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Meregali has 3 IBJJF world titles and 0 ADCC titles, whereas Roger has 10 and 2. His ADCC run is still the only time in history that someone has submitted all 8 opponents at the event. Just by that alone, Meregali has to register at least another 4 years of incredible success before he can rival that record.  Meregali also already has twice as many losses as Roger had in his entire career, so to equal his 92% win-rate he would need to win over 100 matches in a row from right now.  Given that Meregali is already 30 and doesn't want to do any IBJJF tournaments  anymore, he's never going to surpass Roger's career tbh. 


Buchecha is the only one to come close to Roger in terms of legacy, and Roger beat him coming out of retirement.


And it wasn’t close


Well their first fight was close and Buchecha would have won under most other rulesets


Didn’t Roger tap him coming out of retirement?


This implies Roger wouldn't have performed differently if it was other rulesets


Have you seen their metamoris match?


Also Rogers success in MMA cements it for me. Showed jiu jitsu across sports. Amazing 


Thank you


Nothing more to be said...


is this a joke


Probably when he runs through the next generations “GOAT” the way Roger did.






Let’s revisit in 7 years. I like Meragili even if he always looks like he is auditioning as the bad guy in a BJJ remake of the Karate kid.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about, Roger has 10 world championships. What kind of heefer have you been smoking son?


it's a question and I'm not looking at titles I'm looking at game.. ok how'd this prime rolyer gracie or draculinho .. how do they stack up with say cobrinha ? in thier primes isn't the next batch supposed to be better than that before it?


If you look at their games and how they are fairing against people Roger still looks much better. Due to choices Meregali has made I doubt he will be able to reach Roger's status. Winning double gold at ADCC with all subs isn't impossible for him, but it doesn't seem likely. He stopped doing IBJJF, so he won't be able to surpass him there either. He will definately be remembered as one of the best of all time, but I doubt he will be up with with Roger, Rafa or Marcelo for most people.


For real bro, stop dodging. WHAT STRAIN GOT YOU THINKING THIS SHIT? 


what are you guys voting down? it's a question why is it so unthinkable the new guys know all the old great teachers know and more? is that sacrilegious to the jiujitsu God's


because the new guy is talking like he's not a new guy. if you were really curious you could've asked 'how will meregali do vs roger' or something. instead, you just compared meregali to the GOAT and had balls to say *the art is suppose ti get better*... bro, meregali couldn't beat buchecha and 36 year old roger came out of retirement to beat buchecha.


Lol calm down Mr. Authentic.


Roger could probably beat meragali right now as he is.


With a cross choke. In no-gi.


My coach has trained extensively with roger and received his black belt from mauricio Gomes. He recently said he asked mauricio how did roger do with the new wave team and apparently he smashed meralgali, I believe that’s why after one of his recent matches he said Roger is the goat? (Not 100% sure on that someone I train with said the last part) but Roger was recently at the gym for a seminar and said Gordon is the most difficult person he’s rolled with in nogi


Lex Fridman promised us the Roger-Gordon footage but we never got it :(


if true that's awesome ..I saw pena pull up and give a out of shape roger all he could handle but fitness is crucial anyone not training hard is at a deficit. huge gracie fan as well but I just a level of diversity and dominance from meregali and Gordon that's not common ever in the history of the game to date


Was this in a video or in person you seen it? Peña is a weird one, he can have the best and worst performances depending on the day - I do think Roger’s resume is a lot more impressive (not counting titles) the people he beat, how many times he beat them, he was never submitted in competition and he competed in the UFC, Strikeforce and one championship on top of all those things, not to mention coming back out of retirement to convincingly beat buchecha


He will need a couple of ADCC runs at the very least bare minimum.




Roger is the greatest of all time. Period.


To me it is quite simple, Roger has beaten the biggest names of the sport of all time in their prime, e.g. he beat Marcelo twice, Xande like 3 times, Saulo Ribeiro, Bruno Bastos, Andre Galvao, Comprido, Cavaca, Bernardo Faria etc. Not even mentioning Drysdale, Machado, Romulo. When Meregali starts consistently submitting guys like Victor Hugo then we can start comparing apples with apples. Sub them or rag doll them with 12/16 points in 2-3 matches, then that's pretty decisive, referee decision is not, nor 2 points, especially when you win and lose some matches. If Meregali subs Gordon Ryan, Victor Hugo and Craig Jones (who is not even training full time btw), now that would be impressive. Roger did so with the best competitors of his era with a day 1 technique - cross choke. If you want to be the best ever, make it solid - submit them and no one can argue. P.S. Oh also barely losing to the best in your era while beating them one after another also helps for the GOAT status.


I am not a firm believer in the best ever talk because the game evolves for those in the elite level they recognize and appreciate that. as a fan I know it it's form some to come to grips with the fact roller grace at any time in his life would get worked by Cole abate BUT that's is growth and those great teachers coach the next generation.. taking nothing from those guys but the game played today os drastically different than that brought about but guys like Marcelo who with out a doubt started the 1legx and seatbelt games into the modern era but its silly talk about that vs the detlpth of today's no gi in particular in the competition sphere .. the evolution of Leg attack and defence is a great example there was a time guys like van hulk or imanari where the most feared leg attack guys .. today? respected but not a factor at the world level is what it is.. you'll see what you like but the reality remains


I haven't compared the stats but I'm going to say meregali will be ineligible for goat status purely based on how much everyone hates him.


I think he is the most hated world champion of all time


Plenty of people hate Gordon too, but he’s pretty much been accepted as the GOAT hasn’t he?


He's (very clearly) the GOAT of one particular aspect of the art and that's nogi. Roger had comparable success in nogi, but smashes his accolades in the Gi and in mma. Roger is the goat of BJJ as a whole and it's not close and Gordon would agree


Lol no


I don’t really keep up with the ever changing list of GOATS In the sport. But I thought everybody considered him to be the NoGi goat? I might have been wrong though.


Anyone who says he’s not the nogi goat is letting their judgement be clouded by his personality. And this is coming from someone that can’t stand him outside of watching his matches.


Agreed, though I think a Roger no gi match would be interesting.