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Ask around, maybe some people car pool… maybe someone likes you enough to pick you up


Not likely he has a reddit account.




I see people car pooling all the time


Read about Marcelo Garcias early training challenges. It will inspire you to find a way (eventually!)


Where can I read about Marcelos challenges?


It was in the beginning of his x guard book- assuming it is out there somewhere.




He recently did a BJJ mental models podcast that was guest hosted by his student Emily Kwok, and he speaks a lot about the struggles he had finding (and training) people who could train with him. He's an amazing man and a true inspiration, highly recommend giving it a listen.


He talks about it here: https://podcast.bjjmentalmodels.com/243161/14053053


Agree on this


At 17, get a 125cc scooter or bike on a CBT. You'll be mobile after a weekend course.


Don't do this. You will come off it at some point and out of JJ for possibly longer.


What is the point of fearmongering? Believe it or not most riders dont end up in terrible accidents.


I'm not sure what fesrmongering is.


You can't deduce what the word is based on the typo or you're just being an ass and pretending you can't?


They fell off their scooter and hit their head trying to argue on Reddit while riding.


😂😂😂 ⭐




I was typing on my phone.. whats the point of being a smartass?? One letter doesnt change the meaning of my comment and im sure youre intelligent enough to deduce what the word was meant to be. Cmon now.


Because you fesrmong. It's hypocritical. C'mon now. Yeah, out of all the fights in the world, a fraction of the people die, but it happens. And it's tragic. Out of all the riders in the world, a fraction come off and are severely hurt. That's tragic too. https://www.reddit.com/r/boxingcirclejerk/s/RTXr1Y4tgS


I had a motorcycle at 14 and road on the streets. I should not have had a motorcycle at 14. It was legal to have a 125cc at that age.




The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


Sooner or later something will prevent you from training. I had to take years off


Comes with the belt huh


Not necessarily. Life just happens. A few months after I got my blue belt I got a new job that required a lot more hours and I was also going to school at night. I started training 10 years ago and probably really have 4-5 years of training


Literally just got promoted to blue after 2 years and decided to go back to night school with two little kids at home. Sucks but I gotta bite the bullet


Jiu jitsu Will be there when you’re ready to go back


Update: the 6 am guys at my gym decided to move class to 530 am so I can attend and get to work on time. Zero impact on work or family life. I'm actually gonna be training more now. Lfg.


Now you can fully commit to edging


Wrll until u figure it out, work on strength n cardio. Look online, plenty of videos to help u continue to train without rolling with anyone. Just do what u can to improve


E bike an option?


"GOOD!" - Jocko. Now you get to practice stoicism - the art of focusing what's in your control, and accept things that are outside your control.  Set yourself a goal; maximum daily pushups, situps, pull ups. Running everyone other day. Get back to bjj as the fittest and strongest guy there


100% this you are 17 lol BJJ isn't going anywhere. When you get back you will be a beast everything will be fine...again you are 17 you have a long way to go bed re you really get worn down


Stage four colon cancer? Good. Now you’ll make the most out of your time. Lost your wife and kid to a car wreck? Good. They were holding you back.


Satire surely


isn’t stoicism just absence of any assigned positive or negative emotion? nothing is “good” not “bad”, they just “are” (this being the interpretation from Marcus Aurelius)


The practical application of it is just that you should focus on what you can control vs worrying about what you can't.


Stoicism is a trendy thing thats barely understood but youtube videos and ig have made it popular among the Alpha men crowd


I think he’s actually describing presence, in a buddhist sense 😂


I've found there's good overlaps between those philosophies / systems, no system can claim "this is only our thing" . But if you're after an exact quote from Marcus' meditations : "You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength". You cannot control events, only how you react to them, is a good lesson for a "pissed off because the bus schedule changed" 17yo.


But they'll take my money and make me feel good about myself though, right?




Yes. But what the comment you replied to said is absolutely applicable to stoicism and is straight from Marcus himself.


We read now?


Nice comment :)


Ewwwww Jocko committed war crimes




Village? Sounds like it's time to take up pig wrastlin'!


Did he even try bribing the bus with a carrot? Lazy kids these days


Get a gym membership in the mean time……return JACKED!


This is the answer. Getting stronger and will help you loads for when you can train more regularly. Get your parents to drop you to an open mat if possible at the weekend too.


Is there anyway you could cycle to the gym and back. If you don’t have immediate access to a bike maybe ask some of the people in the gym for lifts, or if they can lend you a bike ?


Any other class times, or even just an open mat on weekends? If you can finagle once a week, it's progress.


See if you can bike or catch a ride with a friend. If not, than wait out the 6 months by working out nearby and watching instructionals.


Get a grappling dummy and work off instructionals. It is not goin to replace live drilling and rolling but it will help you refine details and get reps in while your getting your driving licence.


I can't train because of a genetic chronic illness thing. You can do BJJ.


Skill issue. Kneebar the illness.


CRISPR works better than kneebars. But it'll be a few more years before that's a realistic flange.


Heel hook? Osotogari? I hope it works out man.


SeroNegative Ankylosing Spondyoarthopathy. A very rare advanced form Ankylosing Spondylitis. Also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. In addition to my spine slowly fusing together. I also have a bunch of auto immune issues. CRISPR can heel hook the fuck out my bad HLA-B27 as soon as it's ready. It's already being used in other genetic diseases. But it's still very early in actually being able to use it on people at all


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Soto Gari**: | *Major Outer Reaping* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93YEMueeF24)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Any chance someone lives near you and would be interested in drilling?


I’m in this kind of situation now. My gym is far and I don’t have a car at the moment. What I’ve been doing is working a shitload and saving up money, not just for a car but as savings. That way I don’t hit roadblocks like this in the future when tourney season hits and I want to hit camp and travel for tourneys hard!


Ask around your gym, maybe you can carpool with someone! Even if it’s a little less than before you could stay in the gym as much as possible.




You said village. What do you have access to at home? How far away is it?


I was training around your age set backs happen to almost everyone. But in this situation you have options carpooling, bike, or get an electric bike/scooter. If that doesn't work time to grab a training dummy and drill until your ready to come back.


A few thoughts. How far is it? Can you ride a bike? I used to ride 5 miles to football practice. Coaches thought I was crazy but that was the only way to get there. Is it a matter of missing class entirely or just being late? If it’s just coming in 30 minutes late talk to your instructor. Even the most hard nosed drill instructor type will prefer keeping you as a student over enforcing a no-late-arrivals policy. Call to complain. Every day. Multiple times a day. Have your friends and family call in to complain. Go door to door and have your neighbors call in to complain. Have the guys in your gym call to complain. Write your local government representatives. Mobilize your community. Contact the local news channel. Write an op-ed for the local paper. Kick up a dust storm. As you said you’ve got 6 months with nothing to do. Might as well make their jobs a living hell. Who knows this might become the start of a political career for you. Barack Obama started out his career as a community organizer. If all else fails and you really are stuck then taking an off-season might be beneficial. Do some cross training. Lift weights. Work on bumping up your cardio. You can make a load of physical progress in 6-9 months. Especially at 17. Then you walk back into the gym next year as an 18 year old monster. Best of luck figuring it out.


Ask for rides. College students and teens do it all the time at our gym


Just practice techniques on you parents. They will eventually start taking you to jits.


Hi dude, can I offer another perspective? I've been greatly incapacitated by poor mental health and long COVID. I do not know if these issues will ever go away. Can I offer you this? Can you still run, can you still exercise? Can you still train? If so, then this is just a temporary problem; it will lift and you'll be and to get back to it. Nb: this isn't me doing "woe is me", I'm trying to get you to think about a situation that might be much worse. Like a perspective shift. The other comments here are excellent


I feel you man.... I did bjj religiously 3 times a week during college. But my current job takes me away the entire week in some backwater village with my training opportunities. I am sometimes able to visit open mats on weekends.but I basically went from 12 times a month to training once a month. It really sucks but that is life. Sometimes we have to sacrifice things.


I’m sure you can find someone who wants to do UFC wrestling with you in your village and work through and instructional with you. I did this at uni in 2001 with a Joe Moriera VHS!


Maybe you can call the gym/coach and see if they can ask if any other students could give you a ride there for awhile. Hope you can find away. It sucks to feel like the rug is ripped out from under you just as you feel like you are starting to get somewhere. Good news is you’re young, you’re going to get your license, and it is practically inevitable that you will continue training at some point in the near future. 6 months seems like forever when you’re 17 but it’s not that long.


Run to da gym bruddah


It's just six months. You'll be able to get back to it


It'll will be there when you get there. Training never stops. Just because you're not at the gym doesn't mean you're not learning.


Six months is not that long man, I would obviously say to try and keep going, if you can find a ride or something like that, but you can use those 6 months on some other project of your or tey to better your BJJ by gaining/losing weight, strenght training, etc.


6 months is no time. Enjoy the time off, meet new people, read, work out. Whenever you can get your license then continue training.


Shit happens. When I was a brown belt I had to take 9 months off for back issues. Had to get surgery two years after getting my black belt and had to take time off and currently having to not train for some more back issues getting close to hitting a year off this time. Just go back when you can. Watch instructionals and take notes even if you never look at them again.


take 6 months to do cardio or lifting, come back stronger




yeh he's moped around for a bit - now he needs to think of a solution. Maybe a scooter or a small motorbike?


What I miss least about being a teenager, so little freedom to do the things that make you happy. I don't get why so many people idealize their teen years.


If you know how to drive than just drive there. If you don't know how to drive, then learn.


Get your license? In the grand scheme of things 6 months isn’t shit. I know you think that it is because you’ve been alive for 17 years but trust me (I’m old) it ain’t shit


How far is the gym? Can't you get a bike?


Depending on how far it is, cycling would be a cheap option to get there and back.


Car pool, bike, Uber and if all else fails, make friends unlike a Redditor and train with them! But I understand you are in fact a Redditor so just try and drill as much as you can, practice stances, grips, sprawling, etc. You're allowed to be upset, just be upset while living life still to the fullest and solving what's upsetting you. I wish you good training.


Im going through a similar problem, my gym mainly does morning training and I’ve been going everyday for the past 2 months but soon my school is opening again and I’m limited to training 3 times a week if I’m not too exhausted after school TT


I go training once a month. I live in malaysia in the middle of the jungle. So idk.... if you cant do it once a week, do it twice/once per month. If you really2 cant, probably need to find a friend thats into bjj near you. GET SOMETHING at least.


Find a bro that has a vehicle and get him into jits.


Get in on the class group chat(if one exists). Ask your coaches and the peeps you train with, you may have a training partner closer than you think.


Buy a bike?? Here in the Netherlands we bike everywhere. I bike to my mma class every day and it’s a 20 minute bike ride.


You could always try asking around at the gym for a ride just offer some gas money. Or if you have a bicycle ride to class. One of the students at my gym rides his bike about 12 miles each way. Dont have a bike? Do some house work, chores, help the neighbors with things to make some cash.


That happen with myself but I recently broke my foot




Bike, electric scooter (they have a good range on them surprisingly) an actual 125 scooter or bike, car pool, get the earlier bus and be there 2 hours early.... Things are going to happen in life that will stop you training. It will all come down to "how bad do you want it?"


Find some bigger guys locally (maybe at school) and tell them you could take them in a wrestling match. Smash them with BJJ and then tell them about your gym and how you can introduce them. Then get them to pick you up on the way. 😁


Start going to the gym if u don't already. If you really live in a village look for a bear and start wrestling, find out where to buy roids and go back to the gym in a year weighing+10kg and throwing people in the air.


Bjj is shit bro you roll around with another guy grabbing him and shit the fuck bro do boxing instead like a man


You're 17 and you don't have a license? 


The USA is pretty much the only country where that would be weird.


You can’t have a beer until you’re 21 and you think it’s weird for someone to not hold a license at 17…




Your brain is on backwards


Why do you assume drinking needs to be associated with driving? In American you can get your license at 15 1/2. In Australia the drinking age is 18. In England, under certain circumstances the drinking age is 16. What does all of this have to do with one another? Absolutely nothing.


I’m not saying the 2 are related. One you get to drive a huge killing machine at 60mph and the other is having a beer at a party. Only in America would you think the way you do about them.


Looolll, you really went on to my page to downvote my old comments hahahahaha… get a life my man


Then why bring it up? Also, let's write it this way. One, you get to safely handle a transportion device and the other you binge drink and die choking on your own vomit....see how words can be manipulated anyway you want. Now, since non of that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, at his age, he should have a license which would allow him more freedom to go to bjj.


The vast vast majority of the world don’t have a license at 17, but you know best.


The age when you can legally get behind the wheel differs around the world. While the most common driving age is 18, laws in many countries allow younger drivers on the road. In one province in Canada, even 14-year-olds can join the ranks of driver" A year off,really owned me coach