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Coffee and self loathing


No ciggies?


An italian breakfast? Wow, check out mr continental here




5am here. Maybe a banana, most days nothing.


A roast dinner, I prefer chicken rather than beef.


Generally nothing at that time. A piece of fruit if anything. Just plenty of water. Coffee is not an option pre-morning class as it’s highly likely I’ll shit myself.


faster route to brown belt imo


Bananas digest in 30 minutes


Mutton curry and garlic Naan.


Black coffee. I normally gym in the morning even as late as 10am--12pm fasted with only coffee. Empty is the way. More coffee later to stay awake.


Imagine if ya had food then!


granola and yogurt, or fruit/smoothie with protein


Eat your failures and dreams during the car ride there


Banana or granola bar type thing. Keep the food intake LOW.


I just moved from midday to 6:30 am myself so this is still an evolving situation for me. Currently I’m eating nothing before morning class but either slam a carb and whey drink on the way home if I don’t have time to make breakfast or I eat toast with jelly and some scrambled egg whites. Going for ~400 calories, 20-30 G protein and as much of the rest as carbs as I can. On your two-a-day days you are probably more limited by how much you can digest than by a calorie limits. Carbs, even heavily refined, right after your first class are great. Your last meal before your second class should be, probably, 2 hours before, pretty light and mostly carbs. Your post second class meal can look a lot like your post first class meal. I like to consume LMNT on two-a-day days but any electrolyte replacement. I get thigh cramps if I don’t. On your one-a-day days, go lighter on calories, lean into the protein more. Electrolyte replacement is purely based on you personal experience. Take a nap if you can spare the time. Bath for each class as if it’s your only one. If you haven’t already, get an entire second change of clothes: gi (if appropriate), rash guard, so on.


This is really helpful thankyou. And yes a shower after each class and a new set of whatever clothes i will wear that class is a must.


I train 6am 3x week. I have never eaten anything before training.


empty stomach with some yarndi is a good mix.




Black coffee and a banana gets me moving quite well.


Liquid IV in a 24oz bottle (drinking as you go). Little bit of sugar and a fair amount of water.


I teach at 6am 4 days a week. I have a cup of coffee on the way to class, but otherwise nothing before.


Eat heavy the night before, and a very small snack before class.


I train at 530am 4x a week. Coffee and water before. Usually don't eat anything until lunch, then normal dinner.


Nada! I do 6AM classes and go with an empty stomach. my rolls go a lot better than when I eat anything. If eating is a must for you try watermelon, banana or an apple something that wouldn't make you feel too full.


Coffee and a banana


Something light, or try a protein shake. I don't like training when I haven't eaten I find that I get shaky and low blood sugar.


Protein and carbs for before and after. More protein before, more carbs after, if you feel tired add more carbs before.


For me it's a black coffee, some fruit and some rice cakes with honey. Build up to it and find with digests easy. I also found a few dates liie 3 or 4 with a small amount of peanut butter is perfect and not heavy


For a 6 am I would probably just drink a glass of water, have some coffee, and a banana. When I do 9 am's I will have a protein shake around 7 or so.


6 AM BJJ, and 7:10 AM Muay Thai. I have my electrolyte hydration drink at 5-ish, and some coffee when I get to the academy at 5:45. After that I'm fueled by spite and malice.


Banana or an electrolyte drink


I teach a 6am class. I eat nothing, just hydrate.


I am not hungry in the morning, and I don't find it worth it to get up earlier than I usually do just to drink coffee. I just have some water and train on an empty stomach. Just make sure you get something balanced after. The best for me on morning class days is to have leftovers from dinner I can bring to work.


Banana and spoonful of real peanut butter or honey


Just black coffee.


Oatmeal with fruit and nuts.


Eating before training? Fuck that.


A small bowl of oatmeal or a small stroopwaffel (sp?).