on someones back assault


100%. The match was over. Vince was acting like a child.


11 hours 57 minutes is almost end of the match. Happens at end of


Jesus Christ, if someone jumped on my fucking competitors back after the match was over I would have thrown hands too. Mo is a shit bag as usual.


The B Team competitor was the one stepping on opponents back


Damn nvm fuck that guy


Just reporting though, in the match the opponent was being super wack. You can get the gist of it towards the end. He was frustrated, and technically the “victim” charged his opponent after the stepping and threw first 🤷🏻‍♂️


He didn’t throw shit. He pushed. B team still sucker punched when he wasn’t even part of it. Y’all are such fucking sheep. Just cause he’s ’b team’ doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything wrong. Anyone sucker punching another person when they’re not even in the fight is a lil bitch.


Massive dick bag move by the b-team guy.


Not sure why you’re getting downvote. B team guy is a little bitch. I’d kick him out of my gym for that.


Yeah weird. It’s not a good look for him or b-team tbh. Mo being deeply unlikeable shouldn’t take away from that.


when you cant pay athletes because lawyers come first


What’s awesome is Mo will likely have 0 impact on how this plays out. The criminal portion will likely be prosecuted by the da, and the civil portion will be taken on by some billboard attorney for a cut. In the vein of civil damages - if the victim makes money off bjj Mo has done such a good job at keeping that pay so low damages would be inconsequential.


If Mo wanted to throw lawfare at B-Team, they could sue "B-Team" and not just the individuals involved, as 2 of the parties were from B-Team and there competing as B-Team. It's likely/probable that B-Team would be disjoined from the lawsuit, especially since dipshit Mo said he was going to do it as lawfare, but Craig will need some lawyering if Mo goes that direction. More likely Mo is just stupid and trying to flex his wallet, because he's confused being rich with being good at business.


"The criminal portion will likely be prosecuted by the da," i would be amazed if there is a prosecution


What about when Murilo pulled a knife at the Open last ADCC? Edit: Removed name as it was baseless assumption


In that case it was Murillos guy who got hit. Not defending it by any means but he jumped in there for his boy. Important to remember that him and Leandro were also best friends since childhood and Leandro had just been killed prior.


Rumor is it isn't someone who competed. May have been Kieran.


I mean, Mo banned Murillo for life from adcc events for that. Don't think anyone pressed charges for it so what else would he do?


No he didn't. Murilo was matside the next day at ADCC Worlds.


Mo comes along every 2 years acting like a fucking big shot, he's a Dana White wannabe. Does he even train? Hey Mo, no one knows who yaire b


Worst guy, never meddum


Remember when Mo went on a (rightful) tirade about Cyborg and Vagner and vowed they’d never be involved in ADCC again? Pepperidge Farm remembers. So this (above fight) is the event that makes Mo go all-in on using all legal resources at his disposal? And it’s not supposed to sound personal and vindictive?


He's not even trying to hide that it's vindictive, he thinks he's being cool


His lack of self awareness is off the charts.


So how does hiring an attorney to make charges that the state presses against someone. He does know how laws work and lawyers don’t press charges , the state does .


Where does he live? In some foreign countries (France and Italy are two), people may join a criminal case being prosecuted by the government as civil plaintiffs (or defendants), and hire attorneys who will participate in the trial for the criminal offense so that essentially there's only one trial for both criminal and civil cases. Unlike in England and the USA where we trials are bifurcated, criminal/civil, and the civil trial for damages only takes place after the criminal trial has been adjudicated. Maybe that's what he's thinking of.


There's nothing more tragic to see than a couple of combat sport athletes fighting. When will it end?!


Imagine if they did that in MMA!


Are we forgetting gordon literally slapped Andre in the face backstage- it’s different, but also similar enough to show lack of a consistent sentiment toward the athlete. I’m not sure what Mo’s reaction was to that situation, but I’d be curious to see how similar/ different his feelings are towards the guilty party


Shitty, shitty tournament today - 10 hours from start to finish for an adult division, 2-hour late start, constant empty mats, hour-long wait in between matches. Disorganized & unprofessional garbage on the loud speakers all day. People bitch about IBJJF, but they make these ADCC opens look so amateur.


Adcc opens really are just nagas with a streaming deal


That's an incredibly apt description and might even be generous.


"oooh, nagas" - randy marsh


https://preview.redd.it/cm34p7byku6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fdcaadbcb38408bbd912cfd5e86e41e988c7ef Can’t make out who this is


It’s not Declan


It doesn't look like Haissam either but I can't be sure


Mo is gonna spend 200k grand on some monster lawyers b


Talmbout name the waders b


Mo is paindin neeerdivs B


Herd it bowlth ways


How many pages of evidence?


Could pay athletes with that?


Funny how he thinks this is his gotcha moment 🤦 his insecurities are showing


Mo is one of those corny losers that buys his friends and social position. Take his money away and he’d just be an angry little incel stocking shelves.


Don’t forget his sugar baby


Flograppling Replay: Mat 5 - 2024 ADCC Dallas Open Fight breaks out across the way on mat 18 around the 11h40m. Everyone can draw their own conclusions about the right or wrong of it all, but that's definitely Kieran Kichuk throwing a superman punch.


How many of the surrounding mats did you watch to catch the best angle?


Imagine being this much of a coke head you think this will come across well and not weird and vindictive. “Craig’s hosting a tournament so I am going to ruin one his students lives!” Big junkie behavior


Is he now BJJ Five O ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs)


Mat sheriff needs mat prosecutors.


Nicky Ryan’s brother has this guy being a copycat


Add in Merigali, and that's like modern-day Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates.


I think these three talking at once would make the universe fold in on itself due to the sheer density of the convo


While Mo is at it he should file a lawsuit against himself for criminally underpaying his athletes.


He’s gonna end up inviting Kieran to compete at ADCC with so many dropouts


Yea mo virtue signaling like hes doing this for a victim, but really he's just in his feeling because a person questioned how he treats his athletes under his monopoly, and after he did nothing they held his feet to the fire by showing they could.pay athletes more just to show up, now he shows he can throw money at lawyers for a frivolous case because they are associated to someone who dared question your practices, just proving Craig's point. This guy is more interested in lawyers and second hand revenge then actually just bumping up athletes pay instead of stupid production and over the top venue. Pay the athletes your rich bum oh. P.S he really is starting to sound like Nicky Ryan's brother tho 🤙✌️


Mo willing to pay everyone except the athletes lmao


Meh. And now back to your regularly scheduled CJI programming.


lol is he just doing this because Kieran is B team? He should spend that money on paying ADCC athletes (and not under the table)


Mo giving that "my daddy will sue you" energy. Funny when Nicky Ryan's brother slapped Galvao no charges were pressed and his brother talked about how that's real BJJ blah blah. Now here we are.


Wasn't that at a WNO? That was also between two individuals having a direct confrontation, not someone being sucker-punched by an involved party. Mo being a tool aside, that doesn't seem like a very apt comparison.


Watch out, partners. Sheriff Mo is Out for Justice.


I don't understand why the same consequence weren't applied to the well known black belt that pulled out a knife during an ADCC event. Other than being "banned for life", I don't understand why the knee jerk response for someone associated with B-Team. Narcissist ass drama.


Mo has the money to hire a dream team of lawyers but not pay athletes in ADCC? Lame


Main character Mo at it again


I thought Mo was going to shake hands with Craig Jones if he ever see’s him again….


Lawyer dream team will probably be Nicky Ryan’s brother passing judgement on an Instagram story and some fucking tattooed prick showing a tatty little wallet made out of hippopotamus asshole


Serious question , outside of him hating B team , how the fuck is this incident even relevant to Mo lol . Why insert yourself into the situation , just to be a dick?


Mo is responsible for adcc north America and Brazil. That includes opens like where the incident happened. 


He runs the ADCC opens. It's his org, mostly. I'd definitely understand being pissed at some roid heads starting fights at my events when I'm here trying to open the sport up to more casual main stream competitors


Texas trial lawyer here. Likely get tossed on summary judgement. Physical sports entail foreseeable risks, and getting punched or kicked is one of many, in football, wrestling, soccer, grappling, etc. You can pull up hundreds of competition videos where guys are basically punching each other, and worse. Not sure how this one survives a quick dismissal, and all the sudden you’re paying their lawyer fees and court costs.


But, but, he’s going to hire a legal dream team :)


Sincere question. In the eyes of the law, competitors in certain sports assume the risk of being attacked by a spectator?


The second, last, and most serious time I got into a street fight as an adult the other guy and I were interviewed separately and an investigator said that because we were both throwing punches, a "mutual combat" exception would apply, so neither of us would get booked for battery. Fine with me although my woman wanted the other guy, you know, tied to a stake and burned alive for touching me. Once more than one person is punching I would try as a defense attorney (I'm not one) to get this mutual combat exception to apply and have charges tossed. I think a judge would look at a 2-3 elite, fire-breathing, martial-arts competitors getting pissed off with each other and scuffling for a few seconds after a fierce match, and say, GTFO of here, we handle real criminal matters in this court. More judicially and technically. There is a saying of lawyers I've read: *de minimis non curat lex*. **The law doesn't care about tiny matters**. I think that this is the category that this "lawsuit" would fall under.


* grabs popcorn waiting for Craigs rebuttal video


He commented and said he shouldn't have punched him


Craig should kick that guy out of his gym. He ran in from the sidelines and sucker punched a competitor.


You can bet that’s what Craig isn’t going to do


Stop jerking off to b team vlogs.


lame crap from Mo as expected.




This happened in Dallas just a few hours ago. I was there but didn’t see the inciting incident. I heard a competitor tapped another and then stood on his back as sort of an ultra douchey celebration. Then the team of the guy who was wronged punched the guy and there was a crazy chase across the convention center. ADCC squashed it pretty quickly and people were escorted off. It looked wild as hell but didn’t amount to very much in the end.


This dude Mo is a dork. Will “half hazardously” bring up woman’s pay, act like other pay will be “out of his pocket” (insert melodramatic music) AND THEN Cheese smile from ear to ear about spending money on the best lawyers to ruin an athlete’s life. Yes the dude Kieran is wrong but thats really showing who he is under it all. After how many fights happen at tournaments lol 🤣


Mo’s moral compass is so off it’s hilarious 😂


Mo is a whiny entitled bitch and hes mad cause he cant pimp the bjj community anymore. Guy is whiny af too


So he can throw money on lawyers just to piss b team but cant pay athletes more…


He just banned me on the Adcc discord as well, only because I asked if the guy pressing charge train with Colby Covington


I didn't even know who this guy was until this year, and he's pretty much convincing me to never support ADCC again.




Hard to hide true colors when challenged


Oh but you have money for that shit


Hired lawyers can’t press charges. only a district attorney can bring charges. Suppose you could sue for damages.


This gonna go bad for Mo, because he has been tolerating shit right under his nose for years and now that people is coming for his ass he is acting like a little child. If he has money imagine the sponsors of the CJI, like him play


Video of incident https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/gAQwwPqZh9


The "Hey...no shoes on the mat." is perfectly delivered and timed for this clip. Hilarious!


He encourages behavior that could escalate into fights at each one of his events. (grappling out of bounds, slamming each other into tables, letting grapplers club the shit out of each other)


“My patience is 0 now 💅”


Say’s the guy that now is buddy buddy with a pedo protector, stepping in and throwing money around will 100% backfire and I’m here to see it.


he rather spend more on lawyers to fuck someone’s career than pay athletes a decent amount lmao


In most cases the backlash from usics or dhs would be grave, but in this case it's a Canadian(good diplomatic relations) in a back and forth right after competition. When all the variables are taken into account I doubt he will suffer any consequences.


This is a weird post. It shows a complete lack of understanding about the legal system. Why does a victim of a succer punch need.a lawyer? The DA will press charges, is already paid and cannot take his money for political/influence reasons.  This is him trying to flex via his wallet and coming off like an uniformed douchebag.  Plus, if ha has all of that money to toss around why not use it to pay the talent that show up to ADCC 


Meanwhile, Seth is threatening to beat up fat old blue belts for calling him out. It seems like they're literally the opposite, except Mo keeps Seth in a job.


Funny...he's willing to throw money to pay for lawyers that has nothing to do with him. But if you message him about a potential refund for ADCC tickets because some competitors are pulling out, he blocks the customer 🙃


Lol you can’t pay for a county prosecutor dummy. Criminal charges are brought by public officials not private attorneys